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Wednesday, July 08, 2009 7:21 PM

Re: Hi!






Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:



> -

> Edg

> Nisargadatta

> Wednesday, July 08, 2009 4:41 PM

> Re: Re: Hi!

>Are you in need for a guru, Edg ?

> >You must be your own light.

> >Werner

> >

> >Hei!!! I have kids who eat, go to school, a car that drinks gas....what

> >are

> >you doing? I need the bread!

> >-geo-


> Geo,

> Wait just a durned second; are you charging me for your answers? Have you

> got a brochure and a fee schedule?


> Werner,


> My outer gurus are legion but Nisargadatta and Ramana are the ones who

> have

> pushed me the most to walk the talk and do inquiry. So they push, and the

> inner guru, er, um, sucks? Hee hee.


> But, yeah, I do need a guru, right? I do need an object of consciousness

> (thorn) to remove my attachments to objects of consciousness in general

> (other thorns,) and outer gurus serve me quite well in terms of giving me

> concepts to battle my personal psychological indulgences in objects of

> consciousness that are re-iterated and saturate my nervous system with

> pathways that will echo again and again in my future mind.....by fixation

> on

> ideation we build the platform for future noise, ya see?


> The inner guru, THAT, is still masked by at least two veneers -- 1.

> Personal

> God (say, Brahma) pretending to be able to manifest anything, but

> conveniently not mentioning that, enlightenment, " freedom from qualities. "

> is not on His restaurant's menu. Can't buy that dish there -- not for

> money,

> or loyalty, or relentlessness or one's first born sliced up on an altar.

> (And, hey, He couldn't create a single thing until He got it that He had

> to

> first do tapas, ((samyama,)) right? That is, surrender to the Absolute --

> NOT His own ability to create.) And 2. Personhood, ego, individuality,

> isolation, etc. as the most immediate patina-status that prods one to

> pretend God isn't creating thoughts but that, instead, it is one's

> clockworks that are doing so -- instead of seeing them arising from

> egoic-amness which has a transcendental status of universality -- a sole

> soul for all -- the ultimate Mask.


> Who sees our thoughts -- THAT. Who takes credit for it? Me and God, cuz we

> confuse the ability to generate a thought with the Living Intent that

> triggered it. God can argue and win in court that He's the only One around

> who could possibly pull of omniscience or at least a good faking of

> omniscience that could be the basis of generating thoughts, but Godel put

> God in His place: God can only delineate conceptual truths -- not the

> non-conceptualities. God deals with what is. The Absolute is large enough

> to

> include non-conceptuality too....and beyond.


> God asked, " Where am I? "


> An answer came: " Everywhere. "


> God asked, " Everywhere? Are you sure? Is there anywhere that I am not? "


> An answer came: " Yes, You are not nowhere. You are not present in

> non-existence. "


> God said, " Fucking hell you say? Well, I'll show you, I'll go nowhere too,

> and be nothing to the hilt, I'll just show you. I'll do 'Be Coming.' I'll

> expand My Beingness into nothingness. "


> A reply: " Um, better talk to the Absolute if you're gunna try that. "


> Edg


> I see. The thing is that the binomial existence god-ultimate is not fixed

> like a two faced statue. It is a dinamic balance. It moves from pole to

> pole. There is a fundamental rithm to I-am-all/I-am-nothing, god/ultimate.

> To a man/women not versed in these issues, fully immersed in the duality

> me/periphery this rithm is reflected as me/they, or my-stuff/your-stuff,

> me/society.....inner/outer.

> -ego-




Thanks for the poem -- it'll take a bit of rereading to see if I can pump my

beliefs into it. My biggest immediate challenge is to see if I agree that

the Absolute can be found to be saying " I'm nothing. " Eeek....has to be a

thinker to do that, eh?


Outta here...might post more later, but probably not until tomorrow. I'm

enjoying this.




No! Never! I am nothing can not be uttered. Total perception-being of the

manifest is the only afirmation of the non-manifest - at one end of the

pole. The other end...well...as Don Juan would say " there is such a world of

nothingness but there is none there " . It is just a timeless second...hmmm


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Nisargadatta , " roberibus111 " <Roberibus111 wrote:


> good stuff!


> now i understand.


> it takes me awhile sometimes.


> i'm not strong like wernie poo.


> what is that strong smell oozing out of him anyway?


The two of you sort of ooze and merge together. He's oozing out of you, you're

oozing out of him ;-).

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Nisargadatta , " Tim G. " <fewtch wrote:


> Nisargadatta , " roberibus111 " <Roberibus111@> wrote:

> >

> > good stuff!

> >

> > now i understand.

> >

> > it takes me awhile sometimes.

> >

> > i'm not strong like wernie poo.

> >

> > what is that strong smell oozing out of him anyway?


> The two of you sort of ooze and merge together. He's oozing out of

> you, you're oozing out of him ;-).


It's like Quato in that movie, " Total Recall " ... he's a mutant coming out of

your chest, you're a mutant coming out of his. And I stand alone, outside of

it, watching the two mutants devour each other (chuckling ;-).

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Nisargadatta , " Tim G. " <fewtch wrote:


> Nisargadatta , " Tim G. " <fewtch@> wrote:

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " roberibus111 " <Roberibus111@> wrote:

> > >

> > > good stuff!

> > >

> > > now i understand.

> > >

> > > it takes me awhile sometimes.

> > >

> > > i'm not strong like wernie poo.

> > >

> > > what is that strong smell oozing out of him anyway?

> >

> > The two of you sort of ooze and merge together. He's oozing out of

> > you, you're oozing out of him ;-).


> It's like Quato in that movie, " Total Recall " ... he's a mutant coming out of

your chest, you're a mutant coming out of his. And I stand alone, outside of

it, watching the two mutants devour each other (chuckling ;-).




you have no standing anywhere kid.


and you have even less understanding.


however i think you must be standing under werner's oozing..


what de fuck's de matter wid you oozey?


..b b.b.

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