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today's Nisargadatta

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" When pure awareness is attained, no need exists any more, not even for `I am',

which is but a useful pointer, a direction-indicator towards the Absolute. The

awareness `I am' then easily ceases. What prevails is that which cannot be

described, that which is beyond words. It is this `state' which is most real, a

state of pure potentiality, which is prior to everything. The `I am' and the

universe are mere reflections of it. It is this reality which a jnani has

realised. "


-- from the forward to " I Am That "

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Yes, " I am " is of time.


There is no time.


No time, no " I " - just this great aloneness of being.


Without comment or description.



- D -


(nothing new below)


Nisargadatta , " Tim G. " <fewtch wrote:


> " When pure awareness is attained, no need exists any more, not even for `I

am', which is but a useful pointer, a direction-indicator towards the Absolute.

The awareness `I am' then easily ceases. What prevails is that which cannot be

described, that which is beyond words. It is this `state' which is most real, a

state of pure potentiality, which is prior to everything. The `I am' and the

universe are mere reflections of it. It is this reality which a jnani has

realised. "


> -- from the forward to " I Am That "


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Nisargadatta , " dan330033 " <dan330033 wrote:


> Yes, " I am " is of time.


> There is no time.


> No time, no " I " - just this great aloneness of being.


> Without comment or description.



> - D -


Oh, there are many ways to 'describe it'...


.... all ways being, of course, 'modifications of Being' ;-).


In relation to objectivity, 'it' is pure subjectivity.


In relation to subjectivity, it is neither subjectivity nor objectivity.


But 'it' is not actually in relation to anything.


And so, nothing is said.

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Nisargadatta , " dan330033 " <dan330033 wrote:


> Yes, " I am " is of time.


> There is no time.


> No time, no " I " - just this great aloneness of being.


> Without comment or description.



> - D -


Indeed... no comment, no description.


Timeless, effortless flow of emptiness.


Nothing ever entering or leaving.


Nothing remembered, so no content.


Indescribable freedom.

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