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daily Nisargadatta/Edg

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Nisargadatta , " cerosoul " <pedsie6 wrote:


> Edg: Pray tell: what are your definitions of awareness,

> consciousness, and the Absolute -- please show that

> " dark unknown that stirs " points to something other

> than one of them? Truly, I am confused about your stance


> P: I consider what I'm about to write an exercise in

> futility, but I like to indulge in idle philosophical

> musings. So here it goes:


> To me C & A are the same mental faculty by different

> names. Some languages do not have an equivalent word

> for awareness. German and Spanish do not. I think

> Niz's translators used awareness as an alternative

> word for Absolute. That, in my opinion, was a bad choice,

> since Niz often said: " The Absolute is not aware of

> itself. " So, I dismiss that term as a poor substitute

> for Absolute. So let's dwell only on the definitions of

> consciousness and absolute:



> " Consciousness is often used colloquially to describe

> being awake and aware — responsive to the environment,

> in contrast to being asleep or in a coma. In

> philosophical and scientific discussion, however, the

> term is restricted to the specific way in which humans

> are mentally aware in such a way that they distinguish

> clearly between themselves (the thing being aware) and

> all other things and events. A characteristic of

> consciousness is that it is reflective, an " awareness

> of being aware " . This " self-awareness " may involve

> thoughts, sensations, perceptions, moods, emotions,

> and dreams. " From Wiki.


> To me consciousness is seeing light in the wavelength

> range of roughly 625–740 nm as red. In other words

> consciousness is the giver of qualia (sensory qualities

> such as red or hot.) If a tree falls and there is no one

> to hear it... frequencies between about 12 Hz and 20,000

> Hz (20 kHz) happen, but the qualia of a crashing sound

> is not there because qualia happens only to a conscious

> brain. No one can define red in a comprehensible way

> to a blind man.


> " The Absolute is the concept of an unconditional reality

> which transcends limited, conditional, everyday existence.

> It is often used as an alternate term for " God " or " the

> Divine " , especially, but by no means exclusively, by those

> who feel that the term " God " lends itself too easily to anthropomorphic

presumptions. The concept of The Absolute

> may or may not (depending on one's specific doctrine)

> possess discrete will, intelligence, awareness or even a

> personal nature. It is sometimes conceived of as the

> source through which all being emanates. It contrasts with

> finite things, considered individually, and known

> collectively as the relative. " From Wiki.



> Obviously, the above statement is a concept with

> no objective referent such as light in the wavelength

> range of roughly 625–740 nm, and no qualia such as red.


> On the other hand, the " source " of all qualia and

> knowledge is an unknown darkness. Dark in the sense of

> total absence of qualia.


> Let's do a neti, neti of all qualia. Subtract all

> sensory perception, including bodily sensations.

> Subtract all thoughts, emotions, memories, mental

> imagines, and fantasies. Only absence remains:

> absence of all the above, and any conscious input,

> or content. Can that total absence be perceived?

> When that total abscence stirs, qualia emerges,

> revealing the dark unknown as its source.


> That is the best I can do with words. Thou are that.

> Hope this resonates.


> Pete





Yep, yep, yep, I agree. I do think there is still the possibility of the word

" awareness " having a specificity instead of overlapping and sometimes sounding

absolutish and sometimes relativish. It has to do with my concept Cosmic Ego.

I think the universe is conscious of consciousness by dint of, ready?, modern

scientific findings in quantum physics.


Not solely, but in particular I would point to the concept " quantum

entanglement. " To me that's how God's awareness works -- instantly across time

and space and with lock-step precision. To me, this is direct proof of

" everything affects everything, " and if that's not awareness that transcends

boundaries like quantum entanglement transcends the definition of space/time, I

don't know what I could be talked into otherwise.


To me, becoming Cosmic means refining one's organism to the point where

individual quanta are " lived. "


How so?


Consider the human eye. It can/does/will register even one photon of light

impacting the retina. Get that? A photon is one of the basic quarks -- the

tiniest of the tiniest example of " thing " -- and yet, the eye HANDLES IT

MINDFULLY. How do we know this? We send a photon into an eye, and the person

who owns the eye " sees nothing. " But hit that rod/cone of the retina five more

times, and the sixth photon is the final straw, and the retina THEN AND ONLY

THEN sends a signal to the occipital lobe, and THEN the person sees.


The retina " knows " that rods and cones sometimes give a false positive -- that

is, they signal that they've been hit by a photon when in fact they have not

been hit. So, the retina doesn't believe its own reportage until others hits

come in, and only then does it bother to send the message to the brain. But

miss not the hugely important concept: the human organism deals with quanta

directly and is as sensitive to the universe as it can be -- in fact,

theoretically, there is no way to be MORE sensitive to quanta than the eye is.




Well, if a yogi sits in a cave and basically shuts down all the inputs in his

control, and then he closes his eyes, and then he, by mantra or breath control

or whatever, quiets the mind, guess what? He's gradually approaching being

mindful of the least impacts upon his mind. And then what? Well, what you see

is where your identity flows. I'm that red car in the race -- oooo, look I'm

ahead! Like that does identity effortlessly embrace all objects of

consciousness as much as it does that processing of the brain called " ego. "


If you dent my car, I may not feel actual pain, but I will emotionally react as

I would if you dented my human body -- why? -- cuz I've DECIDED that my body

doesn't end at " skin " but extends to anything I put my attention on. That

nozzle of the enema tube inserted in your ass -- that's as much you as your dead

fingernails, right? If not, then we have a debate to process.


Just so does the yogi find, after decades, that he is living all the time at

that quantum level -- it is the " buzz of OM " that he hears.


Now, here's the payoff: at that level one discovers that indeed the butterfly

flappings are all accounted for just as the photons coming into the eye are

exactly counted and databased. That yogi discovers that he is indeed as in

touch with everything by virtue of quantum entanglement as the ordinary person

is in touch with the tip of a finger. Touch my finger, and I'm there in the tip

feeling it. To the yogi of the refinement I'm talking about, touch a single

quark inside the most distant star, and his quarks zing in resonance like a

flock of birds turning instantly in unison in mid-flight.


To me, it is simple to see that that yogi has the opportunity to slip from

having Identity solely residing within a skin-box to residing within a

box-full-of-universe, and voila, he realizes the Cosmic Ego status he's always

had, everyone has, but is largely ignored by almost all folks.


Now, here's the bonus: immortality.


How so?


Well, consult Richard Feynman. He showed that sub-atomic particles are not time

bound. Sometimes the only way to grok certain observations is to say a particle

has gone backward in time. In other words, if the human eye can deal with a

single photon (quark,) then the yogi can honestly say, " I am beyond time in that

I control where I'm " at " within it. "


If that's so, then what?


Well, it means that the yogi has eternity as a toy.


It means that in a human moment, that yogi can life -- honest now -- a trillion+



It means that the yogi can be everywhere at once. It means that the yogi knows

everything. It means that the yogi knows intimately that everything he does is

a localized summation of ALL THIS. It means that a yogi can laugh off the dying

of the body/mind, because it will be no more of an event than losing another

hair in the shower. That yogi will know that the universe processes every

single quanta and will do so until the last sigh of the universe as it undergoes

" heat death. " The last two quanta will be in lock step even billions of light

years apart. When they stop their scintillations, only then does Shiva's dance



And yet, we have the dreamless sleep state to remind us that even when the brain

is not being aware of something, it still is aware of the dreamlessness " thing "

with perfect unblinking continuity -- even if the waking mind is fraught with

almost instant forgetfulness and will be found to deny that consciousness was

operative during deep sleep, yet does continuity of awareness prevail.


So, when the ordinary person's body dies, what then of awareness? Unlike the

yogi, he's not living at the ritam level. How can God be said to be all loving

and yet, seemingly, the yogi gets a far better life? Truth be told, we're all

perfect yogis -- only the ordinary person has decided to be ordinary -- that is

ignoring the fine points -- but doing so with a yogic master's delicacy. Buddha

in everyone.


There is no death for anyone, and all dogs, rocks and quarks go to heaven -- the

ending of any of those processes doesn't affect that which was aware of them or,

get this, their echoes throughout creation. In every moment, a yogi with

refined awareness can confidently say, " Yes, Hitler, and Jesus, and Buddha and

butterflies from 200,000,000 years ago helped construct this mind experience. "


There's your immortality. Everything your ego ever thought it ever did is still

affecting how everything is bouncing around the billiard table. Not a drop of

will is wasted.


Now, where was I? Oh, yeah, awareness -- hmmm, have I written enough for you to

be jiggy with what I'm calling Cosmic Ego?



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Nisargadatta , " duveyoung " <edg wrote:


> Nisargadatta , " cerosoul " <pedsie6@> wrote:

> >

> > Edg: Pray tell: what are your definitions of awareness,

> > consciousness, and the Absolute -- please show that

> > " dark unknown that stirs " points to something other

> > than one of them? Truly, I am confused about your stance

> >

> > P: I consider what I'm about to write an exercise in

> > futility, but I like to indulge in idle philosophical

> > musings. So here it goes:

> >

> > To me C & A are the same mental faculty by different

> > names. Some languages do not have an equivalent word

> > for awareness. German and Spanish do not. I think

> > Niz's translators used awareness as an alternative

> > word for Absolute. That, in my opinion, was a bad choice,

> > since Niz often said: " The Absolute is not aware of

> > itself. " So, I dismiss that term as a poor substitute

> > for Absolute. So let's dwell only on the definitions of

> > consciousness and absolute:

> >

> >

> > " Consciousness is often used colloquially to describe

> > being awake and aware — responsive to the environment,

> > in contrast to being asleep or in a coma. In

> > philosophical and scientific discussion, however, the

> > term is restricted to the specific way in which humans

> > are mentally aware in such a way that they distinguish

> > clearly between themselves (the thing being aware) and

> > all other things and events. A characteristic of

> > consciousness is that it is reflective, an " awareness

> > of being aware " . This " self-awareness " may involve

> > thoughts, sensations, perceptions, moods, emotions,

> > and dreams. " From Wiki.

> >

> > To me consciousness is seeing light in the wavelength

> > range of roughly 625–740 nm as red. In other words

> > consciousness is the giver of qualia (sensory qualities

> > such as red or hot.) If a tree falls and there is no one

> > to hear it... frequencies between about 12 Hz and 20,000

> > Hz (20 kHz) happen, but the qualia of a crashing sound

> > is not there because qualia happens only to a conscious

> > brain. No one can define red in a comprehensible way

> > to a blind man.

> >

> > " The Absolute is the concept of an unconditional reality

> > which transcends limited, conditional, everyday existence.

> > It is often used as an alternate term for " God " or " the

> > Divine " , especially, but by no means exclusively, by those

> > who feel that the term " God " lends itself too easily to anthropomorphic

presumptions. The concept of The Absolute

> > may or may not (depending on one's specific doctrine)

> > possess discrete will, intelligence, awareness or even a

> > personal nature. It is sometimes conceived of as the

> > source through which all being emanates. It contrasts with

> > finite things, considered individually, and known

> > collectively as the relative. " From Wiki.

> >

> >

> > Obviously, the above statement is a concept with

> > no objective referent such as light in the wavelength

> > range of roughly 625–740 nm, and no qualia such as red.

> >

> > On the other hand, the " source " of all qualia and

> > knowledge is an unknown darkness. Dark in the sense of

> > total absence of qualia.

> >

> > Let's do a neti, neti of all qualia. Subtract all

> > sensory perception, including bodily sensations.

> > Subtract all thoughts, emotions, memories, mental

> > imagines, and fantasies. Only absence remains:

> > absence of all the above, and any conscious input,

> > or content. Can that total absence be perceived?

> > When that total abscence stirs, qualia emerges,

> > revealing the dark unknown as its source.

> >

> > That is the best I can do with words. Thou are that.

> > Hope this resonates.

> >

> > Pete

> >


> Pete,


> Yep, yep, yep, I agree.

> Consider the human eye. It can/does/will register even one photon of light

impacting the retina. Get that? A photon is one of the basic quarks .


> Now, where was I? Oh, yeah, awareness -- hmmm, have I written enough for you

to be jiggy with what I'm calling Cosmic Ego?


> Edg


P: Sorry, Edg, what you wrote reads to me

like a very confused melange of misunderstood

science and imagination. To begin with a photon

is not a quark. No one has ever proved

that quarks are real particles, they just exists as

requirements of quantum calculations and to make sense

of certain experiments.


Secondly, what seems true for quantum mechanics is

not true in the world of special relativity ( our

macro world) only quacks reason that because a

particle can be at two places at the same time, a

watermelon can too. Read more about about quantum

mechanics before using it as a magic rug. You

can start below.





Quarks are fundamental matter particles that are constituents of neutrons and

protons and other hadrons. There are six different types of quarks. Each quark

type is called a flavor.

Flavor Mass

(GeV/c2) Electric Charge


u up 0.004 +2/3

d down 0.008 -1/3

c charm 1.5 +2/3

s strange 0.15 -1/3

t top 176 +2/3

b bottom 4.7 -1/3

Quark Masses


Quarks only exist inside hadrons because they are

confined by the strong (or color charge) force fields.


A question you might well ask! If we cannot separate

them out, how do we know they are there? The answer

is simply that all our calculations depend on their

existence and give the right answers for the experiments.



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