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Adi Da Samraj, (born Franklin Albert Jones, November 3, 1939, in


Jamaica, Queens, New York City), is a contemporary and controversial


guru, spiritual writer, and artist [1] who is also the founder of the


new religious movement currently known as Adidam. He died (the death of


a guru is also known as " taking Mahasamadhi " ) at the age of 69 in Fiji


at 5:10 PM Thursday, November 27,2008 (Fiji date and time), which is


9:10 PM Wednesday, November 26, 2008 (USA Pacific Standard date and


time). He has also used names such as Bubba Free John, Da Free John,


Dau Loloma, Da Love-Ananda, Da Avadhoota, Da Kalki, and Da Avabhasa.


Adi Da states that he is an " Avataric Incarnation " , the " Da Avatar " ,


a uniquely full and complete manifestation of the Divine Person


unprecedented in human form, and that his life and teaching fulfills


and transcends the limitations of what he terms the " Great Tradition "


of human spirituality.

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Nisargadatta , " roberibus111 " <Roberibus111



> Adi Da Samraj, (born Franklin Albert Jones, November 3, 1939, in


> Jamaica, Queens, New York City), is a contemporary and controversial


> guru, spiritual writer, and artist [1] who is also the founder of the


> new religious movement currently known as Adidam. He died (the death of


> a guru is also known as " taking Mahasamadhi " ) at the age of 69 in Fiji


> at 5:10 PM Thursday, November 27,2008 (Fiji date and time), which is


> 9:10 PM Wednesday, November 26, 2008 (USA Pacific Standard date and


> time). He has also used names such as Bubba Free John, Da Free John,


> Dau Loloma, Da Love-Ananda, Da Avadhoota, Da Kalki, and Da Avabhasa.


> Adi Da states that he is an " Avataric Incarnation " , the " Da Avatar " ,


> a uniquely full and complete manifestation of the Divine Person


> unprecedented in human form, and that his life and teaching fulfills


> and transcends the limitations of what he terms the " Great Tradition "


> of human spirituality.



A page I wrote for Guru ratings on him; he was instrumental in much of

my life. Proving once and for all that we are One. All I had to do

is let it filter through all of my




Adi Waxing on Embodying Opposites


Adi Da is a complex man. As Bubba Free John in the 70s he impressed

many with his acute vision and articulate expression. Now he appears

grandiose and aloof, turning off many intelligent seekers with trippy

and belligerent posturings. In the interest of balance, these words

below, typed by Anna in GRF from a pamphlet accompanying his movie

" Laughter. " A key paragraph below, in Navy, remarkably prefigures his

descent into terminal narcissism, while explaining why it should be

so, and why anyone might stay with him.


Devotee: So your influence remains even in other lifetimes for

individuals once they are connected to you?


BUBBA: It remains with those whose connection is with me, even those

who are now on this earth and who do not know Bubba Free John in the

body. The influence is working on them at this moment. They are having

dreams, they are having experiences because of my work. And yet they

have never read a book about Bubba Free John, have never heard about

him, have never seen him in a vision that they can remember!

Nevertheless my work with them is just as specific as it is with you

who know me in this body. And it is the same after my death. The only

apparent difference is that my influence continues without any agency,

without any appearance whasoever of Bubba Free John in the manifest



The work of my gross life, my manifestation in this form, is to

establish this transcendent connection to devotees, to establish

individuals as devotees in relationship to me. Then after my physical

death in this gross plane, those who have known me in the body will

relate the transforming events of their sadhana to me. But their

transformation will not involve my specific and conscious intervention

any more than dreams involve my specific and conscious intervention

now while I am alive.


One of the things that really amazed me, not too many years ago, after

the period described in The Knee Of Listening, was that it did not

make any difference what state of life Franklin Jones lived. I could

continue the same work absolutely and the condition of my ordinary

life did not make any difference whatsoever, (However, this is not

true of any of you!) But it was very clear that what happened iin this

body did not make any difference whatsoever. This discovery was very

amusing to me. It made it very possible for me to begin to do in this

body what was necessary to transform the lives of students. It became

possible for me to do my work. That work was not only necessary for me

to do, but it also became possible when I saw that what I had to do

did not change anything. The theatre of my work with students still

involves the same so-called negative effects of the gross being. I

still have to go through a purifying time to get the body and the

gross life and its qualities stable again. But even my involvement

with you in the theatre of this gross life does not change anything



All the changes in the planes of manifestation do not impinge upon

this realization, nor do they impinge upon the realization of the

perfect devotee. He or she may fulfill the law and still appear very

ordinary. It is very mysterious!


Look at you! Your basic assumption while sitting here is that you have

this body and you live in this place of other bodies and solid

arrangements. And you feel a little energy getting into it sometimes

and you think, and you realize some kinds of higher intuitive

knowledge, and sometimes you get sifted out of that and just feel

blissful and detached from it--although this is very rare! But there

comes a time when you enjoy the absolute realization of your own

Nature and Condition. After that you may, for lawful reasons, modify

your appearance in the gross plane, in the subtle plane, in all the

higher causal, super-causal, transcendental planes above. You could

appear as an idiot or a saint in any of these places.


It is written in The Knee of Listening that a man of understanding is

all kinds of opposites. He can appear as all kinds of changes. Some of

them are highly prized by conventional people as very pure and saintly

and others are anathematized as completely the opposite. Yet I have

had to fulfill all those roles and completely identify with them,

completely fulfill all the obligations. Yet there was no loss of the

realized point of view at the foundation of such theatre. When You

assume a role, however, you are that. Then you have to struggle. You

are not free.


Nevertheless, even through a Realized life may also be communicated or

dramatized outwardly in all kinds of ways, Truth itself is absolute.

The realization is single. There is only God. There is no

complication, there is no limitation, there is no suffering, there is

no destiny even in the midst of limitations, destinies, worlds,

appearances, birth and deaths. None of that has any significance

whatsoever. Even so, manifest existence is a great enjoyment for one

who lives this realization. Yet it is also a great realm of suffering

for those who do not enjoy such realization.


Right now you all take life very seriously. Not only do you have the

phsical body to deal with, but you also have all other physical things

to deal with that are like the physical body, which you regard to be

your limitation. After you have dealt with your life in the physical

dimension for a while, at some point you begin to perceive energies,

and this aspect of life becomes sort of magical. You think you are

basically energy and not this gross body. There are energies

everywhere that permeate everything. You can even manipulate them with

a little intention.


And then you realize, no, you are not all those energies and you are

not that body either. You are a consciousness and you can make

decisions. You can go up and you can go down and inside and out and

you can make things happen and not happen and appear and not

appear--you have fantastic powers. So you get involved with that

realization for a while, going from here to some other place in this

life and after death.


And then you realize that you are not that either, that you are this

great mind with absolute knowledge of everything. Everything happens

within this great mind--material things happen and energies and

movements happen, thoughts happen, intentions and dramas and games

happen, but they do not have anything fundamentally to do with you.

You are this completely rested, absolute Consciousness that controls

everything without doing a thing.


And then you realize you are not that either! You are just Bliss. You

have nothing whatever to do with the universe or a body or an

appearance or a life or a destiny. You do not even know about all

that. You do not think about it, you do not make anything happen. You

just rest in this absolute infinite sort of soupy blissfulness. It is

so marvelous and wonderful! There is nothing happening at all. You do

not feel limited by anything. You just feel completely graceful and



And then you realize that you are not that either! You are

Consciousness and you do not have anything to do with anything! You

don't feel blissful, you don't feel not blissful. You don't see

anything, you don't not see anything. You don't identify with it, you

don't not identify with it. There is nothing! Just this Consciousness.

And you interiorize fully into being completely Consciousness!


You do not do anything for a long period of time, then all of a

sudden--Zap! You see everything again, and you realize that ALL of

this stuff--up and down, in and out, high and low, inside, outside,

now and then--is an expression and a modification of you, that you are

that absolute Consciousness. You do not have to do anything, but you

do not have to not look at it either. It is all You! Every moment of

it is you. You don't go anywhere. Things happen, but you don't care.

You are That.


And then suddenly--you realize that you are not THAT EITHER! You

realize that all this stuff-high and low, in and out, up and down, now

and then--IS you, not a modification of you, but YOU. Suddenly you can

be a body, you can appear somewhere, you can incarnate, you can do

anything. All this stuff is you and the same time it is not you--it

doesn't make any difference! It is God. Everything is God, this one

Reality. It is You! It happens, it doesn't happen, it's bad, it's

good--it does not make any difference whatsoever.


You persist in this realization because there is nothing beyond it.

You cannot leap into some consciousness that is not it because you

were there just a moment ago! Now your enjoyment has no definition,

whatsoever, no destiny, no relationship to anything. It cannot be

specified and it cannot be isolated. It cannot be separated out. It is

not an alternative to anything. Everything just continues to happen,

everything becomes yourself, everything is happy, everything is

marvelous. This enjoyment is the grounds for absolute dissolution in

which nothing else occurs. You do not go anywhere, life does not

become blank. Things continue to happen. But your realization becomes

completely unspeakable. And beyond that realization nothing may be

said, nothing may be defined, no destiny may be described, no work you

do may be described, nothing may be said about it at all. everything

happens perfectly from that moment, and there is nothing that may be

said about it that makes any sense whatsoever.


All those who enjoy such realization and who appear in any manifest

plane are stuck in the paradox of that enjoyment. They cannot make any

sense out of it really. They do the best they can to establish this

enjoyment in others through all kinds of influences. They try to make

sense, but they do not make sense. The work of such so-called

individuals is paradoxical, it is eternal, it is not really

describable, but it is the most perfect and specific and necessary

activity in all the manifest worlds. It is the work of the Siddhas.

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