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Tanslating Insights/ Closetted Roberta or waltzing Matilda.

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>B: well Petie..



> now as for the gay play..


> methinks you put too much emphasis on a gag Petie.


> you seem to focus in on...


> what most probably is your own unsure sexual identity...


> projected outwards.


> why gracious laddie you even make issue..


> with a comment on wernerina's big nose as seen in her profile!


> turns you on doesn't it Petie?


> please asshole..don't try to project your own sick dreams onto me.


> your wondering is your wondering about your own situation sport.


> don't deny nor externalize what you are so confused about.


> kiss wernie and have done with it.




> i love both of you.


> how could a God do otherwise?


> :-)


> .b b.b.


P: Well, Bob, let's review who initiated this

and how, and maybe show people Bob's hidden face.


It was you who first mentioned that you are not gay

in message # 82614:





B: " I feel pretty


Oh so pretty


I feel pretty and witty and gay


(oh nay but it's in the song so what the hay)




Feel like running


And dancing for joy


For I'm loved


By a pretty wonderful boy (now wait one goddamn minute here!)


ok but you get the idea. "


P: Ok, once, it's a joke, and I thought it was funny.


But then, on Msg # 82647 you denied it again to Leni:


>L: pearls on a string


> you are pretty


> and funny


> and gay


> -lei





B: " well if we must use words ala wernie the wonder wormie..


can we spell that last bit " gei " .


i don't know but i just feel more comfortable with it that way.


mindlessly of course. "


..b b.b.


P: Hmm! Twice in a day? What is this with Bob

and saying he is not comfortable with the word gay?

Maybe Bob needs help coming out of the closet,

so I asked you, " Guy, are you gay? " And for the

third time you denied it. Hey! I don't care if you

are Bob, or Roberta. Either way, it's plain as

day, that you are the same sadistic, fun loving bitch.


The interesting part is, why are you defending

your male image? It shows that there is a button

there to push . That you would hate being called

Roberta. Are you a phoney, Bob? Is all your talk

of not caring, not existing, all being a huge Blank

just a phoney pretext to get your jollies insulting

other posters? Please explain, and remember, no excuses,

as detective Friday used to say:

" Just the facts, Mam! hahaha!





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Nisargadatta , " cerosoul " <pedsie6 wrote:



> >

> >

> >

> >B: well Petie..

> >

> >

> > now as for the gay play..

> >

> > methinks you put too much emphasis on a gag Petie.

> >

> > you seem to focus in on...

> >

> > what most probably is your own unsure sexual identity...

> >

> > projected outwards.

> >

> > why gracious laddie you even make issue..

> >

> > with a comment on wernerina's big nose as seen in her profile!

> >

> > turns you on doesn't it Petie?

> >

> > please asshole..don't try to project your own sick dreams onto me.

> >

> > your wondering is your wondering about your own situation sport.

> >

> > don't deny nor externalize what you are so confused about.

> >

> > kiss wernie and have done with it.

> >


> >

> > i love both of you.

> >

> > how could a God do otherwise?

> >

> > :-)

> >

> > .b b.b.


> P: Well, Bob, let's review who initiated this

> and how, and maybe show people Bob's hidden face.


> It was you who first mentioned that you are not gay

> in message # 82614:






(.b b.b):


Oh let's Petsie..


let's see all the precious work you've gone too!


so here we go!


oh boy!







> B: " I feel pretty


> Oh so pretty


> I feel pretty and witty and gay


> (oh nay but it's in the song so what the hay)




> Feel like running


> And dancing for joy


> For I'm loved


> By a pretty wonderful boy (now wait one goddamn minute here!)


> ok but you get the idea. "


> P: Ok, once, it's a joke, and I thought it was funny.




(.b b.b.):


oh i'm just overjoyed!


your opinion means soooo musch to me P.







> But then, on Msg # 82647 you denied it again to Leni:


> >L: pearls on a string

> >

> > you are pretty

> >

> > and funny

> >

> > and gay

> >

> > -lei



> :-)


> B: " well if we must use words ala wernie the wonder wormie..


> can we spell that last bit " gei " .


> i don't know but i just feel more comfortable with it that way.


> mindlessly of course. "


> .b b.b.


> P: Hmm! Twice in a day? What is this with Bob

> and saying he is not comfortable with the word gay?

> Maybe Bob needs help coming out of the closet,

> so I asked you, " Guy, are you gay? " And for the

> third time you denied it. Hey! I don't care if you

> are Bob, or Roberta. Either way, it's plain as

> day, that you are the same sadistic, fun loving bitch.





(.b b.b.)


you have too much time on your hands Peter.


and maybe you think about peters too much.


i don't know which it is....but dude!


have you ever gone to a Comedy Central Club..


or watched any cutting edge Reality TV..


or even gotten out beyond the confines of these lists?


you're beginning to analyze fun and games waaaay too much pete.


i personally don't care one way or t'other who's what.


but i do know what's what with me.


and you're out of your tree.


not that there's anything wrong with that or being gay either.


but most of the time jokes are just jokes Pete.


analyze that.






> The interesting part is, why are you defending

> your male image? It shows that there is a button

> there to push . That you would hate being called

> Roberta. Are you a phoney, Bob? Is all your talk

> of not caring, not existing, all being a huge Blank

> just a phoney pretext to get your jollies insulting

> other posters? Please explain, and remember, no excuses,

> as detective Friday used to say:

> " Just the facts, Mam! hahaha!




(.b b.b.):





yep Pete i'm a phony...or as you have it a " phoney " ..


what is that anyway someone who's on the phone too much?


well anyway yeppers i'm a phony.


and i guess all the fine folks like yourself here are not.


gee i never even considered myself a saint and such.


and i didn't know saints looked for " buttons " .


push'em Pete.


it's funny watching you waste more of your valueless time.


somehow i enjoy being a phony.


like i'm loving saying all this phony shit right now.


i'm looking down over myself right now also and dang it all..


i can't see one button.


oh hell..


i've got a tee shirt and gym pants on.


well there you go.


sorry Petie.


are you in your button up shoes?




..b b.b.

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>B: yep Pete i'm a phony...or as you have it a " phoney " ..


Detective Friday: OK, Mam, you're under arrest for being a

phony impersonator of an advaita guru.


" You have the right to remain silent. ( Haha! No chance, not you) Anything you

say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an

attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you. Do you

understand these rights as they have been read to you, Roberta? "


What fun, Eh?

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Nisargadatta , " cerosoul " <pedsie6 wrote:



> >

> >B: yep Pete i'm a phony...or as you have it a " phoney " ..

> >

> Detective Friday: OK, Mam, you're under arrest for being a

> phony impersonator of an advaita guru.


> " You have the right to remain silent. ( Haha! No chance, not you) Anything you

say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an

attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you. Do you

understand these rights as they have been read to you, Roberta? "


> What fun, Eh?



yeppers it is that!


say Pete..


i'm coming out to California next month.


it's a business trip but my business is fun.


where can we hook up?


and where has toombaru gone?


i know he doesn't think sages can hang together but hell i'm no sage.


i'd be glad to meet him too and prove he isn't a sage either.


do you cats live near one another?


anyway..i'm gonna have a lot of time between editings..




from southern to central to northern Ca. iz ok by me.


let me know.




..b b.b.

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Nisargadatta , " BobN " <Roberibus111 wrote:




> Nisargadatta , " cerosoul " <pedsie6@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > >

> > >B: yep Pete i'm a phony...or as you have it a " phoney " ..

> > >

> > Detective Friday: OK, Mam, you're under arrest for being a

> > phony impersonator of an advaita guru.

> >

> > " You have the right to remain silent. ( Haha! No chance, not you) Anything

you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right

to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you.

Do you understand these rights as they have been read to you, Roberta? "

> >

> > What fun, Eh?



> yeppers it is that!


> say Pete..


> i'm coming out to California next month.


> it's a business trip but my business is fun.


> where can we hook up?


> and where has toombaru gone?


> i know he doesn't think sages can hang together but hell i'm no sage.


> i'd be glad to meet him too and prove he isn't a sage either.


> do you cats live near one another?


> anyway..i'm gonna have a lot of time between editings..


> so...


> from southern to central to northern Ca. iz ok by me.


> let me know.


> :-)


> .b b.b.


P: Sure, Bob, If you can make it to Cosmos Coffee Cafe in

La Mesa (redundant shit heads that they are, the coffee

is not bad) I'll buy you a cup. Wear a red hibiscus in your

hair that I might recognize you. I'd be wearing my blue dress.


Tommy lives far away in Central Cal. He is not answering Anna's

emails, but he might answer yours. Who would not want to meet

the legendary, Bob?


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Nisargadatta , " cerosoul " <pedsie6 wrote:




> Nisargadatta , " BobN " <Roberibus111@> wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " cerosoul " <pedsie6@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > >

> > > >B: yep Pete i'm a phony...or as you have it a " phoney " ..

> > > >

> > > Detective Friday: OK, Mam, you're under arrest for being a

> > > phony impersonator of an advaita guru.

> > >

> > > " You have the right to remain silent. ( Haha! No chance, not you) Anything

you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right

to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you.

Do you understand these rights as they have been read to you, Roberta? "

> > >

> > > What fun, Eh?

> >

> >

> > yeppers it is that!

> >

> > say Pete..

> >

> > i'm coming out to California next month.

> >

> > it's a business trip but my business is fun.

> >

> > where can we hook up?

> >

> > and where has toombaru gone?

> >

> > i know he doesn't think sages can hang together but hell i'm no sage.

> >

> > i'd be glad to meet him too and prove he isn't a sage either.

> >

> > do you cats live near one another?

> >

> > anyway..i'm gonna have a lot of time between editings..

> >

> > so...

> >

> > from southern to central to northern Ca. iz ok by me.

> >

> > let me know.

> >

> > :-)

> >

> > .b b.b.


> P: Sure, Bob, If you can make it to Cosmos Coffee Cafe in

> La Mesa (redundant shit heads that they are, the coffee

> is not bad) I'll buy you a cup. Wear a red hibiscus in your

> hair that I might recognize you. I'd be wearing my blue dress.


> Tommy lives far away in Central Cal. He is not answering Anna's

> emails, but he might answer yours. Who would not want to meet

> the legendary, Bob?



if your being real it's a deal.


i should be in L.A. on or about the 21rst of Feb.


i'll check out how to get my ass over to that cafe...


as soon as things get started at the Studio.


i don't think toombaru wants to meet Bob.


i never have myself.


so far so good too.


anyway i'll do some checking on Mr. M. and see.


i'll phone scone him if needs be.




..b b.b.


(you know..i should cut that to 2 b.s..


..no longer is it the Beatles three.)

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>B: if your being real it's a deal.


> i should be in L.A. on or about the 21rst of Feb.


> i'll check out how to get my ass over to that cafe...


> as soon as things get started at the Studio.


P: Sure it's a deal, but to be fair to you, La Mesa

is two hrs drive south from L.A. and I wouldn't

drive 2 hrs. to meet neither you, nor me, myself. Are you doing

a recording in L.A.? Do you have anything of yours on

You tube?

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Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:



> -

> cerosoul

> Nisargadatta

> Wednesday, January 27, 2010 3:08 PM

> Re: Tanslating Insights/ Closetted Roberta or

> waltzing Matilda.






> Nisargadatta , " BobN " <Roberibus111@> wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " cerosoul " <pedsie6@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > >

> > > >B: yep Pete i'm a phony...or as you have it a " phoney " ..

> > > >

> > > Detective Friday: OK, Mam, you're under arrest for being a

> > > phony impersonator of an advaita guru.

> > >

> > > " You have the right to remain silent. ( Haha! No chance, not you)

> > > Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You

> > > have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one

> > > will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights as they have

> > > been read to you, Roberta? "

> > >

> > > What fun, Eh?

> >

> >

> > yeppers it is that!

> >

> > say Pete..

> >

> > i'm coming out to California next month.

> >

> > it's a business trip but my business is fun.

> >

> > where can we hook up?

> >

> > and where has toombaru gone?

> >

> > i know he doesn't think sages can hang together but hell i'm no sage.

> >

> > i'd be glad to meet him too and prove he isn't a sage either.

> >

> > do you cats live near one another?

> >

> > anyway..i'm gonna have a lot of time between editings..

> >

> > so...

> >

> > from southern to central to northern Ca. iz ok by me.

> >

> > let me know.

> >

> > :-)

> >

> > .b b.b.


> P: Sure, Bob, If you can make it to Cosmos Coffee Cafe in

> La Mesa (redundant shit heads that they are, the coffee

> is not bad) I'll buy you a cup. Wear a red hibiscus in your

> hair that I might recognize you. I'd be wearing my blue dress.


> Tommy lives far away in Central Cal. He is not answering Anna's

> emails, but he might answer yours. Who would not want to meet

> the legendary, Bob?


> I'd loooove to see a picture of you ladies. How about a shot with those

> coffee cups in hand... painted nails and all.

> If I may....how much you carry in each breast? One liter each is quite

> fashionable over here...

> -gina-



well check out some flights.


they can't cost that much from Brazil to California.


let's see if we can make this a group endeavor.


let's hope also that flight costs from Germany..


are absolutely prohibitive.




..b b.b.

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Nisargadatta , " cerosoul " <pedsie6 wrote:



> >

> >

> >B: if your being real it's a deal.

> >

> > i should be in L.A. on or about the 21rst of Feb.

> >

> > i'll check out how to get my ass over to that cafe...

> >

> > as soon as things get started at the Studio.


> P: Sure it's a deal, but to be fair to you, La Mesa

> is two hrs drive south from L.A. and I wouldn't

> drive 2 hrs. to meet neither you, nor me, myself. Are you doing

> a recording in L.A.? Do you have anything of yours on

> You tube?





actually i wont be driving i'll be being driven.


i love an expense account..


and even better a write off.


we're recording sort of.


that is to say my Co. is doing some " Mastering " and editing in L.A.


the material is already completed..


but the last stages and magic of the engineers can sometimes..


take even longer than the actual productions.


i would venture that there are many works of artists i work with..


somewhere on You tube.


i never play with that scene.


i'll bring you some promo CDs.


much better quality.


..b b.b.

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Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:



> -

> cerosoul

> Nisargadatta

> Wednesday, January 27, 2010 3:08 PM

> Re: Tanslating Insights/ Closetted Roberta or

> waltzing Matilda.






> Nisargadatta , " BobN " <Roberibus111@> wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " cerosoul " <pedsie6@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > >

> > > >B: yep Pete i'm a phony...or as you have it a " phoney " ..

> > > >

> > > Detective Friday: OK, Mam, you're under arrest for being a

> > > phony impersonator of an advaita guru.

> > >

> > > " You have the right to remain silent. ( Haha! No chance, not you)

> > > Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You

> > > have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one

> > > will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights as they have

> > > been read to you, Roberta? "

> > >

> > > What fun, Eh?

> >

> >

> > yeppers it is that!

> >

> > say Pete..

> >

> > i'm coming out to California next month.

> >

> > it's a business trip but my business is fun.

> >

> > where can we hook up?

> >

> > and where has toombaru gone?

> >

> > i know he doesn't think sages can hang together but hell i'm no sage.

> >

> > i'd be glad to meet him too and prove he isn't a sage either.

> >

> > do you cats live near one another?

> >

> > anyway..i'm gonna have a lot of time between editings..

> >

> > so...

> >

> > from southern to central to northern Ca. iz ok by me.

> >

> > let me know.

> >

> > :-)

> >

> > .b b.b.


> P: Sure, Bob, If you can make it to Cosmos Coffee Cafe in

> La Mesa (redundant shit heads that they are, the coffee

> is not bad) I'll buy you a cup. Wear a red hibiscus in your

> hair that I might recognize you. I'd be wearing my blue dress.


> Tommy lives far away in Central Cal. He is not answering Anna's

> emails, but he might answer yours. Who would not want to meet

> the legendary, Bob?


> I'd loooove to see a picture of you ladies. How about a shot with those

> coffee cups in hand... painted nails and all.

> If I may....how much you carry in each breast? One liter each is quite

> fashionable over here...

> -gina-


P: Haha. You pervert! Only the " Not-Returners " can gaze

on our faces. ;))


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Nisargadatta , " BobN " <Roberibus111 wrote:




> Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > -

> > cerosoul

> > Nisargadatta

> > Wednesday, January 27, 2010 3:08 PM

> > Re: Tanslating Insights/ Closetted Roberta or

> > waltzing Matilda.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " BobN " <Roberibus111@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Nisargadatta , " cerosoul " <pedsie6@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >B: yep Pete i'm a phony...or as you have it a " phoney " ..

> > > > >

> > > > Detective Friday: OK, Mam, you're under arrest for being a

> > > > phony impersonator of an advaita guru.

> > > >

> > > > " You have the right to remain silent. ( Haha! No chance, not you)

> > > > Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You

> > > > have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one

> > > > will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights as they have

> > > > been read to you, Roberta? "

> > > >

> > > > What fun, Eh?

> > >

> > >

> > > yeppers it is that!

> > >

> > > say Pete..

> > >

> > > i'm coming out to California next month.

> > >

> > > it's a business trip but my business is fun.

> > >

> > > where can we hook up?

> > >

> > > and where has toombaru gone?

> > >

> > > i know he doesn't think sages can hang together but hell i'm no sage.

> > >

> > > i'd be glad to meet him too and prove he isn't a sage either.

> > >

> > > do you cats live near one another?

> > >

> > > anyway..i'm gonna have a lot of time between editings..

> > >

> > > so...

> > >

> > > from southern to central to northern Ca. iz ok by me.

> > >

> > > let me know.

> > >

> > > :-)

> > >

> > > .b b.b.

> >

> > P: Sure, Bob, If you can make it to Cosmos Coffee Cafe in

> > La Mesa (redundant shit heads that they are, the coffee

> > is not bad) I'll buy you a cup. Wear a red hibiscus in your

> > hair that I might recognize you. I'd be wearing my blue dress.

> >

> > Tommy lives far away in Central Cal. He is not answering Anna's

> > emails, but he might answer yours. Who would not want to meet

> > the legendary, Bob?

> >

> > I'd loooove to see a picture of you ladies. How about a shot with those

> > coffee cups in hand... painted nails and all.

> > If I may....how much you carry in each breast? One liter each is quite

> > fashionable over here...

> > -gina-



> well check out some flights.


> they can't cost that much from Brazil to California.


> let's see if we can make this a group endeavor.


> let's hope also that flight costs from Germany..


> are absolutely prohibitive.


> :=D


> .b b.b.




P: You know what? Your favorite spiritual peddler

lives close by in Poway. Do you want to meet Michael?

" Everybody Loves Michael " don't they?


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Wednesday, January 27, 2010 3:08 PM

Re: Tanslating Insights/ Closetted Roberta or

waltzing Matilda.






Nisargadatta , " BobN " <Roberibus111 wrote:




> Nisargadatta , " cerosoul " <pedsie6@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > >

> > >B: yep Pete i'm a phony...or as you have it a " phoney " ..

> > >

> > Detective Friday: OK, Mam, you're under arrest for being a

> > phony impersonator of an advaita guru.

> >

> > " You have the right to remain silent. ( Haha! No chance, not you)

> > Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You

> > have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one

> > will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights as they have

> > been read to you, Roberta? "

> >

> > What fun, Eh?



> yeppers it is that!


> say Pete..


> i'm coming out to California next month.


> it's a business trip but my business is fun.


> where can we hook up?


> and where has toombaru gone?


> i know he doesn't think sages can hang together but hell i'm no sage.


> i'd be glad to meet him too and prove he isn't a sage either.


> do you cats live near one another?


> anyway..i'm gonna have a lot of time between editings..


> so...


> from southern to central to northern Ca. iz ok by me.


> let me know.


> :-)


> .b b.b.


P: Sure, Bob, If you can make it to Cosmos Coffee Cafe in

La Mesa (redundant shit heads that they are, the coffee

is not bad) I'll buy you a cup. Wear a red hibiscus in your

hair that I might recognize you. I'd be wearing my blue dress.


Tommy lives far away in Central Cal. He is not answering Anna's

emails, but he might answer yours. Who would not want to meet

the legendary, Bob?


I'd loooove to see a picture of you ladies. How about a shot with those

coffee cups in hand... painted nails and all.

If I may....how much you carry in each breast? One liter each is quite

fashionable over here...


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Wednesday, January 27, 2010 3:42 PM

Re: Tanslating Insights/ Closetted Roberta or

waltzing Matilda.






Nisargadatta , " geo " <inandor wrote:



> -

> cerosoul

> Nisargadatta

> Wednesday, January 27, 2010 3:08 PM

> Re: Tanslating Insights/ Closetted Roberta or

> waltzing Matilda.






> Nisargadatta , " BobN " <Roberibus111@> wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " cerosoul " <pedsie6@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > >

> > > >B: yep Pete i'm a phony...or as you have it a " phoney " ..

> > > >

> > > Detective Friday: OK, Mam, you're under arrest for being a

> > > phony impersonator of an advaita guru.

> > >

> > > " You have the right to remain silent. ( Haha! No chance, not you)

> > > Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

> > > You

> > > have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one

> > > will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights as they have

> > > been read to you, Roberta? "

> > >

> > > What fun, Eh?

> >

> >

> > yeppers it is that!

> >

> > say Pete..

> >

> > i'm coming out to California next month.

> >

> > it's a business trip but my business is fun.

> >

> > where can we hook up?

> >

> > and where has toombaru gone?

> >

> > i know he doesn't think sages can hang together but hell i'm no sage.

> >

> > i'd be glad to meet him too and prove he isn't a sage either.

> >

> > do you cats live near one another?

> >

> > anyway..i'm gonna have a lot of time between editings..

> >

> > so...

> >

> > from southern to central to northern Ca. iz ok by me.

> >

> > let me know.

> >

> > :-)

> >

> > .b b.b.


> P: Sure, Bob, If you can make it to Cosmos Coffee Cafe in

> La Mesa (redundant shit heads that they are, the coffee

> is not bad) I'll buy you a cup. Wear a red hibiscus in your

> hair that I might recognize you. I'd be wearing my blue dress.


> Tommy lives far away in Central Cal. He is not answering Anna's

> emails, but he might answer yours. Who would not want to meet

> the legendary, Bob?


> I'd loooove to see a picture of you ladies. How about a shot with those

> coffee cups in hand... painted nails and all.

> If I may....how much you carry in each breast? One liter each is quite

> fashionable over here...

> -gina-


well check out some flights.


they can't cost that much from Brazil to California.


let's see if we can make this a group endeavor.


let's hope also that flight costs from Germany..


are absolutely prohibitive.




..b b.b.



Nah... I am upgrading mine to 1.5 liters in Febr., so....I need a few weeks

for recovery. Must be ready for the carnaval.


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> Hei, toomba. Pete and bbb are meeting in Ca. this Febr. They are sort of > looking for you to meet them there.> -geo-There is nothing I would like more.I met Pete.He is sublimely empty.:-)toombaru

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