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Hinduism and Vege etc.

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If a person is cutting his arm due to a mental condition, is it Ahimsa not to



If you are walking down the street and somebody is attacking a woman, is it

Ahimsa to walk on by?


If a person is eating meat and absorbing all kinds of bad molecules, antibiotics

and vibrattions, is it Ahimsa to not do anything? Especially if the person is on

a spiritual path?


Ahimsa in its broader sense is to resist violence rather than complete

non-violence in the face of 'harm'. Even Gandhiji approved of resistance and

violence in some circumstances.


One should not let the superstitions of religions to overcome the essence of the





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Hupa Ram-Das wrote:

> Namaste.


> If a person is cutting his arm due to a mental condition, is it Ahimsa not to



> If you are walking down the street and somebody is attacking a woman, is it

Ahimsa to walk on by?


> If a person is eating meat and absorbing all kinds of bad molecules,

antibiotics and vibrattions, is it Ahimsa to not do anything? Especially if the

person is on a spiritual path?


Hupa-Ji, I am not clear on what you are saying. In Indian families and

social circles and most Indian restaurants, it is common to have

vegetarians and non-vegetarians eat together. One brother may be a

vegetarian, another may not be, and so on. Do you have a specific

approach you are advocating to spread ahimsa and nonviolence through

vegetarian diet. I hope you are not suggesting engagement in vigorous

arguments on vegetarianism on the dinner table among family members

every evening.


This is a difficult topic for many people. Perhaps other vegetarians can

share with us how they view such situations within families where some

believe very strongly in and other do not appear to care much about food

and eat whatever they like.


Namaste and love to all with respect






> Ahimsa in its broader sense is to resist violence rather than complete

non-violence in the face of 'harm'. Even Gandhiji approved of resistance and

violence in some circumstances.


> One should not let the superstitions of religions to overcome the essence of

the teachings.............Hupa.




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PraNAms to all


First I must admit that I cannot find any connection

to issues Shree Hupa Ram-Das has been raising to the

article Shree Harshaji edited on Hinduism and

Vegetarianism. Hence I choose to be silent to the

mails Hupa Ram-Das ji. Something is propelling me to

respond now - hence here are my understanding.


Ahimas is one of the three pillers of sadhana other

being brahmacharya and satyam.


Ahimsa - does not involve just being a vegetarian but

involves much more.


Ahimas does not involve forcing others to be a

vegetarian unless they are your dependents - but

convincing others to be vegetarian - yes.


Ahimsa includes all there karaNas - manasaa, vaacha

and karmanaa - by mind, by speech and by action.


I don’t hurt any other being (sarvabhutaas - not just

animals but plants too) for my sake. In the article

it was clearly mentioned that 'Life lives on Life' and

that is the law of nature. But as human being I have

a choice to exercise and as a compassionate being I do

least harm to the nature. Hence eating for living

sake is the norm than the other way around. Not only I

should not hurt any being - Krishna says -a seeker

should have in mind 'sarva bhuuta hite rataaH' - well

being of all. 'sarve bhavantu sukhinaH...' let all be



Gandhi had three monkeys - that does not want to see

bad, hear bad or speak bad. But one intelligent

fellow asked - if you close your eyes how do you what

you are about to see is good or bad - first you have

to see and then decide that it is bad - but then it is

too late.


Hence Scriptures are more understanding - In the

prayer it starts- Om bhadram karnebhiH sRinuyaama

devaaH, Bhadram pasyemaa....' - Hay Gods - Let we see

only auspicious things . Let we hear only auspicious

things... - it is a petition to Gods since we have no

choice to see or not to see - as we cannot but see

when we open our eyes. Hence please let us see only

auspiciousness in everything we see! That is a tall

order and requires a high degree of a frame of mind.

It is like Dharmaraja reporting back to Krishna that

he could not find any bad people in this world!


Helping others in need - as Shree Hupa Ram-das

mentioned - are part of swadharma - I do not want

others to hurt me or any one - If I can stop anyone

hurting unnecessarily others I should stop, since I

expect others to come to my rescue when I am in

trouble. These are all universal values.


But following ahimas involves not to think bad about

any body mentally - not to speak ill of anybody

unnecessarily and not do any action that hurt others



Forcing others to be vegitarians is also a violence

too. It is like few people here who want stop

abortion and in that process ready to kill others to

force their conviction. The value of life is



What is required is for eachone to follow his

swadharma. Our swadharma is to eat what is needed for

the body causing least damage to the nature. Since

Life lives on life, before eating offer it to the Lord

and eat as prasaadam or gift from the Lord. The

attitude is then different. Chant the sloka -

brahmaarpanam brahma haviH .. etc with complete

understranding of the sloka before we partake the



Hari Om!











--- Harsha wrote:


> Hupa Ram-Das wrote:

> > Namaste.

> >

> > If a person is cutting his arm due to a mental

> condition, is it Ahimsa not to interfere?

> >

> > If you are walking down the street and somebody is

> attacking a woman, is it Ahimsa to walk on by?

> >

> > If a person is eating meat and absorbing all kinds

> of bad molecules, antibiotics and vibrattions, is it

> Ahimsa to not do anything? Especially if the person

> is on a spiritual path?

> >

> Hupa-Ji, I am not clear on what you are saying.

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You raise some interesting questions in your post. Sadaji has

already addressed some of these questions very nicely. However , let

me also add a few more points ...


you ask :


(If a person is cutting his arm due to a mental condition, is it

Ahimsa not to interfere?)


Of course not! You do try to 'save ' the person by snatching away

the 'instrument ' ( a knife or whatever) from his hand, But , that

is only a temporary solution ! What is the long term solution ? To

get that person seek long term psychtherapy to get to the 'root' of

the problem as to why the person is entertaining suicidal thoughts !

The therapist will decide what is the best course of action that

will help and heal that person - a combination of individual or

joint psychotheraphy seSsions along with medications management !

That is the real 'ahimsa' -not just snatching away the 'knife' - to

show the 'path' to healing ! once the person recovers , he should

also seek 'spiritual' counselling!In U.S.A, no adult can be admitted

into a pshchiatric prograame without his consent unless he is a

threat to himself or society !


Hupa-ji , one sholud always deal with the 'roots' of a problen not

just treat the symptoms ! That is what good doctors /good therapists

do !


then you ask ,


( If you are walking down the street and somebody is attacking a

woman, is it Ahimsa to walk on by?)


No , not at all ! But , may i ask you in the same vein , why were

the Pandavas and other Elders like Bhismacharya , Dronacharya ,

Kripacharya etc etc etc were helpless on lookers when Draupadi

was 'disrobed' by Dussashana and publicly humiliated in front of a

live audience ? Every One woman in Ten is attacked everyday in the

streets of New York or Bomaby - what is the long term solution ? we

are living in Kali yuga , dear Hupa-ji !




(If a person is eating meat and absorbing all kinds of bad

molecules, antibiotics and vibrattions, is it Ahimsa to not do

anything? Especially if the person is on a spiritual path?)



way of Living or Life ! Think about the big picture !



Mother Teresa is a Christian missionary!i do not know if Mother

Teresa WAS A VEGETARIAN ... - the Bible Does not condemn meat

eating ! but , Mother Teresa was the most compassionate human being -

she saved thousands and thousands of dying lepers in the streets of

Calcutta and showed them a decent way of living , while many of the

other so called Hindu brothers looked on helplessly saying that

these 'lepers' are paying for their bad karma .


Hupa-ji , there is a world of difference between a spiritually

enlightened person and a religious Fanatic . In the name of

Religion, brothers kill brothers and fundamentalists call

it 'Jihad ' - Dear Hupa-ji - that is the lesser Jihad -but the

greater Jihad is the inner struggle against the inner enemies', the

Seven Deadly Sins ( lust, greed, anger, jealousy, sloth,

covetousness & gluttony).


Hupa-ji , when one is on the Path of Love, one develops

understanding and compassion not just for Animals and Humans but

Love for all of Life including Plants , Trees etc ... Love for the

environment and the Ecology .


Rupa-ji, you took Gandhiji's name while discussing 'Ahimsa'? Did you

know that it was Gandhiji who said 'True ahimsa should mean a

complete freedom from ill-will and anger and hate and an overflowing

love for all. "


Love is the best Religion. A loving person is kind , understanding ,

compassionate and is truly spiritual.


May i share this verse from IBNJ ARABI , THE SUFI POET PHILOSOPHER ?


" My heart has become capable of every form: it is a pasture for

gazelles and a convent for Christian monks,

And a temple for idols, and the pilgrim's Ka'ba, and the tables of

the Tora and the book of the Koran.

I follow the religion of Love, whichever way his camels take. My

religion and my faith is the true religion. "


Sadaji is right ! Everything is a gift from God - our very own

existence on this planet - we have to thank the higer power for the

very 'air' we breathe!


thank you !






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advaitin , " dhyanasaraswati "

<dhyanasaraswati wrote:


> Hupa-ji:




> ! Everything is a gift from God - our very own

> existence on this planet - we have to thank the higer power for the

> very 'air' we breathe!


> thank you !





> >





In my view, polluting and/or not taking the responsibility for

creating such pollution should be regarded as " hi.msaa " , as that

would be purposely inflecting pain and suffering on other beings.




Dr. Yadu

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