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Gita Satsangh Chapter 11 Verses 3 to 4

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Namaste everyone!


It was nice to see a significan number of discussions surrounding the

Gita Satsangh very much like a garland. Let us continue with the same



Harih Om!


Ram Chandran



Gita Satsangh Chapter 11 Verses 3 to 4


Evametadyathaattha twamaatmaanam parameshwara;

Drashtumicchaami te roopamaishwaram purushottama. Verse 3

(Now), O Supreme Lord, as You hast thus described Youself, O Supreme

Person, I wish to see You Divine Form!


Manyase yadi tacchakyam mayaa drashtumiti prabho;

Yogeshwara tato me twam darshayaatmaanamavyayam. Verse 4


If You, O Lord, thinkest it possible for me to see it, do You, then,

O Lord of the Yogis, show me You imperishable Self!

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Here are some additional notes and explanation to verses 3 and 4.


Harih Om!


Ram Chandran


Note: It is time for Satsanghis to share their personal experience

that can be related to the message of verses 3 and 4.




Verse 3

By addressing the Lord as 'Paramesvara' Arjuna conveys that Sri

Krishna was the supreme Lord of the entire creation, and thus capable

of doing everything. He could, therefore, easily reveal to Arjuna the

divine form that he longed to see. Again, by addressing Him

as 'Purusottama' he shows that Sri Krishna was the Supreme Person,

beyond both the perishable and the imperishable. After hearing Lord's

description of His virtues and glories Arjuna was very much convinced

that He would be able show His Divine Form. The word 'Rupam',

qualified 'Aiswaram,' stands for that Divine Form of the Lord which

exhibits, in a pronounced form, all divine virtues and powers such as

unbounded and undying knowledge, energy, strength, valor and

effulgence etc, and a fraction of which holds the entire universe.

Arjuna's longing to see that form and he had developed an

irresistible yearning to see that form. Since Arjuna had never seen

that wonderful form before, the desire on his part to see it and his

giving expression to that desire should not be interpreted as having

proceeded from lack of faith. On the other hand, the desire to see it

presupposes his faith. Faith alone was responsible for him to what he

believed but didn't see!


Verse 4

The addressing of Sri Krishna as 'Prabho' signifies that He is the

creator, preserver and destroyer of the whole creation, and the inner

controller of all manifestations. Therefore, even if Arjuna was not

duly qualified for a vision of that divine form, the Lord could

easily render him fit for the same by His own grace and power. The

only qualification that deserves His Grace is Faith and faith is both

necessary and sufficient! With faith and conviction Arjuna addressed

Him And as 'Yogesvara' to convey that being the Master of all Yogas

He could, if He liked, can enable him to witness His divine form.

Being the master of all Yogas, it is Indeed, much easier for Sri

Krishna to reveal His Divine Form.


Arjuna truly believed that the glory of Sri Krishna was exactly as He

described to him (chapters 7 to 10) he has no reason to entertain

even the least doubt about it. Arjuna was fully convinced that even

if the Lord did not reveal His Divine Form, it did not prove that the

Lord of all Masters of Yogas was incapable of doing it. Through his

words and his body language Arjuna determine to convey his Faith and

Conviction on His virtues and glories. And as the knower of all

hearts, it was open to the Lord to examine and ascertain whether that

desire was genuine and intense. Arjuna, prayed with the conviction

that if the Lord deemed fit He would reveal His Divine Form to him.

Lord always listens to the prayers; those who injects a heavy dose of

Faith in their prayers will always receive His Grace!

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