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intelligence and light

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Nisargadatta , " Tim G. " <fewtch wrote:


> Nisargadatta , " Lene " <lschwabe@> wrote:

> >

> > Intelligence is characterized by the natural lack of ability

> > to understand life.

> >

> > (Henri Bergson)

> >

> >

> > Superb. It is when I give up that intelligence finds its way.

> > Superb.

> >

> > -Lene

> >


> Nice! Thanks, Lene.




Thanks, Tim.


We do not know what intelligence is. What we know is that it

sheds a light on " something " and through " something " 's being

exposed by the light " something " (object) is seen/understood.


Same way we do not know what light is. Light needs an object

to shine up & expose. Light itself is invisible, dark stuff.


Couple o weeks ago I was outside in the evening watching the

stars. It struck me - how come I can see the stars but I can

not see the light itself - the light which expose the stars?


People talk of a self. What if self is light? It looks like

this is the case.


What if everything is " nothing but " light? If so is, call it

that - light! Call it not self.


I have said that I cannot know myself. I can only know myself

in you. Seeing you - you standing there, all exposed, all lit

up, is seeing myself. I only know me, the light, through you.

I do not know me " on my own side " , as such, so to speak. This

is what I said - in other words - when talking of " my " brain;

I can see your brain, not mine. Perhaps I wrote about it not

in here, only in Pete's palace. Not sure. I post in 4+ places.


There has been a sort of revolution taking place here since I

started reading that book: " Living on Light " wherein this man

" an ordinary Dane " , an academic, a journalist, a Mr Everybody

carries out two experiments, where he feeds on light and very

little water (after 21 days on light only). The strange thing

is that his body in is perfect shape after weeks without food

and water (the last experiment lasted for 86 days).


Have said what I came for. This enquiry will never end, there

is always work to do for scientists and philosophers - for us

" lightbeings " , us being everything, everybody. There seems be

an endlessness of objects to dis-cover.


I hesitate to use the expression " lightbeings " because of its

smelling like " new age " stuff grounded on belief and I am one

scientist and not one believer - but what if it is true?


Anyway, what has been known for a long time is that we are all

made of the same stuff and so we are one, not many. We are one

appearing AS many, in many shapes, forms, colours - also known

as manifoldedness (ref Bohm's enfolded order).


What has been sort of a grand mystery is: what exactly is this

stuff of which we are made?


And this - as it seems and appears, is slowly unvealing itself

to me QUA you, QUA the other which I am lighting up. No no no,

please do not misunderstand.


Ok, got to go, nomore nomore for now.


Pete wrote a while ago that we are all enlightened although he

may have used a different term.


I now know what he meant. I think I know - at least :)


I have a friend, who call herself a light-being/creature, and

she is -- she lightens up the world whereever she is and goes.


But she does not seem to know that this is her mission - only

mission - which is no mission. " Mission " is a word, a thought

or idea. She keeps saying though that she is waiting for some

sign, pointer such as - this is what you are here for! And do

I know what she's talking about - the sign never shows though

- good for us.


Nobody needs missionaries or gurus - for everybody is a light

of him/herself already, and in order to see this one just has

to take a look at the " other " and " his " reaction - hee hee :)




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Lene,I get the light thing.  The imagery has been occurring to me often lately.  And there's the same new-age kneejerk, but I guess it's time to lay that aside.It's like the light is pouring out beyond any self-control, so okay.  What else are you going to do?  Nothing.


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in a hurry here:


as for mission


we are emitters of what we are




so in a manner of speech we are all (on a) light-mission


but the mission is ourselves - we are what is emitted


oh well





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Nobody needs missionaries or gurus - for everybody is a light

of him/herself already, and in order to see this one just has

to take a look at the " other " and " his " reaction - hee hee :)




You can not arbitrate, what other people need or do not need.


Sadguru is inner light, who leads you on your way, but to be in contact with

this light most of seekers need external Guru who will help them to change focus

from out to in and seed so sowed can then grow - at the end you and light are

one, there is no difference, because you and Sadguru are same, was same and will

be always same. There is no improvement, no change, no progress.


But this all I understand thanks to grace of my Guru, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

and his Guru, Siddharameshwar maharaj. Without faith to them I would be maybe in

sect of Adi Da or would be trying to find truth in science or in church.



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Nisargadatta , Julie Boerst <julesmiel wrote:

> And there's the same new-age kneejerk, but I guess it's time to lay that

> aside.


By that I mean that I reach out to any source for an explanation, and I get one!

It's all me. My kids, the radio, the new age book, these discussion lists.

It's everywhere, and so am I. If I lose my way, even George W. Bush could tell

me how to get home again. I can't get lost.



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Nisargadatta , <alesadamek wrote:

> Nobody needs missionaries or gurus - for everybody is a light

> of him/herself already, and in order to see this one just has

> to take a look at the " other " and " his " reaction - hee hee :)


The missionaries and gurus are part of me, especially the most ridiculous one.

Pick your favorite. Don't you love that he showed up? They are part of the

everything which is nothing, so they are perfect when they appear. They can be

trusted completely. You can be trusted completely. There is nothing to



Nobody *does* need missionaries or gurus. You are right. We're nobody. :)



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Nisargadatta , " julesmiel " <julesmiel wrote:


> Nisargadatta , <alesadamek@> wrote:

> > Nobody needs missionaries or gurus - for everybody is a light

> > of him/herself already, and in order to see this one just has

> > to take a look at the " other " and " his " reaction - hee hee :)


> The missionaries and gurus are part of me, especially the most ridiculous one.

Pick your favorite. Don't you love that he showed up? They are part of the

everything which is nothing, so they are perfect when they appear. They can be

trusted completely. You can be trusted completely. There is nothing to



> Nobody *does* need missionaries or gurus. You are right. We're nobody. :)


> Julie




It takes a lot of *crazy wisdom* to break down the hard shell of indifference

around us, to burst forth like a thousand suns

and light the Way for others.



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Nisargadatta , "julesmiel" <julesmiel wrote:


> Nisargadatta , <alesadamek@> wrote:

> > Nobody needs missionaries or gurus - for everybody is a light

> > of him/herself already, and in order to see this one just has

> > to take a look at the "other" and "his" reaction - hee hee :)


> The missionaries and gurus are part of me, especially the most ridiculous one. Pick your favorite. Don't you love that he showed up? They are part of the everything which is nothing, so they are perfect when they appear. They can be trusted completely. You can be trusted completely. There is nothing to protect.


> Nobody *does* need missionaries or gurus. You are right. We're nobody. :)


> Julie



It takes a lot of *crazy wisdom* to break down the hard shell of indifference around us, to burst forth like a thousand suns

and light the Way for others.




If we would be honest to each other, we would maybe say ..


ok, now I understand, after short or long process, but there was or were some teachers on my way, who hleped me to come to this final truth,



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Nisargadatta , " anna " <kailashana wrote:




> Nisargadatta , " julesmiel " <julesmiel@> wrote:

> >

> > Nisargadatta , <alesadamek@> wrote:

> > > Nobody needs missionaries or gurus - for everybody is a light

> > > of him/herself already, and in order to see this one just has

> > > to take a look at the " other " and " his " reaction - hee hee :)

> >

> > The missionaries and gurus are part of me, especially the most ridiculous

one. Pick your favorite. Don't you love that he showed up? They are part of

the everything which is nothing, so they are perfect when they appear. They can

be trusted completely. You can be trusted completely. There is nothing to


> >

> > Nobody *does* need missionaries or gurus. You are right. We're nobody. :)

> >

> > Julie

> >



> It takes a lot of *crazy wisdom* to break down the hard shell of indifference

around us, to burst forth like a thousand suns

> and light the Way for others.


> ~A




What a pathetic bs !


Hell, Drama-Anna and Pathos-Anna united ...



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Nisargadatta , " wwoehr " <wwoehr wrote:

> What a pathetic bs !


> Hell, Drama-Anna and Pathos-Anna united ...


Right, united! So united, is it good...or bad...or anything? Quick, Werner.

Who are you?



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Yes. This one is on sale today (is cheap :-)


Life is happening while you are making plans.










Nisargadatta , Julie Boerst <julesmiel wrote:


> Lene,


> I get the light thing. The imagery has been occurring to me often lately.

> And there's the same new-age kneejerk, but I guess it's time to lay that

> aside.


> It's like the light is pouring out beyond any self-control, so okay. What

> else are you going to do? Nothing.


> Julie


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Nisargadatta , <alesadamek wrote:



> Nobody needs missionaries or gurus - for everybody is a light

> of him/herself already, and in order to see this one just has

> to take a look at the " other " and " his " reaction - hee hee :)


> Love

> Lene




> You can not arbitrate, what other people need or do not need.



Sorry, I do not know what arbitrate means.



> Sadguru is inner light,



Light is light.



> who leads you on your way, but to be in contact with this light



I am this light.



> most of seekers need external Guru who will help them to change focus from out

to in and seed so sowed can then grow - at the end you and light are one, there

is no difference, because you and Sadguru are same, was same and will be always

same. There is no improvement, no change, no progress.



Absolutely - correct.



> But this all I understand thanks to grace of my Guru, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

and his Guru, Siddharameshwar maharaj. Without faith to them I would be maybe in

sect of Adi Da or would be trying to find truth in science or in church.



I found the truth in the words said to stem from one Jesus Christ,

when -- I forgot when. " Lo and behold, the kingdom of god is right

here, amongst you. " And they did not see it; they had no idea what

he was talking about. They thought he was referring to himself and

he was and yet not. He himself, like you, like me - is god, is the

kingdom of god, is everything/nothing - the light, the darkness.


The end :)


The beginning


The in between


The whatever


I think JC ought to have made that clear - beyond doubt - instead

of luring the people into believing in some " distant " godfather -

instead of leaving it up to them to interprete what he said and I

am sure he did not, sure the texts we read in the bible are inter

pretations already -- so I would be very careful around them when

reading some of the texts as an adult.


I love the truthful ones - the ones I see the truth in/of - here

is another one:


In the beginning was darkness, and the darkness became the light

and the light shined (shone?) in the darkness and everything was

lit up by it (totally memorizing).


Love to Ales from


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Nisargadatta , <alesadamek wrote:



Nisargadatta , " julesmiel " wrote:

> >

> > Nisargadatta , wrote:

> > > Nobody needs missionaries or gurus - for everybody is a light

> > > of him/herself already, and in order to see this one just has

> > > to take a look at the " other " and " his " reaction - hee hee :)

> >

> > The missionaries and gurus are part of me, especially the most ridiculous

one. Pick your favorite. Don't you love that he showed up? They are part of

the everything which is nothing, so they are perfect when they appear. They can

be trusted completely. You can be trusted completely. There is nothing to


> >

> > Nobody *does* need missionaries or gurus. You are right. We're nobody.


> >

> > Julie

> >


> It takes a lot of *crazy wisdom* to break down the hard shell of indifference

around us, to burst forth like a thousand suns

> and light the Way for others.


> ~A




> If we would be honest to each other, we would maybe say ..




> ok, now I understand, after short or long process,  but there was or were

some teachers on my way, who hleped me to come to this final truth,



Yes, but where begin and with whom? Mama? Okay. Done :)



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