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Advaita for women- kaanch and kaamini ........

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hey maunaji :


you did open a can of worms ? Smile :-)


For example , in the Srimad Bhagvad gita


chapter 9 , verse 32 says



mam hi partha vyapasritya

ye 'pi syuh papa-yonayah

striyo vaisyas tatha sudras

te 'pi yanti param gatim



O son of Prtha, those who take shelter in Me, though they be of

lower birth--women, vaisyas [merchants], as well as sudras [workers]-

-can approach the supreme destination.


This is the literal translation ( padartha)


now for the Lakshyartha or the more esoteric meaning


now , Read how beautifully Swami Chinmayananda explains ( away)

these terms - women . vaishyas and shudras !


" Religion is not a technique for developing the physical body, nor

is it an art to be fulfilled through the play of the physical body.

The condition and status of the physical body have nothing to do

with the evolutionary progress which religion aims at through all

its preachings. The spiritual practices contribute to the

integration of the mind and intellect and to their progressive

unfoldment, until, in their ripeness, they shed themselves, leaving

the Spirit naked in all its divine glory. Thus, these terms,( women,

vaishyas and shudras) as used in this stanza, are to be understood

as indicating some special qualities of the human mind-and-

intellect, manifested in varying degrees in different individuals,

at different times.


The " feminine-minds " (Striyah) are those that have a larger share of

deep affections and binding attachments. So too, there are people,

who have a " commercial attitude " in all their thoughts and actions

and who live in their mental life as traders (Vaishyas), ever

calculating the profits that would accrue from all their

psychological investments. Such a calculating mind, ever looking to

the profits that could be raised, is not fit for easily evolving

through the " Path-of-Meditation. " To surrender all fruits of actions

is the secret of holding the mind still, and of making it live

vitally, the Infinite, that is the content of a single present-

moment. Thus, when the Science of Spirit-development condemns the

traders, it is only a denunciation of the particular commercial

tendency of the mind. Those who fall under the group of 'traders'

PSYCHOLOGICALLY cannot hope to progress on the Path Divine.


Lastly, mental attitudes of " slumber and slothfulness " are indicated

by the term " Shudra " here.


When we have understood that these terms, familiar in that age, are

borrowed by Krishna to indicate special types of mind-intellect-

equipments, we have understood the stanza rightly, without pulling

down the entire Geeta from its well-merited pedestal of dignity as a

Scripture of Man.


The verse promises that, through constant remembrance of the Lord,

not are only all men of evil ways redeemed, but even those who are

not able to walk the " Path Divine, " because of some psychological

and intellectual debilities in them, will be cured and steadily

strengthened to walk the " Path " efficiently, if they too, with

single-pointed mind and sincere devotion, learn to remember

continuously, and meditate daily upon the Divine Self. "


In essence , mauna-ji , sometimes we have to look beyond the literal

meaning of the verse to learn about the higher philosophy !



GENDER . in fact , everything has to be so politically correct - we

cannot say anymore *mankind * ....


In reality, in Manusmriti , women are accorded a very high place !


'Yatra naryastu pujyante ramante tatra devatah'- 'The Gods are

pleased where the women are treld in esteem " !


in other words , maunaji , The viveka chudamani is Ocean full of

pearls .... Dive deep , you will find verses that are so

enchanting !


Read the following :


He who knows himself, wears no distinguishing mark and is unattached

to the senses, and treats his body as a vehicle, experiencing the

various objects as they present themselves like a child dependent on

the wishes of others.( 539)


The point i am trying to make is a Truly enlightened human being

does not attach any importance to whether someone is a man or a

woman, whether he is rich or poor , he is a shudra or a brahmin , or

a king or a beggar , or a pandit or a fool etc etc etc.... BHAGWAN




while reading these scriptures , please go beyond the literal

meanings .


In fact , In tantra , a woman guru is held in high regard and

esteem. Ramakrishna paramahamsa's first guru was a woman named

Bhairavi Brahmani.


on another note , shri ramakrishna always said 'avoid kaanch and

kaamini' which literally means avoid women and gold ! I throw this

question to our balaguru Paramahamsa vivekanandaji - my lion cub,,

explain the real meaning of these words 'kaanch and kaamini' ....


Salutations to the 'divine feminine' in all of us!

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