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Memory is All

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Many times you have heard nondual teachers say,

consciousness is everything, but they take for

granted that consciousness is a primary, not

composited faculty. Phenomenologically, consciousness

is dependent on memory. Imagine that you had no short

memory at all, and could not remember anything from

second to second. What utility or meaning would

consciousness have then? Even perceiving the ceiling

of your room on waking up with what you think is direct

perception, is not that direct and pure. Embedded in the

perception is the memory of what a ceiling is. The sight

doesn't provoke the doubt, or curiosity that the seeing of

something unfamiliar brings.


You saw pure perception only once, and only for a few seconds.

That terrible encounter happened at the moment of birth, and

you screamed in terror. And that scream was a cry, a demand

for meaning.


Now, perception is pregnant with meaning. Even direct,

un-narrated, unexplained, thoughtless perception is shaped

by meaning. Form is the outline of visual meaning. Without

meaning form dissolves into chaos- a landscape of blobs,

splotches, and splatters of light and colors. Sometimes, on waking

up, I behold such world for a few seconds. Only the visual color

center of the brain seems to be functioning. The rest of the

brain is not engaged. My room appears as a flat chaotic mosaic

of color devoid of any meaning. There is no clue of being a Pete,

or human, or even an animal. The whole world is a swirling

chaos of colors. Then, a flash of panic jolts the brain, and

meaning returns. I know that's what I saw at birth, and then

the scream came as a cry for meaning, and meaning

came in the guise of a touch- the touch of human hands,

the warmth of blankets, the sound of soothing voices, And

consciousness was rescued from chaos, and sent on its journey

to being human.




===Pete, you'd like Wilfred Sellars' _Empiricism and the Philosophy

of Mind_. One of the most important (Western) philosophy books in

the 20th century. He talks about the " Myth of the Given, " arguing

basically that there is no such thing as a pure, non-relational,

unmediated experience of any kind.



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Nisargadatta , " cerosoul " <pedsie6 wrote:


> Many times you have heard nondual teachers say,

> consciousness is everything, but they take for

> granted that consciousness is a primary, not

> composited faculty. Phenomenologically, consciousness

> is dependent on memory.



Consciousness cannot be dependent on memory because that would mean that

consciousness exists as a separate agent but is dependent on memory.


But that is not the case. Consciousness IS memory !


What one is experiencing as consciousness is the firing of memory cells. It is

this firing activity of memory cells we call consciousness.



> Imagine that you had no short

> memory at all, and could not remember anything from

> second to second. What utility or meaning would

> consciousness have then? Even perceiving the ceiling

> of your room on waking up with what you think is direct

> perception, is not that direct and pure. Embedded in the

> perception is the memory of what a ceiling is. The sight

> doesn't provoke the doubt, or curiosity that the seeing of

> something unfamiliar brings.


> You saw pure perception only once, and only for a few seconds.

> That terrible encounter happened at the moment of birth, and

> you screamed in terror. And that scream was a cry, a demand

> for meaning.


> Now, perception is pregnant with meaning.



The meaning giving of perception happens because in the short term memory, also

called the working memory, several aspects of the same thing which already have

been stored as past memory get mixed together into one image and so produce






> Even direct,

> un-narrated, unexplained, thoughtless perception is shaped

> by meaning. Form is the outline of visual meaning. Without

> meaning form dissolves into chaos- a landscape of blobs,

> splotches, and splatters of light and colors. Sometimes, on waking

> up, I behold such world for a few seconds. Only the visual color

> center of the brain seems to be functioning. The rest of the

> brain is not engaged. My room appears as a flat chaotic mosaic

> of color devoid of any meaning. There is no clue of being a Pete,

> or human, or even an animal. The whole world is a swirling

> chaos of colors. Then, a flash of panic jolts the brain, and

> meaning returns. I know that's what I saw at birth, and then

> the scream came as a cry for meaning, and meaning

> came in the guise of a touch- the touch of human hands,

> the warmth of blankets, the sound of soothing voices, And

> consciousness was rescued from chaos, and sent on its journey

> to being human.


> Pete


> ===Pete, you'd like Wilfred Sellars' _Empiricism and the Philosophy

> of Mind_. One of the most important (Western) philosophy books in

> the 20th century. He talks about the " Myth of the Given, " arguing

> basically that there is no such thing as a pure, non-relational,

> unmediated experience of any kind.


> --Greg


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Nisargadatta , " wwoehr " <wwoehr wrote:




> Nisargadatta , " cerosoul " <pedsie6@> wrote:

> >

> > Many times you have heard nondual teachers say,

> > consciousness is everything, but they take for

> > granted that consciousness is a primary, not

> > composited faculty. Phenomenologically, consciousness

> > is dependent on memory.



>W: Consciousness cannot be dependent on memory because that would mean that

consciousness exists as a separate agent but is dependent on memory.


Werner, if you read your statement above carefully, you

will see that it affirms something that is false, plus

it's arguing about something I didn't write.


Your statement seems to conclude that separate agents

cannot depend on anything but themselves to exist. Since

I know that you are writing about neurology, and not about

ontology your statement is false since being conscious

depends on blood supply to the brain, if your blood

pressure gets too low you'll pass out. Besides, I didn't

write that consciousness is a separate agent, on the contrary,

I wrote it's a composited faculty. So you are arguing against

your own misunderstanding of my words.


> W: But that is not the case. Consciousness IS memory !


P: I know you like to think so, but people that do not

remember shit, are still conscious. True, without

memory whatever one perceives has little or no meaning.

I said as much, but that doesn't mean they are one and

the same.


>W; What one is experiencing as consciousness is the firing of memory cells. It

is this firing activity of memory cells we call consciousness.


P: Yes, memory cells fire if we are conscious, and

salivary glands salivate when we eat, but we don't

chew food with our saliva, we need teeth and tongue

too. You're being too simplistic. No one knows for

sure how the brain creates consciousness.




> > Imagine that you had no short

> > memory at all, and could not remember anything from

> > second to second. What utility or meaning would

> > consciousness have then? Even perceiving the ceiling

> > of your room on waking up with what you think is direct

> > perception, is not that direct and pure. Embedded in the

> > perception is the memory of what a ceiling is. The sight

> > doesn't provoke the doubt, or curiosity that the seeing of

> > something unfamiliar brings.

> >

> > You saw pure perception only once, and only for a few seconds.

> > That terrible encounter happened at the moment of birth, and

> > you screamed in terror. And that scream was a cry, a demand

> > for meaning.

> >

> > Now, perception is pregnant with meaning.



> The meaning giving of perception happens because in the short term memory,

also called the working memory, several aspects of the same thing which already

have been stored as past memory get mixed together into one image and so produce



> Werner



> > Even direct,

> > un-narrated, unexplained, thoughtless perception is shaped

> > by meaning. Form is the outline of visual meaning. Without

> > meaning form dissolves into chaos- a landscape of blobs,

> > splotches, and splatters of light and colors. Sometimes, on waking

> > up, I behold such world for a few seconds. Only the visual color

> > center of the brain seems to be functioning. The rest of the

> > brain is not engaged. My room appears as a flat chaotic mosaic

> > of color devoid of any meaning. There is no clue of being a Pete,

> > or human, or even an animal. The whole world is a swirling

> > chaos of colors. Then, a flash of panic jolts the brain, and

> > meaning returns. I know that's what I saw at birth, and then

> > the scream came as a cry for meaning, and meaning

> > came in the guise of a touch- the touch of human hands,

> > the warmth of blankets, the sound of soothing voices, And

> > consciousness was rescued from chaos, and sent on its journey

> > to being human.

> >

> > Pete

> >

> > ===Pete, you'd like Wilfred Sellars' _Empiricism and the Philosophy

> > of Mind_. One of the most important (Western) philosophy books in

> > the 20th century. He talks about the " Myth of the Given, " arguing

> > basically that there is no such thing as a pure, non-relational,

> > unmediated experience of any kind.

> >

> > --Greg

> >


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Nisargadatta , " cerosoul " <pedsie6 wrote:




> Nisargadatta , " wwoehr " <wwoehr@> wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " cerosoul " <pedsie6@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Many times you have heard nondual teachers say,

> > > consciousness is everything, but they take for

> > > granted that consciousness is a primary, not

> > > composited faculty. Phenomenologically, consciousness

> > > is dependent on memory.

> >

> >

> >W: Consciousness cannot be dependent on memory because that would mean that

consciousness exists as a separate agent but is dependent on memory.


> Werner, if you read your statement above carefully, you

> will see that it affirms something that is false, plus

> it's arguing about something I didn't write.


> Your statement seems to conclude that separate agents

> cannot depend on anything but themselves to exist. Since

> I know that you are writing about neurology, and not about

> ontology your statement is false since being conscious

> depends on blood supply to the brain, if your blood

> pressure gets too low you'll pass out. Besides, I didn't

> write that consciousness is a separate agent, on the contrary,

> I wrote it's a composited faculty. So you are arguing against

> your own misunderstanding of my words.

> >

> > W: But that is not the case. Consciousness IS memory !


> P: I know you like to think so, but people that do not

> remember shit, are still conscious. True, without

> memory whatever one perceives has little or no meaning.

> I said as much, but that doesn't mean they are one and

> the same.

> >

> >W; What one is experiencing as consciousness is the firing of memory cells.

It is this firing activity of memory cells we call consciousness.




Read this Pete:


Consciousness itself is clearly quite a controversial and subjective topic. It

is thought to involve both the modern neocortex found in all higher mammals

(cats, dolphins, elephants, etc) as well as certain profoundly developed

sections of the brain stem only found in humans. These " overdeveloped " sections,

along with the extremely pronounced encephalization and connectivity of the

human forebrain, may account for our superior communicative and innovative

capabilities, as well as our unique ability to harness and control emotions. But

can these traits be called consciousness?


Science has proven at least the existence, if not the clear definition, of

consciousness. We know that people lose and regain it; that specific

neuropathologies correspond with specific deficits in consciousness; and that

conscious activities are impossible if key neural structures are lost. All of

these ingredients indicate the presence of a direct link between the mind, human

awareness, and the physical brain. Yet the subtleties of this link are still

largely unknown, and questions regarding it may stump neuroscientists,

psychologists, and philosophers for many years to come.


Recent brain studies investigating the electromagnetic theory of consciousness

explores the possibility that the electromagnetic field generated by the brain

is the actual carrier of conscious experience. The starting point for the theory

is the fact that every time a neuron

fires it also generates a disturbance to the surrounding electromagnetic (EM)

field. Information coded in neuron firing patterns accounts for how information

located in millions of neurons scattered throughout the brain can be unified

into a single conscious experience:the information is unified in the EM field.

When neurons fire together their EM fields combine to generate stronger EM field

disturbances; so synchronous neuron firing will tend to have a bigger impact on

the brain's EM field (and thereby consciousness) than the firing of individual

neurons. Different EM field theories disagree as to the roleof the proposed

conscious EM field on brain function.



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Nisargadatta , " wwoehr " <wwoehr wrote:




> Nisargadatta , " cerosoul " <pedsie6@> wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " wwoehr " <wwoehr@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Nisargadatta , " cerosoul " <pedsie6@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Many times you have heard nondual teachers say,

> > > > consciousness is everything, but they take for

> > > > granted that consciousness is a primary, not

> > > > composited faculty. Phenomenologically, consciousness

> > > > is dependent on memory.

> > >

> > >

> > >W: Consciousness cannot be dependent on memory because that would mean that

consciousness exists as a separate agent but is dependent on memory.

> >

> > Werner, if you read your statement above carefully, you

> > will see that it affirms something that is false, plus

> > it's arguing about something I didn't write.

> >

> > Your statement seems to conclude that separate agents

> > cannot depend on anything but themselves to exist. Since

> > I know that you are writing about neurology, and not about

> > ontology your statement is false since being conscious

> > depends on blood supply to the brain, if your blood

> > pressure gets too low you'll pass out. Besides, I didn't

> > write that consciousness is a separate agent, on the contrary,

> > I wrote it's a composited faculty. So you are arguing against

> > your own misunderstanding of my words.

> > >

> > > W: But that is not the case. Consciousness IS memory !

> >

> > P: I know you like to think so, but people that do not

> > remember shit, are still conscious. True, without

> > memory whatever one perceives has little or no meaning.

> > I said as much, but that doesn't mean they are one and

> > the same.

> > >

> > >W; What one is experiencing as consciousness is the firing of memory cells.

It is this firing activity of memory cells we call consciousness.

> >



> Read this Pete:


> Consciousness itself is clearly quite a controversial and subjective topic. It

is thought to involve both the modern neocortex found in all higher mammals

(cats, dolphins, elephants, etc) as well as certain profoundly developed

sections of the brain stem only found in humans. These " overdeveloped " sections,

along with the extremely pronounced encephalization and connectivity of the

human forebrain, may account for our superior communicative and innovative

capabilities, as well as our unique ability to harness and control emotions. But

can these traits be called consciousness?


> Science has proven at least the existence, if not the clear definition, of

consciousness. We know that people lose and regain it; that specific

neuropathologies correspond with specific deficits in consciousness; and that

conscious activities are impossible if key neural structures are lost. All of

these ingredients indicate the presence of a direct link between the mind, human

awareness, and the physical brain. Yet the subtleties of this link are still

largely unknown, and questions regarding it may stump neuroscientists,

psychologists, and philosophers for many years to come.


> Recent brain studies investigating the electromagnetic theory of consciousness

explores the possibility that the electromagnetic field generated by the brain

is the actual carrier of conscious experience. The starting point for the theory

is the fact that every time a neuron

> fires it also generates a disturbance to the surrounding electromagnetic (EM)

field. Information coded in neuron firing patterns accounts for how information

located in millions of neurons scattered throughout the brain can be unified

into a single conscious experience:the information is unified in the EM field.

When neurons fire together their EM fields combine to generate stronger EM field

disturbances; so synchronous neuron firing will tend to have a bigger impact on

the brain's EM field (and thereby consciousness) than the firing of individual

neurons. Different EM field theories disagree as to the roleof the proposed

conscious EM field on brain function.


> Werner


P: Sounds like a plausible theory to me. Who wrote



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Nisargadatta , " cerosoul " <pedsie6 wrote:




> Nisargadatta , " wwoehr " <wwoehr@> wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " cerosoul " <pedsie6@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Nisargadatta , " wwoehr " <wwoehr@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Nisargadatta , " cerosoul " <pedsie6@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Many times you have heard nondual teachers say,

> > > > > consciousness is everything, but they take for

> > > > > granted that consciousness is a primary, not

> > > > > composited faculty. Phenomenologically, consciousness

> > > > > is dependent on memory.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >W: Consciousness cannot be dependent on memory because that would mean

that consciousness exists as a separate agent but is dependent on memory.

> > >

> > > Werner, if you read your statement above carefully, you

> > > will see that it affirms something that is false, plus

> > > it's arguing about something I didn't write.

> > >

> > > Your statement seems to conclude that separate agents

> > > cannot depend on anything but themselves to exist. Since

> > > I know that you are writing about neurology, and not about

> > > ontology your statement is false since being conscious

> > > depends on blood supply to the brain, if your blood

> > > pressure gets too low you'll pass out. Besides, I didn't

> > > write that consciousness is a separate agent, on the contrary,

> > > I wrote it's a composited faculty. So you are arguing against

> > > your own misunderstanding of my words.

> > > >

> > > > W: But that is not the case. Consciousness IS memory !

> > >

> > > P: I know you like to think so, but people that do not

> > > remember shit, are still conscious. True, without

> > > memory whatever one perceives has little or no meaning.

> > > I said as much, but that doesn't mean they are one and

> > > the same.

> > > >

> > > >W; What one is experiencing as consciousness is the firing of memory

cells. It is this firing activity of memory cells we call consciousness.

> > >

> >

> >

> > Read this Pete:

> >

> > Consciousness itself is clearly quite a controversial and subjective topic.

It is thought to involve both the modern neocortex found in all higher mammals

(cats, dolphins, elephants, etc) as well as certain profoundly developed

sections of the brain stem only found in humans. These " overdeveloped " sections,

along with the extremely pronounced encephalization and connectivity of the

human forebrain, may account for our superior communicative and innovative

capabilities, as well as our unique ability to harness and control emotions. But

can these traits be called consciousness?

> >

> > Science has proven at least the existence, if not the clear definition, of

consciousness. We know that people lose and regain it; that specific

neuropathologies correspond with specific deficits in consciousness; and that

conscious activities are impossible if key neural structures are lost. All of

these ingredients indicate the presence of a direct link between the mind, human

awareness, and the physical brain. Yet the subtleties of this link are still

largely unknown, and questions regarding it may stump neuroscientists,

psychologists, and philosophers for many years to come.

> >

> > Recent brain studies investigating the electromagnetic theory of

consciousness explores the possibility that the electromagnetic field generated

by the brain is the actual carrier of conscious experience. The starting point

for the theory is the fact that every time a neuron

> > fires it also generates a disturbance to the surrounding electromagnetic

(EM) field. Information coded in neuron firing patterns accounts for how

information located in millions of neurons scattered throughout the brain can be

unified into a single conscious experience:the information is unified in the EM

field. When neurons fire together their EM fields combine to generate stronger

EM field disturbances; so synchronous neuron firing will tend to have a bigger

impact on the brain's EM field (and thereby consciousness) than the firing of

individual neurons. Different EM field theories disagree as to the roleof the

proposed conscious EM field on brain function.

> >

> > Werner


> P: Sounds like a plausible theory to me. Who wrote

> it?

> >




Hi Pete,


More here:




Just rememeber that consciousness IS memory. Once you found that track,

everything else falls in.



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> >

> > P: Sounds like a plausible theory to me. Who wrote

> > it?

> > >

> >



> Hi Pete,


> More here:


> http://www.memoryzine.com/whatisconsciousness.html


> Just rememeber that consciousness IS memory. Once you found that track,

everything else falls in.


> Werner


P: LOL! The guy's name is Dr. Memory? And he

sells memory products? Well, the theory still

sounds good, even if the writer is a snake oil

salesman. And no, consciousness is not just

memory. Sorry, can't remember that. ;)


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> Just rememeber that consciousness IS memory. Once you found that track,

> everything else falls in.


> Werner



geo> Consciousness is memory. And memory stores things/data that are not

consciousness. I have fallen in...

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Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:



> >

> > Just rememeber that consciousness IS memory. Once you found that track,

> > everything else falls in.

> >

> > Werner



> geo> Consciousness is memory. And memory stores things/data that are not

> consciousness. I have fallen in...






Most of memory is in no way consciousness, funny Geo. But consciousness IS



The only you have fallen in was in your usual need to produce nonsense



Clap, clap, clap ...



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Nisargadatta , " wwoehr " <wwoehr wrote:




> Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > >

> > > Just rememeber that consciousness IS memory. Once you found that track,

> > > everything else falls in.

> > >

> > > Werner

> >

> >

> > geo> Consciousness is memory. And memory stores things/data that are not

> > consciousness. I have fallen in...

> >





> Most of memory is in no way consciousness, funny Geo. But consciousness IS



> The only you have fallen in was in your usual need to produce nonsense

> argumentation.


> Clap, clap, clap ...


> Werner




It's difficult to speak of this inherent knowing that has returned

to us... To speak with the agility of an unfettered mind and the grace that is

given to us this moment to do with it what we will.


And yet...




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Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:



> -

> wwoehr

> Nisargadatta

> Monday, November 02, 2009 9:29 AM

> Re: Memory is All





> Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > >

> > > Just rememeber that consciousness IS memory. Once you found that track,

> > > everything else falls in.

> > >

> > > Werner

> >

> >

> > geo> Consciousness is memory. And memory stores things/data that are not

> > consciousness. I have fallen in...

> >


> Most of memory is in no way consciousness, funny Geo. But consciousness IS

> memeory.


> Werner


> And the rest - which is not consciousness - is what? Don't try to escape, as

> always, by saying that geo wants to argue. That is just your excuse.

> Don't bring some link to read either. It is all very simple. Just give a

> simple answer.

> -geo-


sometimes it's difficult....and too easy....to just remember that we are

infinite, changeless and formless....


memory isn't only about forms....internet sites....books and

books.....scriptures and scriptures.....scientists and

scientists.... " Krishnamurti " ......lakes, poems and flowers....etc




All there Is.....within form and formlessness....




Is memory








Ps: nobody can escape such memory


....means, even if you deeply believe in this your limited existence, limited

knowledge, ignorance etc....


this doesn't make you loose WHO you ARE....and ever have been

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Monday, November 02, 2009 9:29 AM

Re: Memory is All





Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:



> >

> > Just rememeber that consciousness IS memory. Once you found that track,

> > everything else falls in.

> >

> > Werner



> geo> Consciousness is memory. And memory stores things/data that are not

> consciousness. I have fallen in...



Most of memory is in no way consciousness, funny Geo. But consciousness IS





And the rest - which is not consciousness - is what? Don't try to escape, as

always, by saying that geo wants to argue. That is just your excuse.

Don't bring some link to read either. It is all very simple. Just give a

simple answer.


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> Recent brain studies investigating the electromagnetic theory of consciousness explores the possibility that the electromagnetic field generated by the brain is the actual carrier of conscious experience. The starting > point for the theory is the fact that every time a neuron> fires it also generates a disturbance to the surrounding electromagnetic (EM) field. Information coded in neuron firing patterns accounts for how information located in millions of neurons scattered throughout the > brain can be unified into a single conscious experience:the information is unified in the EM field. When neurons fire together their EM fields combine to generate stronger EM field disturbances; so synchronous neuron > firing will tend to have a bigger impact on the brain's EM field (and thereby consciousness) than the firing of individual neurons. Different EM field theories disagree as to the roleof the proposed conscious EM field > on brain function.> Werner


Hi Werner,


Please tell me, what IS a neuron? Thanks!


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Monday, November 02, 2009 11:12 AM

Re: Re: Memory is All







Monday, November 02, 2009 9:29 AM

Re: Memory is All


Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:



> >

> > Just rememeber that consciousness IS memory. Once you found that track,

> > everything else falls in.

> >

> > Werner



> geo> Consciousness is memory. And memory stores things/data that are not

> consciousness. I have fallen in...



Most of memory is in no way consciousness, funny Geo. But consciousness IS





And the rest - which is not consciousness - is what? Don't try to escape, as

always, by saying that geo wants to argue. That is just your excuse.

Don't bring some link to read either. It is all very simple. Just give a

simple answer.


You see werner...you think I am only picking on you but that is not the

case. All my posts to you verse about the same thing, the same

contradiction. In one hand you say there is nothing beyond consciousness,

that that is crap, and then you say things like " most of memory is in no way

consciousness... " Does that not imply that there is something other then



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Nisargadatta , " Michael Adamson " <adamson wrote:




> > Recent brain studies investigating the electromagnetic theory of

consciousness explores the possibility that the electromagnetic field generated

by the brain is the actual carrier of conscious experience. The starting > point

for the theory is the fact that every time a neuron

> > fires it also generates a disturbance to the surrounding electromagnetic

(EM) field. Information coded in neuron firing patterns accounts for how

information located in millions of neurons scattered throughout the > brain can

be unified into a single conscious experience:the information is unified in the

EM field. When neurons fire together their EM fields combine to generate

stronger EM field disturbances; so synchronous neuron > firing will tend to have

a bigger impact on the brain's EM field (and thereby consciousness) than the

firing of individual neurons. Different EM field theories disagree as to the

roleof the proposed conscious EM field > on brain function.


> > Werner


> Hi Werner,


> Please tell me, what IS a neuron? Thanks!


> ~M




What a neuron 'IS' is what it does.


If you are interested what it does then just use Googel.



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Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:



> -

> wwoehr

> Nisargadatta

> Monday, November 02, 2009 2:58 PM

> Re: Memory is All





> Nisargadatta , " Michael Adamson " <adamson@> wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > > Recent brain studies investigating the electromagnetic theory of

> > > consciousness explores the possibility that the electromagnetic field

> > > generated by the brain is the actual carrier of conscious experience.

> > > The starting > point for the theory is the fact that every time a neuron

> > > fires it also generates a disturbance to the surrounding electromagnetic

> > > (EM) field. Information coded in neuron firing patterns accounts for how

> > > information located in millions of neurons scattered throughout the >

> > > brain can be unified into a single conscious experience:the information

> > > is unified in the EM field. When neurons fire together their EM fields

> > > combine to generate stronger EM field disturbances; so synchronous

> > > neuron > firing will tend to have a bigger impact on the brain's EM

> > > field (and thereby consciousness) than the firing of individual neurons.

> > > Different EM field theories disagree as to the roleof the proposed

> > > conscious EM field > on brain function.

> >

> > > Werner

> >

> > Hi Werner,

> >

> > Please tell me, what IS a neuron? Thanks!

> >

> > ~M

> >


> What a neuron 'IS' is what it does.


> If you are interested what it does then just use Googel.


> Werner


> Werner has a complex. He thinks everybody is picking on him. He does not

> realize that this complex is the best excuse his ego found to perpetuate

> itself - this way he doesn't have to answer difficult questions.

> -geo-




Ay, Geo, why gossipping ?



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Monday, November 02, 2009 2:58 PM

Re: Memory is All





Nisargadatta , " Michael Adamson " <adamson wrote:




> > Recent brain studies investigating the electromagnetic theory of

> > consciousness explores the possibility that the electromagnetic field

> > generated by the brain is the actual carrier of conscious experience.

> > The starting > point for the theory is the fact that every time a neuron

> > fires it also generates a disturbance to the surrounding electromagnetic

> > (EM) field. Information coded in neuron firing patterns accounts for how

> > information located in millions of neurons scattered throughout the >

> > brain can be unified into a single conscious experience:the information

> > is unified in the EM field. When neurons fire together their EM fields

> > combine to generate stronger EM field disturbances; so synchronous

> > neuron > firing will tend to have a bigger impact on the brain's EM

> > field (and thereby consciousness) than the firing of individual neurons.

> > Different EM field theories disagree as to the roleof the proposed

> > conscious EM field > on brain function.


> > Werner


> Hi Werner,


> Please tell me, what IS a neuron? Thanks!


> ~M



What a neuron 'IS' is what it does.


If you are interested what it does then just use Googel.




Werner has a complex. He thinks everybody is picking on him. He does not

realize that this complex is the best excuse his ego found to perpetuate

itself - this way he doesn't have to answer difficult questions.


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Monday, November 02, 2009 3:36 PM

Re: Memory is All





Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:



> -

> wwoehr

> Nisargadatta

> Monday, November 02, 2009 2:58 PM

> Re: Memory is All





> Nisargadatta , " Michael Adamson " <adamson@> wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > > Recent brain studies investigating the electromagnetic theory of

> > > consciousness explores the possibility that the electromagnetic field

> > > generated by the brain is the actual carrier of conscious experience.

> > > The starting > point for the theory is the fact that every time a

> > > neuron

> > > fires it also generates a disturbance to the surrounding

> > > electromagnetic

> > > (EM) field. Information coded in neuron firing patterns accounts for

> > > how

> > > information located in millions of neurons scattered throughout the >

> > > brain can be unified into a single conscious experience:the

> > > information

> > > is unified in the EM field. When neurons fire together their EM fields

> > > combine to generate stronger EM field disturbances; so synchronous

> > > neuron > firing will tend to have a bigger impact on the brain's EM

> > > field (and thereby consciousness) than the firing of individual

> > > neurons.

> > > Different EM field theories disagree as to the roleof the proposed

> > > conscious EM field > on brain function.

> >

> > > Werner

> >

> > Hi Werner,

> >

> > Please tell me, what IS a neuron? Thanks!

> >

> > ~M

> >


> What a neuron 'IS' is what it does.


> If you are interested what it does then just use Googel.


> Werner


> Werner has a complex. He thinks everybody is picking on him. He does not

> realize that this complex is the best excuse his ego found to perpetuate

> itself - this way he doesn't have to answer difficult questions.

> -geo-



Ay, Geo, why gossipping ?




What gossip???!!! This is an open forum. Everyone reads all posts



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Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:



> -

> wwoehr

> Nisargadatta

> Monday, November 02, 2009 3:36 PM

> Re: Memory is All





> Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > -

> > wwoehr

> > Nisargadatta

> > Monday, November 02, 2009 2:58 PM

> > Re: Memory is All

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " Michael Adamson " <adamson@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > > Recent brain studies investigating the electromagnetic theory of

> > > > consciousness explores the possibility that the electromagnetic field

> > > > generated by the brain is the actual carrier of conscious experience.

> > > > The starting > point for the theory is the fact that every time a

> > > > neuron

> > > > fires it also generates a disturbance to the surrounding

> > > > electromagnetic

> > > > (EM) field. Information coded in neuron firing patterns accounts for

> > > > how

> > > > information located in millions of neurons scattered throughout the >

> > > > brain can be unified into a single conscious experience:the

> > > > information

> > > > is unified in the EM field. When neurons fire together their EM fields

> > > > combine to generate stronger EM field disturbances; so synchronous

> > > > neuron > firing will tend to have a bigger impact on the brain's EM

> > > > field (and thereby consciousness) than the firing of individual

> > > > neurons.

> > > > Different EM field theories disagree as to the roleof the proposed

> > > > conscious EM field > on brain function.

> > >

> > > > Werner

> > >

> > > Hi Werner,

> > >

> > > Please tell me, what IS a neuron? Thanks!

> > >

> > > ~M

> > >

> >

> > What a neuron 'IS' is what it does.

> >

> > If you are interested what it does then just use Googel.

> >

> > Werner

> >

> > Werner has a complex. He thinks everybody is picking on him. He does not

> > realize that this complex is the best excuse his ego found to perpetuate

> > itself - this way he doesn't have to answer difficult questions.

> > -geo-

> >


> Ay, Geo, why gossipping ?


> Werner


> What gossip???!!! This is an open forum. Everyone reads all posts

> anyway.....

> -geo-


maybe Werner should try to write and meet with this loving experts.....


wait...i forgot the name of the group...


it's one of this HippieSalons....


you know...




or you forgot?..





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Nisargadatta , " dennis_travis33 " <dennis_travis33





> Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > -

> > wwoehr

> > Nisargadatta

> > Monday, November 02, 2009 3:36 PM

> > Re: Memory is All

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > -

> > > wwoehr

> > > Nisargadatta

> > > Monday, November 02, 2009 2:58 PM

> > > Re: Memory is All

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Nisargadatta , " Michael Adamson " <adamson@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > > Recent brain studies investigating the electromagnetic theory of

> > > > > consciousness explores the possibility that the electromagnetic field

> > > > > generated by the brain is the actual carrier of conscious experience.

> > > > > The starting > point for the theory is the fact that every time a

> > > > > neuron

> > > > > fires it also generates a disturbance to the surrounding

> > > > > electromagnetic

> > > > > (EM) field. Information coded in neuron firing patterns accounts for

> > > > > how

> > > > > information located in millions of neurons scattered throughout the >

> > > > > brain can be unified into a single conscious experience:the

> > > > > information

> > > > > is unified in the EM field. When neurons fire together their EM fields

> > > > > combine to generate stronger EM field disturbances; so synchronous

> > > > > neuron > firing will tend to have a bigger impact on the brain's EM

> > > > > field (and thereby consciousness) than the firing of individual

> > > > > neurons.

> > > > > Different EM field theories disagree as to the roleof the proposed

> > > > > conscious EM field > on brain function.

> > > >

> > > > > Werner

> > > >

> > > > Hi Werner,

> > > >

> > > > Please tell me, what IS a neuron? Thanks!

> > > >

> > > > ~M

> > > >

> > >

> > > What a neuron 'IS' is what it does.

> > >

> > > If you are interested what it does then just use Googel.

> > >

> > > Werner

> > >

> > > Werner has a complex. He thinks everybody is picking on him. He does not

> > > realize that this complex is the best excuse his ego found to perpetuate

> > > itself - this way he doesn't have to answer difficult questions.

> > > -geo-

> > >

> >

> > Ay, Geo, why gossipping ?

> >

> > Werner

> >

> > What gossip???!!! This is an open forum. Everyone reads all posts

> > anyway.....

> > -geo-

> >

> maybe Werner should try to write and meet with this loving experts.....


> wait...i forgot the name of the group...


> it's one of this HippieSalons....


> you know...


> ...


> or you forgot?..


> ...


> lol




Ay ladies,


still congretating on my shoulders and gossipping your usual yada yada ?

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Nisargadatta , " wwoehr " <wwoehr wrote:




> Nisargadatta , " dennis_travis33 " <dennis_travis33@>


> >

> >

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > -

> > > wwoehr

> > > Nisargadatta

> > > Monday, November 02, 2009 3:36 PM

> > > Re: Memory is All

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > -

> > > > wwoehr

> > > > Nisargadatta

> > > > Monday, November 02, 2009 2:58 PM

> > > > Re: Memory is All

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Nisargadatta , " Michael Adamson " <adamson@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > > Recent brain studies investigating the electromagnetic theory of

> > > > > > consciousness explores the possibility that the electromagnetic


> > > > > > generated by the brain is the actual carrier of conscious


> > > > > > The starting > point for the theory is the fact that every time a

> > > > > > neuron

> > > > > > fires it also generates a disturbance to the surrounding

> > > > > > electromagnetic

> > > > > > (EM) field. Information coded in neuron firing patterns accounts for

> > > > > > how

> > > > > > information located in millions of neurons scattered throughout the


> > > > > > brain can be unified into a single conscious experience:the

> > > > > > information

> > > > > > is unified in the EM field. When neurons fire together their EM


> > > > > > combine to generate stronger EM field disturbances; so synchronous

> > > > > > neuron > firing will tend to have a bigger impact on the brain's EM

> > > > > > field (and thereby consciousness) than the firing of individual

> > > > > > neurons.

> > > > > > Different EM field theories disagree as to the roleof the proposed

> > > > > > conscious EM field > on brain function.

> > > > >

> > > > > > Werner

> > > > >

> > > > > Hi Werner,

> > > > >

> > > > > Please tell me, what IS a neuron? Thanks!

> > > > >

> > > > > ~M

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > What a neuron 'IS' is what it does.

> > > >

> > > > If you are interested what it does then just use Googel.

> > > >

> > > > Werner

> > > >

> > > > Werner has a complex. He thinks everybody is picking on him. He does not

> > > > realize that this complex is the best excuse his ego found to perpetuate

> > > > itself - this way he doesn't have to answer difficult questions.

> > > > -geo-

> > > >

> > >

> > > Ay, Geo, why gossipping ?

> > >

> > > Werner

> > >

> > > What gossip???!!! This is an open forum. Everyone reads all posts

> > > anyway.....

> > > -geo-

> > >

> > maybe Werner should try to write and meet with this loving experts.....

> >

> > wait...i forgot the name of the group...

> >

> > it's one of this HippieSalons....

> >

> > you know...

> >

> > ...

> >

> > or you forgot?..

> >

> > ...

> >

> > lol

> >



> Ay ladies,


> still congretating on my shoulders and gossipping your usual yada yada ?





memory problems?...:)




yeah....but, Werner...


why not joining the HippieSalon?....


talking to the streets etc...;)





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> Hi Werner,> > Please tell me, what IS a neuron? Thanks!> > ~M>> What a neuron 'IS' is what it does.> If you are interested what it does then just use Googel.> Werner


Nice try...but no cigar! Now, please tell me what anything, anything at all, whether it's a proces or whatever, or even a "doingness", what it IS.



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Nisargadatta , " Michael Adamson " <adamson wrote:




> > Hi Werner,

> >

> > Please tell me, what IS a neuron? Thanks!

> >

> > ~M

> >


> > What a neuron 'IS' is what it does.

> > If you are interested what it does then just use Googel.

> > Werner


> Nice try...but no cigar! Now, please tell me what anything, anything at all,

whether it's a proces or whatever, or even a " doingness " , what it IS.


> ~M




I don't need a cigar, Michael,


Smoke that cigar yourself and shut up.



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> > Hi Werner,> > Please tell me, what IS a neuron? Thanks! > > ~M> > What a neuron 'IS' is what it does.

> > If you are interested what it does then just use Googel.> > Werner> Nice try...but no cigar! Now, please tell me what anything, anything at all, whether it's a proces or whatever, or even a "doingness", what it IS.> ~M

> Just smoke that cigar and shut up.> Werner

So, given your (lack of) responses to a simple question, either you don't know or ryou efuse to say. My guess is that it's both. And, instead of directly answering the question, you resort to being aggressive and demanding!



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Nisargadatta , " Michael Adamson " <adamson wrote:




> > > Hi Werner,

> > > Please tell me, what IS a neuron? Thanks!


> > > ~M

> > > What a neuron 'IS' is what it does.


> > > If you are interested what it does then just use Googel.

> > > Werner


> > Nice try...but no cigar! Now, please tell me what anything, anything at all,

whether it's a proces or whatever, or even a " doingness " , what it IS.

> > ~M


> > Just smoke that cigar and shut up.

> > Werner


> So, given your (lack of) responses to a simple question, either you don't know

or ryou efuse to say. My guess is that it's both.



Your guess is just specualtion. Michael.


I don't quite see what you want from me or what you want to sell to me.


I haven't asked you for anything, or did I ?


And I repeat again that that I am not interested in your cigars. Offer your

cigars elsewhere.


And if you feel aggressive because of my rebuff then that's your problem.





> And, instead of directly answering the question, you resort to being

aggressive and demanding!


> ~M


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