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Self-Realization --- Is this what Hur wants here?

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Nisargadatta , " BobN " <Roberibus111 wrote:

Nisargadatta , " ac " <adithya_comming@> wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > Nisargadatta , " BobN " <Roberibus111@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > > > oh grow up.

> > > > >

> > > > > if you're so nondual..

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > >

> > > > What is nonduality to you, Bob?

> > >

> > >

> > > nonduality is not about complaining about trite matters like:

> > >

> > > how many posts are too many.

> > >

> > > that's like the Emperor telling Mozart that his music is just fine..

> > >

> > > but there are just too many notes.

> >










> > How about telling a cook that there is too much salt in the soup?

(.b b.b.):


> no...how 'bout saying there are too many notes?


> don't try an evade the issue.



> > do you or do you not see the lunacy in something like that?

> > >

> > > and ac..

> > >

> > > it doesn't matter what nonduality is to me..or to you..




> (acdc):



> > It seems that it matters to you Bob, else, probably, you wouldn't attempt to

use it like a sword as in:

> >

> > " You are so nondual. "




> (.b b.b.):


> i didn't say it mattered did i?


> i said that you were nondual.


> and it still doesn't matter to me.


> it seems to matter to you.


> what either of us think matters or not doesn't matter.


> that doesn't change the fact that you aren't nondual.


> that's the truth.


> i only said what nonduality is NOT.


> and frankly i don't give a shit if you aren't nondual.

> > or to Nisargadatta or a thousand and one hoodoo gurus.

> > >

> > > as a matter of fact..

> > >

> > > nonduality is very specifically what it is NOT to any and all of us.

> > >

> > > it is what is not spoken.

> > >

> > > it is what is not thought.

> > >

> > > if it were any one of those things..

> > >

> > > it would NOT be nonduality.

> > >

> > > i'm surprised that you would even ask such a stupid question.

> > >

> > > are you sure you want to deal with truth?




> (acdc):


> > Deal with " truth " ?

> >

> > What " truth " you are talking about?





> (.b b.b.):


> the truth that you aren't nondual.


> what's the matter with you can't you read?






> > > or do you just want to have things be as you would have them be?

> > >

> > > because that's the way it MUST be because it's the RIGHT way?





> (acdc):


> > After knowing that water is H20...




> (.b b.b.):


> what does being H2O mean?


> you don't " know " fundamentally what that means.


> what is oxygen..hydrogen?


> gases?


> what are " gases "


> it's an endless game and it never ends in " knowing " .


> it's only a word game and once you know the word..


> " water " for example..


> you think you " know " what something/anything means.


> you don't.


> don't bullshit yourself.





> (acdc):


> > I still like drinking water when I am thirsty and hydrogen or oxygen.





> (.b b.b.):


> goody for you.


> some people don't like drinking water.


> some people don't like swimming in water.


> some people don't like your idea of what water is.


> it's NOT all about you.





> (acdc):


> > After knowing that all matter in the end is just space and energy...

> >

> > I still like eating fruits and not rocks.





> (.b b.b.):


> what the hell are you trying to say?


> this is getting even more ridiculous than your initial speculations.


> i like kicking your ass and not someone else's.


> so what?


> it's not all about me either asshole.




One rotten apple spoils many healthy ones in the basket...


One infected person infects many others who come into his/her contact...




A healthy apply gets rotten by coming into contact with the rotten one, the

healthy one doesn't make rotten one healthy...



Many people who keep talking to you will likely end up talking like you... which

can make full of personal insults and abuses and of little else.



I am not sure if this is what Hur envisions for his forum. Who knows, maybe,

this is what he wants or maybe, he just doesn't care :-)


I have tried...


I will let Hur and you do what you two decide...


I am not sure if I can do much in this regard.



I think you are spoiling this forum.


Based on my recent interactions, it seems your behaviour on this forum in not

like " salt " in this spiritual soup... it is like " shit " and it doesn't belong

here. It spoils the whole soup and makes inedible.



Reform yourself or get out!



[i think I am done trying.]
















> (acdc):


> > After knowing that all matter is made up of electrons, protons, neutrons...

> >

> >

> > I still know hitting a rock hurts and hitting a helium balloon doesn't.





> (.b b.b.):


> that's good.


> that'll show me won't it?


> show me what stupid?


> that you aren't totally brain dead is about all it tells me.


> to use your baseball schtick..


> you're WAY out in left field here kid.





> (acdc):


> > After knowing that Sun hardly moves...

> >

> > I am still fine living in word and saying where the sun rises in east and

sets in west.





> (.b b.b.):


> i'm fine living in a world where saying that doesn't impress me.


> you're just writing ridiculous stuff..


> in an effort to evade the issues at hand.


> 1. what is too many posts?


> 2. how does my writing a lot of posts..


> stop you from writing just as many?


> like i mean hell it doesn't stop you..


> from being a nincompoop and writing the above drivel.


> and here's a bonus kid..


> you can write as much of it as often as you want.


> and baba won't say that it's too much or too frequent.


> but excuse me if i laugh it off as bullshit.


> because bullshit it is ac.


> now think think think..


> come up with some more self serving senseless excuses..


> and post them a thousand times a thousand times.


> and i'll laugh that many times..


> and call you out on your trying to evade the real issue every time.


> if you don't like it tough.


> may i suggest again that you grow up.




> > After knowing that earth is a sphere...

> >

> > it is still ok to build houses on it (as if) the earth is...





> (.b b.b.):


> what is it you are on about here?


> i don't think you even know.


> you're just babbling.


> for Christ sake you're talking stupidly!





> > >

> > > that's sick whether you know it or not.

> > >

> > > and it's sick specifically because you don't want to believe it.

> > >

> > > .b b.b.

> > >

> >

> >




> (acdc):


> > Knowing that the " End of duality " entail " end of rules " ...

> >

> > Doesn't prevent one from following the rules that allows others to live with

respect and peace in the world!





> whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?????


> " YOU " ...NEED and EXPECT... " RESPECT " !


> oh for God's sake!


> that's exactly what i've been talking about regarding you!


> you should read that last sentence again..


> and really observe what it's saying..and saying about you.


> if you " get it " ..


> it'll either make you sick..


> or....like me...it'll make you laugh.


> i mean how can you say what you're saying there..


> and have the temerity to ask me how i can say you are not nondual???


> read it again and again and again you little self important asshole..


> and maybe you'll come to at least a partial understanding.


> soooooo....


> until that time twerp..


> LOL!


> .b b.b.


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Nisargadatta , " ac " <adithya_comming wrote:


> One rotten apple spoils many healthy ones in the basket...


> One infected person infects many others who come into his/her contact...








because i disagree with you i am infected and rotten????


you need help.






> A healthy apply gets rotten by coming into contact with the rotten one, the

healthy one doesn't make rotten one healthy...



> Many people who keep talking to you will likely end up talking like you...

which can make full of personal insults and abuses and of little else.





that's utter nonsense.


you don't like me because i tell it straight.


too bad.


i find that personally insulting.






actually i think it's funny kid.


you're being so dramatic.


it's Oscar time i guess.




by the way..


what exactly IS a " healthy apply " ?


is that applying oneself in a healthy way..


or is it a well working appliance?


i didn't know an appliance could get sick..


by being next to a non working one.


i better check my washer and dryer and see if one of them has a cough!








> I am not sure if this is what Hur envisions for his forum. Who knows, maybe,

this is what he wants or maybe, he just doesn't care :-)





there you go again.


the final refuge of guys like you and wernie.


call unto Hur!


why can't you deal with your personal problems personally?


since evidently you can't get out of yourself..


it would seem that you should learn..


how to defend that ego as hard and as much as you seem to cling to it.


you must lose that selfish love.


it's hindering the reestablishment of Actuality.


you're a lost little lamb.







> I have tried...




oh thank you little lamb!


you have tried so hard..


and suffered so hard..


and been abused so much..


and what do you get for your troubles???


non recognition of your personal sainthood.


do you really feel that you deserve " merit " ?




better return to your Zen primers kid.


get a grip!


and just " let go " !










> I will let Hur and you do what you two decide...





again that's so generous of you.


and also so small.


are you physically crying?


weep no more for your petty self ac.


it's not worth it.


and stand on your own two feet young man.


when you do that calling out to a Higher Authority thing..


even in this squeamish way..


it's rather disgusting of you too.








> I am not sure if I can do much in this regard.



> I think you are spoiling this forum.






i think you are spoiling this forum...


with your inability to see things from a perspective..


that isn't dependent on your ego's self esteem.


being that childish and " stuck " is likely holding back..


those who otherwise might see that that type of..


preachy and egocentric behavior is stifling the air.


you need a place where you can appear " holy " .


this ain't it kiddo.


do what you must do.




> Based on my recent interactions, it seems your behaviour on this forum in not

like " salt " in this spiritual soup... it is like " shit " and it doesn't belong

here. It spoils the whole soup and makes inedible.




there's another of those mixed metaphors you love.




quit crying in your soup..


and clean up your own filthy shit.


you now are going to judge me even further.


judge judge judge.


YOU are holy..


YOU know the Way..


it's YOUR soup and YOU'LL be the one to decide the ingredients!


anything YOU don't like is judged as shit.


anything that pleases you is GOOD salt and seasoning.


yes it's ALL about YOU.


YOU should be agreed with and complimented..


YOU don't like things any other way.


so it should be ac's forum or he's leaving.




like i said..grow the hell up..


or go.






> Reform yourself or get out!





" Reform youself " ????!!!!


oh for Christ sake.


you ARE like wernie.


or maybe you've joined the Jehovah's Witnesses?


was that you wearing that sandwich sign downtown last week:


" Reform Now For The End Is Nigh! "


you looked cute but i don't think you gained many converts.








> [i think I am done trying.]




" trying " is just a word meaning it hasn't been done.


i think it's more like you're done crying.


either way good show young lad!


..b b.b.

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Nisargadatta , " BobN " <Roberibus111 wrote:






Nisargadatta , " ac " <adithya_comming@> wrote:


> > One rotten apple spoils many healthy ones in the basket...

> >

> > One infected person infects many others who come into his/her contact...


because i disagree with you i am infected and rotten????


> you need help.



You are acting dishonest Bob and you are lying. Disagreement is ok. Repeatedly

personally attacking, abusing, insulting other posters is not OK... unless this

is what Hur wants.








> > A healthy apply gets rotten by coming into contact with the rotten one, the

healthy one doesn't make rotten one healthy...

> >

> >

> > Many people who keep talking to you will likely end up talking like you...

which can make full of personal insults and abuses and of little else.





> that's utter nonsense.


> you don't like me because i tell it straight.



I am not here because I personally like or dislike you. I am here because I like

to read/write/discuss spiritual ideas. I think it can be discussed without

personally insulting other posters.




> too bad.


> i find that personally insulting.


> LOL!


> nah..


> actually i think it's funny kid.


> you're being so dramatic.


> it's Oscar time i guess.


> :-)


> by the way..


> what exactly IS a " healthy apply " ?


> is that applying oneself in a healthy way..


> or is it a well working appliance?


> i didn't know an appliance could get sick..


> by being next to a non working one.


> i better check my washer and dryer and see if one of them has a cough!


> I am not sure if this is what Hur envisions for his forum. Who knows, maybe,

this is what he wants or maybe, he just doesn't care :-)





> there you go again.


> the final refuge of guys like you and wernie.


> call unto Hur!


> why can't you deal with your personal problems personally?



That is not necessary. Moderator is there for a purpose. He decides what is OK.

He acts.




> since evidently you can't get out of yourself..


> it would seem that you should learn..


> how to defend that ego as hard and as much as you seem to cling to it.


> you must lose that selfish love.


> it's hindering the reestablishment of Actuality.


> you're a lost little lamb.

> I have tried...




> oh thank you little lamb!


> you have tried so hard..


> and suffered so hard..


> and been abused so much..


> and what do you get for your troubles???


> non recognition of your personal sainthood.


> do you really feel that you deserve " merit " ?


> OMG!


> better return to your Zen primers kid.


> get a grip!


> and just " let go " !


> :-)


> > I will let Hur and you do what you two decide...





> again that's so generous of you.


> and also so small.


> are you physically crying?


> weep no more for your petty self ac.


> it's not worth it.


> and stand on your own two feet young man.


> when you do that calling out to a Higher Authority thing..


> even in this squeamish way..


> it's rather disgusting of you too.


> LOL!



I wonder if every rapist, robber, gangster wishes his victims to deal with

things by himself and not call cops. Cops are there for a purpose.







> >

> > I am not sure if I can do much in this regard.

> >

> >

> > I think you are spoiling this forum.






> i think you are spoiling this forum...


> with your inability to see things from a perspective..


> that isn't dependent on your ego's self esteem.


> being that childish and " stuck " is likely holding back..


> those who otherwise might see that that type of..


> preachy and egocentric behavior is stifling the air.


> you need a place where you can appear " holy " .


> this ain't it kiddo.


> do what you must do.



> >

> > Based on my recent interactions, it seems your behaviour on this forum in

not like " salt " in this spiritual soup... it is like " shit " and it doesn't

belong here. It spoils the whole soup and makes inedible.




> there's another of those mixed metaphors you love.


> LOL!


> quit crying in your soup..


> and clean up your own filthy shit.


> you now are going to judge me even further.


> judge judge judge.


> YOU are holy..


> YOU know the Way..


> it's YOUR soup and YOU'LL be the one to decide the ingredients!


> anything YOU don't like is judged as shit.





Disagreement is fine. Personal insult, words like " I like licking your ass " ,

" Asshole " are not necessary ingredients of this spiritual soup. They spoil this

spiritual soup and make it inedible. They greatly lessen the possibility of any

meaningful discussion. That kind of language doesn't belong on a spiritual

forum. Expressing disagreement doesn't require personally insulting others.






> anything that pleases you is GOOD salt and seasoning.


> yes it's ALL about YOU.


> YOU should be agreed with and complimented..


> YOU don't like things any other way.


> so it should be ac's forum or he's leaving.


> hahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa!


> like i said..grow the hell up..


> or go.






> > Reform yourself or get out!





> " Reform youself " ????!!!!


Yes, refrain from personally insulting others. Refrain from using words like " I

like licking your ass " , " asshole " . If you can't, get out .




> oh for Christ sake.


> you ARE like wernie.


> or maybe you've joined the Jehovah's Witnesses?





> was that you wearing that sandwich sign downtown last week:


> " Reform Now For The End Is Nigh! "


> you looked cute but i don't think you gained many converts.


> LOL!






> > [i think I am done trying.]




> " trying " is just a word meaning it hasn't been done.


> i think it's more like you're done crying.


> either way good show young lad!


> .b b.b.


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edited for common courtesy and common sense.







> You are acting dishonest Bob and you are lying. Disagreement is ok. Repeatedly

personally attacking, abusing, insulting other posters is not OK... unless this

is what Hur wants.



(.b b.b.):


i'm not acting dishonest.


in fact i'n being far more honest than you lulu.


if i wasn't being honest..then you'd be happy.


i won't play your game.


you don't like being told the way it is that's all kid.


if you attack me like you have again here..


(because you ARE personally attacking me sonny)..


and even though i find that rather weird and amusing...


(that you feel that that's ok for you to do to me..


but not for me to return the favor)..


AND because you are abusing my honesty by calling it dishonesty..


AND by your insulting me..


by trying to distract everyone from the your MAIN ISSUE:


remember..posting too much and too often?


THAT'S NOT OK with me.


so expect the same in return.


and i'm not going to try and drag Hur into this..


like you keep trying desperately to do..


and you do that because you can't handle the truth by yourself.


you want to be protected from hearing the truth..


like you are at mother hen Sarlo's..or Jerry's..


or your own dipsy site.


your method is to change the topic..insult and accuse..


and call on the moderator to fall for your bullshit...


and do your bidding.


what a weakling and wet weasel you are!







> I am not here because I personally like or dislike you. I am here because I

like to read/write/discuss spiritual ideas. I think it can be discussed without

personally insulting other posters.





(.b b.b.):


than don't insult me.


i don't care why you are here.


i said that you didn't like the fact that i disagreed with you..


and that you didn't like me for that.




why don't you quit using diversionary tactics..


and quit trying to bolster up your image of yourself..


and going on about why you are here which NOBODY cares about..


and just write or don't write.


if i don't like what you write..


i'll say so.


if you don't like that i say that i don't like what you said..


you say so.


but don't be a little wimp and try to have your worthy opponent..


banned from this list.


if you totally can't act like an adult..


then YOU go sport.


it's that simple.











> I wonder if every rapist, robber, gangster wishes his victims to deal with

things by himself and not call cops. Cops are there for a purpose.




(.b b.b.):




now you're getting even more dramatic than wernie.


if by disagreeing with you..


and by having a spirited conversation..


that poor little ac snookums just can't keep up with..


you feel compelled to call the other party in said discussion..


namely baba in this case..


a " rapist " .... a " robber " ....a " gangster " ..


you have some serious issues..


each of which should be dealt with by a professional kid.


there is help available out there.


but i'm not going to give you any.


i'm just going to offer MORE derision of you for being so wired.


get a life ac.


this is NOT the movies Peter Pan.


Hook is not out to " get you " .








(acdc) :


> Again...


> Disagreement is fine. Personal insult, words like " I like licking your ass " ,

" Asshole " are not necessary ingredients of this spiritual soup. They spoil this

spiritual soup and make it inedible. They greatly lessen the possibility of any

meaningful discussion. That kind of language doesn't belong on a spiritual

forum. Expressing disagreement doesn't require personally insulting others.





(.b b.b.):


you are immature and unable to cope with real life.


get off that spiritual bullshit.


this is NOT the Holy Church.


YOU are not a saint.


YOU are not a wise man.


YOU are not a guru.


YOU are in love with you and you just can't give it up.


baba is not a gangster...


baba not a rapist..


baba is not a robber..


nor whatever other devil you think he is.


and you think that crap..


merely because he wont agree to play your silly game.


that's just too bad.


i'm not going to change for you kiddo.


i don't expect you to change for me.


besides if you did i wouldn't have as much to laugh at.


now get your little mad on..


rant and rave and call for Hur's help..


YOU have been insulted..


and as spiritual (ha ha!) as you seem to think you are..


believe it or not ac..


you are as far away from true spirituality as it gets.


by that very act of self pretentious " i'm better than you " attitude..


you expel yourself from any actual belonging..


among those who have lost their judgmental egocentricity..


in a well developed form..


of that which is described as true spirituality.


you're ringing your own chimes like a phony pharisee.


you want everyone to think of you as good and holy and righteous..


and you want to castigate all that disagree with that insanity..


as sinners and rapists and robbers and gangsters.


you seriously need to mature sonny.


but in the meantime..


and now don't get upset here..


but from what you're saying..


and how you're acting..


all baba can say is:






..b b.b.




take a big breath and suck it up.


it's not the Real you that's being laughed at.


it's that phony act and action...


that you falsely are identifying with that's so humorous.


and doggone it all That IS funny.


now say five Our Fathers and three Hail Mary's..


and you can even through in a " Creed of ac " if you wish.







lots 'o kisses kid..


you need them.

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