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The Jnana Bhoomikas

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Although Self-Realization does not admit of any differences or stages,

in the classic description of Jnana Bhoomikas, Self-Realization happens

at the fourth stage (Nirvikalpa Samadhi starts to take place in the

third stage prior to Self-Realization)


Sri Ramana explains that in there is no difference in the knowledge and

release experienced by Jnanis in the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh

stage. Self-Realization is by its very nature is complete. The stages of

Jnana Bhoomikas are differentiated by experiences only.


Namaste and love to all



Spiritual Instruction

of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi


Chapter IV

Attainment (Arudha)


1. What is the state of attainment of knowledge?


It is firm and effortless abidance in the Self in which the mind which has

become one with the Self does not subsequently emerge again at any time.

That is, just as everyone usually and naturally has the idea, 'I am not a

goat nor a cow nor any other animal but a man', when he thinks of his body,

so also when he has the idea 'I am not the principles (tatwas) beginning

with the body and ending with sound (nada), but the Self which is


consciousness and bliss', the innate self-consciousness (atmaprajna), he is

said to have attained firm knowledge.


2. To which of the seven stages of knowledge (jnana-bhoomikas) does the

sage (jnani) belong?


He belongs to the fourth stage.


3. If that is so why have three more stages superior to it been



The marks of the stages four to seven are based upon the experiences of the

realized person (jivanmukta). They are not states of knowledge and release.

So far as knowledge and release are concerned no distinction whatever is

made in these four stages.


The seven jnana bhoomikas are:-


1. subheccha (the desire for enlightenment).

2. vicharana (enquiry).

3. tanumanasa (tenuous mind).

4. satwapatti (self-realization).

5. asamsakti (non-attachment).

6. padarthabhavana (non-perception of objects).

7. turyaga (transcendence).


Those who have attained the last four bhoomikas are called brahmavit,

brahmavidvara, brahmavidvariya and brahmavid varistha respectively.







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