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Information and knowledge-Aum Saadhnaa

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After reading Sri Anandaji eloquent description of the four levels

of speech and how they relate to different states ( waking , dream,

deep sleep etc etc) i was reminded of the great Sound 'Omkara' ...

may i share this 'information' with you all ?


" The pranava, or the syllable " om " , is the complete representation

of the four stages of sound and their existential counterparts. The

existential realities are the physical (sthula) which is connected

to the vaikhari-shabda, the subtle (sukshma) which is connected to

the madhyama-shabda, the causal (karana) which is connected with the

pashyanti-shabda, and the transcendental (para) which is related to

the para-shabda. These four existential realities further correspond

to the four states of consciousness.


The sthula sarira, or physical body, operates in the state of jagrat

(wakeful state). It is in this realm of consciousness, and through

this body, that the vaikhari-vak is manifested.


The sukshma-sarira, subtle or psychic body, operates in the state of

svapna. It is in this realm of consciousness, and through this body,

that the madhyama-vak is manifested.


The karana-sarira, or causal body, operates in the state of susupti,

or deep sleep. It is in this realm of consciousness, and through

this body, that the pashyanti-vak is manifested.


The para-vak is manifested through the fourth state of

consciousness, known as turiya. "




Now , all this information is Great and very valuable! But , how to

transform this information into Knowledge ( jnana) ! By abhyasa or

practice !


Every morning get up during Brahmamuhurtha time ( 4 am) and after

morning ablutions , chant 'AUM' ....






Gurudeva said 'Aum' is the best of all s !


The Mandukya upanishad says

Omityetadaksharamidam sarvam, tasyopavyakhyanam,

bhutam bhavatbhavishyaditi sarvamomkaraeva;Yaccanyat

trikalatitam tadapyomkara eva.



OM! - This Imperishable Word is the whole of this

visible universe. Its explanation is as follows: What has

become, what is becoming, what will become, - verily, all

of this is OM. And what is beyond these three states of

the world of time, - that too, verily, is OM.


Om shanti!Om shanti!Om Shantihi!

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