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mahAvAkyaratnAvaliH- Translation No.9

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*Translation of mahAvAkyas- No.9*


41. nirindhanajyotiriva upaSAnto na ca udvijed yatrakutra.


nirindhana-deprived of fuel, jyotiH iva- like a flame, upaSAntaH-

extinguished, na udvijed- should not be agitated, yatrakutra- anywhere by



Becoming calm like a flame whose fuel has been exhausted, he should not be

agitated by anything.


42. SAnto dAnta uparataH titikshuH yo'nUcAno hyabhijajnau samAnaH-


SAntaH-With controlled mind, dAntaH-controlled senses, uparataH-withdrawing

the senses from their objects, titikshuH- forbearing, or bearing all sorrows

without seeking any means to counter them, free from worry and lamentation

(sahanam sarvaduHkhAnAm apratIkArapUrvakam cintAvilAparahitam—this is the

definition of titikshA according to vivekacUDAmaNi, Sloka 25), anUcAnaH-

without speaking to any one, abhijajnau- in looking upon others, samAnaH-



The muni should control his mind and senses, withdraw the mind from external

objects, put up with all suffering without lamentation or worry, should not

indulge in conversation with others and look upon every one with an equal



43. tyakteshaNo hyanRNaH tam viditvA maunI vased ASrame yatra kutra-


tyakteshaNaH- giving up the three desires-- for progeny, wealth, and

approbation in the world (putraishanA, vittaishaNA, lokaishaNA),


hi anRNah- indeed free from the three debts—to the Rshis, gods and

ancestors—a sannyAsI is free from these, tam viditvA- knowing the Self,

maunI- always in contemplation, vased- he should live , ASrame yatra kutra-

in an ASrama anywhere.


44. yamaiSca niyamaiSca hi AsanaiSca susamyataH, nADISuddham ca kRtvA Adau

prANAyAmam samAcaret-


Patanjali's yoga has eight limbs and so it is known as ashTAnga yoga. The

limbs are: yama, niyama, Asana, prANAyAma, pratyAhAra, dhAraNA, dhyAna, and

samAdhi. Each of these is explained below:


yama has five limbs—ahimsA (non-injury), satya (honesty), asteya

(non-stealing), brahmacarya (celibacy), and aparigraha (non-acceptance of



niyama also has five limbs-Sauca (inner and outer purity), santosha

(contentment), svAdhyAya (study of the scriptures), tapa (austerities), and

ISvarapraNidhAna (worship of God).


The meaning of the whole sentence is:-- One who has attained self-control by

the practice of yama, niyama, and Asana (proper posture for meditation), and

has purified his nADIs, should first practise prANAyAma or regulation of the



45. sarvacintAm parityajya sAvadhAnena cetasA, nirvikalpaH prasannAtmA

prANAyAmam samAcaret- Giving up all thoughts, with an attentive mind, with

mind at peace and free from different conceptions, one should practise



Here nirvikalpa means 'without forming various conceptions about objects on

the basis of likes and dislikes. In 'prasannAtmA' the word 'AtmA' means the

mind. The word AtmA is used in the sense of mind, body, nature, etc., and so

the meaning has to be determined according to the context.


46. marudabhyasanam sarvam manoyuktam samabhyaset- marud is vAyu or prANa.

The practice of prANAyAma should be along with the mind, that is, the mind

should be controlled during prANayAma.

47. itaratra na kartavyA manovRttirmanIshiNA- The wise man should not allow

his mind to have other vRttis or thoughts- it should be controlled. ManIshI

means a wise man.



End of vidhi vAkyas.




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