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Body Identification

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There is a reason that Nisargadatta and many other teachers emphasized body

identification as a stumbling block.


It is not sufficient to say " who is there to identify? " or " there is no one to

identify. "


Unless there is thorough understanding of " there is no one to identify, " it is

just words, just a concept being maintained within the context of body-mind



One could say, " Awareness misunderstands its situation when there is body-mind

identity being maintained. "


To say there is no struggle involved in disidentifying, because there is no one

to identify, is only true if and as there is a full understanding.


Identification isn't something that is recognized from without, by someone else

who tells you about it. It is recognized from within, so to speak. Ultimately,

there is no without or within, but again, this needs to be understood, or it is

just words being believed.


One of the claims made by false teachers is that they will undermine your

identification through what they say, require you to do, by attacking your

so-called ego (which doesn't actually exist), etc. It is impossible for anyone

else outside of the process of identifying to release the identification.


Body-mind identification involves many aspects. There can be identification

with feeling states, with the idea of defense, or attack, with having, with

losing, with pain, with pleasure, with memory-based concepts of existence or



But at its heart, the identification is the intention to maintain an ongoing

point of location within a self centered reality.


There is no one else to release this identification, just the one identifying.


One could say that the body-mind system, by a tensioning activity, is

maintaining states as if identification were occurring - yet, in actuality,

there never has been nor could be identification.


Indeed, there is no one to do any identifying.


Once clear on this, the body-mind no longer is experienced as a thing with its

own continuity. It is a series of states, always in flux. With no one

" inhabiting " the flux.


Nonidentification doesn't mean anything at all in terms of how a body-mind is

supposed to behave. It doesn't mean that it will engage in sitting meditation,

or follow a spiritual program, or avoid pleasure, or never experience tension or

anxiety, or only have certain types of lofty thoughts.


The happiness and peace of *what is,* is not a particular body-mind state, nor

is it the possession of a particular located body-mind.



- Dan -

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Nisargadatta , " dan330033 " <dan330033 wrote:




> Nisargadatta , " BobN " <Roberibus111@> wrote:


> > uh huh.

> >

> > yeah i guess so.

> >

> > so what's your point?

> >

> > maybe you don't have one?

> >

> > ok let's see...

> >

> > it's Thursday today.

> >

> > it's kinda cold here too.

> >

> > there's no particular place to go..or any particular " thing " to say.

> >

> > but let's post to be posted.

> >

> > to post is the most!

> >

> > would you like to talk about it?

> >

> > or maybe comic book collections..

> >

> > or some new stamps received on approval?

> >

> > what about that new movie at the Bijou?

> >

> > one could say that this drivel..

> >

> > relieves that old " tensioning " (sic. [haha!]) activity.

> >

> > and that this disidentifying (sic. again!) stuff..

> >

> > is better than twiddling your thumbs.

> >

> > well maybe anyway.

> >

> > now c'mon Danny Boy..give us a smile.

> >

> > you just needed to post something..anything.. and you know it.

> >

> > having a slow day?

> >

> > :-)

> >

> > .b b.b.


> no, everything is moving along nicely.


> thanks for asking, though.


> - D -



you betcha.


usually for me slow days roll along pretty nicely too.


fast days sometimes not so much


i find myself sometimes getting really hungry.


..b b.b.

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