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ADVAITA TEACHING - A GIST-Translation in English!

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Namaste Maniji and Dennisji and all others!


Here is a translation provided by NONE OTHER THAN THE ULTIMATE

VEDANTI AND SANSKRIT SCHOLAR , Subbuji, the Divine Light ( Divya

chakshu) of this Holy Satsangha.


Verse by verse Translation


adhyAropa\-apavAdAbhyAm niShprapa~nchaM prapa~nchyate iti buddha

vachanam.h .


//Deliberate superimposition and its subsequent 'negation' is the

method of instructing about the Truth that is sans the world. This

is the approved method of the traditional Acharyas. //


adhyAropo nAma vastuni avastu AropaH


//'Deliberate superimposition' is the admitting for the time being

that which is not absolutely real and 'connecting' it with the

Absolutely Real. //


vastu sachchidAnandAtmakaM brahma


// 'Absolutely Real is Brahman which is Existence-Consciousness -



avastu aj~nAnaM tajjanya mahAprapa~nchaH .


//'The Unreal/not -absolutely -real ' is ignorance and its effect

that is this vast world.//



bhrama\-pa~nchakam.h :


// The pentad ( a group of five ) of

errors /misconceptions /delusions is ://


1. jIvaH parameshwarAt.h bhinnaH .


//The Individual Soul , Jeeva , is different from the Universal

Soul , Ishwara. //


2. Atmani pratIyamAnaM kartRRitwAdi


// The properties of doership /agency etc. experienced in the self

are real.//


3.sharIratraya Atma sa~NgI.


//The self is connected with the triad of bodies : gross , subtle

and causal or the three bodied self is of the nature of

identifying/attaching (with karma birth , etc.) //


4.jagatkAraNatvena brahmaNo vikAritvam.h .


//There is modification/change in Brahman owing to its Causehood-

statusin respect of the creation of the world .//


5. kAraNaat bhinnasya prapa~nchasya satyatvam.h .


// The reality of the created world that is different from its



iti pa~nchabhramAH .


// These constitute the five errors /misconceptions .//


nivartaka\-dRRiShTAnta pa~nchakam.h .iti pa~nchabhramAH .


//What follows is the pentad of analogies /examples that help in the

correcting of the above five errors. //


1. bimba\-pratibimba\-dRRiShTAntena bheda\-bhramaH nivartanIyaH .


// The example of 'Original/protype and 'Reflection' is is used to

correct the error of jiva-ishwara difference.//


2. sphaTika\-lohita\-dRRiShTAntena pAramArthika bhramo nivartanIyaH


// The 'Crystal -redness' example removes the error of taking the

doership . etc as real attributes of Atman. The crystal placed in

proximity of a red flower gives the feeling to an ignorant person

that the crystal is itself red.//


3. ghaTAkAsha\-maThAkAsha dRRiShTAntena sa~Ngitvabhramo

nivartanIyaH .


// The analogy of pot-space , mansion-space which are only one

indivisible unattached space seen as conditioned in the pot ,

mansion etc helps correct the error of the Atman

conditioned /attached to the physical , subtle and causal bodies .

The three bodies could also mean the waking , dream and sleep

bodies .//


(the following is the remedy to the error number 5 above)


4 swarNa\-kaTakAdi lohita\-khaDgAdi dRRiShTAntena kAraNa\-bhinnatvena

pratIyamAna prapa~nchasya satyatvabhramo nivartanIyaH


// The example of the gold-bracelet , iron-sword , etc where the

name and form of the effects bracelet etc are unreal/substantial and

their material cause gold , etc are alone real /substantial helps in

correcting the error that the world , an effect seen as different

from its cause , Brahman, is real.//


(the following seems to be the remedy for the error no.4 above .)


5. brahma jagat bhrAntyA pratIyate ityatra shukto rajataM \, rajjau

sarpaH \, sthAnau puruShaH \, gagane nIla\-pItAdi \, marU-

marIchikAyAM jalamiti

dRRiShTAnta pa~nchakam.h


//That Brahman is mistaken for the error of perceiving /experiencing

the world examples


// That the world is perceived , owing to error , in Brahman is

established by the five examples : silver in shell, serpent in

rope , human in pillar /stump of a tree . the black/blue/yellow

colors in the sky , water in desert sand .//


iti prapa~nchabhrama nivartaka dRRiShTAntapa~nchakam.h .


//Thus has been enumerated the period of analogies /examples that

help in the correcting of the above five errors .//


Om Tat Sat



Thank you Subbuji for translating these verses at such a short

notice . Thank you maniji for posting the original in Samskritam and

sunderji for the corr4ected Transliteration! Wow !


satsangatve nissngatvam nissangatve nirmohatvam nirmohatve

nishchalatattvam nishcalatattve jiivanmuktih


From Satsanga comes non-attachment, from non-attachment comes

freedom from delusion, which leads to self-settledness. From self-

settledness comes Jivan Mukti. ( baja govindam stotra)







advaitin , " advaitins " <advaitins wrote:


> advaitin , " R.S.MANI " <r_s_mani@> wrote:



> > a translation.


> This transliteration (needs to be proof-read with the original

> printed version) may be helpful in providing the translation.


> adhyAropa\-apavAdAbhyAm niShprapa~nchaM prapa~nchyate iti buddha

> vachanam.h .

> adhyAropo nAma vastuni avastu AropaH .

> vastu sachchidAnandAtmakaM brahma .

> avastu aj~nAnaM tajjanya mahAprapa~nchaH .


> bhrama\-pa~nchakam.h :


> jIvaH parameshwarAt.h bhinnaH .

> Atmani pratIyamAnaM kartRRitwAdi vAstavam.h .

> sharIratraya Atma sa~NgI.

> jagatkAraNatvena brahmaNo vikAritvam.h .

> kAraNaat bhinnasya prapa~nchasya satyatvam.h .

> iti pa~nchabhramAH .


> nivartaka\-dRRiShTAnta pa~nchakam.h .iti pa~nchabhramAH .




> bimba\-pratibimba\-dRRiShTAntena bheda\-bhramaH nivartanIyaH .

> sphaTika\-lohita\-dRRiShTAntena pAramArthika bhramo nivartanIyaH .

> ghaTAkAsha\-maThAkAsha dRRiShTAntena sa~Ngitvabhramo nivartanIyaH .

> .

> iti prapa~nchabhrama nivartaka dRRiShTAntapa~nchakam.h .


> dRRiShTAnta\-pa~nchakam.h .


> brahma jagat bhrAntyA pratIyate ityatra shukto rajataM \, rajjau

> sarpaH \, sthAnau puruShaH \, gagane nIla\-pItAdi \, marU-

> marIchikAyAM jalamiti

> dRRiShTAnta pa~nchakam.h ..


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Thank you very much Behnji.

It is indeed very kind of you to get the translation from Sri Subbuji so

quickly. I am sure he must be reading the posts at the group. My sincere thanks

to him also.

With all good wishes and warm regards,







R. S. Mani







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