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Hysteria and Mythopoesis

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By Lewis Burgess


There are no words that I know that do the job and call attention

better to what we do in places like this than " hysteria. " In the

mythopoetic view, hysteria underlies mythopoesis, the process of

creating stories and realities and assessing them for communicating and

living. Hysteria can simply be defined as a satisified desire creating

and seeking unsatisfied desire; fulfilled desire creating and seeking

unfulfilled desire; a constant undoing of satisfaction, creating

another unsatisfaction and then trying to satisfy the created

unsatisfaction in an endless round. Desire is an emotion/feeling of

unsatisfaction, an inclination to reach satisfaction. Satisfaction is

an emotion/feeling present when desire is fullfilled.


The source of this is two: the inability to see/be the " hole, " the

" gap, " which is " unrecognized hysteria " and clearly seeing and

realizing the gap, the hole, (recognized hysteria). In unrecognized

hysteria, there is the unwitting landing on " tensional poles or

extremes " and holding or fixating on one and fighting off tensional

pull of the others by say " defending the grip, " the feel, the sense of

it, the comfort and security of it. These " grippings " on the extreme

poles creates stress, tension, suffering, conflict.... Letting go of

one pole is usually replaced by holding on to another pole and then

again another pole. This can go on for decades until all poles have

been experienced or not. In doing that, it is possible to see the hole,

the gap and to be free of the gripping of the extreme tensional poles.

The hole, the gap can be seen earlier if there is " openness " to see.


In recognized hysteria, all the poles are clearly seen, unhidden,

realized and are used as means to create stories that are useful for

living. No extreme is held or fixated upon as it becomes an inability.


In unrecognized hysteria, satisfied desire seeks and creates

unsatisfied desire without knowing, unawares, and not knowing how it is

occuring, that is the hypothesis (unsatisfied desire) and hypothesis

making is not known or seen. So endless seeking and searching and

finding without knowing how or why, blindly without complete

satisfaction because the hypothesis is always changing unawares and

stress abounds when tension pulls away from the pole gripped. Avoidance

of tension becomes paramount and this is tension creating.


In recognized hysteria, desire is satisfied and laetitia is with or

without doing. To enjoy differently, an unsatisfied desire is

consciously created and then sought to complete satisfaction. Then

another is made. Science is to some degree is such a conscious

endeavor, where a hypothesis (unsatisfied desire) is established and

then sought to completion (experimentation, data analysis, conclusion).

Continuation is a matter of preference.


Extremes and the Gap in a circle without insides and outsides.


gap |nothingness |becoming |thingness |nonthingness |gap

hole |nonexistence|un-becoming|existence |ineffableness|hole

|non-being |becoming |being |mystery |


So the main possibilities appear based on the pole held:


I do not exist! I am meaningless! I create meaning from nothing!


I am becoming and un-becoming! I become relatively meaningful and

impermanent! I arise and disappear!


I am complex, a complex synthesis, a whole (nothingness and thingness)


I exist! I am meaningful! I am absolute!


I am mystery! I am beyond expression, meaning! I am unknowable!


It does not exist! It is meaningless! Meaning is created from nothing!


It becomes and un-becomes! It is all relative, impermanent! It arises

and disappears!


It exists! It is meaningful! It is absolute! It is.


It is mysterious! It is beyond expression meaning! It passes all



I create me and my realities with language, symbols and imagination to

support landing on and gripping these poles become satisfied in them.

But being extreme and partial, tension is created by the pull of the

other extremes (in unawareness or awareness) creating unfulfilled

desire for some " thing " else. And so what about this? But what about

this? And this? Could it be this or perhaps this? Let me see, let me

comment, Let me check.......The questioning arises as to how to satisfy

the hypothesis, the unsatisfied desire created nonconsciously or

consciously, implicitly, explicitly, both or neither.


If the hole is seen clearly and accepted all extremes are seen and

laetitia arises. Unrecognized hysteria is then clearly recognized.

Hysteria can now be used (or not) in the lucid and transformative arts

in living.


The end of " tensional living " that is gripping extreme poles, is

feared and is anxiety provoking, even devasting to the tightly

gripped, as such living is similar to a deep addiction and the

withdrawal symptoms can be profound. On this account the hole is

usually not seen clearly or if seen, not accepted or rejected - and

unrecognized hysteria ensues.


Hidden and unfaced or realized and faced corollaries unavoidbly form

when one of the extreme poles are landed on and held. For example, as

applied to knowledge, knowing and understanding there are, hidden or

known, or partially so, the " refuges " of extreme positions. When

speaking from them there is a fundamental assumptio(s) that is rarely

exposed and freely asserted usually only in the case of believers, who

need no verification outside of their belief. For the others, these

positions usually remain hidden so as not to reveal the " extremity

gripped " and thus subject to the " prying of fingers to loosen " and

assaults of all kinds... and thus is rarely exposed in communication.

The " refuges " are covered in words, reason, logic, humor, sarcasm,

cynicism, compassion, love, confusion etc. all hiding the extreme view

held whether hidden or realized or partially so. For example we have

the corresponding " refuges " that match the holding on to extreme poles

of either nothingness, becoming, thingness, nothingness and thingness,



" No one is right, every one is wrong. " We are making it up as we go

along. Fools! make your own reality. Ignore others! Do your thing! "

(i.e. nihilism, anarchy)


" Every one is right in a way, every is one is wrong in a way. We have

to see and accept all differences, views, all sides, all have value.

Every one entitled to their view. Why insist on one view over others.

Be open! " (i.e. relativism)


" I am right, everyone else is wrong. The truth is, reality is, they

just can't see it or accept. They are blind and ignorant for it is

right in front of their noses and the way to see it is clear if they

just take to the path that leads to it " (monisms, absolutisms,



" We have to see and learn from all sides to see what is real. One view

does not contain the whole. It is just not this way or that, it is not

black and white, it is not relative. We can see the whole by examining

all of the parts. Every one is so imbalanced! They need to be more

aware and accepting to see the whole picture! " (i.e. synthesis and



" No one can know anything, it is not possible to know anything, all

shots in the dark, best guesses and approximations. They try and try

and just do not realize it cannot be done. They simply do not face

their reality " (i.e. skepticism).


" It is all an absolute mystery. How can anyone know it in words or

concepts? It is beyond knowing, awareness, it passes all understanding,

nothing ever happened All we need to do is accept and enter the

mystery in surrender and all becomes clear, all becomes one " (faith,

mysticism). "


There are those, of course, who are aware enough of the poles to

become " switchers " or more commonly known as " bullshitters " who move

among the poles changing positions as necessary to remain absolute,

uncatchable without revealing concern for any pole while they are

holding one very tightly. These pole grippers denounce all others

except those similar to themselves. Similarly, there are also reasoners

who hold onto to one unspoken extreme or two in combination and then

study all poles, so as to be able to defy all others pole positions by

knowing their stories better than the grippers of those poles. In in

doing so, reasoners appear as knowing better, cutting others apart,

while achieving a superior position in dialogue by hiding effectively

hiding their pole position, by knowing the weaknessness of the stories

of others, and by avoiding any direct discussion of their polar

assumptions that must be held in order to communicate. And so on.


The hysterical refuge taken here is on the existence pole and in

taking the following created unsatisfied desire or hypothesis: If this

presentation of hysteria and mythopoetics is read and considered, then

it will be dealt with in a hysterical manner in one of the the two ways

mentioned, singularly or in of combination of poles as there are no

other alternatives possible and if not it will either be unraveled, and

revealed to be some thing else or it will not. The null hypothesis is

that it will make no difference at all.




Gene Poole answers, with further clarifications from Lewis



Thank you Lewis, that is a delightful



The song 'Pinball Wizard' comes to mind;

speaking of bouncing from pole to pole,

and saying; " I meant to do that! "


'Hysteria' is 'the' reaction typically had

when a person faces or glimpses the unknown.


Alcoholic 'confabulation' is an easy-to-see

version of the 'normal' state you describe;

the 'gaps' are simply filled in with

bits that seem to 'fit'; thus there is no

challenge to 'normality'. I think that is

called 'Korsakoff's psychosis', but it seems

to be simply a more radical version of the

'awareness' of the 'encultured' person.


Lewis: Quick repair work on an exposed

working hypotheses, with " forgetting

in the moment and recent past " of all

permutations showing it to be only that

so as to maintain ontological security.

" My [conceptual] world is really this way

and so you see look at this, I have to and

so...It goes like this.... "


'Male Hysteria' has been identified recently;

female hysteria being the well-known 'outburst

of emotion', the male version being an

'outburst of rationality'. Trouble is, the

'rationality' of male hysteria is emanated

as a 'patch' for a 'belief system' that

is threatening to disintegrate; and such

patches may be 'emanated' in such volume,

and AT such (verbal) volume, that the patches

become a worse 'problem' than the fragile

'reality' being patched.


Lewis: That is when hysteria, as everyday work necessary

to get along (we use hypotheses to go on), becomes

a symptom of nonadaptibility and the problems of living

that ensue for both females and males when the

patches get in the way of going on.




And Onniko asks after the original post:


*_* Wow that was long.

Did you write that?

Did you think that up

in your head, haha?



Lewis: Thank you for noticing the length. What is below is shorter so

if you utter just Oh! that will do. :-)


Yes, I typed it out and not actually thinking it up as it is more in

way of constituting a summary story made from the all the writings

here and on other lists to which I ; all of the types of

responses found, the assertions, denials, syntheses, doubts,

dismissals, conflicts, arguments, experiences, mine included.... and

the general categories that emerged. So it is a sort of summary story

of what was and is observed and experienced.


Nonduality, enlightenment, self realization, related states and

experiences and so on at the moment have not been lucidly presented,

definable, or demonstrable beyond metaphors, assertions, beliefs and

lived experiences that are never given in any " concrete " form.

Concrete form such as I am enlightened and this is how it is for me to

drive a car, or to watch a movie, to eat an apple, to see a forest and

other stuff we do. This is not done by any one as far as I can

determine. No feelings, emotions mentioned etc either. In place of the

that are the same words, concepts, metaphors, analogies found in

available text, teachings on it. There are a few exceptions here who

do not employ or repeat the normative social discourse of nonduality

and do not point in the same way or point to the same stuff or who do

not point at all since it seems there is a view or experience with them

that the moon pointed to and the finger pointing are the same thing.


It has been curious why all of this is being done day after day, month

after month (my extent) and I suppose year after year. I do the same

in my way about the things that I have an abiding interest in. I make

stories and use them to go on in all sorts of ways at home, work,

social venues, here, exercise, rest, hobbies and so on. It seems that

there is nothing more than that going on here. But there is talk as if

there is more and so I have been looking into it and seeing if there is

any correlation with my experiences. Whatever is going on with others

in their life, it is not presented here in any crisp arresting detail

and so there are piles of word and images and concepts to pile through

and that which is above is what I came up with those aforementioned



The observations of the pole gripping became apparent in the observed

writings, questions and challenges made to others views and

experiences by me and others. Poles were gripped and never let go. I

understand this from my own experiences of attachment. But what was

perplexing was that this continued on and on without any visible

alteration in the way of expression for most. That is how the

" hypothesis " that is not known but created and sought after idea came

up. An imaginative conceit is made unawares or partially so and then

is sought after. And since a conceit cannot be had, the hypothesis, the

conceit sought, is altered again and again as it is exposed to

influences of others and altered but never given up. So, there is a

refinement in the fiction, the hypothesis sought, and and a change in

how it is dealt with but it is never loosed. This would be my

definition of hysteria that is not bad or good just what we do to get

along aware of it or not that we do it.


Hysteria is a catchy term, has a bit of the uncontrollable in it, the

emotional and the odd. It seems if we are simply alive and well in

body we are satisfied and content. But some really do not like that

state of simple contentment for some reason or feeling and so

constantly make hypotheses unawares to keep the engine of action and

feeling going on to other things and then fixated in some things, and

never satisfied in it, it cannot be put away, there is no orgasm just

eternal foreplay. It seems that it can be done being aware rather than

not so and that is what all of human creation seems to be about.

Science is nothing but hysteria as it is a well organized hysterical

enterprise, always making hypotheses and chasing after them and so it

is constantly making stories to go on in the world and they overtake

all other kinds of knowledge making in the process. Being aware and

making unsatisfied desire is less addictive, fixating, stressing then

being addicted to and compulsive about always maintaining unsatisfied

desire, desire never satisfied. A hungry ghost sort of thing. Hungry,

eats and never satisfied.


The " hole " or " gap " is left and there is nothing to say.

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Nisargadatta , " cerosoul " <pedsie6 wrote:


---- snip snip snip snip snip snip ....



To bring it to the point,


'Hysteria is shooting with cannons at sparrows'.



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Nisargadatta , " cerosoul " <pedsie6 wrote:


> By Lewis Burgess


> There are no words that I know that do the job and call attention

> better to what we do in places like this than " hysteria. " In the

> mythopoetic view, hysteria underlies mythopoesis, the process of

> creating stories and realities and assessing them for communicating and

> living. Hysteria can simply be defined as a satisified desire creating

> and seeking unsatisfied desire; fulfilled desire creating and seeking

> unfulfilled desire; a constant undoing of satisfaction, creating

> another unsatisfaction and then trying to satisfy the created

> unsatisfaction in an endless round. Desire is an emotion/feeling of

> unsatisfaction, an inclination to reach satisfaction. Satisfaction is

> an emotion/feeling present when desire is fullfilled.


> The source of this is two: the inability to see/be the " hole, " the

> " gap, " which is " unrecognized hysteria " and clearly seeing and

> realizing the gap, the hole, (recognized hysteria). In unrecognized

> hysteria, there is the unwitting landing on " tensional poles or

> extremes " and holding or fixating on one and fighting off tensional

> pull of the others by say " defending the grip, " the feel, the sense of

> it, the comfort and security of it. These " grippings " on the extreme

> poles creates stress, tension, suffering, conflict.... Letting go of

> one pole is usually replaced by holding on to another pole and then

> again another pole. This can go on for decades until all poles have

> been experienced or not. In doing that, it is possible to see the hole,

> the gap and to be free of the gripping of the extreme tensional poles.

> The hole, the gap can be seen earlier if there is " openness " to see.


> In recognized hysteria, all the poles are clearly seen, unhidden,

> realized and are used as means to create stories that are useful for

> living. No extreme is held or fixated upon as it becomes an inability.


> In unrecognized hysteria, satisfied desire seeks and creates

> unsatisfied desire without knowing, unawares, and not knowing how it is

> occuring, that is the hypothesis (unsatisfied desire) and hypothesis

> making is not known or seen. So endless seeking and searching and

> finding without knowing how or why, blindly without complete

> satisfaction because the hypothesis is always changing unawares and

> stress abounds when tension pulls away from the pole gripped. Avoidance

> of tension becomes paramount and this is tension creating.


> In recognized hysteria, desire is satisfied and laetitia is with or

> without doing. To enjoy differently, an unsatisfied desire is

> consciously created and then sought to complete satisfaction. Then

> another is made. Science is to some degree is such a conscious

> endeavor, where a hypothesis (unsatisfied desire) is established and

> then sought to completion (experimentation, data analysis, conclusion).

> Continuation is a matter of preference.


> Extremes and the Gap in a circle without insides and outsides.


> gap |nothingness |becoming |thingness |nonthingness |gap

> hole |nonexistence|un-becoming|existence |ineffableness|hole

> |non-being |becoming |being |mystery |


> So the main possibilities appear based on the pole held:


> I do not exist! I am meaningless! I create meaning from nothing!


> I am becoming and un-becoming! I become relatively meaningful and

> impermanent! I arise and disappear!


> I am complex, a complex synthesis, a whole (nothingness and thingness)


> I exist! I am meaningful! I am absolute!


> I am mystery! I am beyond expression, meaning! I am unknowable!


> It does not exist! It is meaningless! Meaning is created from nothing!


> It becomes and un-becomes! It is all relative, impermanent! It arises

> and disappears!


> It exists! It is meaningful! It is absolute! It is.


> It is mysterious! It is beyond expression meaning! It passes all

> understanding!


> I create me and my realities with language, symbols and imagination to

> support landing on and gripping these poles become satisfied in them.

> But being extreme and partial, tension is created by the pull of the

> other extremes (in unawareness or awareness) creating unfulfilled

> desire for some " thing " else. And so what about this? But what about

> this? And this? Could it be this or perhaps this? Let me see, let me

> comment, Let me check.......The questioning arises as to how to satisfy

> the hypothesis, the unsatisfied desire created nonconsciously or

> consciously, implicitly, explicitly, both or neither.


> If the hole is seen clearly and accepted all extremes are seen and

> laetitia arises. Unrecognized hysteria is then clearly recognized.

> Hysteria can now be used (or not) in the lucid and transformative arts

> in living.


> The end of " tensional living " that is gripping extreme poles, is

> feared and is anxiety provoking, even devasting to the tightly

> gripped, as such living is similar to a deep addiction and the

> withdrawal symptoms can be profound. On this account the hole is

> usually not seen clearly or if seen, not accepted or rejected - and

> unrecognized hysteria ensues.


> Hidden and unfaced or realized and faced corollaries unavoidbly form

> when one of the extreme poles are landed on and held. For example, as

> applied to knowledge, knowing and understanding there are, hidden or

> known, or partially so, the " refuges " of extreme positions. When

> speaking from them there is a fundamental assumptio(s) that is rarely

> exposed and freely asserted usually only in the case of believers, who

> need no verification outside of their belief. For the others, these

> positions usually remain hidden so as not to reveal the " extremity

> gripped " and thus subject to the " prying of fingers to loosen " and

> assaults of all kinds... and thus is rarely exposed in communication.

> The " refuges " are covered in words, reason, logic, humor, sarcasm,

> cynicism, compassion, love, confusion etc. all hiding the extreme view

> held whether hidden or realized or partially so. For example we have

> the corresponding " refuges " that match the holding on to extreme poles

> of either nothingness, becoming, thingness, nothingness and thingness,

> nonthingness


> " No one is right, every one is wrong. " We are making it up as we go

> along. Fools! make your own reality. Ignore others! Do your thing! "

> (i.e. nihilism, anarchy)


> " Every one is right in a way, every is one is wrong in a way. We have

> to see and accept all differences, views, all sides, all have value.

> Every one entitled to their view. Why insist on one view over others.

> Be open! " (i.e. relativism)


> " I am right, everyone else is wrong. The truth is, reality is, they

> just can't see it or accept. They are blind and ignorant for it is

> right in front of their noses and the way to see it is clear if they

> just take to the path that leads to it " (monisms, absolutisms,

> scientisms).


> " We have to see and learn from all sides to see what is real. One view

> does not contain the whole. It is just not this way or that, it is not

> black and white, it is not relative. We can see the whole by examining

> all of the parts. Every one is so imbalanced! They need to be more

> aware and accepting to see the whole picture! " (i.e. synthesis and

> syncretism)


> " No one can know anything, it is not possible to know anything, all

> shots in the dark, best guesses and approximations. They try and try

> and just do not realize it cannot be done. They simply do not face

> their reality " (i.e. skepticism).


> " It is all an absolute mystery. How can anyone know it in words or

> concepts? It is beyond knowing, awareness, it passes all understanding,

> nothing ever happened All we need to do is accept and enter the

> mystery in surrender and all becomes clear, all becomes one " (faith,

> mysticism). "


> There are those, of course, who are aware enough of the poles to

> become " switchers " or more commonly known as " bullshitters " who move

> among the poles changing positions as necessary to remain absolute,

> uncatchable without revealing concern for any pole while they are

> holding one very tightly. These pole grippers denounce all others

> except those similar to themselves. Similarly, there are also reasoners

> who hold onto to one unspoken extreme or two in combination and then

> study all poles, so as to be able to defy all others pole positions by

> knowing their stories better than the grippers of those poles. In in

> doing so, reasoners appear as knowing better, cutting others apart,

> while achieving a superior position in dialogue by hiding effectively

> hiding their pole position, by knowing the weaknessness of the stories

> of others, and by avoiding any direct discussion of their polar

> assumptions that must be held in order to communicate. And so on.


> The hysterical refuge taken here is on the existence pole and in

> taking the following created unsatisfied desire or hypothesis: If this

> presentation of hysteria and mythopoetics is read and considered, then

> it will be dealt with in a hysterical manner in one of the the two ways

> mentioned, singularly or in of combination of poles as there are no

> other alternatives possible and if not it will either be unraveled, and

> revealed to be some thing else or it will not. The null hypothesis is

> that it will make no difference at all.


> ----------


> Gene Poole answers, with further clarifications from Lewis

> interpolated:


> Thank you Lewis, that is a delightful

> exposition!


> The song 'Pinball Wizard' comes to mind;

> speaking of bouncing from pole to pole,

> and saying; " I meant to do that! "


> 'Hysteria' is 'the' reaction typically had

> when a person faces or glimpses the unknown.


> Alcoholic 'confabulation' is an easy-to-see

> version of the 'normal' state you describe;

> the 'gaps' are simply filled in with

> bits that seem to 'fit'; thus there is no

> challenge to 'normality'. I think that is

> called 'Korsakoff's psychosis', but it seems

> to be simply a more radical version of the

> 'awareness' of the 'encultured' person.


> Lewis: Quick repair work on an exposed

> working hypotheses, with " forgetting

> in the moment and recent past " of all

> permutations showing it to be only that

> so as to maintain ontological security.

> " My [conceptual] world is really this way

> and so you see look at this, I have to and

> so...It goes like this.... "


> 'Male Hysteria' has been identified recently;

> female hysteria being the well-known 'outburst

> of emotion', the male version being an

> 'outburst of rationality'. Trouble is, the

> 'rationality' of male hysteria is emanated

> as a 'patch' for a 'belief system' that

> is threatening to disintegrate; and such

> patches may be 'emanated' in such volume,

> and AT such (verbal) volume, that the patches

> become a worse 'problem' than the fragile

> 'reality' being patched.


> Lewis: That is when hysteria, as everyday work necessary

> to get along (we use hypotheses to go on), becomes

> a symptom of nonadaptibility and the problems of living

> that ensue for both females and males when the

> patches get in the way of going on.


> ----------------


> And Onniko asks after the original post:


> *_* Wow that was long.

> Did you write that?

> Did you think that up

> in your head, haha?



> Lewis: Thank you for noticing the length. What is below is shorter so

> if you utter just Oh! that will do. :-)


> Yes, I typed it out and not actually thinking it up as it is more in

> way of constituting a summary story made from the all the writings

> here and on other lists to which I ; all of the types of

> responses found, the assertions, denials, syntheses, doubts,

> dismissals, conflicts, arguments, experiences, mine included.... and

> the general categories that emerged. So it is a sort of summary story

> of what was and is observed and experienced.


> Nonduality, enlightenment, self realization, related states and

> experiences and so on at the moment have not been lucidly presented,

> definable, or demonstrable beyond metaphors, assertions, beliefs and

> lived experiences that are never given in any " concrete " form.

> Concrete form such as I am enlightened and this is how it is for me to

> drive a car, or to watch a movie, to eat an apple, to see a forest and

> other stuff we do. This is not done by any one as far as I can

> determine. No feelings, emotions mentioned etc either. In place of the

> that are the same words, concepts, metaphors, analogies found in

> available text, teachings on it. There are a few exceptions here who

> do not employ or repeat the normative social discourse of nonduality

> and do not point in the same way or point to the same stuff or who do

> not point at all since it seems there is a view or experience with them

> that the moon pointed to and the finger pointing are the same thing.


> It has been curious why all of this is being done day after day, month

> after month (my extent) and I suppose year after year. I do the same

> in my way about the things that I have an abiding interest in. I make

> stories and use them to go on in all sorts of ways at home, work,

> social venues, here, exercise, rest, hobbies and so on. It seems that

> there is nothing more than that going on here. But there is talk as if

> there is more and so I have been looking into it and seeing if there is

> any correlation with my experiences. Whatever is going on with others

> in their life, it is not presented here in any crisp arresting detail

> and so there are piles of word and images and concepts to pile through

> and that which is above is what I came up with those aforementioned

> subjects.


> The observations of the pole gripping became apparent in the observed

> writings, questions and challenges made to others views and

> experiences by me and others. Poles were gripped and never let go. I

> understand this from my own experiences of attachment. But what was

> perplexing was that this continued on and on without any visible

> alteration in the way of expression for most. That is how the

> " hypothesis " that is not known but created and sought after idea came

> up. An imaginative conceit is made unawares or partially so and then

> is sought after. And since a conceit cannot be had, the hypothesis, the

> conceit sought, is altered again and again as it is exposed to

> influences of others and altered but never given up. So, there is a

> refinement in the fiction, the hypothesis sought, and and a change in

> how it is dealt with but it is never loosed. This would be my

> definition of hysteria that is not bad or good just what we do to get

> along aware of it or not that we do it.


> Hysteria is a catchy term, has a bit of the uncontrollable in it, the

> emotional and the odd. It seems if we are simply alive and well in

> body we are satisfied and content. But some really do not like that

> state of simple contentment for some reason or feeling and so

> constantly make hypotheses unawares to keep the engine of action and

> feeling going on to other things and then fixated in some things, and

> never satisfied in it, it cannot be put away, there is no orgasm just

> eternal foreplay. It seems that it can be done being aware rather than

> not so and that is what all of human creation seems to be about.

> Science is nothing but hysteria as it is a well organized hysterical

> enterprise, always making hypotheses and chasing after them and so it

> is constantly making stories to go on in the world and they overtake

> all other kinds of knowledge making in the process. Being aware and

> making unsatisfied desire is less addictive, fixating, stressing then

> being addicted to and compulsive about always maintaining unsatisfied

> desire, desire never satisfied. A hungry ghost sort of thing. Hungry,

> eats and never satisfied.


> The " hole " or " gap " is left and there is nothing to say.







this was interesting until Gene Poole's name came into it.


that senile nutzoid's name put a stop...


to any interest i had going any further into the narrative.


..b b.b.

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Nisargadatta , " Werner Woehr " <wwoehr wrote:


> Nisargadatta , " cerosoul " <pedsie6@> wrote:

> >

> ---- snip snip snip snip snip snip ....



> To bring it to the point,


> 'Hysteria is shooting with cannons at sparrows'.


> Werner



you prefer shooting at cannons with sparrows eh wernie.


how do you pull the string wings on those little things?


do you use their beaks for your arrows?


when they hit the cannon evidently it sounds like:


" snip snip snip snip snip. "


what a man!




..b b.b.

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Nisargadatta , " Werner Woehr " <wwoehr wrote:


> Nisargadatta , " cerosoul " <pedsie6@> wrote:

> >

> ---- snip snip snip snip snip snip ....



> To bring it to the point,


> 'Hysteria is shooting with cannons at sparrows'.


> Werner


P: I have no idea what you mean, except, of course,

that you disapprove of the post. Being such a long

post I didn't expect you to read it. If you did, it

didn't work for you. You are still hanging on to your

view of reality for dear life. Let go, man. Float!

What's the use of being an astronaut if you're going

to be strapped to your seat all the time.


Float freely!


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Nisargadatta , " cerosoul " <pedsie6 wrote:


> Nisargadatta , " Werner Woehr " <wwoehr@> wrote:

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " cerosoul " <pedsie6@> wrote:

> > >

> > ---- snip snip snip snip snip snip ....

> >

> >

> > To bring it to the point,

> >

> > 'Hysteria is shooting with cannons at sparrows'.

> >

> > Werner


> P: I have no idea what you mean, except, of course,

> that you disapprove of the post. Being such a long

> post I didn't expect you to read it.




No disapprovement, Pete. But true, I cannot read such long texts because my eyes

won't allow it.


What I meant with 'With cannons shooting at sparrows' is a synonyme for

'overreaction' as hysteria usually is regarded to be.



> If you did, it

> didn't work for you. You are still hanging on to your

> view of reality for dear life.



There are as many realities as there are people. Each reality is different.

There is no common reality.


Have you ever tried to give up your 'reality' ? You can't because you are it.

Who should give it up ? There is none ...


Therefore my tip: Accpept your 'reality', man, and float with it.





' Let go, man. Float!

> What's the use of being an astronaut if you're going

> to be strapped to your seat all the time.


> Float freely!

> >


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> W: Have you ever tried to give up your 'reality' ? You can't because you are

it. Who should give it up ? There is none ...


P: There is no reality, Werner. There are only opinions

about reality, and opinions can change, if not cling to.


>W: Therefore my tip: Accpept your 'reality', man, and float with it.


P:There is no reality to accept, just float without

grasping at concepts.





> >


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Nisargadatta , " cerosoul " <pedsie6 wrote:



> >

> > W: Have you ever tried to give up your 'reality' ? You can't because you are

it. Who should give it up ? There is none ...


> P: There is no reality, Werner. There are only opinions

> about reality, and opinions can change, if not cling to.

> >

> >W: Therefore my tip: Accpept your 'reality', man, and float with it.


> P:There is no reality to accept, just float without

> grasping at concepts.



wernie doesn't know what a concept is.


he doesn't grasp at nor have any of them anyway.


he destroys " conepts " .


and i have no concept of what the fuck a " conept " is.




..b b.b.

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Nisargadatta , " cerosoul " <pedsie6 wrote:



> >

> > W: Have you ever tried to give up your 'reality' ? You can't because you are

it. Who should give it up ? There is none ...


> P: There is no reality, Werner. There are only opinions

> about reality, and opinions can change, if not cling to.





if you can name a rare piece of music and someone else can't then this ability

is your 'reality'. If you get a hickup and I don't then this again is your

reality. If I have problems with my eyesight and you don't then this is my

reality. We endlessly can go on with these enumeration and I am afraid that you

still will go on saying that " There is no reality, there are only opinions about

reality " .


Reality is without opinions. I just is and does what it is and does. A dog barks

and a cat meows. That is their reality.


As I already said there are as many realities as there are people but there is

no common reality.





> >

> >W: Therefore my tip: Accpept your 'reality', man, and float with it.


> P:There is no reality to accept, just float without

> grasping at concepts.


> >

> >


> > >

> >


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Nisargadatta , " roberibus111 " <Roberibus111 wrote:


> Nisargadatta , " cerosoul " <pedsie6@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > >

> > > W: Have you ever tried to give up your 'reality' ? You can't because you

are it. Who should give it up ? There is none ...

> >

> > P: There is no reality, Werner. There are only opinions

> > about reality, and opinions can change, if not cling to.

> > >

> > >W: Therefore my tip: Accpept your 'reality', man, and float with it.

> >

> > P:There is no reality to accept, just float without

> > grasping at concepts.



> wernie doesn't know what a concept is.


> he doesn't grasp at nor have any of them anyway.


> he destroys " conepts " .



Shut up you arrogant dumb-ass.


Pete hasn't asked you for any comment about me. You self-importatant loud-mouth

seem to believe that any fart happening in this world has something to do with







> and i have no concept of what the fuck a " conept " is.


> :-)


> .b b.b.


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Nisargadatta , " Werner Woehr " <wwoehr wrote:


> Nisargadatta , " roberibus111 " <Roberibus111@> wrote:

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " cerosoul " <pedsie6@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > >

> > > > W: Have you ever tried to give up your 'reality' ? You can't because you

are it. Who should give it up ? There is none ...

> > >

> > > P: There is no reality, Werner. There are only opinions

> > > about reality, and opinions can change, if not cling to.

> > > >

> > > >W: Therefore my tip: Accpept your 'reality', man, and float with it.

> > >

> > > P:There is no reality to accept, just float without

> > > grasping at concepts.

> >

> >

> > wernie doesn't know what a concept is.

> >

> > he doesn't grasp at nor have any of them anyway.

> >

> > he destroys " conepts " .



> Shut up you arrogant dumb-ass.





you shut the fuck up and quit whining you Fotze.







> Pete hasn't asked you for any comment about me.



so fucking what cry baby.




You self-importatant loud-mouth seem to believe that any fart happening in this

world has something to do with you.


> Werner





well at least you admit what your posts can be classified as.


and i don't think your brain farts have anything to do with me


i don't think they have anything to do with anyone but you..


you horse's ass.






Du machst mich krank.


Du kannst mich mal.


keep smilin' wernie..


it tickles me.




and now for a reprise:



> > and i have no concept of what the fuck a " conept " is.

> >

> > :-)

> >

> > .b b.b.

> >

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