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Consciousness is not mine or yours or anybodys. Sometimes I feel it is interesting to try to "understand" what this impersonal universal consciusness is able. What are its capabilities, limitations and what can it do or not do in order not to allow the sense of limitation and fragementation take over. Because if we look at it in this unversal manner then whatever we may or may not find is also universal - and not someones or for the "few" or many, it is consicousness's possibility.


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Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:


> Consciousness is not mine or yours or anybodys. Sometimes I feel it is

interesting to try to " understand " what this impersonal universal consciusness

is able. What are its capabilities, limitations and what can it do or not do in

order not to allow the sense of limitation and fragementation take over. Because

if we look at it in this unversal manner then whatever we may or may not find is

also universal - and not someones or for the " few " or many, it is

consicousness's possibility.

> -geo-






There is no 'universal' nor 'impersonal' nor 'cosmic' consciousness. Those are

total bull...


I wonder why you don't feel ashamed to mention such idiotic rubbish ? I didn't

know that you are that naiv and childish. I am really disappointed, Geo.



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Nisargadatta , " Werner Woehr " <wwoehr wrote:


> Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> >

> > Consciousness is not mine or yours or anybodys. Sometimes I feel it is

interesting to try to " understand " what this impersonal universal consciusness

is able. What are its capabilities, limitations and what can it do or not do in

order not to allow the sense of limitation and fragementation take over. Because

if we look at it in this unversal manner then whatever we may or may not find is

also universal - and not someones or for the " few " or many, it is

consicousness's possibility.

> > -geo-

> >



> Geo,


> There is no 'universal' nor 'impersonal' nor 'cosmic' consciousness. Those are

total bull...


> I wonder why you don't feel ashamed to mention such idiotic rubbish ? I didn't

know that you are that naiv and childish. I am really disappointed, Geo.


> Werner


Werner -




There is no universal cosmic consciousness.


Just consciousness.


And the unthinkable which consciousness never knows.


Consciousness can't break its own eggshell.


The yolk's on me.


- D -

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Werner Woehr


Wednesday, August 12, 2009 1:10 PM

Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|



Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:


> Consciousness is not mine or yours or anybodys. Sometimes I feel it is

> interesting to try to " understand " what this impersonal universal

> consciusness is able. What are its capabilities, limitations and what can

> it do or not do in order not to allow the sense of limitation and

> fragementation take over. Because if we look at it in this unversal manner

> then whatever we may or may not find is also universal - and not someones

> or for the " few " or many, it is consicousness's possibility.

> -geo-





There is no 'universal' nor 'impersonal' nor 'cosmic' consciousness. Those

are total bull...


I wonder why you don't feel ashamed to mention such idiotic rubbish ? I

didn't know that you are that naiv and childish. I am really disappointed,





I cant help it....but you are really funny my friend werner


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Wednesday, August 12, 2009 1:18 PM

Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|



Nisargadatta , " Werner Woehr " <wwoehr wrote:


> Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> >

> > Consciousness is not mine or yours or anybodys. Sometimes I feel it is

> > interesting to try to " understand " what this impersonal universal

> > consciusness is able. What are its capabilities, limitations and what

> > can it do or not do in order not to allow the sense of limitation and

> > fragementation take over. Because if we look at it in this unversal

> > manner then whatever we may or may not find is also universal - and not

> > someones or for the " few " or many, it is consicousness's possibility.

> > -geo-

> >



> Geo,


> There is no 'universal' nor 'impersonal' nor 'cosmic' consciousness. Those

> are total bull...


> I wonder why you don't feel ashamed to mention such idiotic rubbish ? I

> didn't know that you are that naiv and childish. I am really disappointed,

> Geo.


> Werner


Werner -




There is no universal cosmic consciousness.


Just consciousness.


And the unthinkable which consciousness never knows.


Consciousness can't break its own eggshell.


The yolk's on me.


- D -


" Universal " in the sense of

impersonal. Just like rain, wind, river, cloud...

Also in the sense that consciousness is the same for all human beings. We

see in the same spectrum, hear in the same range of vibs, understand each

others thoughts - in contrast with the consciousness of say...snakes or

bees. Elephants hear infra-sound, eagles see a dime a mile far away...etc...

So it is in this sense that I mean it is " common to us " universal.


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Werner Woehr


Wednesday, August 12, 2009 1:29 PM

Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|



Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:



> -

> Werner Woehr

> Nisargadatta

> Wednesday, August 12, 2009 1:10 PM

> Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|



> Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> >

> > Consciousness is not mine or yours or anybodys. Sometimes I feel it is

> > interesting to try to " understand " what this impersonal universal

> > consciusness is able. What are its capabilities, limitations and what

> > can

> > it do or not do in order not to allow the sense of limitation and

> > fragementation take over. Because if we look at it in this unversal

> > manner

> > then whatever we may or may not find is also universal - and not

> > someones

> > or for the " few " or many, it is consicousness's possibility.

> > -geo-

> >


> Geo,


> There is no 'universal' nor 'impersonal' nor 'cosmic' consciousness. Those

> are total bull...


> I wonder why you don't feel ashamed to mention such idiotic rubbish ? I

> didn't know that you are that naiv and childish. I am really disappointed,

> Geo.


> Werner


> I cant help it....but you are really funny my friend werner

> -geo-



Throwing temper tantrum won't change that nonsens your wrote, Geo.




OK OK sorry...


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Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:



> -

> dan330033

> Nisargadatta

> Wednesday, August 12, 2009 1:18 PM

> Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|



> Nisargadatta , " Werner Woehr " <wwoehr@> wrote:

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Consciousness is not mine or yours or anybodys. Sometimes I feel it is

> > > interesting to try to " understand " what this impersonal universal

> > > consciusness is able. What are its capabilities, limitations and what

> > > can it do or not do in order not to allow the sense of limitation and

> > > fragementation take over. Because if we look at it in this unversal

> > > manner then whatever we may or may not find is also universal - and not

> > > someones or for the " few " or many, it is consicousness's possibility.

> > > -geo-

> > >

> >

> >

> > Geo,

> >

> > There is no 'universal' nor 'impersonal' nor 'cosmic' consciousness. Those

> > are total bull...

> >

> > I wonder why you don't feel ashamed to mention such idiotic rubbish ? I

> > didn't know that you are that naiv and childish. I am really disappointed,

> > Geo.

> >

> > Werner


> Werner -


> True.


> There is no universal cosmic consciousness.


> Just consciousness.


> And the unthinkable which consciousness never knows.


> Consciousness can't break its own eggshell.


> The yolk's on me.


> - D -


> " Universal " in the sense of

> impersonal. Just like rain, wind, river, cloud...

> Also in the sense that consciousness is the same for all human beings. We

> see in the same spectrum, hear in the same range of vibs, understand each

> others thoughts - in contrast with the consciousness of say...snakes or

> bees. Elephants hear infra-sound, eagles see a dime a mile far away...etc...

> So it is in this sense that I mean it is " common to us " universal.

> -geo-




In terms of science, the universality involves genes.


Genetic structures of human beings are similar, so their consciousness operates



However, there is no reason to assume that it is exactly the same for each human



Indeed, I doubt that very much.


When you see a person and I see a person, we are not seeing the same exact car.

Same is true for a mountain, or a movie, or a person.


Certainly it is impersonal.


Genes just do what they do, they aren't making choices.


The person is constructed from the impersonal, in an impersonal manner.


That there seems to become a personal sphere is illusory.


There isn't any universal or cosmic consciousness, nothing mystical about it. I

think this is what Werner meant, and I agree if that's what he's getting at.


There's nothing mystical about awareness either.


It is simply because it couldn't be any other way.


There is no alternative.


To me, words like " mystical, " " universal, " " cosmic " tend to make an adventure.

They imply some kind of journey involving special discoveries, as one become

bigger, expands, becomes gigantic.


So, these words seem misleading. I don't often use them.


Truth is very down-home, very close to home, very ordinary, and indeed, very



I use the word " impersonal " because when people take things personally, they

misinterpret - that is, they use their interpretation as if it were reality,

rather than being aware, which is not interpretive, which is simply being as is.


And there is nothing wrong with interpreting. The mistake is using the

interpretation as a basis for what is (which implies a personal center trying to

hold onto it), instead of as an interpretation (i.e., as a temporary and

fallible explanation that is of limited value - involving no center).


- D -

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Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:


> Consciousness is not mine or yours or anybodys. Sometimes I feel it is

interesting to try to " understand " what this impersonal universal consciusness

is able. What are its capabilities, limitations and what can it do or not do in

order not to allow the sense of limitation and fragementation take over. Because

if we look at it in this unversal manner then whatever we may or may not find is

also universal - and not someones or for the " few " or many, it is

consicousness's possibility.

> -geo-




.....complete non-sense......


and also....i think that such non-sense don't leave " geo " any enjoyment.....


what would be the reason of a " strange & mysterious consciousness " to leave " geo "

alone in this his selfmade prison.....?....





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Wednesday, August 12, 2009 5:59 PM

Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|



Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:


> Consciousness is not mine or yours or anybodys. Sometimes I feel it is

> interesting to try to " understand " what this impersonal universal

> consciusness is able. What are its capabilities, limitations and what can

> it do or not do in order not to allow the sense of limitation and

> fragementation take over. Because if we look at it in this unversal manner

> then whatever we may or may not find is also universal - and not someones

> or for the " few " or many, it is consicousness's possibility.

> -geo-



.....complete non-sense......


and also....i think that such non-sense don't leave " geo " any enjoyment.....


what would be the reason of a " strange & mysterious consciousness " to leave

" geo " alone in this his selfmade prison.....?....






Ah..but that is what we are asking. That is the whole point. There is no

reason. Within consc. there is a stream of illusion, a stream that some call

maya. Maya is not mine, not geo's or anyone else's in particular - the

stream is there as a storm in nature - non-personally. Either geo is in the

stream and there is an inner separate observer looking out at an outside

world or there is no entity at all. So nothing is leting geo suffer in

prison except geo himself cought in the stream.


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Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:



> -

> dennis_travis33

> Nisargadatta

> Wednesday, August 12, 2009 5:59 PM

> Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|



> Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> >

> > Consciousness is not mine or yours or anybodys. Sometimes I feel it is

> > interesting to try to " understand " what this impersonal universal

> > consciusness is able. What are its capabilities, limitations and what can

> > it do or not do in order not to allow the sense of limitation and

> > fragementation take over. Because if we look at it in this unversal manner

> > then whatever we may or may not find is also universal - and not someones

> > or for the " few " or many, it is consicousness's possibility.

> > -geo-

> >


> ....complete non-sense......


> and also....i think that such non-sense don't leave " geo " any enjoyment.....


> what would be the reason of a " strange & mysterious consciousness " to leave

> " geo " alone in this his selfmade prison.....?....


> :)


> Marc


> Ah..but that is what we are asking. That is the whole point. There is no

> reason. Within consc. there is a stream of illusion, a stream that some call

> maya. Maya is not mine, not geo's or anyone else's in particular - the

> stream is there as a storm in nature - non-personally. Either geo is in the

> stream and there is an inner separate observer looking out at an outside

> world or there is no entity at all. So nothing is leting geo suffer in

> prison except geo himself cought in the stream.

> -geo-




This your mentionned " stream of illusion " is supported continiously by this your

great mentionned " consciousness " .....


there is no " consciousness " ....somewhere beside this your mentionned

" illusions " ......means, all is of One consciousness.


Indeed.....this your called " Maya " is for ego minded people.....means for people

who are trapped into whatever consciousness which leave them alone with this

their great and fantastic experiences and understandings.......wishing to share

it all over an imaginary world.....:)




we see many points differently.....but this is only due to Maya too ;)




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Thursday, August 13, 2009 3:39 AM

Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|



Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:



> -

> dennis_travis33

> Nisargadatta

> Wednesday, August 12, 2009 5:59 PM

> Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|



> Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> >

> > Consciousness is not mine or yours or anybodys. Sometimes I feel it is

> > interesting to try to " understand " what this impersonal universal

> > consciusness is able. What are its capabilities, limitations and what

> > can

> > it do or not do in order not to allow the sense of limitation and

> > fragementation take over. Because if we look at it in this unversal

> > manner

> > then whatever we may or may not find is also universal - and not

> > someones

> > or for the " few " or many, it is consicousness's possibility.

> > -geo-

> >


> ....complete non-sense......


> and also....i think that such non-sense don't leave " geo " any

> enjoyment.....


> what would be the reason of a " strange & mysterious consciousness " to leave

> " geo " alone in this his selfmade prison.....?....


> :)


> Marc


> Ah..but that is what we are asking. That is the whole point. There is no

> reason. Within consc. there is a stream of illusion, a stream that some

> call

> maya. Maya is not mine, not geo's or anyone else's in particular - the

> stream is there as a storm in nature - non-personally. Either geo is in

> the

> stream and there is an inner separate observer looking out at an outside

> world or there is no entity at all. So nothing is leting geo suffer in

> prison except geo himself cought in the stream.

> -geo-



This your mentionned " stream of illusion " is supported continiously by this

your great mentionned " consciousness " .....


geo> Yes. But it is not yours or mine - it is there.



there is no " consciousness " ....somewhere beside this your mentionned

" illusions " ......means, all is of One consciousness.


geo> It is all one consciousness and consciusness exhibits diversity,

plurality. One of them is the possiblity of imagining some inner separte

observer. Consciousness says: OK I'll go with that...and then consciousness

is on fragmented-mode.



Indeed.....this your called " Maya " is for ego minded people.....means for

people who are trapped into whatever consciousness which leave them alone

with this their great and fantastic experiences and

understandings.......wishing to share it all over an imaginary world.....:)


geo> Yes, that is what i said above. If that is ones choice. That choice is

only possible because the possiblity is inbuilt in human consciusness. I

dont think ants can make such choice. So ants consciusness do not have a

maya stream - probably.



we see many points differently.....but this is only due to Maya too ;)




geo> Yes.

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Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:



> -

> dennis_travis33

> Nisargadatta

> Thursday, August 13, 2009 3:39 AM

> Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|



> Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > -

> > dennis_travis33

> > Nisargadatta

> > Wednesday, August 12, 2009 5:59 PM

> > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> >

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Consciousness is not mine or yours or anybodys. Sometimes I feel it is

> > > interesting to try to " understand " what this impersonal universal

> > > consciusness is able. What are its capabilities, limitations and what

> > > can

> > > it do or not do in order not to allow the sense of limitation and

> > > fragementation take over. Because if we look at it in this unversal

> > > manner

> > > then whatever we may or may not find is also universal - and not

> > > someones

> > > or for the " few " or many, it is consicousness's possibility.

> > > -geo-

> > >

> >

> > ....complete non-sense......

> >

> > and also....i think that such non-sense don't leave " geo " any

> > enjoyment.....

> >

> > what would be the reason of a " strange & mysterious consciousness " to leave

> > " geo " alone in this his selfmade prison.....?....

> >

> > :)

> >

> > Marc

> >

> > Ah..but that is what we are asking. That is the whole point. There is no

> > reason. Within consc. there is a stream of illusion, a stream that some

> > call

> > maya. Maya is not mine, not geo's or anyone else's in particular - the

> > stream is there as a storm in nature - non-personally. Either geo is in

> > the

> > stream and there is an inner separate observer looking out at an outside

> > world or there is no entity at all. So nothing is leting geo suffer in

> > prison except geo himself cought in the stream.

> > -geo-

> >


> This your mentionned " stream of illusion " is supported continiously by this

> your great mentionned " consciousness " .....


> geo> Yes. But it is not yours or mine - it is there.



-marc:no geo....your illusions are different than mine.....because of this our

common illusion to be " this & that " ....

Your illusions don't belong to me...but to you.

My illusions belong to me.


Same with consciousness.



> there is no " consciousness " ....somewhere beside this your mentionned

> " illusions " ......means, all is of One consciousness.


> geo> It is all one consciousness and consciusness exhibits diversity,

> plurality. One of them is the possiblity of imagining some inner separte

> observer. Consciousness says: OK I'll go with that...and then consciousness

> is on fragmented-mode.



marc: the consciousness of geo is different than the consciousness of marc.

Our both consciousnesses include a whole world of things.

Each of us need his consciousness to act & react on a whole world filled up with

many things.

No choices.

The content of the consciousness get empty during deep sleep. (no " geo & world " ).

That's the refresh we get and need from sleep.

Such refresh can also be done by some awareness.

Until complete liberation and emptyness.

Again, such liberation and emptyness is ours, yours and mine.





> Indeed.....this your called " Maya " is for ego minded people.....means for

> people who are trapped into whatever consciousness which leave them alone

> with this their great and fantastic experiences and

> understandings.......wishing to share it all over an imaginary world.....:)


> geo> Yes, that is what i said above. If that is ones choice. That choice is

> only possible because the possiblity is inbuilt in human consciusness. I

> dont think ants can make such choice. So ants consciusness do not have a

> maya stream - probably.


> ===

> we see many points differently.....but this is only due to Maya too ;)


> Marc


> geo> Yes.


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Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:



> -

> dennis_travis33

> Nisargadatta

> Thursday, August 13, 2009 3:39 AM

> Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|



> Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > -

> > dennis_travis33

> > Nisargadatta

> > Wednesday, August 12, 2009 5:59 PM

> > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> >

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Consciousness is not mine or yours or anybodys. Sometimes I feel it is

> > > interesting to try to " understand " what this impersonal universal

> > > consciusness is able. What are its capabilities, limitations and what

> > > can

> > > it do or not do in order not to allow the sense of limitation and

> > > fragementation take over. Because if we look at it in this unversal

> > > manner

> > > then whatever we may or may not find is also universal - and not

> > > someones

> > > or for the " few " or many, it is consicousness's possibility.

> > > -geo-

> > >

> >

> > ....complete non-sense......

> >

> > and also....i think that such non-sense don't leave " geo " any

> > enjoyment.....

> >

> > what would be the reason of a " strange & mysterious consciousness " to leave

> > " geo " alone in this his selfmade prison.....?....

> >

> > :)

> >

> > Marc

> >

> > Ah..but that is what we are asking. That is the whole point. There is no

> > reason. Within consc. there is a stream of illusion, a stream that some

> > call

> > maya. Maya is not mine, not geo's or anyone else's in particular - the

> > stream is there as a storm in nature - non-personally. Either geo is in

> > the

> > stream and there is an inner separate observer looking out at an outside

> > world or there is no entity at all. So nothing is leting geo suffer in

> > prison except geo himself cought in the stream.

> > -geo-

> >


> This your mentionned " stream of illusion " is supported continiously by this

> your great mentionned " consciousness " .....


> geo> Yes. But it is not yours or mine - it is there.

> ==


> there is no " consciousness " ....somewhere beside this your mentionned

> " illusions " ......means, all is of One consciousness.


> geo> It is all one consciousness and consciusness exhibits diversity,

> plurality. One of them is the possiblity of imagining some inner separte

> observer. Consciousness says: OK I'll go with that...and then consciousness

> is on fragmented-mode.

> ==


> Indeed.....this your called " Maya " is for ego minded people.....means for

> people who are trapped into whatever consciousness which leave them alone

> with this their great and fantastic experiences and

> understandings.......wishing to share it all over an imaginary world.....:)


> geo> Yes, that is what i said above. If that is ones choice. That choice is

> only possible because the possiblity is inbuilt in human consciusness. I

> dont think ants can make such choice. So ants consciusness do not have a

> maya stream - probably.


> ===

> we see many points differently.....but this is only due to Maya too ;)


> Marc


> geo> Yes.





Giving " it " a name lets the mind think that it understands something.



It understands nothing.






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Thursday, August 13, 2009 11:48 AM

Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|



Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:



> -

> dennis_travis33

> Nisargadatta

> Thursday, August 13, 2009 3:39 AM

> Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|



> Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > -

> > dennis_travis33

> > Nisargadatta

> > Wednesday, August 12, 2009 5:59 PM

> > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> >

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Consciousness is not mine or yours or anybodys. Sometimes I feel it is

> > > interesting to try to " understand " what this impersonal universal

> > > consciusness is able. What are its capabilities, limitations and what

> > > can

> > > it do or not do in order not to allow the sense of limitation and

> > > fragementation take over. Because if we look at it in this unversal

> > > manner

> > > then whatever we may or may not find is also universal - and not

> > > someones

> > > or for the " few " or many, it is consicousness's possibility.

> > > -geo-

> > >

> >

> > ....complete non-sense......

> >

> > and also....i think that such non-sense don't leave " geo " any

> > enjoyment.....

> >

> > what would be the reason of a " strange & mysterious consciousness " to

> > leave

> > " geo " alone in this his selfmade prison.....?....

> >

> > :)

> >

> > Marc

> >

> > Ah..but that is what we are asking. That is the whole point. There is no

> > reason. Within consc. there is a stream of illusion, a stream that some

> > call

> > maya. Maya is not mine, not geo's or anyone else's in particular - the

> > stream is there as a storm in nature - non-personally. Either geo is in

> > the

> > stream and there is an inner separate observer looking out at an outside

> > world or there is no entity at all. So nothing is leting geo suffer in

> > prison except geo himself cought in the stream.

> > -geo-

> >


> This your mentionned " stream of illusion " is supported continiously by

> this

> your great mentionned " consciousness " .....


> geo> Yes. But it is not yours or mine - it is there.

> ==


> there is no " consciousness " ....somewhere beside this your mentionned

> " illusions " ......means, all is of One consciousness.


> geo> It is all one consciousness and consciusness exhibits diversity,

> plurality. One of them is the possiblity of imagining some inner separte

> observer. Consciousness says: OK I'll go with that...and then

> consciousness

> is on fragmented-mode.

> ==


> Indeed.....this your called " Maya " is for ego minded people.....means for

> people who are trapped into whatever consciousness which leave them alone

> with this their great and fantastic experiences and

> understandings.......wishing to share it all over an imaginary

> world.....:)


> geo> Yes, that is what i said above. If that is ones choice. That choice

> is

> only possible because the possiblity is inbuilt in human consciusness. I

> dont think ants can make such choice. So ants consciusness do not have a

> maya stream - probably.


> ===

> we see many points differently.....but this is only due to Maya too ;)


> Marc


> geo> Yes.



Giving " it " a name lets the mind think that it understands something.


It understands nothing.




Warming up the engines? :>)

Whatever we write or talk or think is a name. Your beautifull, marvelous,

cristal clear " it " is no different.


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Share on other sites

Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:



> -

> toombaru2006

> Nisargadatta

> Thursday, August 13, 2009 11:48 AM

> Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|



> Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > -

> > dennis_travis33

> > Nisargadatta

> > Thursday, August 13, 2009 3:39 AM

> > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> >

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > -

> > > dennis_travis33

> > > Nisargadatta

> > > Wednesday, August 12, 2009 5:59 PM

> > > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> > >

> > >

> > > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Consciousness is not mine or yours or anybodys. Sometimes I feel it is

> > > > interesting to try to " understand " what this impersonal universal

> > > > consciusness is able. What are its capabilities, limitations and what

> > > > can

> > > > it do or not do in order not to allow the sense of limitation and

> > > > fragementation take over. Because if we look at it in this unversal

> > > > manner

> > > > then whatever we may or may not find is also universal - and not

> > > > someones

> > > > or for the " few " or many, it is consicousness's possibility.

> > > > -geo-

> > > >

> > >

> > > ....complete non-sense......

> > >

> > > and also....i think that such non-sense don't leave " geo " any

> > > enjoyment.....

> > >

> > > what would be the reason of a " strange & mysterious consciousness " to

> > > leave

> > > " geo " alone in this his selfmade prison.....?....

> > >

> > > :)

> > >

> > > Marc

> > >

> > > Ah..but that is what we are asking. That is the whole point. There is no

> > > reason. Within consc. there is a stream of illusion, a stream that some

> > > call

> > > maya. Maya is not mine, not geo's or anyone else's in particular - the

> > > stream is there as a storm in nature - non-personally. Either geo is in

> > > the

> > > stream and there is an inner separate observer looking out at an outside

> > > world or there is no entity at all. So nothing is leting geo suffer in

> > > prison except geo himself cought in the stream.

> > > -geo-

> > >

> >

> > This your mentionned " stream of illusion " is supported continiously by

> > this

> > your great mentionned " consciousness " .....

> >

> > geo> Yes. But it is not yours or mine - it is there.

> > ==

> >

> > there is no " consciousness " ....somewhere beside this your mentionned

> > " illusions " ......means, all is of One consciousness.

> >

> > geo> It is all one consciousness and consciusness exhibits diversity,

> > plurality. One of them is the possiblity of imagining some inner separte

> > observer. Consciousness says: OK I'll go with that...and then

> > consciousness

> > is on fragmented-mode.

> > ==

> >

> > Indeed.....this your called " Maya " is for ego minded people.....means for

> > people who are trapped into whatever consciousness which leave them alone

> > with this their great and fantastic experiences and

> > understandings.......wishing to share it all over an imaginary

> > world.....:)

> >

> > geo> Yes, that is what i said above. If that is ones choice. That choice

> > is

> > only possible because the possiblity is inbuilt in human consciusness. I

> > dont think ants can make such choice. So ants consciusness do not have a

> > maya stream - probably.

> >

> > ===

> > we see many points differently.....but this is only due to Maya too ;)

> >

> > Marc

> >

> > geo> Yes.

> >


> Giving " it " a name lets the mind think that it understands something.


> It understands nothing.


> toombaru


> Warming up the engines? :>)

> Whatever we write or talk or think is a name. Your beautifull, marvelous,

> cristal clear " it " is no different.

> -geo-




If it doesn't have a name.....for us...it doesn't exist.






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Share on other sites




Thursday, August 13, 2009 12:01 PM

Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|



Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:



> -

> toombaru2006

> Nisargadatta

> Thursday, August 13, 2009 11:48 AM

> Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|



> Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > -

> > dennis_travis33

> > Nisargadatta

> > Thursday, August 13, 2009 3:39 AM

> > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> >

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > -

> > > dennis_travis33

> > > Nisargadatta

> > > Wednesday, August 12, 2009 5:59 PM

> > > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> > >

> > >

> > > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Consciousness is not mine or yours or anybodys. Sometimes I feel it

> > > > is

> > > > interesting to try to " understand " what this impersonal universal

> > > > consciusness is able. What are its capabilities, limitations and

> > > > what

> > > > can

> > > > it do or not do in order not to allow the sense of limitation and

> > > > fragementation take over. Because if we look at it in this unversal

> > > > manner

> > > > then whatever we may or may not find is also universal - and not

> > > > someones

> > > > or for the " few " or many, it is consicousness's possibility.

> > > > -geo-

> > > >

> > >

> > > ....complete non-sense......

> > >

> > > and also....i think that such non-sense don't leave " geo " any

> > > enjoyment.....

> > >

> > > what would be the reason of a " strange & mysterious consciousness " to

> > > leave

> > > " geo " alone in this his selfmade prison.....?....

> > >

> > > :)

> > >

> > > Marc

> > >

> > > Ah..but that is what we are asking. That is the whole point. There is

> > > no

> > > reason. Within consc. there is a stream of illusion, a stream that

> > > some

> > > call

> > > maya. Maya is not mine, not geo's or anyone else's in particular - the

> > > stream is there as a storm in nature - non-personally. Either geo is

> > > in

> > > the

> > > stream and there is an inner separate observer looking out at an

> > > outside

> > > world or there is no entity at all. So nothing is leting geo suffer in

> > > prison except geo himself cought in the stream.

> > > -geo-

> > >

> >

> > This your mentionned " stream of illusion " is supported continiously by

> > this

> > your great mentionned " consciousness " .....

> >

> > geo> Yes. But it is not yours or mine - it is there.

> > ==

> >

> > there is no " consciousness " ....somewhere beside this your mentionned

> > " illusions " ......means, all is of One consciousness.

> >

> > geo> It is all one consciousness and consciusness exhibits diversity,

> > plurality. One of them is the possiblity of imagining some inner separte

> > observer. Consciousness says: OK I'll go with that...and then

> > consciousness

> > is on fragmented-mode.

> > ==

> >

> > Indeed.....this your called " Maya " is for ego minded people.....means

> > for

> > people who are trapped into whatever consciousness which leave them

> > alone

> > with this their great and fantastic experiences and

> > understandings.......wishing to share it all over an imaginary

> > world.....:)

> >

> > geo> Yes, that is what i said above. If that is ones choice. That choice

> > is

> > only possible because the possiblity is inbuilt in human consciusness. I

> > dont think ants can make such choice. So ants consciusness do not have a

> > maya stream - probably.

> >

> > ===

> > we see many points differently.....but this is only due to Maya too ;)

> >

> > Marc

> >

> > geo> Yes.

> >


> Giving " it " a name lets the mind think that it understands something.


> It understands nothing.


> toombaru


> Warming up the engines? :>)

> Whatever we write or talk or think is a name. Your beautifull, marvelous,

> cristal clear " it " is no different.

> -geo-



If it doesn't have a name.....for us...it doesn't exist.




But you call it " it " . What is that?


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Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:



> -

> toombaru2006

> Nisargadatta

> Thursday, August 13, 2009 12:01 PM

> Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|



> Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > -

> > toombaru2006

> > Nisargadatta

> > Thursday, August 13, 2009 11:48 AM

> > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> >

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > -

> > > dennis_travis33

> > > Nisargadatta

> > > Thursday, August 13, 2009 3:39 AM

> > > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> > >

> > >

> > > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > -

> > > > dennis_travis33

> > > > Nisargadatta

> > > > Wednesday, August 12, 2009 5:59 PM

> > > > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Consciousness is not mine or yours or anybodys. Sometimes I feel it

> > > > > is

> > > > > interesting to try to " understand " what this impersonal universal

> > > > > consciusness is able. What are its capabilities, limitations and

> > > > > what

> > > > > can

> > > > > it do or not do in order not to allow the sense of limitation and

> > > > > fragementation take over. Because if we look at it in this unversal

> > > > > manner

> > > > > then whatever we may or may not find is also universal - and not

> > > > > someones

> > > > > or for the " few " or many, it is consicousness's possibility.

> > > > > -geo-

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > ....complete non-sense......

> > > >

> > > > and also....i think that such non-sense don't leave " geo " any

> > > > enjoyment.....

> > > >

> > > > what would be the reason of a " strange & mysterious consciousness " to

> > > > leave

> > > > " geo " alone in this his selfmade prison.....?....

> > > >

> > > > :)

> > > >

> > > > Marc

> > > >

> > > > Ah..but that is what we are asking. That is the whole point. There is

> > > > no

> > > > reason. Within consc. there is a stream of illusion, a stream that

> > > > some

> > > > call

> > > > maya. Maya is not mine, not geo's or anyone else's in particular - the

> > > > stream is there as a storm in nature - non-personally. Either geo is

> > > > in

> > > > the

> > > > stream and there is an inner separate observer looking out at an

> > > > outside

> > > > world or there is no entity at all. So nothing is leting geo suffer in

> > > > prison except geo himself cought in the stream.

> > > > -geo-

> > > >

> > >

> > > This your mentionned " stream of illusion " is supported continiously by

> > > this

> > > your great mentionned " consciousness " .....

> > >

> > > geo> Yes. But it is not yours or mine - it is there.

> > > ==

> > >

> > > there is no " consciousness " ....somewhere beside this your mentionned

> > > " illusions " ......means, all is of One consciousness.

> > >

> > > geo> It is all one consciousness and consciusness exhibits diversity,

> > > plurality. One of them is the possiblity of imagining some inner separte

> > > observer. Consciousness says: OK I'll go with that...and then

> > > consciousness

> > > is on fragmented-mode.

> > > ==

> > >

> > > Indeed.....this your called " Maya " is for ego minded people.....means

> > > for

> > > people who are trapped into whatever consciousness which leave them

> > > alone

> > > with this their great and fantastic experiences and

> > > understandings.......wishing to share it all over an imaginary

> > > world.....:)

> > >

> > > geo> Yes, that is what i said above. If that is ones choice. That choice

> > > is

> > > only possible because the possiblity is inbuilt in human consciusness. I

> > > dont think ants can make such choice. So ants consciusness do not have a

> > > maya stream - probably.

> > >

> > > ===

> > > we see many points differently.....but this is only due to Maya too ;)

> > >

> > > Marc

> > >

> > > geo> Yes.

> > >

> >

> > Giving " it " a name lets the mind think that it understands something.

> >

> > It understands nothing.

> >

> > toombaru

> >

> > Warming up the engines? :>)

> > Whatever we write or talk or think is a name. Your beautifull, marvelous,

> > cristal clear " it " is no different.

> > -geo-

> >


> If it doesn't have a name.....for us...it doesn't exist.


> toombaru


> But you call it " it " . What is that?

> -geo-






An inscribed invitation.






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Thursday, August 13, 2009 12:13 PM

Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|



Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:



> -

> toombaru2006

> Nisargadatta

> Thursday, August 13, 2009 12:01 PM

> Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|



> Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > -

> > toombaru2006

> > Nisargadatta

> > Thursday, August 13, 2009 11:48 AM

> > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> >

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > -

> > > dennis_travis33

> > > Nisargadatta

> > > Thursday, August 13, 2009 3:39 AM

> > > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> > >

> > >

> > > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > -

> > > > dennis_travis33

> > > > Nisargadatta

> > > > Wednesday, August 12, 2009 5:59 PM

> > > > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Consciousness is not mine or yours or anybodys. Sometimes I feel

> > > > > it

> > > > > is

> > > > > interesting to try to " understand " what this impersonal universal

> > > > > consciusness is able. What are its capabilities, limitations and

> > > > > what

> > > > > can

> > > > > it do or not do in order not to allow the sense of limitation and

> > > > > fragementation take over. Because if we look at it in this

> > > > > unversal

> > > > > manner

> > > > > then whatever we may or may not find is also universal - and not

> > > > > someones

> > > > > or for the " few " or many, it is consicousness's possibility.

> > > > > -geo-

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > ....complete non-sense......

> > > >

> > > > and also....i think that such non-sense don't leave " geo " any

> > > > enjoyment.....

> > > >

> > > > what would be the reason of a " strange & mysterious consciousness " to

> > > > leave

> > > > " geo " alone in this his selfmade prison.....?....

> > > >

> > > > :)

> > > >

> > > > Marc

> > > >

> > > > Ah..but that is what we are asking. That is the whole point. There

> > > > is

> > > > no

> > > > reason. Within consc. there is a stream of illusion, a stream that

> > > > some

> > > > call

> > > > maya. Maya is not mine, not geo's or anyone else's in particular -

> > > > the

> > > > stream is there as a storm in nature - non-personally. Either geo is

> > > > in

> > > > the

> > > > stream and there is an inner separate observer looking out at an

> > > > outside

> > > > world or there is no entity at all. So nothing is leting geo suffer

> > > > in

> > > > prison except geo himself cought in the stream.

> > > > -geo-

> > > >

> > >

> > > This your mentionned " stream of illusion " is supported continiously by

> > > this

> > > your great mentionned " consciousness " .....

> > >

> > > geo> Yes. But it is not yours or mine - it is there.

> > > ==

> > >

> > > there is no " consciousness " ....somewhere beside this your mentionned

> > > " illusions " ......means, all is of One consciousness.

> > >

> > > geo> It is all one consciousness and consciusness exhibits diversity,

> > > plurality. One of them is the possiblity of imagining some inner

> > > separte

> > > observer. Consciousness says: OK I'll go with that...and then

> > > consciousness

> > > is on fragmented-mode.

> > > ==

> > >

> > > Indeed.....this your called " Maya " is for ego minded people.....means

> > > for

> > > people who are trapped into whatever consciousness which leave them

> > > alone

> > > with this their great and fantastic experiences and

> > > understandings.......wishing to share it all over an imaginary

> > > world.....:)

> > >

> > > geo> Yes, that is what i said above. If that is ones choice. That

> > > choice

> > > is

> > > only possible because the possiblity is inbuilt in human consciusness.

> > > I

> > > dont think ants can make such choice. So ants consciusness do not have

> > > a

> > > maya stream - probably.

> > >

> > > ===

> > > we see many points differently.....but this is only due to Maya too ;)

> > >

> > > Marc

> > >

> > > geo> Yes.

> > >

> >

> > Giving " it " a name lets the mind think that it understands something.

> >

> > It understands nothing.

> >

> > toombaru

> >

> > Warming up the engines? :>)

> > Whatever we write or talk or think is a name. Your beautifull,

> > marvelous,

> > cristal clear " it " is no different.

> > -geo-

> >


> If it doesn't have a name.....for us...it doesn't exist.


> toombaru


> But you call it " it " . What is that?

> -geo-



An inscribed invitation.




So in fact not always " giving " it " a name lets the mind think that it

understands something. It understands nothing. " . At least not when toomba or

geo are naming it



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Nisargadatta , " toombaru2006 " <lastrain wrote:


> Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > -

> > toombaru2006

> > Nisargadatta

> > Thursday, August 13, 2009 11:48 AM

> > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> >

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > -

> > > dennis_travis33

> > > Nisargadatta

> > > Thursday, August 13, 2009 3:39 AM

> > > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> > >

> > >

> > > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > -

> > > > dennis_travis33

> > > > Nisargadatta

> > > > Wednesday, August 12, 2009 5:59 PM

> > > > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Consciousness is not mine or yours or anybodys. Sometimes I feel it is

> > > > > interesting to try to " understand " what this impersonal universal

> > > > > consciusness is able. What are its capabilities, limitations and what

> > > > > can

> > > > > it do or not do in order not to allow the sense of limitation and

> > > > > fragementation take over. Because if we look at it in this unversal

> > > > > manner

> > > > > then whatever we may or may not find is also universal - and not

> > > > > someones

> > > > > or for the " few " or many, it is consicousness's possibility.

> > > > > -geo-

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > ....complete non-sense......

> > > >

> > > > and also....i think that such non-sense don't leave " geo " any

> > > > enjoyment.....

> > > >

> > > > what would be the reason of a " strange & mysterious consciousness " to

> > > > leave

> > > > " geo " alone in this his selfmade prison.....?....

> > > >

> > > > :)

> > > >

> > > > Marc

> > > >

> > > > Ah..but that is what we are asking. That is the whole point. There is no

> > > > reason. Within consc. there is a stream of illusion, a stream that some

> > > > call

> > > > maya. Maya is not mine, not geo's or anyone else's in particular - the

> > > > stream is there as a storm in nature - non-personally. Either geo is in

> > > > the

> > > > stream and there is an inner separate observer looking out at an outside

> > > > world or there is no entity at all. So nothing is leting geo suffer in

> > > > prison except geo himself cought in the stream.

> > > > -geo-

> > > >

> > >

> > > This your mentionned " stream of illusion " is supported continiously by

> > > this

> > > your great mentionned " consciousness " .....

> > >

> > > geo> Yes. But it is not yours or mine - it is there.

> > > ==

> > >

> > > there is no " consciousness " ....somewhere beside this your mentionned

> > > " illusions " ......means, all is of One consciousness.

> > >

> > > geo> It is all one consciousness and consciusness exhibits diversity,

> > > plurality. One of them is the possiblity of imagining some inner separte

> > > observer. Consciousness says: OK I'll go with that...and then

> > > consciousness

> > > is on fragmented-mode.

> > > ==

> > >

> > > Indeed.....this your called " Maya " is for ego minded people.....means for

> > > people who are trapped into whatever consciousness which leave them alone

> > > with this their great and fantastic experiences and

> > > understandings.......wishing to share it all over an imaginary

> > > world.....:)

> > >

> > > geo> Yes, that is what i said above. If that is ones choice. That choice

> > > is

> > > only possible because the possiblity is inbuilt in human consciusness. I

> > > dont think ants can make such choice. So ants consciusness do not have a

> > > maya stream - probably.

> > >

> > > ===

> > > we see many points differently.....but this is only due to Maya too ;)

> > >

> > > Marc

> > >

> > > geo> Yes.

> > >

> >

> > Giving " it " a name lets the mind think that it understands something.

> >

> > It understands nothing.

> >

> > toombaru

> >

> > Warming up the engines? :>)

> > Whatever we write or talk or think is a name. Your beautifull, marvelous,

> > cristal clear " it " is no different.

> > -geo-

> >



> If it doesn't have a name.....for us...it doesn't exist.





> toombaru



For us?


Give me a break.



- D -

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Nisargadatta , " dan330033 " <dan330033 wrote:


> Nisargadatta , " toombaru2006 " <lastrain@> wrote:

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > -

> > > toombaru2006

> > > Nisargadatta

> > > Thursday, August 13, 2009 11:48 AM

> > > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> > >

> > >

> > > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > -

> > > > dennis_travis33

> > > > Nisargadatta

> > > > Thursday, August 13, 2009 3:39 AM

> > > > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > -

> > > > > dennis_travis33

> > > > > Nisargadatta

> > > > > Wednesday, August 12, 2009 5:59 PM

> > > > > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Consciousness is not mine or yours or anybodys. Sometimes I feel it


> > > > > > interesting to try to " understand " what this impersonal universal

> > > > > > consciusness is able. What are its capabilities, limitations and


> > > > > > can

> > > > > > it do or not do in order not to allow the sense of limitation and

> > > > > > fragementation take over. Because if we look at it in this unversal

> > > > > > manner

> > > > > > then whatever we may or may not find is also universal - and not

> > > > > > someones

> > > > > > or for the " few " or many, it is consicousness's possibility.

> > > > > > -geo-

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > ....complete non-sense......

> > > > >

> > > > > and also....i think that such non-sense don't leave " geo " any

> > > > > enjoyment.....

> > > > >

> > > > > what would be the reason of a " strange & mysterious consciousness " to

> > > > > leave

> > > > > " geo " alone in this his selfmade prison.....?....

> > > > >

> > > > > :)

> > > > >

> > > > > Marc

> > > > >

> > > > > Ah..but that is what we are asking. That is the whole point. There is


> > > > > reason. Within consc. there is a stream of illusion, a stream that


> > > > > call

> > > > > maya. Maya is not mine, not geo's or anyone else's in particular - the

> > > > > stream is there as a storm in nature - non-personally. Either geo is


> > > > > the

> > > > > stream and there is an inner separate observer looking out at an


> > > > > world or there is no entity at all. So nothing is leting geo suffer in

> > > > > prison except geo himself cought in the stream.

> > > > > -geo-

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > This your mentionned " stream of illusion " is supported continiously by

> > > > this

> > > > your great mentionned " consciousness " .....

> > > >

> > > > geo> Yes. But it is not yours or mine - it is there.

> > > > ==

> > > >

> > > > there is no " consciousness " ....somewhere beside this your mentionned

> > > > " illusions " ......means, all is of One consciousness.

> > > >

> > > > geo> It is all one consciousness and consciusness exhibits diversity,

> > > > plurality. One of them is the possiblity of imagining some inner separte

> > > > observer. Consciousness says: OK I'll go with that...and then

> > > > consciousness

> > > > is on fragmented-mode.

> > > > ==

> > > >

> > > > Indeed.....this your called " Maya " is for ego minded people.....means


> > > > people who are trapped into whatever consciousness which leave them


> > > > with this their great and fantastic experiences and

> > > > understandings.......wishing to share it all over an imaginary

> > > > world.....:)

> > > >

> > > > geo> Yes, that is what i said above. If that is ones choice. That choice

> > > > is

> > > > only possible because the possiblity is inbuilt in human consciusness. I

> > > > dont think ants can make such choice. So ants consciusness do not have a

> > > > maya stream - probably.

> > > >

> > > > ===

> > > > we see many points differently.....but this is only due to Maya too ;)

> > > >

> > > > Marc

> > > >

> > > > geo> Yes.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Giving " it " a name lets the mind think that it understands something.

> > >

> > > It understands nothing.

> > >

> > > toombaru

> > >

> > > Warming up the engines? :>)

> > > Whatever we write or talk or think is a name. Your beautifull, marvelous,

> > > cristal clear " it " is no different.

> > > -geo-

> > >

> >

> >

> > If it doesn't have a name.....for us...it doesn't exist.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > toombaru



> For us?


> Give me a break.



> - D -




When in duality.....you must speak the lingo.






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Share on other sites

Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:



> -

> toombaru2006

> Nisargadatta

> Thursday, August 13, 2009 12:13 PM

> Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|



> Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > -

> > toombaru2006

> > Nisargadatta

> > Thursday, August 13, 2009 12:01 PM

> > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> >

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > -

> > > toombaru2006

> > > Nisargadatta

> > > Thursday, August 13, 2009 11:48 AM

> > > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> > >

> > >

> > > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > -

> > > > dennis_travis33

> > > > Nisargadatta

> > > > Thursday, August 13, 2009 3:39 AM

> > > > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > -

> > > > > dennis_travis33

> > > > > Nisargadatta

> > > > > Wednesday, August 12, 2009 5:59 PM

> > > > > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Consciousness is not mine or yours or anybodys. Sometimes I feel

> > > > > > it

> > > > > > is

> > > > > > interesting to try to " understand " what this impersonal universal

> > > > > > consciusness is able. What are its capabilities, limitations and

> > > > > > what

> > > > > > can

> > > > > > it do or not do in order not to allow the sense of limitation and

> > > > > > fragementation take over. Because if we look at it in this

> > > > > > unversal

> > > > > > manner

> > > > > > then whatever we may or may not find is also universal - and not

> > > > > > someones

> > > > > > or for the " few " or many, it is consicousness's possibility.

> > > > > > -geo-

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > ....complete non-sense......

> > > > >

> > > > > and also....i think that such non-sense don't leave " geo " any

> > > > > enjoyment.....

> > > > >

> > > > > what would be the reason of a " strange & mysterious consciousness " to

> > > > > leave

> > > > > " geo " alone in this his selfmade prison.....?....

> > > > >

> > > > > :)

> > > > >

> > > > > Marc

> > > > >

> > > > > Ah..but that is what we are asking. That is the whole point. There

> > > > > is

> > > > > no

> > > > > reason. Within consc. there is a stream of illusion, a stream that

> > > > > some

> > > > > call

> > > > > maya. Maya is not mine, not geo's or anyone else's in particular -

> > > > > the

> > > > > stream is there as a storm in nature - non-personally. Either geo is

> > > > > in

> > > > > the

> > > > > stream and there is an inner separate observer looking out at an

> > > > > outside

> > > > > world or there is no entity at all. So nothing is leting geo suffer

> > > > > in

> > > > > prison except geo himself cought in the stream.

> > > > > -geo-

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > This your mentionned " stream of illusion " is supported continiously by

> > > > this

> > > > your great mentionned " consciousness " .....

> > > >

> > > > geo> Yes. But it is not yours or mine - it is there.

> > > > ==

> > > >

> > > > there is no " consciousness " ....somewhere beside this your mentionned

> > > > " illusions " ......means, all is of One consciousness.

> > > >

> > > > geo> It is all one consciousness and consciusness exhibits diversity,

> > > > plurality. One of them is the possiblity of imagining some inner

> > > > separte

> > > > observer. Consciousness says: OK I'll go with that...and then

> > > > consciousness

> > > > is on fragmented-mode.

> > > > ==

> > > >

> > > > Indeed.....this your called " Maya " is for ego minded people.....means

> > > > for

> > > > people who are trapped into whatever consciousness which leave them

> > > > alone

> > > > with this their great and fantastic experiences and

> > > > understandings.......wishing to share it all over an imaginary

> > > > world.....:)

> > > >

> > > > geo> Yes, that is what i said above. If that is ones choice. That

> > > > choice

> > > > is

> > > > only possible because the possiblity is inbuilt in human consciusness.

> > > > I

> > > > dont think ants can make such choice. So ants consciusness do not have

> > > > a

> > > > maya stream - probably.

> > > >

> > > > ===

> > > > we see many points differently.....but this is only due to Maya too ;)

> > > >

> > > > Marc

> > > >

> > > > geo> Yes.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Giving " it " a name lets the mind think that it understands something.

> > >

> > > It understands nothing.

> > >

> > > toombaru

> > >

> > > Warming up the engines? :>)

> > > Whatever we write or talk or think is a name. Your beautifull,

> > > marvelous,

> > > cristal clear " it " is no different.

> > > -geo-

> > >

> >

> > If it doesn't have a name.....for us...it doesn't exist.

> >

> > toombaru

> >

> > But you call it " it " . What is that?

> > -geo-

> >


> An inscribed invitation.


> toombaru


> So in fact not always " giving " it " a name lets the mind think that it

> understands something. It understands nothing. " . At least not when toomba or

> geo are naming it


> -geo-




I have a new name.


It is very, very old.


- D -

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Thursday, August 13, 2009 1:27 PM

Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|



Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:



> -

> toombaru2006

> Nisargadatta

> Thursday, August 13, 2009 12:13 PM

> Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|



> Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > -

> > toombaru2006

> > Nisargadatta

> > Thursday, August 13, 2009 12:01 PM

> > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> >

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > -

> > > toombaru2006

> > > Nisargadatta

> > > Thursday, August 13, 2009 11:48 AM

> > > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> > >

> > >

> > > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > -

> > > > dennis_travis33

> > > > Nisargadatta

> > > > Thursday, August 13, 2009 3:39 AM

> > > > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > -

> > > > > dennis_travis33

> > > > > Nisargadatta

> > > > > Wednesday, August 12, 2009 5:59 PM

> > > > > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Consciousness is not mine or yours or anybodys. Sometimes I feel

> > > > > > it

> > > > > > is

> > > > > > interesting to try to " understand " what this impersonal

> > > > > > universal

> > > > > > consciusness is able. What are its capabilities, limitations and

> > > > > > what

> > > > > > can

> > > > > > it do or not do in order not to allow the sense of limitation

> > > > > > and

> > > > > > fragementation take over. Because if we look at it in this

> > > > > > unversal

> > > > > > manner

> > > > > > then whatever we may or may not find is also universal - and not

> > > > > > someones

> > > > > > or for the " few " or many, it is consicousness's possibility.

> > > > > > -geo-

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > ....complete non-sense......

> > > > >

> > > > > and also....i think that such non-sense don't leave " geo " any

> > > > > enjoyment.....

> > > > >

> > > > > what would be the reason of a " strange & mysterious consciousness "

> > > > > to

> > > > > leave

> > > > > " geo " alone in this his selfmade prison.....?....

> > > > >

> > > > > :)

> > > > >

> > > > > Marc

> > > > >

> > > > > Ah..but that is what we are asking. That is the whole point. There

> > > > > is

> > > > > no

> > > > > reason. Within consc. there is a stream of illusion, a stream that

> > > > > some

> > > > > call

> > > > > maya. Maya is not mine, not geo's or anyone else's in particular -

> > > > > the

> > > > > stream is there as a storm in nature - non-personally. Either geo

> > > > > is

> > > > > in

> > > > > the

> > > > > stream and there is an inner separate observer looking out at an

> > > > > outside

> > > > > world or there is no entity at all. So nothing is leting geo

> > > > > suffer

> > > > > in

> > > > > prison except geo himself cought in the stream.

> > > > > -geo-

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > This your mentionned " stream of illusion " is supported continiously

> > > > by

> > > > this

> > > > your great mentionned " consciousness " .....

> > > >

> > > > geo> Yes. But it is not yours or mine - it is there.

> > > > ==

> > > >

> > > > there is no " consciousness " ....somewhere beside this your mentionned

> > > > " illusions " ......means, all is of One consciousness.

> > > >

> > > > geo> It is all one consciousness and consciusness exhibits

> > > > diversity,

> > > > plurality. One of them is the possiblity of imagining some inner

> > > > separte

> > > > observer. Consciousness says: OK I'll go with that...and then

> > > > consciousness

> > > > is on fragmented-mode.

> > > > ==

> > > >

> > > > Indeed.....this your called " Maya " is for ego minded

> > > > people.....means

> > > > for

> > > > people who are trapped into whatever consciousness which leave them

> > > > alone

> > > > with this their great and fantastic experiences and

> > > > understandings.......wishing to share it all over an imaginary

> > > > world.....:)

> > > >

> > > > geo> Yes, that is what i said above. If that is ones choice. That

> > > > choice

> > > > is

> > > > only possible because the possiblity is inbuilt in human

> > > > consciusness.

> > > > I

> > > > dont think ants can make such choice. So ants consciusness do not

> > > > have

> > > > a

> > > > maya stream - probably.

> > > >

> > > > ===

> > > > we see many points differently.....but this is only due to Maya too

> > > > ;)

> > > >

> > > > Marc

> > > >

> > > > geo> Yes.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Giving " it " a name lets the mind think that it understands something.

> > >

> > > It understands nothing.

> > >

> > > toombaru

> > >

> > > Warming up the engines? :>)

> > > Whatever we write or talk or think is a name. Your beautifull,

> > > marvelous,

> > > cristal clear " it " is no different.

> > > -geo-

> > >

> >

> > If it doesn't have a name.....for us...it doesn't exist.

> >

> > toombaru

> >

> > But you call it " it " . What is that?

> > -geo-

> >


> An inscribed invitation.


> toombaru


> So in fact not always " giving " it " a name lets the mind think that it

> understands something. It understands nothing. " . At least not when toomba

> or

> geo are naming it


> -geo-




I have a new name.


It is very, very old.


- D -


Someone in that back row is wispering.......old is time....there is no



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Nisargadatta , " toombaru2006 " <lastrain wrote:


> Nisargadatta , " dan330033 " <dan330033@> wrote:

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " toombaru2006 " <lastrain@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > -

> > > > toombaru2006

> > > > Nisargadatta

> > > > Thursday, August 13, 2009 11:48 AM

> > > > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > -

> > > > > dennis_travis33

> > > > > Nisargadatta

> > > > > Thursday, August 13, 2009 3:39 AM

> > > > > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > -

> > > > > > dennis_travis33

> > > > > > Nisargadatta

> > > > > > Wednesday, August 12, 2009 5:59 PM

> > > > > > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Consciousness is not mine or yours or anybodys. Sometimes I feel

it is

> > > > > > > interesting to try to " understand " what this impersonal universal

> > > > > > > consciusness is able. What are its capabilities, limitations and


> > > > > > > can

> > > > > > > it do or not do in order not to allow the sense of limitation and

> > > > > > > fragementation take over. Because if we look at it in this


> > > > > > > manner

> > > > > > > then whatever we may or may not find is also universal - and not

> > > > > > > someones

> > > > > > > or for the " few " or many, it is consicousness's possibility.

> > > > > > > -geo-

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > ....complete non-sense......

> > > > > >

> > > > > > and also....i think that such non-sense don't leave " geo " any

> > > > > > enjoyment.....

> > > > > >

> > > > > > what would be the reason of a " strange & mysterious consciousness " to

> > > > > > leave

> > > > > > " geo " alone in this his selfmade prison.....?....

> > > > > >

> > > > > > :)

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Marc

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Ah..but that is what we are asking. That is the whole point. There

is no

> > > > > > reason. Within consc. there is a stream of illusion, a stream that


> > > > > > call

> > > > > > maya. Maya is not mine, not geo's or anyone else's in particular -


> > > > > > stream is there as a storm in nature - non-personally. Either geo is


> > > > > > the

> > > > > > stream and there is an inner separate observer looking out at an


> > > > > > world or there is no entity at all. So nothing is leting geo suffer


> > > > > > prison except geo himself cought in the stream.

> > > > > > -geo-

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > This your mentionned " stream of illusion " is supported continiously by

> > > > > this

> > > > > your great mentionned " consciousness " .....

> > > > >

> > > > > geo> Yes. But it is not yours or mine - it is there.

> > > > > ==

> > > > >

> > > > > there is no " consciousness " ....somewhere beside this your mentionned

> > > > > " illusions " ......means, all is of One consciousness.

> > > > >

> > > > > geo> It is all one consciousness and consciusness exhibits diversity,

> > > > > plurality. One of them is the possiblity of imagining some inner


> > > > > observer. Consciousness says: OK I'll go with that...and then

> > > > > consciousness

> > > > > is on fragmented-mode.

> > > > > ==

> > > > >

> > > > > Indeed.....this your called " Maya " is for ego minded people.....means


> > > > > people who are trapped into whatever consciousness which leave them


> > > > > with this their great and fantastic experiences and

> > > > > understandings.......wishing to share it all over an imaginary

> > > > > world.....:)

> > > > >

> > > > > geo> Yes, that is what i said above. If that is ones choice. That


> > > > > is

> > > > > only possible because the possiblity is inbuilt in human consciusness.


> > > > > dont think ants can make such choice. So ants consciusness do not have


> > > > > maya stream - probably.

> > > > >

> > > > > ===

> > > > > we see many points differently.....but this is only due to Maya too ;)

> > > > >

> > > > > Marc

> > > > >

> > > > > geo> Yes.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > Giving " it " a name lets the mind think that it understands something.

> > > >

> > > > It understands nothing.

> > > >

> > > > toombaru

> > > >

> > > > Warming up the engines? :>)

> > > > Whatever we write or talk or think is a name. Your beautifull,


> > > > cristal clear " it " is no different.

> > > > -geo-

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > > If it doesn't have a name.....for us...it doesn't exist.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > toombaru

> >

> >

> > For us?

> >

> > Give me a break.

> >

> >

> > - D -

> >



> When in duality.....you must speak the lingo.





> toombaru



When out of duality, you are in duality.



By the way, I'm running out of duality.


Do you have some to spare?


Or are you too busy washing your car?


- D -

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Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:



> -

> dan330033

> Nisargadatta

> Thursday, August 13, 2009 1:27 PM

> Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|



> Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > -

> > toombaru2006

> > Nisargadatta

> > Thursday, August 13, 2009 12:13 PM

> > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> >

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > -

> > > toombaru2006

> > > Nisargadatta

> > > Thursday, August 13, 2009 12:01 PM

> > > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> > >

> > >

> > > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > -

> > > > toombaru2006

> > > > Nisargadatta

> > > > Thursday, August 13, 2009 11:48 AM

> > > > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > -

> > > > > dennis_travis33

> > > > > Nisargadatta

> > > > > Thursday, August 13, 2009 3:39 AM

> > > > > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > -

> > > > > > dennis_travis33

> > > > > > Nisargadatta

> > > > > > Wednesday, August 12, 2009 5:59 PM

> > > > > > Re: 0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Consciousness is not mine or yours or anybodys. Sometimes I feel

> > > > > > > it

> > > > > > > is

> > > > > > > interesting to try to " understand " what this impersonal

> > > > > > > universal

> > > > > > > consciusness is able. What are its capabilities, limitations and

> > > > > > > what

> > > > > > > can

> > > > > > > it do or not do in order not to allow the sense of limitation

> > > > > > > and

> > > > > > > fragementation take over. Because if we look at it in this

> > > > > > > unversal

> > > > > > > manner

> > > > > > > then whatever we may or may not find is also universal - and not

> > > > > > > someones

> > > > > > > or for the " few " or many, it is consicousness's possibility.

> > > > > > > -geo-

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > ....complete non-sense......

> > > > > >

> > > > > > and also....i think that such non-sense don't leave " geo " any

> > > > > > enjoyment.....

> > > > > >

> > > > > > what would be the reason of a " strange & mysterious consciousness "

> > > > > > to

> > > > > > leave

> > > > > > " geo " alone in this his selfmade prison.....?....

> > > > > >

> > > > > > :)

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Marc

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Ah..but that is what we are asking. That is the whole point. There

> > > > > > is

> > > > > > no

> > > > > > reason. Within consc. there is a stream of illusion, a stream that

> > > > > > some

> > > > > > call

> > > > > > maya. Maya is not mine, not geo's or anyone else's in particular -

> > > > > > the

> > > > > > stream is there as a storm in nature - non-personally. Either geo

> > > > > > is

> > > > > > in

> > > > > > the

> > > > > > stream and there is an inner separate observer looking out at an

> > > > > > outside

> > > > > > world or there is no entity at all. So nothing is leting geo

> > > > > > suffer

> > > > > > in

> > > > > > prison except geo himself cought in the stream.

> > > > > > -geo-

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > This your mentionned " stream of illusion " is supported continiously

> > > > > by

> > > > > this

> > > > > your great mentionned " consciousness " .....

> > > > >

> > > > > geo> Yes. But it is not yours or mine - it is there.

> > > > > ==

> > > > >

> > > > > there is no " consciousness " ....somewhere beside this your mentionned

> > > > > " illusions " ......means, all is of One consciousness.

> > > > >

> > > > > geo> It is all one consciousness and consciusness exhibits

> > > > > diversity,

> > > > > plurality. One of them is the possiblity of imagining some inner

> > > > > separte

> > > > > observer. Consciousness says: OK I'll go with that...and then

> > > > > consciousness

> > > > > is on fragmented-mode.

> > > > > ==

> > > > >

> > > > > Indeed.....this your called " Maya " is for ego minded

> > > > > people.....means

> > > > > for

> > > > > people who are trapped into whatever consciousness which leave them

> > > > > alone

> > > > > with this their great and fantastic experiences and

> > > > > understandings.......wishing to share it all over an imaginary

> > > > > world.....:)

> > > > >

> > > > > geo> Yes, that is what i said above. If that is ones choice. That

> > > > > choice

> > > > > is

> > > > > only possible because the possiblity is inbuilt in human

> > > > > consciusness.

> > > > > I

> > > > > dont think ants can make such choice. So ants consciusness do not

> > > > > have

> > > > > a

> > > > > maya stream - probably.

> > > > >

> > > > > ===

> > > > > we see many points differently.....but this is only due to Maya too

> > > > > ;)

> > > > >

> > > > > Marc

> > > > >

> > > > > geo> Yes.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > Giving " it " a name lets the mind think that it understands something.

> > > >

> > > > It understands nothing.

> > > >

> > > > toombaru

> > > >

> > > > Warming up the engines? :>)

> > > > Whatever we write or talk or think is a name. Your beautifull,

> > > > marvelous,

> > > > cristal clear " it " is no different.

> > > > -geo-

> > > >

> > >

> > > If it doesn't have a name.....for us...it doesn't exist.

> > >

> > > toombaru

> > >

> > > But you call it " it " . What is that?

> > > -geo-

> > >

> >

> > An inscribed invitation.

> >

> > toombaru

> >

> > So in fact not always " giving " it " a name lets the mind think that it

> > understands something. It understands nothing. " . At least not when toomba

> > or

> > geo are naming it


> > -geo-


> Funny.


> I have a new name.


> It is very, very old.


> - D -


> Someone in that back row is wispering.......old is time....there is no

> time...:>))

> -geo-



That is right.


Before the beginning is after the end.


What is very very old, is newer than new.


- D -

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