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The self is the self is the self

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The nondual philosophy states that there is no self. And that is only true when

trying to categorize the self as a physical organ or as a limb like the stomach

or an arm etc.


But there definitely exists a brain structure prepared to learn and to store

one's social interactions right from the beginning when one is born til one dies

to become a more and more sophisticated human so called 'self'.


This structure will only develop into a human self and not into that of a wolve

or a pig or that of a squirrel etc.


To say there is no self is true when regarding it as physical and it is false

when observing the social and psychological interactions of human beings.


It is the nature of this self structure to regard itself as a separate existence

and to care and to fight for its survival.


And no philosophy, no moral and no religion was and is able to destroy or at

least to significantly change and alter this structure.



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Nisargadatta , " wwoehr " <wwoehr wrote:





> The nondual philosophy states that there is no self. And that is only true

when trying to categorize the self as a physical organ or as a limb like the

stomach or an arm etc.




(.b b.b.):


the stomach is a LIMB!




where the hell did you study anatomical categorization?








> But there definitely exists a brain structure prepared to learn and to store

one's social interactions right from the beginning when one is born til one dies

to become a more and more sophisticated human so called 'self'.




(.b b.b.):


when one's social interactions..


are complete failures as yours are werni-poo..


what's the sense of storing anything?




that brain structure thing..in your particular case


is only prepared to wither from the start to the end.


and from it's extremely limited size and capacity in your case..


there' none left wernerina.


are you dead?









> This structure will only develop into a human self and not into that of a

wolve or a pig or that of a squirrel etc.



(.b b.b.):


look wernie-pooper..


this may come as a surprise to you but..


no brain structure develops into anything but a brain.


it never develops into a wolve(sic!)..pig..human..


or even a squirrel like yourself.


those " structures " develop brains in containment...


within wolves and cows and almost brainless things like yourself.


maybe you should use that shriveled up brain of your own..


and do that imitation of thinking that you do..


and consider a containment of yourself.


there are nice quite places for your kind wernerina..


well maybe no..


truly (Thank God!)..you are one of a kind for damn sure.


nice hairdo though old girl!







> To say there is no self is true when regarding it as physical and it is false

when observing the social and psychological interactions of human beings.




(.b b.b.)


not your department wernie..


not for you to say.


you have no interactions with human beings.


you only interact with yourself.


very limited social play no?


and thank god there's no self when you're physically alone huh?


i mean..


you wouldn't be able to stand yourself.


but then..


maybe you would UNDERstand why nobody else can just plain stand you.









> It is the nature of this self structure to regard itself as a separate

existence and to care and to fight for its survival.


> And no philosophy, no moral and no religion was and is able to destroy or at

least to significantly change and alter this structure.


> Wernerina



(.b.b b.)


and considering your presence here..


that's a damn shame.




..b b.b.

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The world consist of " input " . The " input " is the " output " , this

is to say:


Once the " input " 's been stored (memories) they can be worded by

means of thought ( " output " ) like it's being done right here and



What is being reported here is the " outer/inner " - " the world " .


And the same is the case with the report below, a report, which

includes talking of a phenomenon called " self " ; still it is but

a report reporting " input/output " . There has been talking about

a self and that was reported.


The inner is the outer. There is but one.









Nisargadatta , " wwoehr " <wwoehr wrote:


> The nondual philosophy states that there is no self. And that is only true

when trying to categorize the self as a physical organ or as a limb like the

stomach or an arm etc.


> But there definitely exists a brain structure prepared to learn and to store

one's social interactions right from the beginning when one is born til one dies

to become a more and more sophisticated human so called 'self'.


> This structure will only develop into a human self and not into that of a

wolve or a pig or that of a squirrel etc.


> To say there is no self is true when regarding it as physical and it is false

when observing the social and psychological interactions of human beings.


> It is the nature of this self structure to regard itself as a separate

existence and to care and to fight for its survival.


> And no philosophy, no moral and no religion was and is able to destroy or at

least to significantly change and alter this structure.


> Werner


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