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MAyA Shakti .... The Divine Feminine ....

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A beloved member sent this mail off list and i thought i will share

this with you all ! It is all about Consciousness or Cid SHAKTI !


Please read on ...


Shankara is Self-Aware. That Self-Awareness of Shankara is the



Samsara is the loss of Self-Awareness in sleep. Jnyana is the

regaining of the unbroken Self-Awareness of the Wakefulness of



Jnyana is the regaining of Self-Awareness. Self-Awareness is the

Goddess.Therefore, jnyana is the rise of the Goddess! It is to be

Self-Aware,and hence to be Shankara Himself.


The deep sleep of samsara is the Goddess hiding Herself!


Therefore, the Goddess is not 'ultimately unreal', but is the very

form of jnyana. The denial of the Goddess is the denial of



The Advaita followers that deny the Goddess deny Advaita as revealed

by Shankara. For Shankara says in the Brahma Sutra Bhashya

(I,v,5): " For like the effulgence of the sun, Brahman has eternal

consciousness by

Its very nature. "


Eternal Consciousness is the Goddess.


One cannot enter the gates of Shankara's Brahma Sutra Bhashya without

being armed with the sword of viveka. The adhyasa bhashya of Shankara

that 'followers' of Shankara are fond of quoting to 'prove' that

Maya is nreal stands like a formidable guard at the entrance of the

Bhashya to ensure that one without viveka does not pass. Therefore

has the adhyasa bhashya been placed before the bhashya itself. It

stands as a guard at the entrance. One without viveka does not go

through, but remains a 'follower' forever hovering around the

entrance. Only one that dares to cut through with the sword of

discrimination Sees. And (s)he sees Her, for that is but Seeing.

The Seeing of the Seer is Self-Awareness, the Goddess Herself.


The 'followers' of Shankara say that Maya is sublated when the truth

of Brahman is realised. They are the 'followers' of Advaita, not

the Seer of Advaita. They keep repeating that Maya (Self-Awareness)

is sublated when Brahman is realised. They speak of deep sleep as

jnyana. Such is is Maya!


The Divine Feminine is the very form of jnyana. She is Maha Vidya.

Pure unbroken Self-Awareness. Chitrupini. "


Adi Shankara Bhagvadapada sings raptuorously in Bhavani Asshtakam


na jaanaami daanaM na cha dhyaanayogaM

na jaanaami tantraM na cha stotramantram.h .

na jaanaami puujaaM na cha nyaasayogaM

gatistvaM gatistvaM tvamekaa bhavaani .. 3..


O Mother, I have made no charity;

I have done no meditation;

I have observed no rituals;

nor have I uttered any prayer or holy Name.

I have performed no worship;

nor have I purified myself through proper invocations.


Therefore, O Thou Mother of the universe,

Thou art my only Refuge; Thou art my only Shelter.!


Enjoy the eternal leela of the Bhavanishankar and his mayashakti

Bhavaani !

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