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Gita Satangh Chapter 11 Initial Prayers

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These initial prayers will help us to focus our mind to study and

follow Bhagavad Gita with devotion and dedication. Traditionlly, we

start by chanting Om three times followed by Guru Stotram and Gita



Let us with our prayers,


Harih Om!


Ram Chandran



Om! Om! Om!


Guru Stotram


akhaNDamaNDalaakaaraM vyaaptaM yena charaacharam

tatpadaM darshitaM yena tasmai shriigurave namaH


Salutations are to that guru who showed me the one who is to be

known, whose form is the entire universe and by who pervades over the

movables (animals) and immovables.


aGYaanatimiraandhasya GYaanaaJNjanashalaakayaa

chakshurunmiilitaM yena tasmai shriigurave namaH


Salutations to that guru who opened the eyes of the blind and cleared

the darkness (cover) of ignorance with the wisdom of knowledge.


gururbrahmaa gururvishhNuH gururdevo maheshvaraH

gurureva paraM brahma tasmai shriigurave namaH


Salutations to that guru, who is the Creator, Protector, and

Destroyer and who indeed is the limitless Brahman.


sthaavaraM jaN^gamaM vyaaptaM yatkiJNchitsacharaacharam

tatpadaM darshitaM yena tasmai shriigurave namaH


Salutations to that teacher who showed me the one to be known, who

permeates whatever that is movable and immovable, sentient and



5 chinmayaM vyaapi yatsarvaM trailokyaM sacharaacharam

tatpadaM darshitaM yena tasmai shriigurave namaH


Salutations to that teacher who showed me (by teaching) the Lord of

all the three worlds comprising the sentient and insentient


tvameva maataa cha pitaa tvameva tvameva bandhushcha sakhaa tvameva

tvameva vidyaa draviNaM tvameva tvameva sarvaM mama devadeva


Oh God of all Gods! You alone are my mother, father, kinsman, friend,

the knowledge, and wealth. You are to me everything.


Gita Dhyanam


Om parthaya pratibodhitam bhagavata narayanena svayam

vyasena grathitam purana munina madhye mahabharatam


advaita 'mrta varsinim bhagavatim astadasa 'dhyayinim

amba tvam anusamdadhami bhagavad gite bhava dvesinim


Om. O Bhagavad Gita, with which Partha (Arjuna) was illumined by lord

Narayana himself and which was composed within the Mahabharata by the

ancient sage Vyasa, O divine mother, the destroyer of rebirth, the

showerer of the nectar of advaita (oneness) and consisting of

eighteen chapters - upon thee, O Bhagavad Gita, O affectionate

mother, I meditate.


namo 'stu to vyasa visala buddhe phulla 'ravinda 'yata patra netra

yena tvaya bharata taila purnah prajvalito jnanamayah pradipah


Salutations unto thee, O Vyasa of broad intellect, and with eyes like

the petals of full-blown lotuses, by whom the lamp of knowledge,

filled with the oil of the Mahabharata has been lighted.


prapanna parijataya totravetrai 'ka panaye

jnana mudraya krishnaya gita 'mrta duhe namah


Salutations to Krishna, the parijata or the bestower of all desires

for those who take refuge in him, the holder of the whip in one hand,

the holder of the symbol of knowledge and the milker of the nectar of

the Bhagavad Gita.


sarvo 'panisado gavo dogdha gopala nandanah

partho vatsah sudhir bhokta dugdham gita'mrtam mahat


All the upanisad are the cows, the milker is Krishna the cowherd boy,

Arjuna is the calf, men of purified intellect are the drinkers, and

the `milk' is the great nectar of the Gita.


vasudeva sutam devam kamsa canura mardanam

devaki parama 'nandam krishnam vande jagad gurum


I salute lord Krishna, the world teacher, the son of Vasudeva, the

destroyer of Kamsa and Canura, the supreme bliss of Devaki.

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advaitin , " Ram Chandran " <ramvchandran



> Namaste:


> These initial prayers will help us to focus our mind to study and

> follow Bhagavad Gita with devotion and dedication. Traditionlly, we

> start by chanting Om three times followed by Guru Stotram and Gita

> Dhyanam.


> Let us start with our prayers,


> Harih Om!


> Ram Chandran

> ==============


> Om! Om! Om!


Namaste all.


We should all be happy that Ram Chandranji starts the resumption of

the Gita Satsangh by recalling to us the prayers which usually

precede any Gita study under a Guru. The prayers are most important

in order to place ourselves in a mood of faith rather than a mood of

intellectual pursuit. Study of the Gita is not like studying Quantum

Mechanics or Laser Technology or What-you-will of that type. Let us

put aside our tendencies to do intellectual gymnastics and listen to

Krishna (through Ram!).


PraNAms to all advaitins.


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advaitin , " V. Krishnamurthy " <profvk



> Namaste all.


> We should all be happy that Ram Chandranji starts the resumption


> the Gita Satsangh by recalling to us the prayers which usually

> precede any Gita study under a Guru. The prayers are most


> in order to place ourselves in a mood of faith rather than a mood


> intellectual pursuit. Study of the Gita is not like studying


> Mechanics or Laser Technology or What-you-will of that type. Let


> put aside our tendencies to do intellectual gymnastics and listen


> Krishna (through Ram!).


> PraNAms to all advaitins.

> profvk


Dear Vk-ji,




Well said! I always start my study of the scriptures with prayers to

my guru and Sri Shankara. In a prayerful mood I seek their blessings

to help me to understand the secret of scriptures. They do respond

to my prayers. They are making me understand all the key things,

which are directly related with AtmajnAna, if not all. Guru is

satchidAnanda, he is the illuminator of our intellect. Whether we

are in the physical proximity of our guru or not (which is very

difficult in modern times) we will get the right guidance from

within, if we have sincerity.


May the Gita Satsang help us to gain true wisdom, which is

impossibility without the kripA of bhagavAn Shri krishNa. Its an

intersting chapter as well!


Yours in Sri Ramakrishna,


Br. Vinayaka.

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