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Divine Feminine Creation, From Yang to Yin ...

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Divine Feminine Creation, From Yang to Yin ...Wednesday, 3 September, 2008Four

of us sat around the table yesterday, perhaps representing the four

directions of the immortals: 1) North, Black Turtle/Serpent, 2) East,

Green Dragon, 3) South, Red Phoenix, 4) West, White Tiger. Myself,

Diana Wong -- artist celebre, Mario Lix -- Columbian Sculptor, and my

wife Megumi Tatsuzawa -- Shinto Japanese.http://www.onmarkproductions.com/html/ssu-ling.shtmlWe

had been dancing in the mountains the evening before, I healing my

disabled back of several months, and were brainstorming on a proposed

collaboration on the 'art-piece of all art-pieces': the Creation of

Humanity from the Waters of Herstory aka Consciousness. Diana Wong had

been thinking along the same lines as myself -- naturally -- and had

entitled her work in draft "Myth of Creation". I have been working on

the title -- in collaboration with Megumi -- of "Mother Spirit, Mother

Song, Mother Mind" ... as I told Diana, "Myth is a term used in the

West to put down or dishonor or destroy the realm of Creation, of Song.

I would use the title Song of Creation, or Story of Creation, to tell

the truth to the World." Telling the true and the whole and meaningful,

which is the now, encompassing the present and ALL pasts, all

ancestors, all spiritual wisdom.Diana

began by drawing illustrations of the Void and the Yin Yang circle with

a dot in the circle, or in both spiral halves, and speaking of the

lineage of the I-Ching or Book of Changes wherein the 63 hexagram

totality represents wholeness or completeness, and the next step to 64

represents the dissolution of the whole, the restarting of the journey

anew. Eight equals the enumeration of the Feng Shui Hierarchy of

Mother Turtles, 64 equals eight times eight. She also drew the

tens-of-thousands-of-years-old-Yellow-River-and-Indus-Valley symbol of

the Swastik, again with the two dots in opposite quarters of the four

directions."Void is Pure Yang. Wind is Yin"http://forums.narutofan.com/showthread.php?t=287147I

expanded on the theme -- of the Circle or Figure-8, proved in my

discoveries of the creation of matter from ElectroMagnetism, as the

global ancestral symbol of feminine creation, of the Cross or Ankh,

known for millennia as the Great Mother Tao or Tau, symbolized in

seemingly all alphabets and characters sets of all languages and

graphic herstories. [Viz. the popular discussion of the Hebrew

alphabet, wherein the spiral or helix is said to be portrayed in 22

evolving depictions, yoga dance or hand-Mudra steps, beginning with

Aleph, the Cross, symbol of truth and creation.]http://groupkos.com/mtwain/NuWaTotal Spectrum of Octaves of Creation


particular showing them again the illustrations of the Electron Circle

or Figure-8 as it is born in the curving and reconnecting of the

helically-propagating lightwave of consciousness known as

electromagnetism, or light, or spirit or consciousness.http://groupkos.com/mtwain/PhysicsArt/EMwave.jpghttp://groupkos.com/mtwain/PhysicsArt/BigTV.jpgAnd

also the Superluminal Protron Circle/Helix which is the other material

element of nature, from my discoveries of the early 1990s:http://groupkos.com/mtwain/PhysicsArt/formNeutron.jpgOur

contemporary, Year 2008, art collaboration must of necessity represent

consciousness (aka Global Consciousness born) at this time or

perspective in our evolutionary journeying, as well as the totality of

herstory, ancestry, the cosmos, all our relations -- the wisdom of all

the GrandMothers, of all Tribes, of all ancient beginnings, as well as

all 'current' and collective knowledge, viz 10-to-the-12th-power

lightyears diameter observed wilderness of creation! This Year 2008,

becoming 2009, 2010 and 2011 or 12 or 13 of the Mayan completion cycle!In

'sketching' a tapestry of all times, all species, all ancestors, all

relations, all spirits, we naturally looked to Megumi for icons from

the infinite-hued animist shinto and Ainu spirit traditions of Nippon.

We spoke of the Itako Priestess-Shaman mediums of modern Japan, as well

as the Mudang of Korea, and asked of the animal spirit deities which

had the oldest lineage and most respected characters from Japan.

Kodama, the tree spirit came to mind, as well as Deer, and Bear ... and

of course Mother Sun, Amaterasu ... and Mother Dragon Ryu ... and

Mother Turtle, the 'Kame-Sama Kami-Sama'!http://masters.tarclub.com/img/trois_l.jpghttp://earthtrendshop.com/ainu.phpWe

discussed gender aka personality, the infinite-faceted totality of the

feminine, contrasting the broken-element-separateness of the masculine

indoctrination. Viz 'Feminine' or 'Female' as a description of the

complete personality, of whole chromosomes, the whole being who is able

to give birth, to sing creation, woven of all colours -- contrast the

'Male' or broken-being, with incomplete chromosomes, in the patriarchal

'science' described as unable to become complete, to be whole, to

evolve and refine, to create, to give birth. i.e., the static monotone

persona contrast the dynamic rainbow omni-persona.As

the conversation turned to the ancient Matrifocal [Matriarcado in

Espanol] world of culture, and the Women Priestess Shaman Seer

traditions worldwide, Mario Lix, the sculptor from Columbia,

volunteered some of his ancestral indigenous wisdom ...Bachue

or Fura-choque ("benevolent female") -- The Mother Goddess and

Protector of Crops of the Chibcha People of Colombia. After the world

was created, she came out of the sacred mountain Lake Iguaque with a

three-year old infant boy. When he was old enough, Bachue married the

youth and their children became the first people in the world. [Much

like the NuWa ocean goddess beginnings, at the mouth of the Yellow

River.] Once their duties as parents to these offspring were completed,

Bachue and her husband changed into serpents and returned to the sacred

lake. Also of the Chibcha ancestry is Bochica -- Supreme Sun Goddess

of the Chibcha. Bochica created the Tequendama River and Waterfall

which plunges into Lake Goddess Guatavita.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6jIzMVFPoYhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dq7ngvkPEpEMitos & Leyendas Colombianas: Los Muiscashttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yN4gZsPVy8Similarly

in Bolivia the Aymara Indians speak of that the Creatress Viracocha who

rose from Lake Titicaca during the time of darkness to bring forth

light. Viracocha means 'foam of the lake', recalling the lake, storm,

cloud, ocean Dragon creation goddess of all Asia.In Africa, one of HER names is Yemaya, others are Oya, Oshun, Ymoja ...http://www.thaliatook.com/AMGG/yemaya.htmlhttp://www.goddessgift.net/images/Banner%20Yemaya%20B12.jpgFor

the Dogon of Mali, She is Amma, of the same lineage of the Sumerian and

Egyptian Isis, Ishtar, Maat ... as her name propagates around the world

.... and we return to the question, "How DO we portray the WHOLE

pictogram of herstory, reveal the portrait of the birth of homo sapiens

sapiens [four hundred thousand years ago?] as SHE rose vertically-erect

out of the oceans, with the marine-fat-layer of a sea-lion or whale,

and became known as a land-dwelling deity, species, of agriculture and

art and architecture, and literature and litter?!How DO we

complete our Vision Quest, complete the story hoop of all the

GrandMothers, hear the Songs of all our ancestors, see and sketch and

share the entire Rainbow of experience of all Herstory ... of and for

ALL time?!One Dreaming, of One Global People, One Songline Tapestry of All Herstory:http://www.aboriginalartnews.com.au/photos/colleen_wallace_nungari_dreamtime_sisters_image1.jpghttp://rawheaven.org/gallery/albums/album03/Didjeridoo_Dreamtime.jpegIt

is said that the Dogon people, and others, look to the people of

Sirius, the Sirius Binary Star System, as our ancestors, or at least

aunts and uncles. In the recent 400,000 or 800,000 years or so -- or

several millions -- tens of millions for whale and dolphin -- how do we

trace the 'fire-and-ice' cycles, and water-and-dry-land

human-territorial epochs of herstory, as traced in the heavens?http://pixdaus.com/pics/1205641470AlskGaA.jpghttp://www.nasa.gov/images/content/144777main_helix_nebula_hires.jpgHow

do we tell the global truths(s) -- of the completeness of astronomy,

culture, nature, personality, divinity -- and walk out of the darkness

of corporate and political deception -- and 'become' today? -- reveal

the whole body of the Divine Feminine -- The

helicoidal river co-propagating hurricane of the dozens-or-hundreds of

local Stars (Sirius binary system, Alpha Centauri trinary system,

Barnard's Star, etc.) who CO-ORBIT each other!http://www.korncirkler.dk/universe/spiral2.jpghttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/79/Magnetic_rope.pngHow

do we match the cycles, periods, frequencies, clocks, rhythms, beats,

notes, chords, songs of their dancing to our own terrestrial (Mother

Earth) menstruation, wet and dry, Moon, intellectual, inspirational,

persperational, artistic, analytic, ecstatic cycles?When will we read-off the numbers of the 'octave-scales' of 26,000 years, of the Nine day-nights of the Mayan Calendar, of the

unconscious compare all-knowing periods of the Vedic Calendar?http://groupkos.com/mtwain/WOW/Yugas-Ages.jpghttp://www.india-forum.com/forums/index.php?act=Print & client=printer & f=10 & t=1843Who/where

were our co-orbital dance partners Sirius and Alpha Centauri 400,000

years ago? and what song, culture, milk, water, wisdom, were we sharing

at that epiphany of our collective symphony?Who are the Mother

Deities that were known -- universally -- then as in now, i.e., Mother

Earth who resides within GrandMother Sun/Amaterasu, residing within

Great GrandMother Amanogawa (Milky Way/Sagittarius), residing within

HER Great Great GrandMother Virgo, the Virgin, the Virgo Supercluster

of Galaxies of which we know 'Now' ...http://loolt.files.wordpress.com/2008/04/cosmology05.jpgand,

again revealed by yours truly in the 'Now', to reside within Maat, the

MatterVerse (of universal song) measured to be some

10-to-the-power-of-ten-lightyears in diameter (some eighty years ago

thought/said to be the/a 'universe', as that was the extent of the

ability of our limited telescopic cooperation at that 'time'), and

which we KNOW NOW to reside within a yet larger 'ElectroVerse' deity of

at least 10-to-the-power-of-twelve-lightyears in diameter, which our

collaborative telescopic arrays TODAY observe, sense, see ...http://universe-review.ca/R03-04-Virgo.htmhttp://universe-review.ca/R03-03-largescale.htmMaat

-- the MatterVerse -- being the region where light and matter is

right-handed (not left-brained) aka of 'positive-parity' in

corporate-physics-speak, which is adjacent to (co-spiraling around

with) a partner AntiMatter SpiralVerse, continuously, etc. etc. -- as

all creation merges, heats up, speeds up, builds, illumines and refines

-- before cooling, slowing, unwinding, singing ourselves to the four

winds and disappearing -- feeding with electromagnetic consciousness

those who are being newly born and nurtured, able and willing to hear

their progenitor's Song ...As

all herstory is now known, has 'AllWays' been known, to be a harmonic

chorus -- as Sol/NuWa swim/flies alongside Sister Sirius et familia, in

nodal and octave-based perfect synchronicity, and both/all local stars

swim within the greater ocean-womb of Amanogawa, the Galaxy, aka

Wakah-Chan, Tree of Life of the Mayan Cosmology.http://members.shaw.ca/mjfinley/palenquecross.htmlhttp://www.2012eyeoftheshaman.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/wakahchan.jpgFor the Polynesian Maori, the Waka is also a canoe or boat:http://www.flickr.com/photos/byross/128713206/in/set-1100597And

all the questions of all (dark) times are, and have been, here/now

answered -- embracing the BlueStar of Global Consciousness -- that our

new questions/perspectives may be seen/heard for the first time.Which

first question is, where/when DOES Yang become Yin WITHIN the body of

divine experience/creation/being which we call nature, our cosmic

garden wilderness?Simply said/seen:Look,

again, at that Spiral of Fire we call the Sun or heliosphere -- Dragon

coiling out a hundred times further than the 'orbit' of Baby Earth -- a

fire which cools to gas and water and ice -- a frozen helicoidal

oceanic river of frozen comets and asteroids, named locally the 'Oort

Cloud' -- Dragon indeed, but NOT spherical, not static 3D -- a thousand

times larger than the Solar System -- the neverending Serpent of

Creation whom winds between us and Alpha Centauri our Sirius, and

between 'everyone', every-star.ALL the 'six elements' of creation are Yin!Spirit/consciousness,

light/energy, fire/plasma, air/breath, water/blood, stone/earth --

though it was popular amongst the GrandFathers of Vice to name

fire/Sun/plasma as masculine, defective -- truth be ALL real, whole,

connected, living, creating beings are Yin.The Yang is but the struggle of their becoming, awakening, polishing, completing, knowing ...The Yin Song is in the performing!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMbGycJTyoIhttp://info.iiepassport.org/images/indonesia_dancers.jpghttp://groupkos.com/mtwain/Press%20 & %20Personal/ShiminTimes.jpgThus,

to answer Diana Wong's question of the 'Why' of the 'big bang' and

other corporate-state 'non-scents' -- the deceivers and questioners are

those who reside only within the 3D World, do not 'exist' at all, are

the slaves or programs, and their slavemasters who hide the 4D

MotherVerse -- inclusive of 'time' and 'space', the

electromagnetodynamic of motion, experience, sensation!Dragon Ryu's river, storm, cloud, ocean, thunder and lightning!Yesterday AND today -- the perspective of life, all life, all times, all peoples, all ancestors, all spirits

....http://groupkos.com/mtwain/LightNine%20Pubs/Lightnine30.jpgAll our sacred relations ...Without whom we are 'de-void', nothing ...With whom WE are ALL, EveryThing!Millennium Twain...

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Nisargadatta , Lightning Twain

<yonibluestar wrote:


> Divine Feminine Creation, From Yang to Yin ...

> Wednesday, 3 September, 2008


> Four

> of us sat around the table yesterday, perhaps representing the four

> directions of the immortals: 1) North, Black Turtle/Serpent, 2) East,

> Green Dragon, 3) South, Red Phoenix, 4) West, White Tiger.  Myself,

> Diana Wong -- artist celebre, Mario Lix -- Columbian Sculptor, and my

> wife Megumi Tatsuzawa -- Shinto Japanese.


> http://www.onmarkproductions.com/html/ssu-ling.shtml


> We

> had been dancing in the mountains the evening before, I healing my

> disabled back of several months, and were brainstorming on a proposed

> collaboration on the 'art-piece of all art-pieces': the Creation of

> Humanity from the Waters of Herstory aka Consciousness. Diana Wong had

> been thinking along the same lines as myself -- naturally -- and had

> entitled her work in draft " Myth of Creation " .  I have been working on

> the title -- in collaboration with Megumi -- of " Mother Spirit, Mother

> Song, Mother Mind " ... as I told Diana, " Myth is a term used in the

> West to put down or dishonor or destroy the realm of Creation, of Song.

> I would use the title Song of Creation, or Story of Creation, to tell

> the truth to the World. " Telling the true and the whole and meaningful,

> which is the now, encompassing the present and ALL pasts, all

> ancestors, all spiritual wisdom.


> Diana

> began by drawing illustrations of the Void and the Yin Yang circle with

> a dot in the circle, or in both spiral halves, and speaking of the

> lineage of the I-Ching or Book of Changes wherein the 63 hexagram

> totality represents wholeness or completeness, and the next step to 64

> represents the dissolution of the whole, the restarting of the journey

> anew.  Eight equals the enumeration of the Feng Shui Hierarchy of

> Mother Turtles, 64 equals eight times eight. She also drew the

> tens-of-thousands-of-years-old-Yellow-River-and-Indus-Valley symbol of

> the Swastik, again with the two dots in opposite quarters of the four

> directions.


> " Void is Pure Yang. Wind is Yin "

> http://forums.narutofan.com/showthread.php?t=287147


> I

> expanded on the theme -- of the Circle or Figure-8, proved in my

> discoveries of the creation of matter from ElectroMagnetism, as the

> global ancestral symbol of feminine creation, of the Cross or Ankh,

> known for millennia as the Great Mother Tao or Tau, symbolized in

> seemingly all alphabets and characters sets of all languages and

> graphic herstories. [Viz. the popular discussion of the Hebrew

> alphabet, wherein the spiral or helix is said to be portrayed in 22

> evolving depictions, yoga dance or hand-Mudra steps, beginning with

> Aleph, the Cross, symbol of truth and creation.]


> http://groupkos.com/mtwain/NuWa


> Total Spectrum of Octaves of Creation

> Song:

> http://groupkos.com/mtwain/WOW/WholeElectroVerse.jpg


> In

> particular showing them again the illustrations of the Electron Circle

> or Figure-8 as it is born in the curving and reconnecting of the

> helically-propagating lightwave of consciousness known as

> electromagnetism, or light, or spirit or consciousness.


> http://groupkos.com/mtwain/PhysicsArt/EMwave.jpg

> http://groupkos.com/mtwain/PhysicsArt/BigTV.jpg


> And

> also the Superluminal Protron Circle/Helix which is the other material

> element of nature, from my discoveries of the early 1990s:


> http://groupkos.com/mtwain/PhysicsArt/formNeutron.jpg


> Our

> contemporary, Year 2008, art collaboration must of necessity represent

> consciousness (aka Global Consciousness born) at this time or

> perspective in our evolutionary journeying, as well as the totality of

> herstory, ancestry, the cosmos, all our relations -- the wisdom of all

> the GrandMothers, of all Tribes, of all ancient beginnings, as well as

> all 'current' and collective knowledge, viz 10-to-the-12th-power

> lightyears diameter observed wilderness of creation! This Year 2008,

> becoming 2009, 2010 and 2011 or 12 or 13 of the Mayan completion cycle!


> In

> 'sketching' a tapestry of all times, all species, all ancestors, all

> relations, all spirits, we naturally looked to Megumi for icons from

> the infinite-hued animist shinto and Ainu spirit traditions of Nippon. 

> We spoke of the Itako Priestess-Shaman mediums of modern Japan, as well

> as the Mudang of Korea, and asked of the animal spirit deities which

> had the oldest lineage and most respected characters from Japan.

> Kodama, the tree spirit came to mind, as well as Deer, and Bear ... and

> of course Mother Sun, Amaterasu ... and Mother Dragon Ryu ... and

> Mother Turtle, the 'Kame-Sama Kami-Sama'!


> http://masters.tarclub.com/img/trois_l.jpg

> http://earthtrendshop.com/ainu.php


> We

> discussed gender aka personality, the infinite-faceted totality of the

> feminine, contrasting the broken-element-separateness of the masculine

> indoctrination. Viz 'Feminine' or 'Female' as a description of the

> complete personality, of whole chromosomes, the whole being who is able

> to give birth, to sing creation, woven of all colours -- contrast the

> 'Male' or broken-being, with incomplete chromosomes, in the patriarchal

> 'science' described as unable to become complete, to be whole, to

> evolve and refine, to create, to give birth. i.e., the static monotone

> persona contrast the dynamic rainbow omni-persona.


> As

> the conversation turned to the ancient Matrifocal [Matriarcado in

> Espanol] world of culture, and the Women Priestess Shaman Seer

> traditions worldwide, Mario Lix, the sculptor from Columbia,

> volunteered some of his ancestral indigenous wisdom ...


> Bachue

> or Fura-choque ( " benevolent female " ) -- The Mother Goddess and

> Protector of Crops of the Chibcha People of Colombia.  After the world

> was created, she came out of the sacred mountain Lake Iguaque with a

> three-year old infant boy.  When he was old enough, Bachue married the

> youth and their children became the first people in the world.  [Much

> like the NuWa ocean goddess beginnings, at the mouth of the Yellow

> River.] Once their duties as parents to these offspring were completed,

> Bachue and her husband changed into serpents and returned to the sacred

> lake.  Also of the Chibcha ancestry is Bochica -- Supreme Sun Goddess

> of the Chibcha. Bochica created the Tequendama River and Waterfall

> which plunges into Lake Goddess Guatavita.





> Mitos & Leyendas Colombianas: Los Muiscas



> Similarly

> in Bolivia the Aymara Indians speak of that the Creatress Viracocha who

> rose from Lake Titicaca during the time of darkness to bring forth

> light.  Viracocha means 'foam of the lake', recalling the lake, storm,

> cloud, ocean Dragon creation goddess of all Asia.


> In Africa, one of HER names is Yemaya, others are Oya, Oshun, Ymoja ...


> http://www.thaliatook.com/AMGG/yemaya.html

> http://www.goddessgift.net/images/Banner%20Yemaya%20B12.jpg


> For

> the Dogon of Mali, She is Amma, of the same lineage of the Sumerian and

> Egyptian Isis, Ishtar, Maat ... as her name propagates around the world

> ... and we return to the question, " How DO we portray the WHOLE

> pictogram of herstory, reveal the portrait of the birth of homo sapiens

> sapiens [four hundred thousand years ago?] as SHE rose vertically-erect

> out of the oceans, with the marine-fat-layer of a sea-lion or whale,

> and became known as a land-dwelling deity, species, of agriculture and

> art and architecture, and literature and litter?!


> How DO we

> complete our Vision Quest, complete the story hoop of all the

> GrandMothers, hear the Songs of all our ancestors, see and sketch and

> share the entire Rainbow of experience of all Herstory ... of and for

> ALL time?!


> One Dreaming, of One Global People, One Songline Tapestry of All





> http://rawheaven.org/gallery/albums/album03/Didjeridoo_Dreamtime.jpeg


> It

> is said that the Dogon people, and others, look to the people of

> Sirius, the Sirius Binary Star System, as our ancestors, or at least

> aunts and uncles. In the recent 400,000 or 800,000 years or so -- or

> several millions -- tens of millions for whale and dolphin -- how do we

> trace the 'fire-and-ice' cycles, and water-and-dry-land

> human-territorial epochs of herstory, as traced in the heavens?


> http://pixdaus.com/pics/1205641470AlskGaA.jpg

> http://www.nasa.gov/images/content/144777main_helix_nebula_hires.jpg


> How

> do we tell the global truths(s) -- of the completeness of astronomy,

> culture, nature, personality, divinity -- and walk out of the darkness

> of corporate and political deception -- and 'become' today? -- reveal

> the whole body of the Divine Feminine --


> The

> helicoidal river co-propagating hurricane of the dozens-or-hundreds of

> local Stars (Sirius binary system, Alpha Centauri trinary system,

> Barnard's Star, etc.) who CO-ORBIT each other!


> http://www.korncirkler.dk/universe/spiral2.jpg

> http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/79/Magnetic_rope.png


> How

> do we match the cycles, periods, frequencies, clocks, rhythms, beats,

> notes, chords, songs of their dancing to our own terrestrial (Mother

> Earth) menstruation, wet and dry, Moon, intellectual, inspirational,

> persperational, artistic, analytic, ecstatic cycles?


> When will we read-off the numbers of the 'octave-scales' of 26,000

years, of the Nine day-nights of the Mayan Calendar, of the

> unconscious compare all-knowing periods of the Vedic Calendar?


> http://groupkos.com/mtwain/WOW/Yugas-Ages.jpg


http://www.india-forum.com/forums/index.php?act=Print & client=printer & f=10 & t=1843


> Who/where

> were our co-orbital dance partners Sirius and Alpha Centauri 400,000

> years ago? and what song, culture, milk, water, wisdom, were we sharing

> at that epiphany of our collective symphony?


> Who are the Mother

> Deities that were known -- universally -- then as in now, i.e., Mother

> Earth who resides within GrandMother Sun/Amaterasu, residing within

> Great GrandMother Amanogawa (Milky Way/Sagittarius), residing within

> HER Great Great GrandMother Virgo, the Virgin, the Virgo Supercluster

> of Galaxies of which we know 'Now' ...


> http://loolt.files.wordpress.com/2008/04/cosmology05.jpg


> and,

> again revealed by yours truly in the 'Now', to reside within Maat, the

> MatterVerse (of universal song) measured to be some

> 10-to-the-power-of-ten-lightyears in diameter (some eighty years ago

> thought/said to be the/a 'universe', as that was the extent of the

> ability of our limited telescopic cooperation at that 'time'), and

> which we KNOW NOW to reside within a yet larger 'ElectroVerse' deity of

> at least 10-to-the-power-of-twelve-lightyears in diameter, which our

> collaborative telescopic arrays TODAY observe, sense, see ...


> http://universe-review.ca/R03-04-Virgo.htm

> http://universe-review.ca/R03-03-largescale.htm


> Maat

> -- the MatterVerse -- being the region where light and matter is

> right-handed (not left-brained) aka of 'positive-parity' in

> corporate-physics-speak, which is adjacent to (co-spiraling around

> with) a partner AntiMatter SpiralVerse, continuously, etc. etc. -- as

> all creation merges, heats up, speeds up, builds, illumines and refines

> -- before cooling, slowing, unwinding, singing ourselves to the four

> winds and disappearing -- feeding with electromagnetic consciousness

> those who are being newly born and nurtured, able and willing to hear

> their progenitor's Song ...


> As

> all herstory is now known, has 'AllWays' been known, to be a harmonic

> chorus -- as Sol/NuWa swim/flies alongside Sister Sirius et familia, in

> nodal and octave-based perfect synchronicity, and both/all local stars

> swim within the greater ocean-womb of Amanogawa, the Galaxy, aka

> Wakah-Chan, Tree of Life of the Mayan Cosmology.


> http://members.shaw.ca/mjfinley/palenquecross.html




> For the Polynesian Maori, the Waka is also a canoe or boat:

> http://www.flickr.com/photos/byross/128713206/in/set-1100597


> And

> all the questions of all (dark) times are, and have been, here/now

> answered -- embracing the BlueStar of Global Consciousness -- that our

> new questions/perspectives may be seen/heard for the first time.


> Which

> first question is, where/when DOES Yang become Yin WITHIN the body of

> divine experience/creation/being which we call nature, our cosmic

> garden wilderness?


> Simply said/seen:


> Look,

> again, at that Spiral of Fire we call the Sun or heliosphere -- Dragon

> coiling out a hundred times further than the 'orbit' of Baby Earth -- a

> fire which cools to gas and water and ice -- a frozen helicoidal

> oceanic river of frozen comets and asteroids, named locally the 'Oort

> Cloud' -- Dragon indeed, but NOT spherical, not static 3D -- a thousand

> times larger than the Solar System -- the neverending Serpent of

> Creation whom winds between us and Alpha Centauri our Sirius, and

> between 'everyone', every-star.


> ALL the 'six elements' of creation are Yin!


> Spirit/consciousness,

> light/energy, fire/plasma, air/breath, water/blood, stone/earth --

> though it was popular amongst the GrandFathers of Vice to name

> fire/Sun/plasma as masculine, defective -- truth be ALL real, whole,

> connected, living, creating beings are Yin.


> The Yang is but the struggle of their becoming, awakening,

polishing, completing, knowing ...


> The Yin Song is in the performing!



> http://info.iiepassport.org/images/indonesia_dancers.jpg

> http://groupkos.com/mtwain/Press%20 & %20Personal/ShiminTimes.jpg


> Thus,

> to answer Diana Wong's question of the 'Why' of the 'big bang' and

> other corporate-state 'non-scents' -- the deceivers and questioners are

> those who reside only within the 3D World, do not 'exist' at all, are

> the slaves or programs, and their slavemasters who hide the 4D

> MotherVerse -- inclusive of 'time' and 'space', the

> electromagnetodynamic of motion, experience, sensation!


> Dragon Ryu's river, storm, cloud, ocean, thunder and lightning!


> Yesterday AND today -- the perspective of life, all life, all times,

all peoples, all ancestors, all spirits

> ...


> http://groupkos.com/mtwain/LightNine%20Pubs/Lightnine30.jpg


> All our sacred relations ...


> Without whom we are 'de-void', nothing ...


> With whom WE are ALL, EveryThing!




> Millennium Twain


> ..


> .






In order to grasp anything, conceptual mind needs an object.


A few of the identified entities are privy to a window in which

Creation shines through.


Their experience is raw and open.


Sometimes they attempt to confine their apperception to words and

symbols that they hope will cross the great divide between them and

the imagined others.


A few poets echo in the canyons.......most wind up whispering to

themselves....with a smile.








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