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Certificate of Enlightenment/Awakening

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I award one to each and every persona non grata who has n/ever graced these

pages. This entitles the bearer to attend a reunion, yet to be determined....

Love, Anna




Replace the ............... with your name and the 'he' with a 'she' if and

where necessary and you will have your personalized certificate of awakening.


Of course it is only valid if it is recognized that it has no value at all and

only applicable to the one who knows that there is no one to whom it could





Certificate of Awakening



It is hereby certified that in (month-year), ............... discovered nothing

and realized that he is nobody. He now understands that there is nothing to

understand because nobody understands nothing. Consequently, he learned that his

search for the truth was a big joke, and that he was the butt of the joke. After

his search ended, he discovered that who he thought he was was not who he was,

and that who he is, is simply what is. He is now free to enjoy being what he is,

even though he doesn't know what that is. He is free because no matter what he

does he will always be doing exactly what he has to be doing, which is what he

was already doing before he discovered that that was what he was doing.


................ now knows that every person he meets--including every homeless

bum, criminal, alcoholic, drug addict, and otherwise disreputable person—is

himself. He therefore must never speak ill of anyone because he will be

spreading rumors about himself. In the same way, he can never be proud of

anything he does because he is not the one who does anything. Because he now

knows that time and space are imaginary, he knows that he is always here and

now, wherever that is. Henceforth he will never forget that who he is is beyond

name and form and that his past personhood was a product of imagination. Now, he

will always treat other people as himself, because he knows that they are



................ now knows the secret of all secrets—that there is no secret.

Everything is lying open and in plain sight. He can now relax and have a good

laugh at having found something that was never lost.


He is hereby declared to be an official member of the

Brotherhood/Sisterhood/Ithood of Sacred Emptiness. Having finally seen the Big

Picture, he now knows that all the little pictures are imaginary-- and that the

Big Picture is also imaginary. He has discovered that he and God are one and

that God has an enormous sense of humor.


He is therefore authorized to talk incessantly about what he has discovered,

understanding that when he has finished saying everything he can think of to

say, he will have said absolutely nothing to nobody, and nobody will understand

what he's talking about anyway.


Signed by:




President and only member of the Club of Cosmic Consciousness

(He is the only member of the club, because there is only One available to be a


Anyone else could be president if there was anyone else, but despite searching

high and low, nobody has ever found anyone else.)



(From the archives of Leo Hartong's Awakening to the Dream (ATTD) Newsletters


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Nisargadatta , " anabebe57 " <kailashana wrote:


> I award one to each and every persona non grata who has n/ever graced these

pages. This entitles the bearer to attend a reunion, yet to be determined....

Love, Anna


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


> Replace the ............... with your name and the 'he' with a 'she' if and

where necessary and you will have your personalized certificate of awakening.


> Of course it is only valid if it is recognized that it has no value at all and

only applicable to the one who knows that there is no one to whom it could





> Certificate of Awakening



> It is hereby certified that in (month-year), ............... discovered

nothing and realized that he is nobody. He now understands that there is nothing

to understand because nobody understands nothing. Consequently, he learned that

his search for the truth was a big joke, and that he was the butt of the joke.

After his search ended, he discovered that who he thought he was was not who he

was, and that who he is, is simply what is. He is now free to enjoy being what

he is, even though he doesn't know what that is. He is free because no matter

what he does he will always be doing exactly what he has to be doing, which is

what he was already doing before he discovered that that was what he was doing.


> ............... now knows that every person he meets--including every homeless

bum, criminal, alcoholic, drug addict, and otherwise disreputable person—is

himself. He therefore must never speak ill of anyone because he will be

spreading rumors about himself. In the same way, he can never be proud of

anything he does because he is not the one who does anything. Because he now

knows that time and space are imaginary, he knows that he is always here and

now, wherever that is. Henceforth he will never forget that who he is is beyond

name and form and that his past personhood was a product of imagination. Now, he

will always treat other people as himself, because he knows that they are



> ............... now knows the secret of all secrets—that there is no secret.

Everything is lying open and in plain sight. He can now relax and have a good

laugh at having found something that was never lost.


> He is hereby declared to be an official member of the

Brotherhood/Sisterhood/Ithood of Sacred Emptiness. Having finally seen the Big

Picture, he now knows that all the little pictures are imaginary-- and that the

Big Picture is also imaginary. He has discovered that he and God are one and

that God has an enormous sense of humor.


> He is therefore authorized to talk incessantly about what he has discovered,

understanding that when he has finished saying everything he can think of to

say, he will have said absolutely nothing to nobody, and nobody will understand

what he's talking about anyway.


> Signed by:


> ...............


> President and only member of the Club of Cosmic Consciousness

> (He is the only member of the club, because there is only One available to be

a member.

> Anyone else could be president if there was anyone else, but despite searching

high and low, nobody has ever found anyone else.)



> (From the archives of Leo Hartong's Awakening to the Dream (ATTD) Newsletters









i don't understand but i know what it's meant to mean.


call me goofy but it's mickey mouse all over again.




..b b.b.

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Edg: The below certificate, though probably

written by someone who tried to be accurately logical with dictionary

definitions, falls flat when the heart is asked to sign the

certificate. There's no resonance with the truths below, because of

the snarky vibe. It lacks instructive power to actually get an ego

to listen to the heart. (Even Shiva's son had to have his head

lopped off in order to get it that concepts are silly but heart is the

vital core of being.)

I get it as an attempt at humor, but how I long for it to have been

written by Nisargadatta or Ramana.

Of course, it would be up to their translators to really pull off the hat

trick that the below fails to achieve. Meaning is so nuanced, and

as a writer of not that much merit, even I can see that the below is more

of a fluffed off quickie than a philosophically therapeutic tool.


The cool tool for a fool (ego) would be one that was sweetly worded, as

true as possible using words, and not mere blather but needing to be

said. There, that's the three basics for therapeutic


Ego is a creation that THAT is present with, right? How can ego be

so unholy that it deserves such rude smacks? Find me a scripture

that snarks at Satan or Ravana like the below spits on ego. The

below is, frankly, tawdry in intent -- an intent to shame the ego to

death -- as if, eh?

When I read the snarky posts here that have pretty much the same

sophomore punking-intent, I get the humor, I honestly do, I get the

camaraderie, the locker room banter, the snapping towels, the glee of

one-upping, but I don't get the compulsive-obsessive use of this tactic

here in the posts -- would anyone care to explain to me what makes this

snicker-jabbing justifiable here? It seems to be actually designed

mindfully to get egos to dig in, shore up, start flaming, be even more

invested, etc.

And, hey, come on now, where's the spiritual worth if such pokes are not

coming from an enlightened person with great heart?

Give me the equivalent of the Lord's Prayer for Advaitans.

My first attempt:

Our Father -- the Absolute

Who art in heaven -- is most easily realized while in

samadhi/amness (the who-ness of the Absolute symbolized in 3D)

Hallowed be Thy name -- the mantra vibe that harmonizes with OM

Thy kingdom come -- the Absolute is saturating every possible sound with


Thy will be done -- creation is perfect

On earth as it is in heaven -- even evil has a holy intent, even purity

must be attended by sentience to have worth

Give us this day -- blast us in this now

Our daily bread -- nurture our hearts -- reveal the presence of


And forgive us our trespasses -- laugh as we play peek-a-boo and pretend

You're not here

As we forgive those who trespass against us -- let karma prevail, let the

golden rule be honored

And lead us not into temptation -- don't snark at us and make us harden

our attachments

But deliver us from evil -- only by Thy Grace can we hope to balance the

gunas by favoring satva intuitively

For Thine is the kingdom -- You totally rule -- like a king who

sits and does no thing but accomplishes all things

And the power -- even Mother Divine can die

And the glory -- incandescent wisdom blazing

Forever and ever -- time is one of Your best jokes

Amen -- Ego surrenders and at last -- " ahhhhh, man " that's


Anyone care to help me tweak the above into something worthy of an

Advaitan neophyte?



At 06:04 AM 7/17/2009, you wrote:

I award one to each and every persona non grata who has n/ever graced

these pages. This entitles the bearer to attend a reunion, yet to be

determined.... Love, Anna



Replace the ............... with your name and the 'he' with a 'she' if

and where necessary and you will have your personalized certificate of


Of course it is only valid if it is recognized that it has no value at

all and only applicable to the one who knows that there is no one to whom

it could apply.


Certificate of Awakening

It is hereby certified that in (month-year), ............... discovered

nothing and realized that he is nobody. He now understands that there is

nothing to understand because nobody understands nothing. Consequently,

he learned that his search for the truth was a big joke, and that he was

the butt of the joke. After his search ended, he discovered that who he

thought he was was not who he was, and that who he is, is simply what is.

He is now free to enjoy being what he is, even though he doesn't know

what that is. He is free because no matter what he does he will always be

doing exactly what he has to be doing, which is what he was already doing

before he discovered that that was what he was doing.

................ now knows that every person he meets--including every

homeless bum, criminal, alcoholic, drug addict, and otherwise

disreputable person—is himself. He therefore must never speak ill of

anyone because he will be spreading rumors about himself. In the same

way, he can never be proud of anything he does because he is not the one

who does anything. Because he now knows that time and space are

imaginary, he knows that he is always here and now, wherever that is.

Henceforth he will never forget that who he is is beyond name and form

and that his past personhood was a product of imagination. Now, he will

always treat other people as himself, because he knows that they are


................ now knows the secret of all secrets—that there is no

secret. Everything is lying open and in plain sight. He can now relax and

have a good laugh at having found something that was never lost.

He is hereby declared to be an official member of the

Brotherhood/Sisterhood/Ithood of Sacred Emptiness. Having finally seen

the Big Picture, he now knows that all the little pictures are

imaginary-- and that the Big Picture is also imaginary. He has discovered

that he and God are one and that God has an enormous sense of


He is therefore authorized to talk incessantly about what he has

discovered, understanding that when he has finished saying everything he

can think of to say, he will have said absolutely nothing to nobody, and

nobody will understand what he's talking about anyway.

Signed by:


President and only member of the Club of Cosmic Consciousness

(He is the only member of the club, because there is only One available

to be a member.

Anyone else could be president if there was anyone else, but despite

searching high and low, nobody has ever found anyone else.)

(From the archives of Leo Hartong's Awakening to the Dream (ATTD)




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My first attempt:


Our Father -- the Absolute

Who art in heaven -- is most easily realized while in samadhi/amness (the

who-ness of the Absolute symbolized in 3D)

Hallowed be Thy name -- the mantra vibe that harmonizes with OM

Thy kingdom come -- the Absolute is saturating every possible sound with silence

Thy will be done -- creation is perfect

On earth as it is in heaven -- even evil has a holy intent, even purity must be

attended by sentience to have worth

Give us this day -- blast us in this now

Our daily bread -- nurture our hearts -- reveal the presence of sentience

And forgive us our trespasses -- laugh as we play peek-a-boo and pretend You're

not here

As we forgive those who trespass against us -- let karma prevail, let the golden

rule be honored

And lead us not into temptation -- don't snark at us and make us harden our


But deliver us from evil -- only by Thy Grace can we hope to balance the gunas

by favoring satva intuitively

For Thine is the kingdom -- You totally rule -- like a king who sits and does

no thing but accomplishes all things

And the power -- even Mother Divine can die

And the glory -- incandescent wisdom blazing

Forever and ever -- time is one of Your best jokes

Amen -- Ego surrenders and at last -- " ahhhhh, man " that's good


Anyone care to help me tweak the above into something worthy of an Advaitan








it's bullshit.


..b b.b.

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Nisargadatta , " roberibus111 " <Roberibus111 wrote:


> My first attempt:


> Our Father -- the Absolute

> Who art in heaven -- is most easily realized while in samadhi/amness (the

who-ness of the Absolute symbolized in 3D)

> Hallowed be Thy name -- the mantra vibe that harmonizes with OM

> Thy kingdom come -- the Absolute is saturating every possible sound with


> Thy will be done -- creation is perfect

> On earth as it is in heaven -- even evil has a holy intent, even purity must

be attended by sentience to have worth

> Give us this day -- blast us in this now

> Our daily bread -- nurture our hearts -- reveal the presence of sentience

> And forgive us our trespasses -- laugh as we play peek-a-boo and pretend

You're not here

> As we forgive those who trespass against us -- let karma prevail, let the

golden rule be honored

> And lead us not into temptation -- don't snark at us and make us harden our


> But deliver us from evil -- only by Thy Grace can we hope to balance the gunas

by favoring satva intuitively

> For Thine is the kingdom -- You totally rule -- like a king who sits and does

no thing but accomplishes all things

> And the power -- even Mother Divine can die

> And the glory -- incandescent wisdom blazing

> Forever and ever -- time is one of Your best jokes

> Amen -- Ego surrenders and at last -- " ahhhhh, man " that's good


> Anyone care to help me tweak the above into something worthy of an Advaitan



> Edg



> no.


> it's bullshit.


> .b b.b.


Edg: But it's cool bullshit. Mood making is bhakti's child, sez moi.


Since everything's bullshit, why do you say the obvious? Do you say it for some

therapeutic sake that I'm too dense to see? Do you think your reply made my ego

less active, more unreal to itself? What?


..b.b.b., I sincerely approach you and bow and ask: what would you join me in

doing here? Would any endeavor have traction for you? Is my offer of " friendly

chatting " offensive? Could you and I enjoy a " My Dinner With Andre " -scenario, or

am I " odious in thy sight? " If contention is pleasing to you, is there some way

I can play with that dynamic with you that protects the tender feelings of each

-- can we, sorta, be vying as if we're competing in a video game -- where, say,

a blood lust is symbolized, yeah, but in real life we're laughing and having fun

on the couch with our game controllers?



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Nisargadatta , " duveyoung " <edg wrote:


> Nisargadatta , " roberibus111 " <Roberibus111@> wrote:

> >

> > My first attempt:

> >

> > Our Father -- the Absolute

> > Who art in heaven -- is most easily realized while in samadhi/amness (the

who-ness of the Absolute symbolized in 3D)

> > Hallowed be Thy name -- the mantra vibe that harmonizes with OM

> > Thy kingdom come -- the Absolute is saturating every possible sound with


> > Thy will be done -- creation is perfect

> > On earth as it is in heaven -- even evil has a holy intent, even purity must

be attended by sentience to have worth

> > Give us this day -- blast us in this now

> > Our daily bread -- nurture our hearts -- reveal the presence of sentience

> > And forgive us our trespasses -- laugh as we play peek-a-boo and pretend

You're not here

> > As we forgive those who trespass against us -- let karma prevail, let the

golden rule be honored

> > And lead us not into temptation -- don't snark at us and make us harden our


> > But deliver us from evil -- only by Thy Grace can we hope to balance the

gunas by favoring satva intuitively

> > For Thine is the kingdom -- You totally rule -- like a king who sits and

does no thing but accomplishes all things

> > And the power -- even Mother Divine can die

> > And the glory -- incandescent wisdom blazing

> > Forever and ever -- time is one of Your best jokes

> > Amen -- Ego surrenders and at last -- " ahhhhh, man " that's good

> >

> > Anyone care to help me tweak the above into something worthy of an Advaitan


> >

> > Edg

> >

> >

> > no.

> >

> > it's bullshit.

> >

> > .b b.b.


> Edg:

>But it's cool bullshit. Mood making is bhakti's child, sez moi.




(.b b.b.)

good for " moi " .


i disagree on the cool.


but will say that it was funny stuff.


i enjoyed it for that reason.


i like bullshit.


it entertains the ghost while it's ghosting.


and it does do that.


what flows from here is also bullshit.




not cool.


not important.


noneffective in any ultimate way.




> Since everything's bullshit, why do you say the obvious?




(.b b.b.)

because i fucking feel like it.


why do " you " say anything at all?





>Do you say it for some therapeutic sake that I'm too dense to see?




(.b b.b.)

fuck no.




>Do you think your reply made my ego less active, more unreal to itself? What?




(.b b.b.)

i don't really care what effect it had on " you " .


any " effect " on a thing that is not..


is as non effectual as..


what size the ass of a creature at the bottom of the ocean is.


it simply is not relevant to anything here.




> .b.b.b., I sincerely approach you and bow and ask: what would you join me in

doing here?





(.b b.b.)

" we " are without separation (a terminology)


not co-joined..never apart:


nonpareil Apotheosis.


terms such as " union " with the " One " ..


are inept efforts and mispeak what IS.


niether " one " nor " many " are existent except in relation.


" relation " / " relationship " is error.






>Would any endeavor have traction for you?




(.b b.b.)

to what possible end?





>Is my offer of " friendly chatting " offensive?




(.b b.b.)

fuck no.


nor is it inviting.


it is just what it is.




>Could you and I enjoy a " My Dinner With Andre " -scenario, or am I " odious in thy

sight? "




(.b b.b.)

don't be silly.


nothing is " odious " in my sight.


my sight is vacant.


whatever it sees is phantasmal content only.


judgment of value is ridiculous.


to whom would such judgment have effect?


no one that i am aware of.






>If contention is pleasing to you, is there some way I can play with that

dynamic with you that protects the tender feelings of each --




(.b b.b.)






>can we, sorta, be vying as if we're competing in a video game --




(.b b.b.)

" we " can be or do anything you want or need it to be or do.






>..where, say, a blood lust is symbolized, yeah, but in real life we're laughing

and having fun on the couch with our game controllers?


> Edg





(.b b.b.)

" real life " ?


what's that?


what's " virtual life " ?


is there a difference in any event?




surely you are joking.


ha ha!


good one!


..b b.b.

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hehehehe.... we're all arseholes with poopie pants. Start out that way, and end

that way (probably) if we live long enough.


But the middle life..... lots o' doodoo from the oral cavity, and more often

than not we have shit-for-brains.... regardless of PHD's

and certificates of Enlightenment.


All stuff we do here to entertain ourselves while we're in this labyrinth called



So party like its 2099 ;-) Nothing lasts forever and no one knows better.








Nisargadatta , " roberibus111 " <Roberibus111 wrote:


> Nisargadatta , " duveyoung " <edg@> wrote:

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " roberibus111 " <Roberibus111@> wrote:

> > >

> > > My first attempt:

> > >

> > > Our Father -- the Absolute

> > > Who art in heaven -- is most easily realized while in samadhi/amness (the

who-ness of the Absolute symbolized in 3D)

> > > Hallowed be Thy name -- the mantra vibe that harmonizes with OM

> > > Thy kingdom come -- the Absolute is saturating every possible sound with


> > > Thy will be done -- creation is perfect

> > > On earth as it is in heaven -- even evil has a holy intent, even purity

must be attended by sentience to have worth

> > > Give us this day -- blast us in this now

> > > Our daily bread -- nurture our hearts -- reveal the presence of sentience

> > > And forgive us our trespasses -- laugh as we play peek-a-boo and pretend

You're not here

> > > As we forgive those who trespass against us -- let karma prevail, let the

golden rule be honored

> > > And lead us not into temptation -- don't snark at us and make us harden

our attachments

> > > But deliver us from evil -- only by Thy Grace can we hope to balance the

gunas by favoring satva intuitively

> > > For Thine is the kingdom -- You totally rule -- like a king who sits and

does no thing but accomplishes all things

> > > And the power -- even Mother Divine can die

> > > And the glory -- incandescent wisdom blazing

> > > Forever and ever -- time is one of Your best jokes

> > > Amen -- Ego surrenders and at last -- " ahhhhh, man " that's good

> > >

> > > Anyone care to help me tweak the above into something worthy of an

Advaitan neophyte?

> > >

> > > Edg

> > >

> > >

> > > no.

> > >

> > > it's bullshit.

> > >

> > > .b b.b.

> >

> > Edg:

> >But it's cool bullshit. Mood making is bhakti's child, sez moi.




> (.b b.b.)

> good for " moi " .


> i disagree on the cool.


> but will say that it was funny stuff.


> i enjoyed it for that reason.


> i like bullshit.


> it entertains the ghost while it's ghosting.


> and it does do that.


> what flows from here is also bullshit.


> natural..organic..stinky.


> not cool.


> not important.


> noneffective in any ultimate way.



> >(Edg)

> > Since everything's bullshit, why do you say the obvious?




> (.b b.b.)

> because i fucking feel like it.


> why do " you " say anything at all?




> >(Edg)

> >Do you say it for some therapeutic sake that I'm too dense to see?




> (.b b.b.)

> fuck no.



> >(Edg)

> >Do you think your reply made my ego less active, more unreal to itself?





> (.b b.b.)

> i don't really care what effect it had on " you " .


> any " effect " on a thing that is not..


> is as non effectual as..


> what size the ass of a creature at the bottom of the ocean is.


> it simply is not relevant to anything here.



> >(Edg)

> > .b.b.b., I sincerely approach you and bow and ask: what would you join me in

doing here?





> (.b b.b.)

> " we " are without separation (a terminology)


> not co-joined..never apart:


> nonpareil Apotheosis.


> terms such as " union " with the " One " ..


> are inept efforts and mispeak what IS.


> niether " one " nor " many " are existent except in relation.


> " relation " / " relationship " is error.





> >(Edg)

> >Would any endeavor have traction for you?




> (.b b.b.)

> to what possible end?




> >(Edg)

> >Is my offer of " friendly chatting " offensive?




> (.b b.b.)

> fuck no.


> nor is it inviting.


> it is just what it is.



> >(Edg)

> >Could you and I enjoy a " My Dinner With Andre " -scenario, or am I " odious in

thy sight? "




> (.b b.b.)

> don't be silly.


> nothing is " odious " in my sight.


> my sight is vacant.


> whatever it sees is phantasmal content only.


> judgment of value is ridiculous.


> to whom would such judgment have effect?


> no one that i am aware of.





> >(Edg)

> >If contention is pleasing to you, is there some way I can play with that

dynamic with you that protects the tender feelings of each --




> (.b b.b.)

> no.




> >(Edg)

> >can we, sorta, be vying as if we're competing in a video game --




> (.b b.b.)

> " we " can be or do anything you want or need it to be or do.





> >(Edg)

> >..where, say, a blood lust is symbolized, yeah, but in real life we're

laughing and having fun on the couch with our game controllers?

> >

> > Edg





> (.b b.b.)

> " real life " ?


> what's that?


> what's " virtual life " ?


> is there a difference in any event?


> why?


> surely you are joking.


> ha ha!


> good one!


> .b b.b.


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Nisargadatta , " roberibus111 " <Roberibus111 wrote:


> Nisargadatta , " duveyoung " <edg@> wrote:

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " roberibus111 " <Roberibus111@> wrote:

> > >

> > > My first attempt:

> > >

> > > Our Father -- the Absolute

> > > Who art in heaven -- is most easily realized while in samadhi/amness (the

who-ness of the Absolute symbolized in 3D)

> > > Hallowed be Thy name -- the mantra vibe that harmonizes with OM

> > > Thy kingdom come -- the Absolute is saturating every possible sound with


> > > Thy will be done -- creation is perfect

> > > On earth as it is in heaven -- even evil has a holy intent, even purity

must be attended by sentience to have worth

> > > Give us this day -- blast us in this now

> > > Our daily bread -- nurture our hearts -- reveal the presence of sentience

> > > And forgive us our trespasses -- laugh as we play peek-a-boo and pretend

You're not here

> > > As we forgive those who trespass against us -- let karma prevail, let the

golden rule be honored

> > > And lead us not into temptation -- don't snark at us and make us harden

our attachments

> > > But deliver us from evil -- only by Thy Grace can we hope to balance the

gunas by favoring satva intuitively

> > > For Thine is the kingdom -- You totally rule -- like a king who sits and

does no thing but accomplishes all things

> > > And the power -- even Mother Divine can die

> > > And the glory -- incandescent wisdom blazing

> > > Forever and ever -- time is one of Your best jokes

> > > Amen -- Ego surrenders and at last -- " ahhhhh, man " that's good

> > >

> > > Anyone care to help me tweak the above into something worthy of an

Advaitan neophyte?

> > >

> > > Edg

> > >

> > >

> > > no.

> > >

> > > it's bullshit.

> > >

> > > .b b.b.

> >

> > Edg:

> >But it's cool bullshit. Mood making is bhakti's child, sez moi.




> (.b b.b.)

> good for " moi " .


> i disagree on the cool.


> but will say that it was funny stuff.


> i enjoyed it for that reason.


> i like bullshit.


> it entertains the ghost while it's ghosting.


> and it does do that.


> what flows from here is also bullshit.


> natural..organic..stinky.


> not cool.


> not important.


> noneffective in any ultimate way.



> >(Edg)

> > Since everything's bullshit, why do you say the obvious?




> (.b b.b.)

> because i fucking feel like it.


> why do " you " say anything at all?




> >(Edg)

> >Do you say it for some therapeutic sake that I'm too dense to see?




> (.b b.b.)

> fuck no.



> >(Edg)

> >Do you think your reply made my ego less active, more unreal to itself?





> (.b b.b.)

> i don't really care what effect it had on " you " .


> any " effect " on a thing that is not..


> is as non effectual as..


> what size the ass of a creature at the bottom of the ocean is.


> it simply is not relevant to anything here.



> >(Edg)

> > .b.b.b., I sincerely approach you and bow and ask: what would you join me in

doing here?





> (.b b.b.)

> " we " are without separation (a terminology)


> not co-joined..never apart:


> nonpareil Apotheosis.


> terms such as " union " with the " One " ..


> are inept efforts and mispeak what IS.


> niether " one " nor " many " are existent except in relation.


> " relation " / " relationship " is error.





> >(Edg)

> >Would any endeavor have traction for you?




> (.b b.b.)

> to what possible end?




> >(Edg)

> >Is my offer of " friendly chatting " offensive?




> (.b b.b.)

> fuck no.


> nor is it inviting.


> it is just what it is.



> >(Edg)

> >Could you and I enjoy a " My Dinner With Andre " -scenario, or am I " odious in

thy sight? "




> (.b b.b.)

> don't be silly.


> nothing is " odious " in my sight.


> my sight is vacant.


> whatever it sees is phantasmal content only.


> judgment of value is ridiculous.


> to whom would such judgment have effect?


> no one that i am aware of.





> >(Edg)

> >If contention is pleasing to you, is there some way I can play with that

dynamic with you that protects the tender feelings of each --




> (.b b.b.)

> no.




> >(Edg)

> >can we, sorta, be vying as if we're competing in a video game --




> (.b b.b.)

> " we " can be or do anything you want or need it to be or do.





> >(Edg)

> >..where, say, a blood lust is symbolized, yeah, but in real life we're

laughing and having fun on the couch with our game controllers?

> >

> > Edg





> (.b b.b.)

> " real life " ?


> what's that?


> what's " virtual life " ?


> is there a difference in any event?


> why?


> surely you are joking.


> ha ha!


> good one!


> .b b.b.


Edg: So, just to be clear, are you saying that there's no use my ever coming

back atcha on an " ego to ego " basis?


Dare I ask if you would state what level of freedom you enjoy?


Is there any neutral territory for us? I get the emptiness thingy, but since

you are espousing it and yet posting, how does this not amount to hypocrisy?

Your brusque manner seems to be " by design, " and I would love to have some shop

talk from you about that tactic.


Are we to believe you're an automaton only -- a record playing in an empty room?



I'm not here to tussle with anyone. Is this list where you allow yourself to be

abrasive while in ordinary life you're toeing the lines and presenting yourself

to your boss/wife/kids/world as normal? Just trying to really get you over



Now, let me say, I'm willing to accommodate and " leave you alone, " because I

don't have the psychological wherewithal to do confrontational energy with the

kind of success I would be targeting, but that seems to be a FAIL. Is there

anyway you can turn down the volume when we interact? I don't have it in me to

do the locker-room knock-abouting.


So, if you come back at me with more snark, thanks but no thanks, I've got more

than I can handle here with those who do seem willing to go over the fine print

with me, but anyone who posts as much as you are doing has passion, and that

attracts muchly a wholebunchalotta.



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Nisargadatta , " duveyoung " <edg wrote:


> Nisargadatta , " roberibus111 " <Roberibus111@> wrote:

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " duveyoung " <edg@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Nisargadatta , " roberibus111 " <Roberibus111@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > My first attempt:

> > > >

> > > > Our Father -- the Absolute

> > > > Who art in heaven -- is most easily realized while in samadhi/amness

(the who-ness of the Absolute symbolized in 3D)

> > > > Hallowed be Thy name -- the mantra vibe that harmonizes with OM

> > > > Thy kingdom come -- the Absolute is saturating every possible sound with


> > > > Thy will be done -- creation is perfect

> > > > On earth as it is in heaven -- even evil has a holy intent, even purity

must be attended by sentience to have worth

> > > > Give us this day -- blast us in this now

> > > > Our daily bread -- nurture our hearts -- reveal the presence of


> > > > And forgive us our trespasses -- laugh as we play peek-a-boo and pretend

You're not here

> > > > As we forgive those who trespass against us -- let karma prevail, let

the golden rule be honored

> > > > And lead us not into temptation -- don't snark at us and make us harden

our attachments

> > > > But deliver us from evil -- only by Thy Grace can we hope to balance the

gunas by favoring satva intuitively

> > > > For Thine is the kingdom -- You totally rule -- like a king who sits

and does no thing but accomplishes all things

> > > > And the power -- even Mother Divine can die

> > > > And the glory -- incandescent wisdom blazing

> > > > Forever and ever -- time is one of Your best jokes

> > > > Amen -- Ego surrenders and at last -- " ahhhhh, man " that's good

> > > >

> > > > Anyone care to help me tweak the above into something worthy of an

Advaitan neophyte?

> > > >

> > > > Edg

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > no.

> > > >

> > > > it's bullshit.

> > > >

> > > > .b b.b.

> > >

> > > Edg:

> > >But it's cool bullshit. Mood making is bhakti's child, sez moi.

> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> > good for " moi " .

> >

> > i disagree on the cool.

> >

> > but will say that it was funny stuff.

> >

> > i enjoyed it for that reason.

> >

> > i like bullshit.

> >

> > it entertains the ghost while it's ghosting.

> >

> > and it does do that.

> >

> > what flows from here is also bullshit.

> >

> > natural..organic..stinky.

> >

> > not cool.

> >

> > not important.

> >

> > noneffective in any ultimate way.

> >

> >

> > >(Edg)

> > > Since everything's bullshit, why do you say the obvious?

> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> > because i fucking feel like it.

> >

> > why do " you " say anything at all?

> >

> >

> >

> > >(Edg)

> > >Do you say it for some therapeutic sake that I'm too dense to see?

> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> > fuck no.

> >

> >

> > >(Edg)

> > >Do you think your reply made my ego less active, more unreal to itself?


> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> > i don't really care what effect it had on " you " .

> >

> > any " effect " on a thing that is not..

> >

> > is as non effectual as..

> >

> > what size the ass of a creature at the bottom of the ocean is.

> >

> > it simply is not relevant to anything here.

> >

> >

> > >(Edg)

> > > .b.b.b., I sincerely approach you and bow and ask: what would you join me

in doing here?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> > " we " are without separation (a terminology)

> >

> > not co-joined..never apart:

> >

> > nonpareil Apotheosis.

> >

> > terms such as " union " with the " One " ..

> >

> > are inept efforts and mispeak what IS.

> >

> > niether " one " nor " many " are existent except in relation.

> >

> > " relation " / " relationship " is error.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > >(Edg)

> > >Would any endeavor have traction for you?

> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> > to what possible end?

> >

> >

> >

> > >(Edg)

> > >Is my offer of " friendly chatting " offensive?

> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> > fuck no.

> >

> > nor is it inviting.

> >

> > it is just what it is.

> >

> >

> > >(Edg)

> > >Could you and I enjoy a " My Dinner With Andre " -scenario, or am I " odious in

thy sight? "

> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> > don't be silly.

> >

> > nothing is " odious " in my sight.

> >

> > my sight is vacant.

> >

> > whatever it sees is phantasmal content only.

> >

> > judgment of value is ridiculous.

> >

> > to whom would such judgment have effect?

> >

> > no one that i am aware of.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > >(Edg)

> > >If contention is pleasing to you, is there some way I can play with that

dynamic with you that protects the tender feelings of each --

> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> > no.

> >

> >

> >

> > >(Edg)

> > >can we, sorta, be vying as if we're competing in a video game --

> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> > " we " can be or do anything you want or need it to be or do.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > >(Edg)

> > >..where, say, a blood lust is symbolized, yeah, but in real life we're

laughing and having fun on the couch with our game controllers?

> > >

> > > Edg

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> > " real life " ?

> >

> > what's that?

> >

> > what's " virtual life " ?

> >

> > is there a difference in any event?

> >

> > why?

> >

> > surely you are joking.

> >

> > ha ha!

> >

> > good one!

> >

> > .b b.b.

> >




> Edg: So, just to be clear, are you saying that there's no use my ever coming

back atcha on an " ego to ego " basis?





(.b b.b.)


i'm not telling you what to do or not do about anything.


im not sure other than ego to ego how we would relate anyway.


but as far as the " value " adjudicated by this ego..


regarding any significance of " relationship " ..


that " goes on " between egos..


or as to what actual " communication " regarding that for which..


" communication " and " relation " are irrelevant..


meaning simply " THAT " which must remain the Unknown..


to any and all egos..


i hold no illusions as to it's capability..


of affecting anything or effecting anyone.


it has none.


but hey how about that All Star game?


i love baseball..how 'bout you?


and i love rock and roll.


who'd your fave old time band?


could be i've even related to a few of back them in the day.


that's show biz for ya.








> Dare I ask if you would state what level of freedom you enjoy?



(.b b.b.)


i don't enjoy ANY freedom.


when however i have been gotten out of the way..


as the " subjective moment " that ever resists..


Freedom Flows without question or wonderment or presence.


this sounds foolish even to this ego.


but i cannot deny what IS as certain as the thought " I am " ...


and even more profoundly known as:


not strange..not mystical..not other.


there comes no " surprise " Here.


if there be anything like that..


it is in a sort of vague " sense " ..


that the only weirdness is that IT has ever been " seen " ..


as anything else other than what is that it is.


but then..


back to the future past.


and baba starts squirting nonsense about all sorts of strange shit.


it's far from freedom but it's fun.





> Is there any neutral territory for us?




(.b b.b.)


there is ONLY neutral territory " between " " us " .


though it seems polarities exist..


it is that only a sort of magnetic monopole IS.


from here " we " would assume it's a just freaky " possible " solution..


of Maxwell's equations.


but it is our very Being-ness without overlay.





I get the emptiness thingy, but since you are espousing it and yet posting,

how does this not amount to hypocrisy? Your brusque manner seems to be " by

design, " and I would love to have some shop talk from you about that tactic.




(.b b.b.)


it's the way of this beast.


as anyone else i am just a filthy animal..


finding myself among others in isolation and aloneness.


if that's hypocrisy so be it.


i'm not out to be or say that as .b b.b. i am anything other..


than a hypocrite.


i am no saint..no guru..no holy man.


i think those are bullshit " titles " anyway.


nothing that is happening as " me " is by design.


not " my " design at any rate.


i am what i am and that's all that i am..


and i eats me spinach.


i'm not trying to do to anyone..


anything that i do not do to and for my " self " .


for some unknown reason and by some strange chemistry..


this intrinsic behavior and attitude..


of this 'persona " ..


has at " moments " opened floodgates of an Awareness..


for which terms like " doubt " or " uncertainty " no longer apply.


when " in " (or AS)..i'm not sure which is more accurate)..


The " Current " ..


faith or belief are the least needed of all the unneeded.


Here there is no need nor question..


nor..and this from ego's perspective a bizarre thing..


no wonder nor amazement whatsoever.


it's most like an: " of course! "






> Are we to believe you're an automaton only -- a record playing in an empty

room? What?



(.b b.b.)


i don't have a clue what you are supposed to assume.


that's up to and within yourself.






> I'm not here to tussle with anyone. Is this list where you allow yourself to

be abrasive while in ordinary life you're toeing the lines and presenting

yourself to your boss/wife/kids/world as normal? Just trying to really get you

over here.




(.b b.b.)


frankly i don't know how i am about anything.


i'm not here for any particular reason.


i don't think about that sort of stuff.


i am the same as far as i can tell at all times.


but how would i know for sure?


we all see what we want to see.


in terms of how others see us we can never know for sure.


i just don't particularly care one way or another.


i like music and fishing and gardening and reading..


and all manner of thing.


if others like that or dislike it..


it is of no business of..nor concern to.. " me " .


it is allowed and is what it is.


i really don't know what to say or what the question " means " .


and i'm not trying to be mean in saying that.






> Now, let me say, I'm willing to accommodate and " leave you alone, " because I

don't have the psychological wherewithal to do confrontational energy with the

kind of success I would be targeting, but that seems to be a FAIL. Is there

anyway you can turn down the volume when we interact? I don't have it in me to

do the locker-room knock-abouting.




(.b b.b.)


i'm not asking you to change what you cannot..


nor to do what you don't want to do nor not do.


i will not do either either.


i have no psychological wherewithal at all.


i'm not playing games..locker room or otherwise.


i neither ask nor expect to be understood or liked.


i'm just living the life as it lives me.


there is no choice and that's ok.






> So, if you come back at me with more snark, thanks but no thanks, I've got

more than I can handle here with those who do seem willing to go over the fine

print with me, but anyone who posts as much as you are doing has passion, and

that attracts muchly a wholebunchalotta.


> Edg




(.b b.b.)


if you deem this as snark..


you have every right to.


you are you and i am not.


i see it as other than snark.


i will not try to force my opinion on you.


it doesn't matter.


..b b.b.

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Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:


> /\0\/0/\0/\0\/0/\0\/0/\0/\0\/0//\/\\/\//\/\\/\//\/\\/\/\0\/0/\0\/0/\0/\0



that's just your opinion.


..b b.b.

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Nisargadatta , " roberibus111 " <Roberibus111 wrote:


> Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> >

> > /\0\/0/\0/\0\/0/\0\/0/\0/\0\/0//\/\\/\//\/\\/\//\/\\/\/\0\/0/\0\/0/\0/\0



> that's just your opinion.


> .b b.b.




Yo, Bobby shouldn't you get that fixed?



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Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:


> /\0\/0/\0/\0\/0/\0\/0/\0/\0\/0//\/\\/\//\/\\/\//\/\\/\/\0\/0/\0\/0/\0/\0



Where did you see that terrific play? The following is its follow up;


<object total= " 5144 " >

<result id= " 1 " name= " 1 " >3493</result>

<result id= " 2 " name= " 2 " >1651</result>

<result id= " 3 " name= " 3 " >0</result>

<result id= " 4 " name= " 4 " >0</result>

<result id= " 5 " name= " 5 " >0</result>

<result id= " 6 " name= " 6 " >0</result>

<result id= " 7 " name= " 7 " >0</result>

<result id= " 8 " name= " 8 " >0</result>

<result id= " 9 " name= " 9 " >0</result>

<result id= " 10 " name= " 10 " >0</result>

<result id= " 11 " name= " 11 " >0</result>

<result id= " 12 " name= " 12 " >0</result>

<result id= " 13 " name= " 13 " >0</result>

<result id= " 14 " name= " 14 " >0</result>

<result id= " 15 " name= " 15 " >0</result>

<result id= " 16 " name= " 16 " >0</result>

<result id= " 17 " name= " 17 " >0</result>

<result id= " 18 " name= " 18 " >0</result>

<result id= " 19 " name= " 19 " >0</result>

<result id= " 20 " name= " 20 " >0</result>

<result id= " 21 " name= " 21 " >0</result>

<result id= " 22 " name= " 22 " >0</result>

<result id= " 23 " name= " 23 " >0</result>

<result id= " 24 " name= " 24 " >0</result>

<result id= " 25 " name= " 25 " >0</result>

<result id= " 26 " name= " 26 " >0</result>

<result id= " 27 " name= " 27 " >0</result>

<result id= " 28 " name= " 28 " >0</result>

<result id= " 29 " name= " 29 " >0</result>

<result id= " 30 " name= " 30 " >0</result>

<result id= " 31 " name= " 31 " >0</result>

<result id= " 32 " name= " 32 " >0</result>

<result id= " 33 " name= " 33 " >0</result>

<result id= " 34 " name= " 34 " >0</result>

<result id= " 35 " name= " 35 " >0</result>

<result id= " 36 " name= " 36 " >0</result>

<result id= " 37 " name= " 37 " >0</result>

<result id= " 38 " name= " 38 " >0</result>

<result id= " 39 " name= " 39 " >0</result>

<result id= " 40 " name= " 40 " >0</result>

<result id= " 41 " name= " 41 " >0</result>

<result id= " 42 " name= " 42 " >0</result>

<result id= " 43 " name= " 43 " >0</result>

<result id= " 44 " name= " 44 " >0</result>

<result id= " 45 " name= " 45 " >0</result>

<result id= " 46 " name= " 46 " >0</result>

<result id= " 47 " name= " 47 " >0</result>

<result id= " 48 " name= " 48 " >0</result>

<result id= " 49 " name= " 49 " >0</result>

<result id= " 50 " name= " 50 " >0</result>


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Nisargadatta , " mstrdmmlbrn " <mstrdmmlbrn wrote:


> Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> >

> > /\0\/0/\0/\0\/0/\0\/0/\0/\0\/0//\/\\/\//\/\\/\//\/\\/\/\0\/0/\0\/0/\0/\0

> >


> Where did you see that terrific play? The following is its follow up;


> <object total= " 5144 " >

> <result id= " 1 " name= " 1 " >3493</result>

> <result id= " 2 " name= " 2 " >1651</result>

> <result id= " 3 " name= " 3 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 4 " name= " 4 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 5 " name= " 5 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 6 " name= " 6 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 7 " name= " 7 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 8 " name= " 8 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 9 " name= " 9 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 10 " name= " 10 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 11 " name= " 11 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 12 " name= " 12 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 13 " name= " 13 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 14 " name= " 14 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 15 " name= " 15 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 16 " name= " 16 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 17 " name= " 17 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 18 " name= " 18 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 19 " name= " 19 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 20 " name= " 20 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 21 " name= " 21 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 22 " name= " 22 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 23 " name= " 23 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 24 " name= " 24 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 25 " name= " 25 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 26 " name= " 26 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 27 " name= " 27 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 28 " name= " 28 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 29 " name= " 29 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 30 " name= " 30 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 31 " name= " 31 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 32 " name= " 32 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 33 " name= " 33 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 34 " name= " 34 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 35 " name= " 35 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 36 " name= " 36 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 37 " name= " 37 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 38 " name= " 38 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 39 " name= " 39 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 40 " name= " 40 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 41 " name= " 41 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 42 " name= " 42 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 43 " name= " 43 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 44 " name= " 44 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 45 " name= " 45 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 46 " name= " 46 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 47 " name= " 47 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 48 " name= " 48 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 49 " name= " 49 " >0</result>

> <result id= " 50 " name= " 50 " >0</result>

> </object>



who was the sucker that gave you the free tickets?




..b b.b.

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Thank you. That was as deep and loving as any reply to any posting of mine in

any venue. Thank you.


Gotta roll, but maybe by tomorrow, I'll have recovered from the truth blast

enough to fudge together something in reply.





Nisargadatta , " roberibus111 " <Roberibus111 wrote:


> Nisargadatta , " duveyoung " <edg@> wrote:

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " roberibus111 " <Roberibus111@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Nisargadatta , " duveyoung " <edg@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Nisargadatta , " roberibus111 " <Roberibus111@>


> > > > >

> > > > > My first attempt:

> > > > >

> > > > > Our Father -- the Absolute

> > > > > Who art in heaven -- is most easily realized while in samadhi/amness

(the who-ness of the Absolute symbolized in 3D)

> > > > > Hallowed be Thy name -- the mantra vibe that harmonizes with OM

> > > > > Thy kingdom come -- the Absolute is saturating every possible sound

with silence

> > > > > Thy will be done -- creation is perfect

> > > > > On earth as it is in heaven -- even evil has a holy intent, even

purity must be attended by sentience to have worth

> > > > > Give us this day -- blast us in this now

> > > > > Our daily bread -- nurture our hearts -- reveal the presence of


> > > > > And forgive us our trespasses -- laugh as we play peek-a-boo and

pretend You're not here

> > > > > As we forgive those who trespass against us -- let karma prevail, let

the golden rule be honored

> > > > > And lead us not into temptation -- don't snark at us and make us

harden our attachments

> > > > > But deliver us from evil -- only by Thy Grace can we hope to balance

the gunas by favoring satva intuitively

> > > > > For Thine is the kingdom -- You totally rule -- like a king who sits

and does no thing but accomplishes all things

> > > > > And the power -- even Mother Divine can die

> > > > > And the glory -- incandescent wisdom blazing

> > > > > Forever and ever -- time is one of Your best jokes

> > > > > Amen -- Ego surrenders and at last -- " ahhhhh, man " that's good

> > > > >

> > > > > Anyone care to help me tweak the above into something worthy of an

Advaitan neophyte?

> > > > >

> > > > > Edg

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > no.

> > > > >

> > > > > it's bullshit.

> > > > >

> > > > > .b b.b.

> > > >

> > > > Edg:

> > > >But it's cool bullshit. Mood making is bhakti's child, sez moi.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > (.b b.b.)

> > > good for " moi " .

> > >

> > > i disagree on the cool.

> > >

> > > but will say that it was funny stuff.

> > >

> > > i enjoyed it for that reason.

> > >

> > > i like bullshit.

> > >

> > > it entertains the ghost while it's ghosting.

> > >

> > > and it does do that.

> > >

> > > what flows from here is also bullshit.

> > >

> > > natural..organic..stinky.

> > >

> > > not cool.

> > >

> > > not important.

> > >

> > > noneffective in any ultimate way.

> > >

> > >

> > > >(Edg)

> > > > Since everything's bullshit, why do you say the obvious?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > (.b b.b.)

> > > because i fucking feel like it.

> > >

> > > why do " you " say anything at all?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > >(Edg)

> > > >Do you say it for some therapeutic sake that I'm too dense to see?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > (.b b.b.)

> > > fuck no.

> > >

> > >

> > > >(Edg)

> > > >Do you think your reply made my ego less active, more unreal to itself?


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > (.b b.b.)

> > > i don't really care what effect it had on " you " .

> > >

> > > any " effect " on a thing that is not..

> > >

> > > is as non effectual as..

> > >

> > > what size the ass of a creature at the bottom of the ocean is.

> > >

> > > it simply is not relevant to anything here.

> > >

> > >

> > > >(Edg)

> > > > .b.b.b., I sincerely approach you and bow and ask: what would you join

me in doing here?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > (.b b.b.)

> > > " we " are without separation (a terminology)

> > >

> > > not co-joined..never apart:

> > >

> > > nonpareil Apotheosis.

> > >

> > > terms such as " union " with the " One " ..

> > >

> > > are inept efforts and mispeak what IS.

> > >

> > > niether " one " nor " many " are existent except in relation.

> > >

> > > " relation " / " relationship " is error.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > >(Edg)

> > > >Would any endeavor have traction for you?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > (.b b.b.)

> > > to what possible end?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > >(Edg)

> > > >Is my offer of " friendly chatting " offensive?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > (.b b.b.)

> > > fuck no.

> > >

> > > nor is it inviting.

> > >

> > > it is just what it is.

> > >

> > >

> > > >(Edg)

> > > >Could you and I enjoy a " My Dinner With Andre " -scenario, or am I " odious

in thy sight? "

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > (.b b.b.)

> > > don't be silly.

> > >

> > > nothing is " odious " in my sight.

> > >

> > > my sight is vacant.

> > >

> > > whatever it sees is phantasmal content only.

> > >

> > > judgment of value is ridiculous.

> > >

> > > to whom would such judgment have effect?

> > >

> > > no one that i am aware of.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > >(Edg)

> > > >If contention is pleasing to you, is there some way I can play with that

dynamic with you that protects the tender feelings of each --

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > (.b b.b.)

> > > no.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > >(Edg)

> > > >can we, sorta, be vying as if we're competing in a video game --

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > (.b b.b.)

> > > " we " can be or do anything you want or need it to be or do.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > >(Edg)

> > > >..where, say, a blood lust is symbolized, yeah, but in real life we're

laughing and having fun on the couch with our game controllers?

> > > >

> > > > Edg

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > (.b b.b.)

> > > " real life " ?

> > >

> > > what's that?

> > >

> > > what's " virtual life " ?

> > >

> > > is there a difference in any event?

> > >

> > > why?

> > >

> > > surely you are joking.

> > >

> > > ha ha!

> > >

> > > good one!

> > >

> > > .b b.b.

> > >




> > Edg: So, just to be clear, are you saying that there's no use my ever

coming back atcha on an " ego to ego " basis?





> (.b b.b.)


> i'm not telling you what to do or not do about anything.


> im not sure other than ego to ego how we would relate anyway.


> but as far as the " value " adjudicated by this ego..


> regarding any significance of " relationship " ..


> that " goes on " between egos..


> or as to what actual " communication " regarding that for which..


> " communication " and " relation " are irrelevant..


> meaning simply " THAT " which must remain the Unknown..


> to any and all egos..


> i hold no illusions as to it's capability..


> of affecting anything or effecting anyone.


> it has none.


> but hey how about that All Star game?


> i love baseball..how 'bout you?


> and i love rock and roll.


> who'd your fave old time band?


> could be i've even related to a few of back them in the day.


> that's show biz for ya.






> (Edg)


> > Dare I ask if you would state what level of freedom you enjoy?



> (.b b.b.)


> i don't enjoy ANY freedom.


> when however i have been gotten out of the way..


> as the " subjective moment " that ever resists..


> Freedom Flows without question or wonderment or presence.


> this sounds foolish even to this ego.


> but i cannot deny what IS as certain as the thought " I am " ...


> and even more profoundly known as:


> not strange..not mystical..not other.


> there comes no " surprise " Here.


> if there be anything like that..


> it is in a sort of vague " sense " ..


> that the only weirdness is that IT has ever been " seen " ..


> as anything else other than what is that it is.


> but then..


> back to the future past.


> and baba starts squirting nonsense about all sorts of strange shit.


> it's far from freedom but it's fun.



> (Edg)


> > Is there any neutral territory for us?




> (.b b.b.)


> there is ONLY neutral territory " between " " us " .


> though it seems polarities exist..


> it is that only a sort of magnetic monopole IS.


> from here " we " would assume it's a just freaky " possible " solution..


> of Maxwell's equations.


> but it is our very Being-ness without overlay.



> (Edg)


> I get the emptiness thingy, but since you are espousing it and yet posting,

how does this not amount to hypocrisy? Your brusque manner seems to be " by

design, " and I would love to have some shop talk from you about that tactic.




> (.b b.b.)


> it's the way of this beast.


> as anyone else i am just a filthy animal..


> finding myself among others in isolation and aloneness.


> if that's hypocrisy so be it.


> i'm not out to be or say that as .b b.b. i am anything other..


> than a hypocrite.


> i am no saint..no guru..no holy man.


> i think those are bullshit " titles " anyway.


> nothing that is happening as " me " is by design.


> not " my " design at any rate.


> i am what i am and that's all that i am..


> and i eats me spinach.


> i'm not trying to do to anyone..


> anything that i do not do to and for my " self " .


> for some unknown reason and by some strange chemistry..


> this intrinsic behavior and attitude..


> of this 'persona " ..


> has at " moments " opened floodgates of an Awareness..


> for which terms like " doubt " or " uncertainty " no longer apply.


> when " in " (or AS)..i'm not sure which is more accurate)..


> The " Current " ..


> faith or belief are the least needed of all the unneeded.


> Here there is no need nor question..


> nor..and this from ego's perspective a bizarre thing..


> no wonder nor amazement whatsoever.


> it's most like an: " of course! "




> (Edg)


> > Are we to believe you're an automaton only -- a record playing in an empty

room? What?



> (.b b.b.)


> i don't have a clue what you are supposed to assume.


> that's up to and within yourself.




> (Edg)


> > I'm not here to tussle with anyone. Is this list where you allow yourself

to be abrasive while in ordinary life you're toeing the lines and presenting

yourself to your boss/wife/kids/world as normal? Just trying to really get you

over here.




> (.b b.b.)


> frankly i don't know how i am about anything.


> i'm not here for any particular reason.


> i don't think about that sort of stuff.


> i am the same as far as i can tell at all times.


> but how would i know for sure?


> we all see what we want to see.


> in terms of how others see us we can never know for sure.


> i just don't particularly care one way or another.


> i like music and fishing and gardening and reading..


> and all manner of thing.


> if others like that or dislike it..


> it is of no business of..nor concern to.. " me " .


> it is allowed and is what it is.


> i really don't know what to say or what the question " means " .


> and i'm not trying to be mean in saying that.




> (Edg)


> > Now, let me say, I'm willing to accommodate and " leave you alone, " because I

don't have the psychological wherewithal to do confrontational energy with the

kind of success I would be targeting, but that seems to be a FAIL. Is there

anyway you can turn down the volume when we interact? I don't have it in me to

do the locker-room knock-abouting.




> (.b b.b.)


> i'm not asking you to change what you cannot..


> nor to do what you don't want to do nor not do.


> i will not do either either.


> i have no psychological wherewithal at all.


> i'm not playing games..locker room or otherwise.


> i neither ask nor expect to be understood or liked.


> i'm just living the life as it lives me.


> there is no choice and that's ok.




> (Edg)


> > So, if you come back at me with more snark, thanks but no thanks, I've got

more than I can handle here with those who do seem willing to go over the fine

print with me, but anyone who posts as much as you are doing has passion, and

that attracts muchly a wholebunchalotta.

> >

> > Edg




> (.b b.b.)


> if you deem this as snark..


> you have every right to.


> you are you and i am not.


> i see it as other than snark.


> i will not try to force my opinion on you.


> it doesn't matter.


> .b b.b.


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Nisargadatta , " anabebe57 " <kailashana wrote:


> Nisargadatta , " roberibus111 " <Roberibus111@> wrote:

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > >

> > > /\0\/0/\0/\0\/0/\0\/0/\0/\0\/0//\/\\/\//\/\\/\//\/\\/\/\0\/0/\0\/0/\0/\0

> >

> >

> > that's just your opinion.

> >

> > .b b.b.

> >



> Yo, Bobby shouldn't you get that fixed?


> ;-)





i faxed where i should have fixed.




it's a bitch to get outfoxed.


..b b.b.

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Nisargadatta , " duveyoung " <edg wrote:


> Thank you. That was as deep and loving as any reply to any posting of mine in

any venue. Thank you.


> Gotta roll, but maybe by tomorrow, I'll have recovered from the truth blast

enough to fudge together something in reply.


> Edg





but to be clear..


i don't know what truth is.


..b b.b.













> Nisargadatta , " roberibus111 " <Roberibus111@> wrote:

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " duveyoung " <edg@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Nisargadatta , " roberibus111 " <Roberibus111@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Nisargadatta , " duveyoung " <edg@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Nisargadatta , " roberibus111 " <Roberibus111@>


> > > > > >

> > > > > > My first attempt:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Our Father -- the Absolute

> > > > > > Who art in heaven -- is most easily realized while in

samadhi/amness (the who-ness of the Absolute symbolized in 3D)

> > > > > > Hallowed be Thy name -- the mantra vibe that harmonizes with OM

> > > > > > Thy kingdom come -- the Absolute is saturating every possible sound

with silence

> > > > > > Thy will be done -- creation is perfect

> > > > > > On earth as it is in heaven -- even evil has a holy intent, even

purity must be attended by sentience to have worth

> > > > > > Give us this day -- blast us in this now

> > > > > > Our daily bread -- nurture our hearts -- reveal the presence of


> > > > > > And forgive us our trespasses -- laugh as we play peek-a-boo and

pretend You're not here

> > > > > > As we forgive those who trespass against us -- let karma prevail,

let the golden rule be honored

> > > > > > And lead us not into temptation -- don't snark at us and make us

harden our attachments

> > > > > > But deliver us from evil -- only by Thy Grace can we hope to balance

the gunas by favoring satva intuitively

> > > > > > For Thine is the kingdom -- You totally rule -- like a king who

sits and does no thing but accomplishes all things

> > > > > > And the power -- even Mother Divine can die

> > > > > > And the glory -- incandescent wisdom blazing

> > > > > > Forever and ever -- time is one of Your best jokes

> > > > > > Amen -- Ego surrenders and at last -- " ahhhhh, man " that's good

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Anyone care to help me tweak the above into something worthy of an

Advaitan neophyte?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Edg

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > no.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > it's bullshit.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > .b b.b.

> > > > >

> > > > > Edg:

> > > > >But it's cool bullshit. Mood making is bhakti's child, sez moi.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > (.b b.b.)

> > > > good for " moi " .

> > > >

> > > > i disagree on the cool.

> > > >

> > > > but will say that it was funny stuff.

> > > >

> > > > i enjoyed it for that reason.

> > > >

> > > > i like bullshit.

> > > >

> > > > it entertains the ghost while it's ghosting.

> > > >

> > > > and it does do that.

> > > >

> > > > what flows from here is also bullshit.

> > > >

> > > > natural..organic..stinky.

> > > >

> > > > not cool.

> > > >

> > > > not important.

> > > >

> > > > noneffective in any ultimate way.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > >(Edg)

> > > > > Since everything's bullshit, why do you say the obvious?

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > (.b b.b.)

> > > > because i fucking feel like it.

> > > >

> > > > why do " you " say anything at all?

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > >(Edg)

> > > > >Do you say it for some therapeutic sake that I'm too dense to see?

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > (.b b.b.)

> > > > fuck no.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > >(Edg)

> > > > >Do you think your reply made my ego less active, more unreal to itself?


> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > (.b b.b.)

> > > > i don't really care what effect it had on " you " .

> > > >

> > > > any " effect " on a thing that is not..

> > > >

> > > > is as non effectual as..

> > > >

> > > > what size the ass of a creature at the bottom of the ocean is.

> > > >

> > > > it simply is not relevant to anything here.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > >(Edg)

> > > > > .b.b.b., I sincerely approach you and bow and ask: what would you join

me in doing here?

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > (.b b.b.)

> > > > " we " are without separation (a terminology)

> > > >

> > > > not co-joined..never apart:

> > > >

> > > > nonpareil Apotheosis.

> > > >

> > > > terms such as " union " with the " One " ..

> > > >

> > > > are inept efforts and mispeak what IS.

> > > >

> > > > niether " one " nor " many " are existent except in relation.

> > > >

> > > > " relation " / " relationship " is error.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > >(Edg)

> > > > >Would any endeavor have traction for you?

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > (.b b.b.)

> > > > to what possible end?

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > >(Edg)

> > > > >Is my offer of " friendly chatting " offensive?

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > (.b b.b.)

> > > > fuck no.

> > > >

> > > > nor is it inviting.

> > > >

> > > > it is just what it is.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > >(Edg)

> > > > >Could you and I enjoy a " My Dinner With Andre " -scenario, or am I

" odious in thy sight? "

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > (.b b.b.)

> > > > don't be silly.

> > > >

> > > > nothing is " odious " in my sight.

> > > >

> > > > my sight is vacant.

> > > >

> > > > whatever it sees is phantasmal content only.

> > > >

> > > > judgment of value is ridiculous.

> > > >

> > > > to whom would such judgment have effect?

> > > >

> > > > no one that i am aware of.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > >(Edg)

> > > > >If contention is pleasing to you, is there some way I can play with

that dynamic with you that protects the tender feelings of each --

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > (.b b.b.)

> > > > no.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > >(Edg)

> > > > >can we, sorta, be vying as if we're competing in a video game --

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > (.b b.b.)

> > > > " we " can be or do anything you want or need it to be or do.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > >(Edg)

> > > > >..where, say, a blood lust is symbolized, yeah, but in real life we're

laughing and having fun on the couch with our game controllers?

> > > > >

> > > > > Edg

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > (.b b.b.)

> > > > " real life " ?

> > > >

> > > > what's that?

> > > >

> > > > what's " virtual life " ?

> > > >

> > > > is there a difference in any event?

> > > >

> > > > why?

> > > >

> > > > surely you are joking.

> > > >

> > > > ha ha!

> > > >

> > > > good one!

> > > >

> > > > .b b.b.

> > > >

> >

> >

> >

> > > Edg: So, just to be clear, are you saying that there's no use my ever

coming back atcha on an " ego to ego " basis?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> >

> > i'm not telling you what to do or not do about anything.

> >

> > im not sure other than ego to ego how we would relate anyway.

> >

> > but as far as the " value " adjudicated by this ego..

> >

> > regarding any significance of " relationship " ..

> >

> > that " goes on " between egos..

> >

> > or as to what actual " communication " regarding that for which..

> >

> > " communication " and " relation " are irrelevant..

> >

> > meaning simply " THAT " which must remain the Unknown..

> >

> > to any and all egos..

> >

> > i hold no illusions as to it's capability..

> >

> > of affecting anything or effecting anyone.

> >

> > it has none.

> >

> > but hey how about that All Star game?

> >

> > i love baseball..how 'bout you?

> >

> > and i love rock and roll.

> >

> > who'd your fave old time band?

> >

> > could be i've even related to a few of back them in the day.

> >

> > that's show biz for ya.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > (Edg)

> >

> > > Dare I ask if you would state what level of freedom you enjoy?

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> >

> > i don't enjoy ANY freedom.

> >

> > when however i have been gotten out of the way..

> >

> > as the " subjective moment " that ever resists..

> >

> > Freedom Flows without question or wonderment or presence.

> >

> > this sounds foolish even to this ego.

> >

> > but i cannot deny what IS as certain as the thought " I am " ...

> >

> > and even more profoundly known as:

> >

> > not strange..not mystical..not other.

> >

> > there comes no " surprise " Here.

> >

> > if there be anything like that..

> >

> > it is in a sort of vague " sense " ..

> >

> > that the only weirdness is that IT has ever been " seen " ..

> >

> > as anything else other than what is that it is.

> >

> > but then..

> >

> > back to the future past.

> >

> > and baba starts squirting nonsense about all sorts of strange shit.

> >

> > it's far from freedom but it's fun.

> >

> >

> > (Edg)

> >

> > > Is there any neutral territory for us?

> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> >

> > there is ONLY neutral territory " between " " us " .

> >

> > though it seems polarities exist..

> >

> > it is that only a sort of magnetic monopole IS.

> >

> > from here " we " would assume it's a just freaky " possible " solution..

> >

> > of Maxwell's equations.

> >

> > but it is our very Being-ness without overlay.

> >

> >

> > (Edg)

> >

> > I get the emptiness thingy, but since you are espousing it and yet

posting, how does this not amount to hypocrisy? Your brusque manner seems to be

" by design, " and I would love to have some shop talk from you about that tactic.

> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> >

> > it's the way of this beast.

> >

> > as anyone else i am just a filthy animal..

> >

> > finding myself among others in isolation and aloneness.

> >

> > if that's hypocrisy so be it.

> >

> > i'm not out to be or say that as .b b.b. i am anything other..

> >

> > than a hypocrite.

> >

> > i am no saint..no guru..no holy man.

> >

> > i think those are bullshit " titles " anyway.

> >

> > nothing that is happening as " me " is by design.

> >

> > not " my " design at any rate.

> >

> > i am what i am and that's all that i am..

> >

> > and i eats me spinach.

> >

> > i'm not trying to do to anyone..

> >

> > anything that i do not do to and for my " self " .

> >

> > for some unknown reason and by some strange chemistry..

> >

> > this intrinsic behavior and attitude..

> >

> > of this 'persona " ..

> >

> > has at " moments " opened floodgates of an Awareness..

> >

> > for which terms like " doubt " or " uncertainty " no longer apply.

> >

> > when " in " (or AS)..i'm not sure which is more accurate)..

> >

> > The " Current " ..

> >

> > faith or belief are the least needed of all the unneeded.

> >

> > Here there is no need nor question..

> >

> > nor..and this from ego's perspective a bizarre thing..

> >

> > no wonder nor amazement whatsoever.

> >

> > it's most like an: " of course! "

> >

> >

> >

> > (Edg)

> >

> > > Are we to believe you're an automaton only -- a record playing in an empty

room? What?

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> >

> > i don't have a clue what you are supposed to assume.

> >

> > that's up to and within yourself.

> >

> >

> >

> > (Edg)

> >

> > > I'm not here to tussle with anyone. Is this list where you allow yourself

to be abrasive while in ordinary life you're toeing the lines and presenting

yourself to your boss/wife/kids/world as normal? Just trying to really get you

over here.

> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> >

> > frankly i don't know how i am about anything.

> >

> > i'm not here for any particular reason.

> >

> > i don't think about that sort of stuff.

> >

> > i am the same as far as i can tell at all times.

> >

> > but how would i know for sure?

> >

> > we all see what we want to see.

> >

> > in terms of how others see us we can never know for sure.

> >

> > i just don't particularly care one way or another.

> >

> > i like music and fishing and gardening and reading..

> >

> > and all manner of thing.

> >

> > if others like that or dislike it..

> >

> > it is of no business of..nor concern to.. " me " .

> >

> > it is allowed and is what it is.

> >

> > i really don't know what to say or what the question " means " .

> >

> > and i'm not trying to be mean in saying that.

> >

> >

> >

> > (Edg)

> >

> > > Now, let me say, I'm willing to accommodate and " leave you alone, " because

I don't have the psychological wherewithal to do confrontational energy with the

kind of success I would be targeting, but that seems to be a FAIL. Is there

anyway you can turn down the volume when we interact? I don't have it in me to

do the locker-room knock-abouting.

> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> >

> > i'm not asking you to change what you cannot..

> >

> > nor to do what you don't want to do nor not do.

> >

> > i will not do either either.

> >

> > i have no psychological wherewithal at all.

> >

> > i'm not playing games..locker room or otherwise.

> >

> > i neither ask nor expect to be understood or liked.

> >

> > i'm just living the life as it lives me.

> >

> > there is no choice and that's ok.

> >

> >

> >

> > (Edg)

> >

> > > So, if you come back at me with more snark, thanks but no thanks, I've got

more than I can handle here with those who do seem willing to go over the fine

print with me, but anyone who posts as much as you are doing has passion, and

that attracts muchly a wholebunchalotta.

> > >

> > > Edg

> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> >

> > if you deem this as snark..

> >

> > you have every right to.

> >

> > you are you and i am not.

> >

> > i see it as other than snark.

> >

> > i will not try to force my opinion on you.

> >

> > it doesn't matter.

> >

> > .b b.b.

> >


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Nisargadatta , " roberibus111 " <Roberibus111 wrote:


> Nisargadatta , " duveyoung " <edg@> wrote:

> >

> > Thank you. That was as deep and loving as any reply to any posting of mine

in any venue. Thank you.

> >

> > Gotta roll, but maybe by tomorrow, I'll have recovered from the truth blast

enough to fudge together something in reply.

> >

> > Edg



> ok.


> but to be clear..


> i don't know what truth is.


> .b b.b.


Well, then, I suppose " Baba " is really " Ahab " , eh? ;-).

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Nisargadatta , " Tim G. " <fewtch wrote:


> Nisargadatta , " roberibus111 " <Roberibus111@> wrote:

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " duveyoung " <edg@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Thank you. That was as deep and loving as any reply to any posting of

mine in any venue. Thank you.

> > >

> > > Gotta roll, but maybe by tomorrow, I'll have recovered from the truth

blast enough to fudge together something in reply.

> > >

> > > Edg

> >

> >

> > ok.

> >

> > but to be clear..

> >

> > i don't know what truth is.

> >

> > .b b.b.


> Well, then, I suppose " Baba " is really " Ahab " , eh? ;-).



titles and names appear to be important to you.


this nonsense speaks volumes about you timmy.




..b b.b.

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Nisargadatta , " Tim G. " <fewtch wrote:


> Nisargadatta , " roberibus111 " <Roberibus111@> wrote:

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " duveyoung " <edg@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Thank you. That was as deep and loving as any reply to any posting of

mine in any venue. Thank you.

> > >

> > > Gotta roll, but maybe by tomorrow, I'll have recovered from the truth

blast enough to fudge together something in reply.

> > >

> > > Edg

> >

> >

> > ok.

> >

> > but to be clear..

> >

> > i don't know what truth is.

> >

> > .b b.b.


> Well, then, I suppose " Baba " is really " Ahab " , eh? ;-).



i think Ahab lives in the Baja NOW!




..b b.b.

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At 03:21 PM 7/17/2009, you wrote:

--- In


Nisargadatta , " duveyoung " <edg



> --- In


Nisargadatta , " roberibus111 "

<Roberibus111@> wrote:

> >

> > --- In


Nisargadatta , " duveyoung " <edg@>


> > >

> > > --- In


Nisargadatta , " roberibus111 "

<Roberibus111@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > My first attempt:

> > > >

> > > > Our Father -- the Absolute

> > > > Who art in heaven -- is most easily realized while in

samadhi/amness (the who-ness of the Absolute symbolized in 3D)

> > > > Hallowed be Thy name -- the mantra vibe that

harmonizes with OM

> > > > Thy kingdom come -- the Absolute is saturating every

possible sound with silence

> > > > Thy will be done -- creation is perfect

> > > > On earth as it is in heaven -- even evil has a holy

intent, even purity must be attended by sentience to have worth

> > > > Give us this day -- blast us in this now

> > > > Our daily bread -- nurture our hearts -- reveal the

presence of sentience

> > > > And forgive us our trespasses -- laugh as we play

peek-a-boo and pretend You're not here

> > > > As we forgive those who trespass against us -- let

karma prevail, let the golden rule be honored

> > > > And lead us not into temptation -- don't snark at us

and make us harden our attachments

> > > > But deliver us from evil -- only by Thy Grace can we

hope to balance the gunas by favoring satva intuitively

> > > > For Thine is the kingdom -- You totally rule -- like

a king who sits and does no thing but accomplishes all things

> > > > And the power -- even Mother Divine can die

> > > > And the glory -- incandescent wisdom blazing

> > > > Forever and ever -- time is one of Your best


> > > > Amen -- Ego surrenders and at last -- " ahhhhh,

man " that's good

> > > >

> > > > Anyone care to help me tweak the above into something

worthy of an Advaitan neophyte?

> > > >

> > > > Edg

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > no.

> > > >

> > > > it's bullshit.

> > > >

> > > > .b b.b.

> > >

> > > Edg:

> > >But it's cool bullshit. Mood making is bhakti's child, sez


> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> > good for " moi " .

> >

> > i disagree on the cool.

> >

> > but will say that it was funny stuff.

Edg: Hey, if it's funny, that's cool to moi

-- what's your definition of cool in this conversation's


> >

> > i enjoyed it for that reason.

> >

> > i like bullshit.

> >

> > it entertains the ghost while it's ghosting.

> >

> > and it does do that.

> >

> > what flows from here is also bullshit.

> >

> > natural..organic..stinky.

> >

> > not cool.

> >

> > not important.

> >

> > noneffective in any ultimate way.

> >

> >

> > >(Edg)

> > > Since everything's bullshit, why do you say the


> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> > because i fucking feel like it.

> >

> > why do " you " say anything at all?

Edg: Ego, ego, and oh yeah ego. Ego is

what ego does. Ego is like a box of chocolates . . . I was asking

you if your ghost had a " payoff " for ghosting here. What

does your little twit think it's up to? My twit imagines all of the

readers here swooned in delight at my word choices, my poems, my clarity

about dogma, and all that -- GAWD, eh? Do you have that same baying

dog on your leash?

> >

> >

> >

> > >(Edg)

> > >Do you say it for some therapeutic sake that I'm too dense

to see?

> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> > fuck no.

> >

> >

> > >(Edg)

> > >Do you think your reply made my ego less active, more

unreal to itself? What?

> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> > i don't really care what effect it had on " you " .

> >

> > any " effect " on a thing that is not..

> >

> > is as non effectual as..

> >

> > what size the ass of a creature at the bottom of the ocean


> >

> > it simply is not relevant to anything here.

Edg: Just to be playful, er, what about the

butterfly effect? Seems to me an ass of any size in an ocean of any depth

can still start a hurricane somewhere. For just such reason I post

here: to see if my butterfly's flutterings (the nuances of word meanings

and usage) are having a global effect on my mind's operations that I need

to be on top of. It's an intellectual conceit, but me likes it.


> >

> >

> > >(Edg)

> > > .b.b.b., I sincerely approach you and bow and ask: what

would you join me in doing here?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> > " we " are without separation (a terminology)

> >

> > not co-joined..never apart:

> >

> > nonpareil Apotheosis.

> >

> > terms such as " union " with the " One " ..

> >

> > are inept efforts and mispeak what IS.

> >

> > niether " one " nor " many " are existent

except in relation.

> >

> > " relation " / " relationship " is error.

> >

> >

Edg: Okay, okay, I get that. You know I

get that. So why say it to me unless (I'm speculating, please

correct me) you're running some agenda, some ploy being afoot? I do

feel you're out for my own good even if I'm non-existent -- that's the

task of Identity -- to make a mask come alive. In your mind, are

you the thorn that removes my thorn?

> >

> >

> > >(Edg)

> > >Would any endeavor have traction for you?

> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> > to what possible end?

Edg: The reason for creation is the expansion of

happiness. Identity flows into no-thing-ness just to show it

can be infinite there too. Can we enjoy Being coming? Isn't

there a May pole for us to prance about in a rite of Spring?

> >

> >

> >

> > >(Edg)

> > >Is my offer of " friendly chatting "


> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> > fuck no.

> >

> > nor is it inviting.

Edg: Ouch, ouch, ouch. Just you wait.

I'm going to be inviting as hell. Heh heh.

> >

> > it is just what it is.

> >

> >

> > >(Edg)

> > >Could you and I enjoy a " My Dinner With

Andre " -scenario, or am I " odious in thy sight? "

> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> > don't be silly.

> >

> > nothing is " odious " in my sight.

> >

> > my sight is vacant.

> >

> > whatever it sees is phantasmal content only.

> >

> > judgment of value is ridiculous.

> >

> > to whom would such judgment have effect?

> >

> > no one that i am aware of.

Edg: Come on, come on, no one's here, so no

risk in admitting you're egoic mirage has some features that are

talk-about-able. I look at your mirage and see three palms trees,

two camels drinking at the oasis, and dancing harem girls bump and

grinding before some cross-legged potentate. How close did I come

in this speculation? Hee hee.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > >(Edg)

> > >If contention is pleasing to you, is there some way I can

play with that dynamic with you that protects the tender feelings of each


> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> > no.

Edg: Well, will you admit to experiencing the

illusion of witnessing an ego having tender feelings that are


> >

> >

> >

> > >(Edg)

> > >can we, sorta, be vying as if we're competing in a video

game --

> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> > " we " can be or do anything you want or need it to be

or do.

> >

Edg: Sweet! Quick, levitate for me! I

really really really need to see levitation before I die.

> >

> >

> >

> > >(Edg)

> > >..where, say, a blood lust is symbolized, yeah, but in real

life we're laughing and having fun on the couch with our game


> > >

> > > Edg

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> > " real life " ?

> >

> > what's that?

> >

> > what's " virtual life " ?

> >

> > is there a difference in any event?

> >

> > why?

> >

> > surely you are joking.

> >

> > ha ha!

> >

> > good one!

> >

> > .b b.b.

> >

> Edg: So, just to be clear, are you saying that there's no use my

ever coming back atcha on an " ego to ego " basis?

(.b b.b.)

i'm not telling you what to do or not do about anything.

im not sure other than ego to ego how we would relate


Edg: What about the concept of Buddha meeting

Buddha on the path? You seem to feel that Buddha must be killed in

this situation. I'm more like: " Hey, another me -- go

figure! What great luck! Let's have lunch! "


but as far as the

" value " adjudicated by this ego..

regarding any significance of " relationship " ..

that " goes on " between egos..

or as to what actual " communication " regarding that for


" communication " and " relation " are


meaning simply " THAT " which must remain the Unknown..

to any and all egos..

Edg: Unknown, unknowable, but there like a suitcase



i hold no illusions as to

it's capability..

of affecting anything or effecting anyone.

it has none.

but hey how about that All Star game?

i love baseball..how 'bout you?

Edg: If you can get Rocky Calavito and Al Kaline at

bat again, I'm there. Otherwise, I haven't watched a game for



and i love rock and


Edg: " Just get your old records off the

shelf. " Are ya doing the Tom Cruise white sock slide?


who'd your fave old time


Edg: Beatles. Sigh . . .


could be i've even

related to a few of back them in the day.

that's show biz for ya.


> Dare I ask if you would state what level of freedom you enjoy?


(.b b.b.)

i don't enjoy ANY freedom.

when however i have been gotten out of the way..

as the " subjective moment " that ever resists..

Freedom Flows without question or wonderment or presence.

this sounds foolish even to this ego.

but i cannot deny what IS as certain as the thought " I

am " ...

Edg: I love it when you talk shop.

Alrighty then! About " I am " -- how do you see its meaning

in the biblical phrase: " I am that I am? " I have a

favorite way of interpreting that, but I'd like your way expressed



and even more profoundly

known as:

not strange..not mystical..not other.

there comes no " surprise " Here.

if there be anything like that..

Edg: Hmmmm, is it just me, or isn't it the case

that every single thought is a surprise? I'm not on the

" thought committee, " and I haven't the least inkling about what

my next thought will be. Honest! Really! So, tell me

what you mean by " surprise. "


it is in a sort of vague

" sense " ..

that the only weirdness is that IT has ever been

" seen " ..

as anything else other than what is that it is.

but then..

back to the future past.

and baba starts squirting nonsense about all sorts of strange


it's far from freedom but it's fun.


> Is there any neutral territory for us?

(.b b.b.)

there is ONLY neutral territory " between "

" us " .

though it seems polarities exist..

it is that only a sort of magnetic monopole IS.

from here " we " would assume it's a just freaky

" possible " solution..

of Maxwell's equations.

Edg: Ah so you ARE a Beatles fan. Are

you the wielder of the Silver Hammer? Or, wait, don't tell me

you're one of those Tao of Physics guys? Are you into



but it is our very

Being-ness without overlay.


I get the emptiness thingy, but since you are espousing it and yet

posting, how does this not amount to hypocrisy? Your brusque manner seems

to be " by design, " and I would love to have some shop talk from

you about that tactic.

(.b b.b.)

it's the way of this beast.

as anyone else i am just a filthy animal..

finding myself among others in isolation and aloneness.

if that's hypocrisy so be it.

i'm not out to be or say that as .b b.b. i am anything other..

than a hypocrite.

i am no saint..no guru..no holy man.

i think those are bullshit " titles " anyway.

Edg: Hmmmm, I do think that Nisargadatta and Ramana

are special, and I do want them on a pedestal. It's an honoring of

my conceptual lineage -- bowing to their productions is one way to do

puja, eh?


nothing that is happening

as " me " is by design.

not " my " design at any rate.

i am what i am and that's all that i


Edg: Can you be a burning bush too? Just askin'.


and i eats me


i'm not trying to do to anyone..

anything that i do not do to and for my " self " .

for some unknown reason and by some strange chemistry..

this intrinsic behavior and attitude..

of this 'persona " ..

has at " moments " opened floodgates of an Awareness..

for which terms like " doubt " or " uncertainty " no

longer apply.

when " in " (or AS)..i'm not sure which is more


The " Current " ..

faith or belief are the least needed of all the unneeded.

Here there is no need nor question..

nor..and this from ego's perspective a bizarre thing..

no wonder nor amazement whatsoever.

it's most like an: " of course! "

Edg: Sounds like LSD afoot. Hee hee. In

India, on the streets, the psychotics blend almost seamlessly with

saints. Hmmmm. To me, the ego can cobble together an

appreciation of sorts when it does ritual. The villagers who helped

Baby Krishna hold up the mountain by using sticks were unnecessary, but

the heart cannot be stopped from wanting to do something to support

satva. I see no shame in the ego having a sacred pretense -- keeps

it out of mischief. So I say, enjoy your " of course " -




> Are we to believe you're an automaton only -- a record playing in an

empty room? What?

(.b b.b.)

i don't have a clue what you are supposed to assume.

that's up to and within yourself.


> I'm not here to tussle with anyone. Is this list where you allow

yourself to be abrasive while in ordinary life you're toeing the lines

and presenting yourself to your boss/wife/kids/world as normal? Just

trying to really get you over here.

(.b b.b.)

frankly i don't know how i am about anything.

i'm not here for any particular reason.

i don't think about that sort of stuff.

i am the same as far as i can tell at all times.

but how would i know for sure?

we all see what we want to see.

in terms of how others see us we can never know for sure.

i just don't particularly care one way or another.

i like music and fishing and gardening and reading..

Edg: You seek finny protein, but you eschew being a

fisher of men? What's wrong with this picture?

and all manner of


if others like that or dislike it..

it is of no business of..nor concern to.. " me " .

it is allowed and is what it is.

i really don't know what to say or what the question

" means " .

and i'm not trying to be mean in saying that.

Edg: Suddenly, I don't sense a mean bone in

your body, but like some Balinese mask dancer, you sure gots a fierce

look when you need one.


> Now, let me say, I'm willing to accommodate and " leave you

alone, " because I don't have the psychological wherewithal to do

confrontational energy with the kind of success I would be targeting, but

that seems to be a FAIL. Is there anyway you can turn down the volume

when we interact? I don't have it in me to do the locker-room


(.b b.b.)

i'm not asking you to change what you cannot..

nor to do what you don't want to do nor not do.

i will not do either either.

i have no psychological wherewithal at all.

Edg: I do feel there are psychological

techniques that can change personality -- but they are weak tools at



i'm not playing

games..locker room or otherwise.

i neither ask nor expect to be understood or liked.

i'm just living the life as it lives me.

there is no choice and that's ok.

Edg: Ooooooo, one of my favorite words:

choice. To me it's all nutshelled by Billy Wavesword: " To be

or not to be, THAT is the question. "



> So, if you come back at me with more snark, thanks but no thanks,

I've got more than I can handle here with those who do seem willing to go

over the fine print with me, but anyone who posts as much as you are

doing has passion, and that attracts muchly a wholebunchalotta.


> Edg

(.b b.b.)

if you deem this as snark..

you have every right to.

you are you and i am not.

i see it as other than snark.

i will not try to force my opinion on you.

it doesn't matter.

..b b.b.

Edg: Whatever you think you did in the above post

-- it worked for me. Heart is there. Who can be anything but a fan

when heart is on the stage? Thanks for the above effortless effort

-- attention is love, and there just is no way around that sort of

spellcasting. The image in the mirror swoons and perforce comes

alive to at least bow to Identity. As if, but what a noble

attempt! My audience applauds THAT which supports your productions,

but it's okay if your ego bows to that audience. Gotta love the

sheer cuteness of the small self.

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At 03:21 PM 7/17/2009, you wrote:

--- In


Nisargadatta , " duveyoung " <edg



> --- In


Nisargadatta , " roberibus111 "

<Roberibus111@> wrote:

> >

> > --- In


Nisargadatta , " duveyoung " <edg@>


> > >

> > > --- In


Nisargadatta , " roberibus111 "

<Roberibus111@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > My first attempt:

> > > >

> > > > Our Father -- the Absolute

> > > > Who art in heaven -- is most easily realized while in

samadhi/amness (the who-ness of the Absolute symbolized in 3D)

> > > > Hallowed be Thy name -- the mantra vibe that

harmonizes with OM

> > > > Thy kingdom come -- the Absolute is saturating every

possible sound with silence

> > > > Thy will be done -- creation is perfect

> > > > On earth as it is in heaven -- even evil has a holy

intent, even purity must be attended by sentience to have worth

> > > > Give us this day -- blast us in this now

> > > > Our daily bread -- nurture our hearts -- reveal the

presence of sentience

> > > > And forgive us our trespasses -- laugh as we play

peek-a-boo and pretend You're not here

> > > > As we forgive those who trespass against us -- let

karma prevail, let the golden rule be honored

> > > > And lead us not into temptation -- don't snark at us

and make us harden our attachments

> > > > But deliver us from evil -- only by Thy Grace can we

hope to balance the gunas by favoring satva intuitively

> > > > For Thine is the kingdom -- You totally rule -- like

a king who sits and does no thing but accomplishes all things

> > > > And the power -- even Mother Divine can die

> > > > And the glory -- incandescent wisdom blazing

> > > > Forever and ever -- time is one of Your best


> > > > Amen -- Ego surrenders and at last -- " ahhhhh,

man " that's good

> > > >

> > > > Anyone care to help me tweak the above into something

worthy of an Advaitan neophyte?

> > > >

> > > > Edg

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > no.

> > > >

> > > > it's bullshit.

> > > >

> > > > .b b.b.

> > >

> > > Edg:

> > >But it's cool bullshit. Mood making is bhakti's child, sez


> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> > good for " moi " .

> >

> > i disagree on the cool.

> >

> > but will say that it was funny stuff.

Edg: Hey, if it's funny, that's cool to moi

-- what's your definition of cool in this conversation's


> >

> > i enjoyed it for that reason.

> >

> > i like bullshit.

> >

> > it entertains the ghost while it's ghosting.

> >

> > and it does do that.

> >

> > what flows from here is also bullshit.

> >

> > natural..organic..stinky.

> >

> > not cool.

> >

> > not important.

> >

> > noneffective in any ultimate way.

> >

> >

> > >(Edg)

> > > Since everything's bullshit, why do you say the


> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> > because i fucking feel like it.

> >

> > why do " you " say anything at all?

Edg: Ego, ego, and oh yeah ego. Ego is

what ego does. Ego is like a box of chocolates . . . I was asking

you if your ghost had a " payoff " for ghosting here. What

does your little twit think it's up to? My twit imagines all of the

readers here swooned in delight at my word choices, my poems, my clarity

about dogma, and all that -- GAWD, eh? Do you have that same baying

dog on your leash?

> >

> >

> >

> > >(Edg)

> > >Do you say it for some therapeutic sake that I'm too dense

to see?

> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> > fuck no.

> >

> >

> > >(Edg)

> > >Do you think your reply made my ego less active, more

unreal to itself? What?

> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> > i don't really care what effect it had on " you " .

> >

> > any " effect " on a thing that is not..

> >

> > is as non effectual as..

> >

> > what size the ass of a creature at the bottom of the ocean


> >

> > it simply is not relevant to anything here.

Edg: Just to be playful, er, what about the

butterfly effect? Seems to me an ass of any size in an ocean of any depth

can still start a hurricane somewhere. For just such reason I post

here: to see if my butterfly's flutterings (the nuances of word meanings

and usage) are having a global effect on my mind's operations that I need

to be on top of. It's an intellectual conceit, but me likes it.


> >

> >

> > >(Edg)

> > > .b.b.b., I sincerely approach you and bow and ask: what

would you join me in doing here?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> > " we " are without separation (a terminology)

> >

> > not co-joined..never apart:

> >

> > nonpareil Apotheosis.

> >

> > terms such as " union " with the " One " ..

> >

> > are inept efforts and mispeak what IS.

> >

> > niether " one " nor " many " are existent

except in relation.

> >

> > " relation " / " relationship " is error.

> >

> >

Edg: Okay, okay, I get that. You know I

get that. So why say it to me unless (I'm speculating, please

correct me) you're running some agenda, some ploy being afoot? I do

feel you're out for my own good even if I'm non-existent -- that's the

task of Identity -- to make a mask come alive. In your mind, are

you the thorn that removes my thorn?

> >

> >

> > >(Edg)

> > >Would any endeavor have traction for you?

> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> > to what possible end?

Edg: The reason for creation is the expansion of

happiness. Identity flows into no-thing-ness just to show it

can be infinite there too. Can we enjoy Being coming? Isn't

there a May pole for us to prance about in a rite of Spring?

> >

> >

> >

> > >(Edg)

> > >Is my offer of " friendly chatting "


> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> > fuck no.

> >

> > nor is it inviting.

Edg: Ouch, ouch, ouch. Just you wait.

I'm going to be inviting as hell. Heh heh.

> >

> > it is just what it is.

> >

> >

> > >(Edg)

> > >Could you and I enjoy a " My Dinner With

Andre " -scenario, or am I " odious in thy sight? "

> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> > don't be silly.

> >

> > nothing is " odious " in my sight.

> >

> > my sight is vacant.

> >

> > whatever it sees is phantasmal content only.

> >

> > judgment of value is ridiculous.

> >

> > to whom would such judgment have effect?

> >

> > no one that i am aware of.

Edg: Come on, come on, no one's here, so no

risk in admitting you're egoic mirage has some features that are

talk-about-able. I look at your mirage and see three palms trees,

two camels drinking at the oasis, and dancing harem girls bump and

grinding before some cross-legged potentate. How close did I come

in this speculation? Hee hee.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > >(Edg)

> > >If contention is pleasing to you, is there some way I can

play with that dynamic with you that protects the tender feelings of each


> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> > no.

Edg: Well, will you admit to experiencing the

illusion of witnessing an ego having tender feelings that are


> >

> >

> >

> > >(Edg)

> > >can we, sorta, be vying as if we're competing in a video

game --

> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> > " we " can be or do anything you want or need it to be

or do.

> >

Edg: Sweet! Quick, levitate for me! I

really really really need to see levitation before I die.

> >

> >

> >

> > >(Edg)

> > >..where, say, a blood lust is symbolized, yeah, but in real

life we're laughing and having fun on the couch with our game


> > >

> > > Edg

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > (.b b.b.)

> > " real life " ?

> >

> > what's that?

> >

> > what's " virtual life " ?

> >

> > is there a difference in any event?

> >

> > why?

> >

> > surely you are joking.

> >

> > ha ha!

> >

> > good one!

> >

> > .b b.b.

> >

> Edg: So, just to be clear, are you saying that there's no use my

ever coming back atcha on an " ego to ego " basis?

(.b b.b.)

i'm not telling you what to do or not do about anything.

im not sure other than ego to ego how we would relate


Edg: What about the concept of Buddha meeting

Buddha on the path? You seem to feel that Buddha must be killed in

this situation. I'm more like: " Hey, another me -- go

figure! What great luck! Let's have lunch! "


but as far as the

" value " adjudicated by this ego..

regarding any significance of " relationship " ..

that " goes on " between egos..

or as to what actual " communication " regarding that for


" communication " and " relation " are


meaning simply " THAT " which must remain the Unknown..

to any and all egos..

Edg: Unknown, unknowable, but there like a suitcase



i hold no illusions as to

it's capability..

of affecting anything or effecting anyone.

it has none.

but hey how about that All Star game?

i love baseball..how 'bout you?

Edg: If you can get Rocky Calavito and Al Kaline at

bat again, I'm there. Otherwise, I haven't watched a game for



and i love rock and


Edg: " Just get your old records off the

shelf. " Are ya doing the Tom Cruise white sock slide?


who'd your fave old time


Edg: Beatles. Sigh . . .


could be i've even

related to a few of back them in the day.

that's show biz for ya.


> Dare I ask if you would state what level of freedom you enjoy?


(.b b.b.)

i don't enjoy ANY freedom.

when however i have been gotten out of the way..

as the " subjective moment " that ever resists..

Freedom Flows without question or wonderment or presence.

this sounds foolish even to this ego.

but i cannot deny what IS as certain as the thought " I

am " ...

Edg: I love it when you talk shop.

Alrighty then! About " I am " -- how do you see its meaning

in the biblical phrase: " I am that I am? " I have a

favorite way of interpreting that, but I'd like your way expressed



and even more profoundly

known as:

not strange..not mystical..not other.

there comes no " surprise " Here.

if there be anything like that..

Edg: Hmmmm, is it just me, or isn't it the case

that every single thought is a surprise? I'm not on the

" thought committee, " and I haven't the least inkling about what

my next thought will be. Honest! Really! So, tell me

what you mean by " surprise. "


it is in a sort of vague

" sense " ..

that the only weirdness is that IT has ever been

" seen " ..

as anything else other than what is that it is.

but then..

back to the future past.

and baba starts squirting nonsense about all sorts of strange


it's far from freedom but it's fun.


> Is there any neutral territory for us?

(.b b.b.)

there is ONLY neutral territory " between "

" us " .

though it seems polarities exist..

it is that only a sort of magnetic monopole IS.

from here " we " would assume it's a just freaky

" possible " solution..

of Maxwell's equations.

Edg: Ah so you ARE a Beatles fan. Are

you the wielder of the Silver Hammer? Or, wait, don't tell me

you're one of those Tao of Physics guys? Are you into



but it is our very

Being-ness without overlay.


I get the emptiness thingy, but since you are espousing it and yet

posting, how does this not amount to hypocrisy? Your brusque manner seems

to be " by design, " and I would love to have some shop talk from

you about that tactic.

(.b b.b.)

it's the way of this beast.

as anyone else i am just a filthy animal..

finding myself among others in isolation and aloneness.

if that's hypocrisy so be it.

i'm not out to be or say that as .b b.b. i am anything other..

than a hypocrite.

i am no saint..no guru..no holy man.

i think those are bullshit " titles " anyway.

Edg: Hmmmm, I do think that Nisargadatta and Ramana

are special, and I do want them on a pedestal. It's an honoring of

my conceptual lineage -- bowing to their productions is one way to do

puja, eh?


nothing that is happening

as " me " is by design.

not " my " design at any rate.

i am what i am and that's all that i


Edg: Can you be a burning bush too? Just askin'.


and i eats me


i'm not trying to do to anyone..

anything that i do not do to and for my " self " .

for some unknown reason and by some strange chemistry..

this intrinsic behavior and attitude..

of this 'persona " ..

has at " moments " opened floodgates of an Awareness..

for which terms like " doubt " or " uncertainty " no

longer apply.

when " in " (or AS)..i'm not sure which is more


The " Current " ..

faith or belief are the least needed of all the unneeded.

Here there is no need nor question..

nor..and this from ego's perspective a bizarre thing..

no wonder nor amazement whatsoever.

it's most like an: " of course! "

Edg: Sounds like LSD afoot. Hee hee. In

India, on the streets, the psychotics blend almost seamlessly with

saints. Hmmmm. To me, the ego can cobble together an

appreciation of sorts when it does ritual. The villagers who helped

Baby Krishna hold up the mountain by using sticks were unnecessary, but

the heart cannot be stopped from wanting to do something to support

satva. I see no shame in the ego having a sacred pretense -- keeps

it out of mischief. So I say, enjoy your " of course " -




> Are we to believe you're an automaton only -- a record playing in an

empty room? What?

(.b b.b.)

i don't have a clue what you are supposed to assume.

that's up to and within yourself.


> I'm not here to tussle with anyone. Is this list where you allow

yourself to be abrasive while in ordinary life you're toeing the lines

and presenting yourself to your boss/wife/kids/world as normal? Just

trying to really get you over here.

(.b b.b.)

frankly i don't know how i am about anything.

i'm not here for any particular reason.

i don't think about that sort of stuff.

i am the same as far as i can tell at all times.

but how would i know for sure?

we all see what we want to see.

in terms of how others see us we can never know for sure.

i just don't particularly care one way or another.

i like music and fishing and gardening and reading..

Edg: You seek finny protein, but you eschew being a

fisher of men? What's wrong with this picture?

and all manner of


if others like that or dislike it..

it is of no business of..nor concern to.. " me " .

it is allowed and is what it is.

i really don't know what to say or what the question

" means " .

and i'm not trying to be mean in saying that.

Edg: Suddenly, I don't sense a mean bone in

your body, but like some Balinese mask dancer, you sure gots a fierce

look when you need one.


> Now, let me say, I'm willing to accommodate and " leave you

alone, " because I don't have the psychological wherewithal to do

confrontational energy with the kind of success I would be targeting, but

that seems to be a FAIL. Is there anyway you can turn down the volume

when we interact? I don't have it in me to do the locker-room


(.b b.b.)

i'm not asking you to change what you cannot..

nor to do what you don't want to do nor not do.

i will not do either either.

i have no psychological wherewithal at all.

Edg: I do feel there are psychological

techniques that can change personality -- but they are weak tools at



i'm not playing

games..locker room or otherwise.

i neither ask nor expect to be understood or liked.

i'm just living the life as it lives me.

there is no choice and that's ok.

Edg: Ooooooo, one of my favorite words:

choice. To me it's all nutshelled by Billy Wavesword: " To be

or not to be, THAT is the question. "



> So, if you come back at me with more snark, thanks but no thanks,

I've got more than I can handle here with those who do seem willing to go

over the fine print with me, but anyone who posts as much as you are

doing has passion, and that attracts muchly a wholebunchalotta.


> Edg

(.b b.b.)

if you deem this as snark..

you have every right to.

you are you and i am not.

i see it as other than snark.

i will not try to force my opinion on you.

it doesn't matter.

..b b.b.

Edg: Whatever you think you did in the above post

-- it worked for me. Heart is there. Who can be anything but a fan

when heart is on the stage? Thanks for the above effortless effort

-- attention is love, and there just is no way around that sort of

spellcasting. The image in the mirror swoons and perforce comes

alive to at least bow to Identity. As if, but what a noble

attempt! My audience applauds THAT which supports your productions,

but it's okay if your ego bows to that audience. Gotta love the

sheer cuteness of the small self.

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At 03:21 PM 7/17/2009, you wrote:



> Nisargadatta , " duveyoung " <edg wrote:

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " roberibus111 " <Roberibus111@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Nisargadatta , " duveyoung " <edg@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Nisargadatta , " roberibus111 " <Roberibus111@>


> > > > >

> > > > > My first attempt:

> > > > >

> > > > > Our Father -- the Absolute

> > > > > Who art in heaven -- is most easily realized while in samadhi/amness

(the who-ness of the Absolute symbolized in 3D)

> > > > > Hallowed be Thy name -- the mantra vibe that harmonizes with OM

> > > > > Thy kingdom come -- the Absolute is saturating every possible sound

with silence

> > > > > Thy will be done -- creation is perfect

> > > > > On earth as it is in heaven -- even evil has a holy intent, even

purity must be attended by sentience to have worth

> > > > > Give us this day -- blast us in this now

> > > > > Our daily bread -- nurture our hearts -- reveal the presence of


> > > > > And forgive us our trespasses -- laugh as we play peek-a-boo and

pretend You're not here

> > > > > As we forgive those who trespass against us -- let karma prevail, let

the golden rule be honored

> > > > > And lead us not into temptation -- don't snark at us and make us

harden our attachments

> > > > > But deliver us from evil -- only by Thy Grace can we hope to balance

the gunas by favoring satva intuitively

> > > > > For Thine is the kingdom -- You totally rule -- like a king who sits

and does no thing but accomplishes all things

> > > > > And the power -- even Mother Divine can die

> > > > > And the glory -- incandescent wisdom blazing

> > > > > Forever and ever -- time is one of Your best jokes

> > > > > Amen -- Ego surrenders and at last -- " ahhhhh, man " that's good

> > > > >

> > > > > Anyone care to help me tweak the above into something worthy of an

Advaitan neophyte?

> > > > >

> > > > > Edg

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > no.

> > > > >

> > > > > it's bullshit.

> > > > >

> > > > > .b b.b.

> > > >

> > > > Edg:

> > > >But it's cool bullshit. Mood making is bhakti's child, sez moi.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > (.b b.b.)

> > > good for " moi " .

> > >

> > > i disagree on the cool.

> > >

> > > but will say that it was funny stuff.


Edg: Hey, if it's funny, that's cool to moi -- what's your definition of cool

in this conversation's context?


> > >

> > > i enjoyed it for that reason.

> > >

> > > i like bullshit.

> > >

> > > it entertains the ghost while it's ghosting.

> > >

> > > and it does do that.

> > >

> > > what flows from here is also bullshit.

> > >

> > > natural..organic..stinky.

> > >

> > > not cool.

> > >

> > > not important.

> > >

> > > noneffective in any ultimate way.

> > >

> > >

> > > >(Edg)

> > > > Since everything's bullshit, why do you say the obvious?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > (.b b.b.)

> > > because i fucking feel like it.

> > >

> > > why do " you " say anything at all?


Edg: Ego, ego, and oh yeah ego. Ego is what ego does. Ego is like a box of

chocolates . . . I was asking you if your ghost had a " payoff " for ghosting

here. What does your little twit think it's up to? My twit imagines all of the

readers here swooned in delight at my word choices, my poems, my clarity about

dogma, and all that -- GAWD, eh? Do you have that same baying dog on your



> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > >(Edg)

> > > >Do you say it for some therapeutic sake that I'm too dense to see?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > (.b b.b.)

> > > fuck no.

> > >

> > >

> > > >(Edg)

> > > >Do you think your reply made my ego less active, more unreal to itself?


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > (.b b.b.)

> > > i don't really care what effect it had on " you " .

> > >

> > > any " effect " on a thing that is not..

> > >

> > > is as non effectual as..

> > >

> > > what size the ass of a creature at the bottom of the ocean is.

> > >

> > > it simply is not relevant to anything here.


Edg: Just to be playful, er, what about the butterfly effect? Seems to me an ass

of any size in an ocean of any depth can still start a hurricane somewhere. For

just such reason I post here: to see if my butterfly's flutterings (the nuances

of word meanings and usage) are having a global effect on my mind's operations

that I need to be on top of. It's an intellectual conceit, but me likes it.


> > >

> > >

> > > >(Edg)

> > > > .b.b.b., I sincerely approach you and bow and ask: what would you join

me in doing here?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > (.b b.b.)

> > > " we " are without separation (a terminology)

> > >

> > > not co-joined..never apart:

> > >

> > > nonpareil Apotheosis.

> > >

> > > terms such as " union " with the " One " ..

> > >

> > > are inept efforts and mispeak what IS.

> > >

> > > niether " one " nor " many " are existent except in relation.

> > >

> > > " relation " / " relationship " is error.

> > >

> > >


Edg: Okay, okay, I get that. You know I get that. So why say it to me unless

(I'm speculating, please correct me) you're running some agenda, some ploy being

afoot? I do feel you're out for my own good even if I'm non-existent -- that's

the task of Identity -- to make a mask come alive. In your mind, are you the

thorn that removes my thorn?


> > >

> > >

> > > >(Edg)

> > > >Would any endeavor have traction for you?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > (.b b.b.)

> > > to what possible end?


Edg: The reason for creation is the expansion of happiness. Identity flows

into no-thing-ness just to show it can be infinite there too. Can we enjoy

Being coming? Isn't there a May pole for us to prance about in a rite of



> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > >(Edg)

> > > >Is my offer of " friendly chatting " offensive?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > (.b b.b.)

> > > fuck no.

> > >

> > > nor is it inviting.


Edg: Ouch, ouch, ouch. Just you wait. I'm going to be inviting as hell. Heh



> > >

> > > it is just what it is.

> > >

> > >

> > > >(Edg)

> > > >Could you and I enjoy a " My Dinner With Andre " -scenario, or am I " odious

in thy sight? "

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > (.b b.b.)

> > > don't be silly.

> > >

> > > nothing is " odious " in my sight.

> > >

> > > my sight is vacant.

> > >

> > > whatever it sees is phantasmal content only.

> > >

> > > judgment of value is ridiculous.

> > >

> > > to whom would such judgment have effect?

> > >

> > > no one that i am aware of.


Edg: Come on, come on, no one's here, so no risk in admitting you're egoic

mirage has some features that are talk-about-able. I look at your mirage and

see three palms trees, two camels drinking at the oasis, and dancing harem girls

bump and grinding before some cross-legged potentate. How close did I come in

this speculation? Hee hee.


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > >(Edg)

> > > >If contention is pleasing to you, is there some way I can play with that

dynamic with you that protects the tender feelings of each --

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > (.b b.b.)

> > > no.



Edg: Well, will you admit to experiencing the illusion of witnessing an ego

having tender feelings that are vulnerable?


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > >(Edg)

> > > >can we, sorta, be vying as if we're competing in a video game --

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > (.b b.b.)

> > > " we " can be or do anything you want or need it to be or do.

> > >


Edg: Sweet! Quick, levitate for me! I really really really need to see

levitation before I die.


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > >(Edg)

> > > >..where, say, a blood lust is symbolized, yeah, but in real life we're

laughing and having fun on the couch with our game controllers?

> > > >

> > > > Edg

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > (.b b.b.)

> > > " real life " ?

> > >

> > > what's that?

> > >

> > > what's " virtual life " ?

> > >

> > > is there a difference in any event?

> > >

> > > why?

> > >

> > > surely you are joking.

> > >

> > > ha ha!

> > >

> > > good one!

> > >

> > > .b b.b.

> > >


> > Edg: So, just to be clear, are you saying that there's no use my ever coming

back atcha on an " ego to ego " basis?


> (.b b.b.)


> i'm not telling you what to do or not do about anything.


> im not sure other than ego to ego how we would relate anyway.



Edg: What about the concept of Buddha meeting Buddha on the path? You seem to

feel that Buddha must be killed in this situation. I'm more like: " Hey,

another me -- go figure! What great luck! Let's have lunch! "



> but as far as the " value " adjudicated by this ego..


> regarding any significance of " relationship " ..


> that " goes on " between egos..


> or as to what actual " communication " regarding that for which..


> " communication " and " relation " are irrelevant..


> meaning simply " THAT " which must remain the Unknown..


> to any and all egos..


Edg: Unknown, unknowable, but there like a suitcase nuke.



> i hold no illusions as to it's capability..


> of affecting anything or effecting anyone.


> it has none.


> but hey how about that All Star game?


> i love baseball..how 'bout you?


Edg: If you can get Rocky Calavito and Al Kaline at bat again, I'm there.

Otherwise, I haven't watched a game for decades.



> and i love rock and roll.


Edg: " Just get your old records off the shelf. " Are ya doing the Tom Cruise

white sock slide?



> who'd your fave old time band?


Edg: Beatles. Sigh . . .



> could be i've even related to a few of back them in the day.


> that's show biz for ya.


> (Edg)


> > Dare I ask if you would state what level of freedom you enjoy?


> (.b b.b.)


> i don't enjoy ANY freedom.


> when however i have been gotten out of the way..


> as the " subjective moment " that ever resists..


> Freedom Flows without question or wonderment or presence.


> this sounds foolish even to this ego.


> but i cannot deny what IS as certain as the thought " I am " ...


Edg: I love it when you talk shop. Alrighty then! About " I am " -- how do you

see its meaning in the biblical phrase: " I am that I am? " I have a favorite way

of interpreting that, but I'd like your way expressed firstly.



> and even more profoundly known as:


> not strange..not mystical..not other.


> there comes no " surprise " Here.


> if there be anything like that..


Edg: Hmmmm, is it just me, or isn't it the case that every single thought is a

surprise? I'm not on the " thought committee, " and I haven't the least inkling

about what my next thought will be. Honest! Really! So, tell me what you mean

by " surprise. "



> it is in a sort of vague " sense " ..


> that the only weirdness is that IT has ever been " seen " ..


> as anything else other than what is that it is.


> but then..


> back to the future past.


> and baba starts squirting nonsense about all sorts of strange shit.


> it's far from freedom but it's fun.


> (Edg)


> > Is there any neutral territory for us?


> (.b b.b.)


> there is ONLY neutral territory " between " " us " .


> though it seems polarities exist..


> it is that only a sort of magnetic monopole IS.


> from here " we " would assume it's a just freaky " possible " solution..


> of Maxwell's equations.


Edg: Ah so you ARE a Beatles fan. Are you the wielder of the Silver Hammer?

Or, wait, don't tell me you're one of those Tao of Physics guys? Are you into




> but it is our very Being-ness without overlay.


> (Edg)


> I get the emptiness thingy, but since you are espousing it and yet posting,

how does this not amount to hypocrisy? Your brusque manner seems to be " by

design, " and I would love to have some shop talk from you about that tactic.


> (.b b.b.)


> it's the way of this beast.


> as anyone else i am just a filthy animal..


> finding myself among others in isolation and aloneness.


> if that's hypocrisy so be it.


> i'm not out to be or say that as .b b.b. i am anything other..


> than a hypocrite.


> i am no saint..no guru..no holy man.


> i think those are bullshit " titles " anyway.


Edg: Hmmmm, I do think that Nisargadatta and Ramana are special, and I do want

them on a pedestal. It's an honoring of my conceptual lineage -- bowing to

their productions is one way to do puja, eh?



> nothing that is happening as " me " is by design.


> not " my " design at any rate.


> i am what i am and that's all that i am..


Edg: Can you be a burning bush too? Just askin'.



> and i eats me spinach.


> i'm not trying to do to anyone..


> anything that i do not do to and for my " self " .


> for some unknown reason and by some strange chemistry..


> this intrinsic behavior and attitude..


> of this 'persona " ..


> has at " moments " opened floodgates of an Awareness..


> for which terms like " doubt " or " uncertainty " no longer apply.


> when " in " (or AS)..i'm not sure which is more accurate)..


> The " Current " ..


> faith or belief are the least needed of all the unneeded.


> Here there is no need nor question..


> nor..and this from ego's perspective a bizarre thing..


> no wonder nor amazement whatsoever.


> it's most like an: " of course! "


Edg: Sounds like LSD afoot. Hee hee. In India, on the streets, the psychotics

blend almost seamlessly with saints. Hmmmm. To me, the ego can cobble together

an appreciation of sorts when it does ritual. The villagers who helped Baby

Krishna hold up the mountain by using sticks were unnecessary, but the heart

cannot be stopped from wanting to do something to support satva. I see no shame

in the ego having a sacred pretense -- keeps it out of mischief. So I say,

enjoy your " of course " - ness.



> (Edg)


> > Are we to believe you're an automaton only -- a record playing in an empty

room? What?


> (.b b.b.)


> i don't have a clue what you are supposed to assume.


> that's up to and within yourself.


> (Edg)


> > I'm not here to tussle with anyone. Is this list where you allow yourself to

be abrasive while in ordinary life you're toeing the lines and presenting

yourself to your boss/wife/kids/world as normal? Just trying to really get you

over here.


> (.b b.b.)


> frankly i don't know how i am about anything.


> i'm not here for any particular reason.


> i don't think about that sort of stuff.


> i am the same as far as i can tell at all times.


> but how would i know for sure?


> we all see what we want to see.


> in terms of how others see us we can never know for sure.


> i just don't particularly care one way or another.


> i like music and fishing and gardening and reading..


Edg: You seek finny protein, but you eschew being a fisher of men? What's wrong

with this picture?


> and all manner of thing.


> if others like that or dislike it..


> it is of no business of..nor concern to.. " me " .


> it is allowed and is what it is.


> i really don't know what to say or what the question " means " .


> and i'm not trying to be mean in saying that.


Edg: Suddenly, I don't sense a mean bone in your body, but like some Balinese

mask dancer, you sure gots a fierce look when you need one.


> (Edg)


> > Now, let me say, I'm willing to accommodate and " leave you alone, " because I

don't have the psychological wherewithal to do confrontational energy with the

kind of success I would be targeting, but that seems to be a FAIL. Is there

anyway you can turn down the volume when we interact? I don't have it in me to

do the locker-room knock-abouting.


> (.b b.b.)


> i'm not asking you to change what you cannot..


> nor to do what you don't want to do nor not do.


> i will not do either either.


> i have no psychological wherewithal at all.


Edg: I do feel there are psychological techniques that can change personality

-- but they are weak tools at best.



> i'm not playing games..locker room or otherwise.


> i neither ask nor expect to be understood or liked.


> i'm just living the life as it lives me.


> there is no choice and that's ok.


Edg: Ooooooo, one of my favorite words: choice. To me it's all nutshelled by

Billy Wavesword: " To be or not to be, THAT is the question. "



> (Edg)


> > So, if you come back at me with more snark, thanks but no thanks, I've got

more than I can handle here with those who do seem willing to go over the fine

print with me, but anyone who posts as much as you are doing has passion, and

that attracts muchly a wholebunchalotta.

> >

> > Edg


> (.b b.b.)


> if you deem this as snark..


> you have every right to.


> you are you and i am not.


> i see it as other than snark.


> i will not try to force my opinion on you.


> it doesn't matter.


> .b b.b.



Edg: Whatever you think you did in the above post -- it worked for me. Heart is

there. Who can be anything but a fan when heart is on the stage? Thanks for the

above effortless effort -- attention is love, and there just is no way around

that sort of spellcasting. The image in the mirror swoons and perforce comes

alive to at least bow to Identity. As if, but what a noble attempt! My

audience applauds THAT which supports your productions, but it's okay if your

ego bows to that audience. Gotta love the sheer cuteness of the small self.




(.b b.b.)


i don't think much.


i don't think at all about what i've done.


i haven't ever done anything.


i don't know what that means or is.


maybe that's cute.


..b b.b.

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