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The Glory of Shirdi Sai - issue 20-2008 - from Saidarbar.

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Publication Published as Bi-Weekly Issue 20/ 2008 25-09-2008 --------------------------- One World One Family. Vasudhaika Kutumbam Om! Asatoma Sargamaya, Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya, Mrityorma Amritamgamaya, Om Shantihi, Shantihi, Shantihi! (Aum! Lead from wrong path to the right path, from ignorance to knowledge, from mortality to immortality!

Peace be to All) ----------------------------- You can also read this E- Magazine in 3d page turning NEW FORMAT http://ettitudemedia..com/loadbook.php?BookName=EMagazineCurrent GURUR-BRAHMA, GURUR-VISHNUHU; GURU-DEVO MAHESWARAHA; GURUR-SAKSHATH PARAM

BRAHMA; THASMAI SREE GURAVE NAMAHA: Sairam. You can watch Live Web casting from Shirdi Sai Samadhi Mandir from following Link: http://www.shrisaiBabasansthan.org/onlinedarshan.asp ----------------------------- THIS ISSUE CONTAINS: 1. FROM THE SATSANGHS OF SAIBANISA JI 2. SAI'S NEWS FROM TIME

MACHINE 3. SAI IN DREAMS 4. QUINTESSENCE OF SRI SAIBABA'S PHILOSOPHY 5. IN THE DAYS OF SHRI SHIRDI SAIBABA 6. DEVOTEES EXPERIENCES 7. SAI WITH CHILDREN 8. SPIRITUAL GEMS FROM SAI SATCHARITRA 9. ARTICLES FROM SAI DEVOTEES 10. LETTERS FROM SAI DEVOTEES 11. TELUGU SECTION 12. SAI'S BOOK WORLD 13. EDITORIAL. ------------------------------- 1. FROM THE SATSANGHS OF SAIBANISA JI http://saibanisa.blogspot.com/ Shirdi Sai's Philosophy in the words of Saibanisaji REALITY OF HUMAN LIFE People in the world are prone to be selfish and unsympathetic; they do not know how to love and respect one another; they argue and quarrel over trifling matters, only to their own harm and suffering and life becomes but a dreary round of unhappiness.

Regardless of whatever they are rich or poor, they worry about money; they suffer from poverty and they suffer from wealth. Because their lives are controlled by greed, they are never contended, never satisfied. A wealthy man worries about his estate if he has one; he worries about his mansion and all other possessions. He worries lest some disaster befall him, his mansion burn down, robbers break in, and kidnappers carry him off. Then he worries about death and disposition of his wealth. Indeed, his way to death is lonely, and nobody follows him to death. A poor man always suffers from insufficiency and this serves to awaken endless desires- for land and house. Being a flamed with covetous he wears out both his body and mind, and comes to death in the middle of his life. The whole world seems pitted against him and even the path to death seems lonesome as though he has a long journey to make and no friends to keep him company. Compiled by: Sai Sevak Smt. Rajeswari Kasturi, Saidarbar – Hyderabad. To be continued------- ----------------------- 2. SAI'S NEWS FROM THE TIME MACHINE: Bhadrapada 1910: H.H Gajanan Maharaj of Shegaon left his mortal coil. At the same time Shirdi Sai Baba grieved profusely and said “Hallo! My Gajanan

is gone". Bhadrapada 1922: Mahalsapathi passed away on 11-09-1922 -------------------------------- 3. SAI IN DREAMS http://www.ettitudemedia.com These are the dream sequences and messages as received by SaiBaNiSaji From our beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OF SHIRDI. In Anticipation that this feature will help in one's spiritual growth are hereby compiled from his personal Diary and presented to SAIBANDHUS. Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY. FEBRUARY-1996 23-02-1996 Yesterday, Sai appeared in the form of teacher who taught me cycling in my childhood and said- Learning to cycle on his own is difficult, but the process gets speeded up with the help extended by another person in drawing courage. This is applicable to spiritualism also. I shall guide you in going about in your quest for knowing the ultimate. Leading life is like the mastering the art of balancing forces. 26-02-1996 Yesterday night, Sai appeared as Music exponent and said- Life is like giving performance on a Jaltarang (a musical instrument). Ups and downs in the notes are due to the water effects contained in the porcelain containers. The resulting sounds therefore depend upon the movement of water inside. Water adjusts to the shape of the container and so also should life. To be continued------- ----------------------------- 4. QUINTESSENCE OF SRI SAIBABA'S PHILOSOPHY: (By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao) 'Shashi': shashi_31 32. Significance of Meditation Preliminaries to Meditation We must sit down with peace. Raise our hands to our head as if it were Baba's head and touch our two eyes, our ear, nose, tongue, neck, shoulders imagining that they are all parts of our Guru Sai. In the same way touch our chest, heart, stomach, back, thighs, knees, calves, feet saying over and over 'Guru Sai Sai'. Concentrating on this feeling, we have to begin our meditation. When we sit in meditation, our conduct should be pure and mind filled with noble thoughts, so that they are able to conserve the Shakti aroused by Sai's grace. We must first of all offer our body, mind, heart and soul to Sai Baba. Let us realize the purpose of our existence and let our eyes clearly see so that we may not mistake the unreal for reality of God. Thy light alone can dispel all the darkness from our mind. We must feel that our heart is captivated by thy enticing smile. Our soul is singing with joy in the embrace with love intoxicated. Sitting in meditation, we can clearly see and feel that our soul is enjoying right now. We must pray that our ego should melt and our mind merge in God. We must remain alert and vigilant in this matter. On the importance of meditation, Sai Baba said to Sri G.R. Dabolkar: 'To get Atma-Jnana, meditation

is necessary. If pacifies and carries the mind into Samadhi. So give up all desires and dwell in your mind upon God in all. If the mind is thus concentrated, your goal is achieved. Meditate on Baba either as in form or as formless. If such formless contemplation is hard, then think of any form, just as you see it here. Think of it night and day. With such meditation, the mind dissolves into unity, and attains "Laya". The difference between the subject and object (Myself and you) and the act of contemplation will be lost. This results in "Chaitanya Brahma Samprapati". The Guru's grace is bread and milk for the pupil'. To be continued…... ----------------------------- 5. IN THE DAYS OF SHRI SHIRDI SAIBABA Baba given Darshan in the dream to the wife of Shri Raghuvir Bhaskar Purandhare When Shri Raghuvir Bhaskar Purandare had first started to Shirdi, he

requested his mother to accompany him. On the previous day of his departures, his daughter has suffered from severe fever. Even then, he did not stop his visit and came to Shirdi with his mother leaving his wife and diseased daughter at home. On the third day of his arrival at Shirdi, Baba appeared in his wife's dream in his house and applied Udi on the forehead of his diseased daughter. From that time, his daughter began to improve and became alright when he reached home. He knew this Leela of Baba and ever felt grateful to Baba. Baba restored to stolen property of

Shri Vaman Chintaman Munge Vakil Shri Vaman Chintaman Munge, Vakil of Pimpalgaom Baswanth, Nasik District when plague was prevailing in Pimpalgaom Baswanth, he shifted his residence to his house in his Estate i.e., in his lands. One day night, thieves came there, made a whole and entered the house particularly in the place where Munge, was sleeping in a cot. Baba's photo was also hanging on the wall. The thief – has lifted a small box under the cot and passed on to another thief standing outside the house. The small box contained a cash of Rs.200/- and some

promissory note worth Rs. 4, 000/-. The thief again came and was about to lift a big trunk in front of the cot which was contained jewels worth about Rs.10, 000/-. In the meanwhile, Baba appeared in his dream and woke him up stating that thieves have lifted his belongings. His sister in law also wake and they cried out loudly as "Thieves", "Thieves". Then all the servants and watchmen woke up and chased the thieves. However, the thieves have escaped leaving the big trunk. The next day the small trunk was found in a field nearby. The thieves have taken away the cash and left promissory notes. During that day night, he got a vision in his dream that Shri Sai Baba, Shri Abdul Baba and Fakir with strong personality appeared before him. After some days, he visited Shirdi and took

darshan of the same three persons of whom he has seen in his dream and he himself ascertained that the third Fakir was the Master of Shri Abdul Baba. After some days, one Shri Datta Brahmachari of Kopergaom has visited his house for meals and he told him that the lost properties will be restored. Accordingly, Rs.60/- and other properties were seized and handover to him by police. The police have stated that the amount was seized and handed over them from a Marwadi along with some other theft articles. This clearly shows that Sai Baba was not only, safeguarding the interest of His devotees but also their belongings. To be continued…... --- NEWS FROM SAIDARBAR – HYDERABAD Now all the works of Saibanisaji (translated into English Language by Sai Sevak Sri RaghuRaman Satulury) are available in one place in the web blog: http://saibanisa.blogspot.com/ Saidevotees may kindly visit the above blog, read the articles and give your valuable comments in the "Guest Book". --------------- badri.narasimhan Fri, September 19, 2008 1:07 pm SAI DARBAR USA - ANNUAL DAY AND PALAKI UTSAV 2008 - INVITATION Jai Sai Ram It has been five years now, since a small group of then called Wallingford Sai Darbar emerged as present day Saidarbar, USA of Greater Philadelphia. With HIS grace and blessings, the abundance of love and peace prevails in this

group. Member's participation in regular Satsang, seva, group studies and other events has increased. This group is conducting Satsang twice a month at various host locations. Approximately thirty Bal Vikas Mandal children participate at various level of learning. We are very much indebted to Mukhya Sai Sevak Shri GopalaRao Ravada garu and the SaiDarbar team, Hyderabad. We thank them for their continued support and guidance. We are blessed to be a part of Viswa SaiDarbar. I take privilege in representing SaiDarbarUSA group and invite all Viswa SaiDarbar Sevaks and Sevikas for the upcoming Annual Day Event and Palaki Utsav Celebration that has been scheduled for October 11, 2008 at Chinmaya Kedar, Langhorne, PA I thank you for your valuable time to read this email and our invitation. Best Regards, Badri Narasimhan. ----------------------------- 6. DEVOTEES EXPERIENCES: m Tue, August 5, 2008 6:32 am SaiRam, Sai is everywhere in my life. More than 3 or 4 times Baba came to my rescue. When I kept my finger in grinder, He came as doctor and in Chardham trip when the bus brakes failed, He as common man with a beard riding a cycle with the Baba photo in the front, He rescued us all of 25 people. This shows Baba's affection towards His devotees. Sailaja. ----------- neerajalankar Sairam! Baba comes and hugs you

whenever you think of Him purely and honestly and with abundant faith! Recently, on Guru Poornima day morning, I was in our Baba Temple in Austin helping others to make sandwiches for the poor. We all were making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and some made very few with cheese too. As for me I stopped eating peanut butter after my son was born, and he is very allergic to all nuts. It's been almost 12 yrs. and right now he was staying with my sister's family for the summer. That day it was time for Baba's aarathi and we all went to Him and I saw they offered Baba one sandwich and they cut it into many small pieces and were giving all after theertham. In my mind, I thought I wanted to eat one with peanut butter! When it was my time to take prasadam, I was so looking forward to getting one...but I got one with cheese! Oh Baba! I thought, and again I said to Baba, "It's ok Baba, this is also your blessing" and went ahead to the table to continue making more sandwiches. After few minutes, the devotee who was giving everyone a

piece of sandwich, he came to me and asked me to take prasadam to which I said 'I already took, thanks', and he stayed there and said "it's ok, I want you to take prasadam, Once more I was surprised and also happy to take and saw that he had now only peanut butter pieces! I was getting a peanut butter piece after all!!! Oh Baba! I simply Love You so much! I thanked Baba heartily in my mind and once again realized Baba is in everyone and He came to me bringing me a peanut butter prasadam as He knew what was in my mind! And guess what else, Baba knew it's been so long I ate peanut butter; He made the coordinator give me the remaining pieces to take home too! It reminded me of in SSS when one devotee stops using sugar in his tea to be able to come to Shirdi and when he comes to Shirdi, Baba

asks some one to give him many cups of tea loaded with sugar!!!! Baba is there for you whenever you think of Him with full faith! At His Divine Lotus Feet Neeraja. --------------- 7. SAI WITH CHILDREN:

http://www.saidarbar.org/HTML/portraits/7.jpg Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad. Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use to play with children and used to tell stories to them? I felt children visiting Saidarbar should be entertained with good stories. Now I want to tell the stories what heard in my child hood. Truth Will be out, Sooner or Later Swami Vivekananda There was a king who had a large number of courtiers. Each one of these courtiers declared he was ready to sacrifice his life for his master, and that he was the most sincere being ever born. In course of time, a Sannyasin (saint) came to the king. The king told him that there never was a king who had so many sincere courtiers as he had. The Sannyasin smiled and said he did not believe that. The king asked the Sannyasin to test it if he liked. So the Sannyasin declared that he would perform a great yajna (sacrifice) which would extend the king's reign by a several years. He put a condition that a small tank should be made into which each one of the courtiers will pour a pitcher of milk, in the dark of night. The king smiled and said, 'Is this the test?' He asked his courtiers to come to him, and told them what was to be done. They all expressed their joyful assent to the proposal and returned. In the dead of night, they came and emptied their pitchers into the tank. In the morning, the tank was found to be full of water, with no trace of milk. The courtiers were assembled and questioned about the matter. They admitted that each one of them had thought there would be so many pitchers of milk so his pouring water instead of milk would not be detected! Moral: If you try to cheat in a team-work, remember it will be found out. ------------ 8. SPIRITUAL GEMS FROM SAI SATCHARITRA swamymain Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 1:06 PM Spiritual Gems from Sri Sai Satcharitra - chapter 29 Waman Narvekar Now let the readers hear a different story. A gentleman, named Waman Narvekar loved Baba very much. He once brought a rupee. On one side (obverse) of it were engraved the figures of Rama, Laxman and Sita and on the other (reverse) side was engraved the figure of Maruti, with folded hands. He offered it to Baba with a hope that He should consecrate it with His touch and return it to him with Udi. But Baba immediately pocketed it. Then Shama spoke to Baba, regarding Wamanrao's intention and requested Him to return it. Then Baba spoke in the presence of Wamanrao as follows: - "Why should it be returned to him? We should keep it ourselves. If he gives Rs.25/- for it, it will be returned." Then, for the sake of that rupee, Wamanrao collected Rs.25/- and placed them before Baba. Then Baba said, "The value of that rupee far exceeds 25 Rupees. Shama, take this rupee, let us have it in our store, keep this in your

shrine and worship it." No one had the courage to ask Baba why He followed this particular action. He only knows what is best and most suitable to each and all. SSG: Sai Ram. Guru's words and actions are far beyond our limited, egoistic comprehension. May be Baba was indicating that the coin which had the figures of Maruti on one side and Rama etc. on the other side was invaluable, much beyond the Rs.25/-. And why did He collect Rs.25 from Wamanrao? Only He knows and unless He wills it, the people could not bring themselves to ask. Sai Ram. Bow to Shri Sai - Peace be to all Sai Ram. We have completed another beautiful, uplifting and inspiring Chapter from Sri Sai Satcharitra and we will, with His blessings take up other chapters in the coming weeks. Sai Ram. His Servant, S.V.Swamy Author, Editor and Book Reviewer www.freewebs.com/swamyreviews To be continued... ------------- 9. ARTICLES FROM SAI DEVOTEES: Kalemama's meeting with Sadguru Sai Baba -By Niket Kale –part 4 The very next year while Meher Baba was at Nasik in December 1928, Kalemama along with his elder son Shreedhar or Babu decided to go to Nasik to meet Baba as it was learnt that He is at Nasik. From Dhule they boarded a train and reached Nasik at 4 a.m. in the morning and went to one of Kalemama's friend Vi­nayak Dhamankar's residence. At the day break they went to search for the place of Baba's stay at Nasik and to their surprise were informed by the gate man that Meher Baba and the Mandli had left the previous evening for Maherabad. It was around 7 a.m. and Kalemama and his son Babu were in utter disappointment to have found Baba already left Nasik. They decided to

leave Nasik as it was early in the morning so to reach Nagar at the earliest to go to Meherabad. Kalemama thought of requesting one of his friends R. D. Karmarkar who was an Engineer at Nasik to kindly take them both in his car up to Manmad immediately, so they may find some train to Ahmednagar and reach Meherabad by same day afternoon. On reaching Karmakar's house immediately and on making such a proposal it was surprising that his friend agreed instantaneously and suggested that instead of going to the Manmad Rly. Station they may go to Yewala station which would be easier as he had some construction work going on at Yewala which he would be able to supervise. Thus in Karmarkar's car Kalemama, his son Babu and one Mr. Dhumal who was a noted Advocate and Chairman of the Local Board School proceeded to Yewala. While talking to each other in the car Karmarkar's friend Dhumal came to know that Kalemama was going for Meher Baba's darshan. Dhumal was himself a disciple of Shri Sai Baba and suggested that they may go to Shirdi, take their Lunch and then proceed further, and thus every one reached Shirdi first. After the lunch at Shirdi and darshan of Sai Baba's Samadhi. To be continued... ---------------------------- 10. LETTERS FROM SAIDEVOTEES: m_taluk15 On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 3:06 AM SaiRam, This is really a brilliant way to spread the messages of our SATGURU SAINATH MAHARAJ. I would suggest the editorial to cover up more stories and experience felt by devotees as well as publish various facts related to BABA during HIS lifetime at SHIRDI. We would all love to hear more and more about our LORD SAINATH MAHARAJ. Mrinal Talukdar. ---------------- You can also read this E- Magazine in 3d page turning NEW FORMAT in web page http://ettitudemedia.com/loadbook.php?BookName=EMagazineCurrent 11. TELUGU SECTION: Please visit: http://www.telugubhakti.com/telugupages/Misc/ShirdiSai/shirdisai.htm Please visit for Sai Aaratis Audio: http://www..shrisaiBabasansthan.org/main_English/saiBaba/saiBaba_aarti.asp ------------------------------- FOR STARTING A SAIDARBAR CHAPTER OUT SIDE INDIA: Please contact: saidarbar ----------------------------- 12. SAI'S BOOK WORLD: Title: Children's Sai Baba Author: Prof. D. D. Parchure Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Sai Niketan 804 – B, Dr. Ambedkar Road Dadar, Mumbai – 400

014 ------------- Title: Shirdi Diary of the Honorable Mr. G. S. Khaparde Author: G. S. Khaparde Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Sai Niketan 804 – B, Dr. Ambedkar Road Dadar, Mumbai – 400 014

--------------------- Title: Shri Sai the Superman Author: Swami Sai Sharan Anand Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Sai Niketan 804 – B, Dr. Ambedkar Road Dadar, Mumbai – 400 014 -------- Please Note: Those desirous of using this facility (Sai's Book World) to spread the word about their books may send ONE new copy of the book to Saidarbar, for details contact: saidarbar Acknowledgement of receipt of books will be done by E-mail only. Book(s) sent to Saidarbar will be retained by Saidarbar and cannot be returned. --------------------- 13. EDITORIAL: Things

impressed me from this magazine: Regardless of whether they are rich or poor, they worry about money; they suffer from poverty and they suffer from wealth. Because their lives are controlled by greed, they are never contended and remain never satisfied. Sai devotees may write about their Sai activities in their place, essays, articles and poetry on Sai to 'The Glory of Shirdi Sai' they may be address their contributions to E-mail id: saidarbar We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the Glory of Shirdi Sai- the Bi-weekly E

-Magazine. Unless the author of the articles instructs, not to publish his/her E-mail id, we will publish them as a matter of routine practice. You can for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI for a friend /relative by submitting E-mail ID in the main page of http://www.saidarbar.org Also read the old issues from: http://www.saidarbar.org/glory.htm If you are subscribing this E-magazine for your friend or a relative, we request that the person concerned may be notified about receiving the same. Editor does not accept responsibility for the views expressed in the articles published. This e-magazine is intended for Private circulation only. Information contained in this E-MAIL is about Sri

Shirdi Sai Literature and Sanatana Dharma. If you don't want to receive these E-MAILS in future, please reply with the Subject Line 'REMOVE FROM MAILING LIST'. Submitted by: SAI SEVAK SRINIVASA RAO KASTURI. Saidarbar – Hyderabad - India. ----

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