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ground / ground-less

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Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:



> -

> geo

> Nisargadatta

> Friday, January 01, 2010 10:06 AM

> Re: Re: Hoping someone can help me understand a

> question I have





> -

> Lene

> Nisargadatta

> Friday, January 01, 2010 8:31 AM

> Re: Hoping someone can help me understand a question

> I have


> Nisargadatta , " dan330033 " <dan330033@> wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " Lene " <lschwabe@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > ...but where this spirit is supposed to be

> > > > there is just - void. It is not void OF something, it is just

> > > > and simply VOID and the void is the apparition. So - there is

> > > > NO void and NO apparition.

> > > > -lene-

> > > >

> > > > It is a void of things...of any-things. Nonetheless it IS...and it is

> > > > IS-ING as THIS.

> > > > -geo-

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Very subtle non material this :)

> > >

> > > How can void be void OF thing?

> > >

> > > Imagine a point. Imagine the point is all there is.

> > > One single point, one single dot, spot, plot.

> > >

> > > See that a point - a one single point - is NOTHING.

> > >

> > > Point = pointless

> > >

> > > Form = void

> > >

> > > Void is not void OF form - void IS form :D

> > >

> > > Form (any thing) IS void.

> > >

> > > I wish you a voidful noday :)

> > >

> > > -Lene

> >

> > Yes, exactly so.

> >

> > Form is void, void is form.

> >

> > Thus, there is no divisible form.

> >

> > And yet, there are infinite textures being perceived, and all kinds of

> > distinctions.

> >

> > Spaces, times, beings, histories, experiences - this nothing.

> >

> > - Dan -


> Yes, and talking of history: is all there is to worry about.

> Imagine that: worrying about what is bygones and only exists

> as history, as bygones - and worrying about what will happen

> next - on this ground which is no ground - which is not even

> there - and which never happened - outside the (hi)story.


> It never ceases to amaze me that I live in a past which does

> not exist and for a future that equally does not exist.


> Last night for example I was not my usual spontaneous me and

> this morn there was regretting this. How silly as if I could

> go back and change the fact.


> Luckily JK's spirit turned up and reminded me of this:


> What is is - not what should be.


> What was was - not what should have been.


> Ah yes, that is right - thanks, JK.


> And there was/is " presence " without anything being present -

> just appearences, occurances - new - new - new - new - new -

> happy new year!


> -Lene


> Yea...thats it.

> -geo-


> But it seems you said somewhere else that there is not a foundation to the

> ever changing newness, if I understood you correctly. Now, I am not

> suggesting that because krishnamurti says otherwise you should change your

> mind, no.




I shan't :) I maintain there is no ground on which happening

is happening .. happening is like ... lightning darkness ...

please do not hang your hat on that one ;) - just " remember "

that there is nothing to remember - and that nothing is your

life - and then: live well ;)


I am translating some JK-texts at the moment. In one of them

he talks about emptiness - not empty mind (which is nonsense

because mind is all there is), just emptiness - which brings

peace with it. Emptiness cannot be a ground of happening, is

selfevident, because emptiness is emptiness but nevertheless

it is correct, that when there is no speculating about stuff

things ever come out the " right " way (reasonable - sensible)

When there is no interference from speculative thought/mind.


Afterwards I ask what happened? and search for a ground. And

there is no ground.


There our " ground " of being: nonspeculative mind, still mind

of course, only mind without a ground (reason, logic, sense,

meaning, purpose, time, desire, want, wish, etc, which stems

from speculation, and reflecting on things). This is hard to

explain but think I know what JK meant. He made his entrance

into my life at a time, when I was 100% open to whatever the

breaking news as long as it was NEW. Unless there is such an

openness, the new cannot find its way to one :)


The ground is groundless. Groundless is emptiness. Emptiness

is happening. This is the ground or foundation: ground-less.




> But sometimes one may get a different perspective. Well K in his

> dialogues with Bohm in " ending of time "




:) I read that book on a direct 10 hours' flight from Cph to

Seattle once, no ground under de feet, nothing to hang on to

Just hanging there in open air, and flying along in the time

less with JK and Bohm. Now, that was .. that broke something

down ... (de)fences etc. It was the most beautiful, peaceful

trip I have been on till this day, the longest meditation :)





, then in another set of dialogues I

> don't remember well where, and with Bohm and Sheinberg in a set called

> something like " transformation of man " talks about the ground of being at

> length. But independent of anything else if you ask the ever-changing

> wholeness that you are whether there is a ground to this all.... and

> eventually try to understand its nature..... it may unfold. The

> ever-changing exists because the unchanging IS.




I don't buy that one :) The ever-changing is the unchanging.

Both is the same. The absolute is the everchanging. The way

our minds work would have it otherwise though - namely that

there is an absolute behind or beyond the ever-changing but

that is not the case. Mind always tries to find reasons but

there are no reasons.


There is no reason, and in order to know that - one must be

and live beyond reason - one minute a day this way is quite

sufficient; and if that is not a piece of cake one may have

to do some reasoning first - reason one's way out of reason.

Think one's way out of thinking.


There is no thing to remember, being is groundless --- live

well in the castle of shadows in the light of no reason.


Cheers :)



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Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:


> There is no thing to remember, being is groundless --- live

> well in the castle of shadows in the light of no reason.


> Cheers :)


> -L-


> geo>

> ======

> K:...We say that something is total emptiness, which is energy and silence.

Well that sounds nice, but it has no meaning to an ordinary man who is serious

and wants to go beyond it, beyond himself. And we pushed it further: is there

something beyond all this? And we say there is.


> DB: The ground.


> K: The ground. Is it......


> -Ending of Time, chapter 4, pg 79-

> =======


> K:...Is the ground.....imagination or ......something that is absolute, in the

sense that there is nothing beyond it?


> -Ending of Time, chapter 5, pg 96 -

> ======





now we get it chapter and page.




what a dupe.


all that's there geoparado is words.


you're like a newly converted Jehovah's Witness.


quoting chapter and verse.


you think you've discovered The Key!


maybe you should think about going door to door looking for converts.


let'em know that you're on a Mission from the God of your choice.


and you found His true Word in a book.




..b b.b.

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There is no thing to remember, being is groundless --- livewell in the castle of shadows in the light of no reason.Cheers :)-L-



K:...We say that something is total emptiness, which is energy and silence. Well that sounds nice, but it has no meaning to an ordinary man who is serious and wants to go beyond it, beyond himself. And we pushed it further: is there something beyond all this? And we say there is.


DB: The ground.


K: The ground. Is it......


-Ending of Time, chapter 4, pg 79-



K:...Is the ground.....imagination or ......something that is absolute, in the sense that there is nothing beyond it?



-Ending of Time, chapter 5, pg 96 -


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Saturday, January 02, 2010 10:21 AM

Re: ground / ground-less






Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:


> There is no thing to remember, being is groundless --- live

> well in the castle of shadows in the light of no reason.


> Cheers :)


> -L-


> geo>

> ======

> K:...We say that something is total emptiness, which is energy and

> silence. Well that sounds nice, but it has no meaning to an ordinary man

> who is serious and wants to go beyond it, beyond himself. And we pushed it

> further: is there something beyond all this? And we say there is.


> DB: The ground.


> K: The ground. Is it......


> -Ending of Time, chapter 4, pg 79-

> =======


> K:...Is the ground.....imagination or ......something that is absolute, in

> the sense that there is nothing beyond it?


> -Ending of Time, chapter 5, pg 96 -

> ======




now we get it chapter and page.



OMG!? I should read bbb and not K?



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Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:



> -

> BobN

> Nisargadatta

> Saturday, January 02, 2010 10:21 AM

> Re: ground / ground-less






> Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> >

> > There is no thing to remember, being is groundless --- live

> > well in the castle of shadows in the light of no reason.

> >

> > Cheers :)

> >

> > -L-

> >

> > geo>

> > ======

> > K:...We say that something is total emptiness, which is energy and

> > silence. Well that sounds nice, but it has no meaning to an ordinary man

> > who is serious and wants to go beyond it, beyond himself. And we pushed it

> > further: is there something beyond all this? And we say there is.

> >

> > DB: The ground.

> >

> > K: The ground. Is it......

> >

> > -Ending of Time, chapter 4, pg 79-

> > =======

> >

> > K:...Is the ground.....imagination or ......something that is absolute, in

> > the sense that there is nothing beyond it?

> >

> > -Ending of Time, chapter 5, pg 96 -

> > ======


> OMG!


> now we get it chapter and page.

> -bbbabaca-


> OMG!? I should read bbb and not K?


> -geo-




no baba didn't say to read .b b.b. nor to not read K.


baba just said that you quote K. like he was the Holy Grail.


ha ha!


why would you read .b b.b.?


..b b.b. doesn't pretend to have any secret knowledge.


you seem to like bullshit.


baba's stuff would be wrong place to look for bullshit.


only reality is offered here.


that's what offends you.


you want otherworldly garbage.


and you then try and pretend that it's profound wisdom.


and to try and display your personal " understanding " of those comics.


you're trying to impress everyone...


after saying that there is no others.


what a joke!




..b b.b.

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