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The Nature of Consciousness

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The Nature of Consciousness


Dear friends in The Self,


May this lead to Him Realizing Himself in all of us!

Om Tat Sat


with respect and love






The Nature of Consciousness


sadhu: Namaste Binju


sadhu: is it correct to say the Naked Reality is the conscious seeing

or observing of Self either as consciousness of manifest form or in

the absence of form (consciousness of the void or non-manifest)?


b: hmm... let me study your question.


b: Your question: " Is it correct to say the Naked Reality is the

conscious seeing or observing of

Self either as consciousness of manifest form or in the absence of

form? "


The answer is both and neither ... as both consciousness of form and

form itself appear in the naked reality thus THAT Naked reality is

NOT the consciousness (not its content) but the content is its

manifestation (or reflection) in itself;


The hard thing to understand is how the multiplicity we call maya or

existence comes about in the nothingness; we can see the unreality of

what we think is real when we look at atomic flux... (ie. all things

are in a state of change even as we observe them regardless if we are

looking at an obejct such as a table or an atom) hence nothing is as

it seems.... but is existing " AS " the potency itself!


So then this reality (the Cosmos) is THAT potency and is not really

real; hence as Sri Krishna says ... all things exist in HIS potency.

i.e. it is referred to as HIS maya-Sakti.


sadhu: I am trying to understand the big picture before delving too

much into the detail. So the Naked Reality is conscious of

consciousness either with or without content?


b: Yes!


sadhu: Is the appearance of that content is dependant on a

spontaneous idea from Atman?


b: The appearance is dependant yes, but NOT dependant upon an IDEA;

ALL... everything, existence-itself. The universe

all bits of knowledge; and the SUM of knowledge, along with all

beings experiencing any and everything or knowing any and everthing

in all variations; ALL of it is The Nature of the Self; it is the

attribute; it is the beingness of the Self hence it continues to

change and grow and develope it evolves etc. Thus it is naturally

existing it (everything) does not appear due to an act or thought had

by the Self.


It is like YOU in your own mirror; You are completely there; yet each

moment you move however inperceptibly. Hence your image is

changing ... the difference between what we see in the mirror and the

consciousness-miror is that whatever you were previous to having

moved is not visible in YOUR bathroom mirror; but the modes of the

Self take time to dissolve and reform, hence that appearance is TIME-

Itself and ALL that Time contains; the modes of consciousness thus

change infinity and consciousness appears as what we in our modern

age might call the space-time continuem. But in itself as the naked

one the Consciousness does not appear, thus it is said to be

conscious of the consciousness. Which will mean it exists previous-to

during and after the end of the world. i.e. as Sri Nissagaddatta

says: it exists prior to Consciousness!


Thus there are countless beings coming and going; in this way all the

Minds of all beings are modes of the Self's Self-consciousness (they

constitute His jnana-sakti); that is why the Jiva is conscious of

himself! They are the self-consciousness .. all appearing in the

Naked reality; which we could call the psychic space of the Self.


sadhu: Is animabindu a bit like God or the Naked Reality blinking?


b: Yes, that is correct. That flashing extends into the heart of the

atom; whereby we can see the photons flashing and pulsing. But what

it not seen nor seeable is that the whole is flashing ALL-at-once;

that is why the heart beats and why there are rythms in all modes of

being and in all things. It is the same vibration called the Spanda-



sadhu: Is it Om?


b: YES! Thus OM is said to be existence itself. So then the

mantra: " Om Soham Om " is like an affirmation as to what i have just

described to you. This reprograms the nueron pathways in the brain,

then we cease refer to Jiva " AS " self and begin to open to the

Infinite Self; the Soham Mantra connects the synapses of the brain to

the Sakti then there is the realization that the jiva is part of the

energy of the Self, like a drop is part of the ocean... but just as

a drop is not the ocean....nor is the Jiva The Self.


The bija, seed, bindu, the soul the sharira... (names of the

individual self or soul) is the drop. Thus from the drop there are

also reflections hence the Jiva is the God of ITS OWN universe but

not the rReal Self of countless Universes Jiva is not the Cosmic



b: dot this is getting very deep here LOL


sadhu: Thankyou Binduji for this chat, i will enjoy reflecting on

this. I must go now as our tea is ready.


b: Namaste


sadhu: namaste

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