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Advaita for women

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Dear Shri Sudheesh,

I fully agree with all that you have said. We have to keep in mind the

social and cultural environment of the time and accept the fact that women

were not allowed to study the Vedas and that was the reason why the sloka

refers only to men. There is no point in trying to wish away facts by

far-fetched explanations.





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Pujya Aadrineeya Shastriji :


How would you translate this verse from the Srimad Bhagvat gita ?





brahmane gavi hastini

suni caiva sva-pake ca

panditah sama-darsinah ( chapter 5 . verse 18)


along the same lines , how would you interpret this verse from Jivan

mukthi viveka ?


Ishwaro jIva-kalayA pravishto bhagavaan iti

danDavat praNamed bhUmau ashva-chandAla-go-kharam


and last but not least , this verse from Manisha panchakam


brahmaivaahamidaM jagachcha sakalaM chinmaatravistaaritaM

sarvaM chaitadavidyayaa triguNayaa.asheshhaM mayaa kalpitam.h .

itthaM yasya dR^iDhaa matiH sukhatare nitye pare nirmale

chaaNDaalo.astu sa tu dvijo.astu gururityeshhaa maniishhaa mama ..


and finally , here is what Gandhiji said


" The story of a shudra having been punished by Ramchandra for

daring to learn the Vedas, I reject as an interpolation. "


Ps : Btw i am a brahmin lady only by birth but by actions i am

lowest of the low .


Harihi aum!



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Dear Shri Sudheesh,

I fully agree with all that you have said. We have to keep in mind the

social and cultural environment of the time and accept the fact that women

were not allowed to study the Vedas and that was the reason why the sloka

refers only to men. There is no point in trying to wish away facts by

far-fetched explanations.



praNAms Sri Sastri prabhuji

Hare Krishna


That is really very well said...Shankara being a strict saMpradAyavit and

saMpradAyavAdi, strictly adhered to the excisting dhArmic practices at his

time. It is clear from his sUtra bhAshya (reference : apashudrAdhikaraNa)

that only brAhmaNa, kshatriya & vyshya have the eligibility to undergo

upanayana saMskAra & after that saMskAra, they have eligibility / rights

to do vEdAdhyayana. Since shUdra & stree donot have eligibility for this

upanayana saMskAra, they are barred from doing any vEdAdhyayana. Shankara,

following the verdict of dharma shAstra clearly says shUdra is not suppose

to listen to vEda maNtra-s, if at all he does that boiling lead should be

poured into his ears & vaidika should not recite vEda maNtra when shUdra is

there beside him..etc..From these part of bhAshya bhAga it is quite evident

that shankara, a sanAtana vaidika dharma follower, strictly followed the

*rules* of dharma shAstra & written his commentary strictly within the

frame of permitted parameters of dharma shAstra & concluded that *vEda

pUrvakastu nAsti adhikAraH shUdrANAM iti stithaM*.


However, this does not imply that shUdra & stree have been excluded from

the *vEdAnta vAkya janita brahma jnAna*..shankara says through the studies

& contemplation of smruti texts one can attain the same result (i.e. Atma

jnAna). From this we can say that though shUdra & stree donot have the

rights to do vEdAdhyayana (since they are not dvijA-s), they are eligible

to get *vEdAnta Atma jnAna* with the help of smruti texts like itihAsa,

purANa. So, conclusion is :


vEdAdhyayana - eligibility restricted to brAhmaNa, kshatri & vysya



vEdAntajnAna / Atma jnAna - all are eligible irrespective of their cast &

creed...apEtabrhmakshatrAdhi bEdham...


It is because of this reason, even today in traditional orthodox vaidika

mutts, there is no provision for stree-s & shUdra-s to do

vEdAdhyayana..However, they are encouraged to chant vishNu sahasranAma,

lalitAsahasranAma (in stOtra rUpa without praNava & namaH) & studies of

bhAgavata & gIta etc.


Kindly pardon me if I hurt the sentiments of some mAtAji-s & prabhuji-s of

this list...Since this is very delicate & sensitive issue & topic, as such,

is out of the scope of this list, this is my first & last post on this



Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!


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