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Bhikshu sUktam - An attempted free translation

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Vedas teach us to be generous!



Bhikshu sUktam-- Rig Veda. 10th Mandala.117th sUkta.


I have attempted a free translation of Bhikshu sUktam with due respect

to veda. I sincerely apologize for any errors that might have crept in.


## na vA u devAH kSudhamid vadhaM dadurutAshitamupagachanti mRtyavaH

uto rayiH pRNato nopa dasyatyutApRNanmarDitAraM na vindate


The Gods have not imposed hunger to be a cause for death. Because even

those who had a lavish meal are taken over by death. The wealth of the

generous man is never depleted, while the one who doesn't donate,

finds no one to console him !


ya AdhrAya cakamAnAya pitvo annavAn sanraphitAyopajagmuSe

sthiraM manaH kRNute sevate purotocit sa marDitAraM na vindate


A man who has food with him, but making his heart stone like, doesn't

give to the needy who come to him begging, and indeed eats enjoying in

front of them suffers finding no one even to console him !


sa id bhojo yo gRhave dadAtyannakAmAya carate kRshAya

aramasmai bhavati yAmahUtA utAparISu kRNute sakhAyam


He is considered Generous who immediately feeds the poor and needy who

wander around in want of food. A lot many rewards are awaiting him. He

befriends even his enemies!


na sa sakhA yo na dadAti sakhye sacAbhuve sacamAnAyapitvaH

apAsmAt preyAn na tadoko asti pRNantamanyamaraNaM cidicHet


He is not a friend who doesn't give anything to his

friend/companion/supporter who approaches him in need. His house is

not a house. One has to go away from such a place immediately and

should seek help from some other generous man.


pRNIyAdin nAdhamAnAya tavyAn drAghIyAMsamanupashyeta panthAm

o hi vartante rathyeva cakrAnyam anyamupa tiSThanta rAyaH


The rich man must donate to the poor. With future insights, he has to

choose brighter paths to raise his riches. Because, wealth always goes

from one person to another just like the rolling wheels of a chariot.


moghamannaM vindate apracetAH satyaM bravImi vadha it satasya

nAryamaNaM puSyati no sakhAyaM kevalAgho bhavatikevalAdI


A fool greedily earns his own food without giving to others. I TELL

YOU THE TRUTH, that food shall bring him destruction! He who neither

gives to God nor friends and eats all by himself becomes a sinner!


kRSannit phAla AshitaM kRNoti yannadhvAnamapa vRNktecaritraiH

vadan brahmAvadato vanIyAn pRNannApirapRNantamabhi SyAt


The plough produces food to the farmer. One who journeys to distant

places earns riches through hard work. A brAhmaNa who explains the

subtleties of sAStras is better than the one who is silent. A generous

man should be warmhearted at the one who has nothing to give !


ekapAd bhUyo dvipado vi cakrame dvipAt tripAdamabhyetipashcAt

catuSpAdeti dvipadAmabhisvare sampashyanpaNktIrupatiSThamAnaH


He who has double the wealth of another travels faster. He lags behind

the one who has three times more wealth. He who has four times more

wealth treads easily through the paths which were left by the rest.


samau cid dhastau na samaM viviSTaH sammAtarA cin nasamaM duhAte

yamayoshcin na samA vIryANi jnAtI citsantau na samaM pRNItaH


Both the hands are alike but their measure of work differs. No two

cows born to the same mother give equal amount of milk. Even the twins

do not possess equal strength. Born to the same parents, no two

siblings are equally generous.



!! Aum namO brahmavidbhyaH !!

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