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mahAvAkyaratnAvaliH- Translation No. 20

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*Translation of mahAvAkyas- No.20- Sentences declaring the world as mithyA.*




52. mAyAkAryAdikam nAsti mAyA nAsti bhayam na hi—The effects of mAyA have no

real existence. mAyA itself has no existence. There is no fear.


The word mAyA is derived as 'yA mA, sA mAyA'—meaning, mAya is that which is

not. (One of the meanings of the word 'mA' is 'not'- e.g.- mA phaleshu

kadAcana- never in the fruit). So its effect, the world, also has no

existence. The br.up says- " Fear arises only from a second " . When no duality

is seen and everything is seen as the one non-dual brahman, there is no

cause for fear. It is said in pancadaSi that from the absolute standpoint

mAyA has no existence at all.


53. param brahma aham asmi iti smaraNasya mano na hi—


When there is the thought " I am the supreme brahman, the mind does not



The meaning is that when the mind is fixed on brahman it becomes free from

other thoughts, desires, attachment, aversion, etc.


54. vandhyAkumAravacane bhItiH cet astu idam jagat—If one is afraid of the

words of the son of a barren woman, then let the world be existent.


The world is non-existent like the son of a barren woman.


55. SaSaSRngeNa nAgendraH mRtaH cet jagat asti sat—If a mighty elephant is

killed by the horn of a rabbit, then the world is real.


56. mRgatRshNAjalam pItvA tRptaH cet astu idam jagat—If one is satisfied by

drinking water from a mirage, then let this world be considered real.


57. gandharvanagare satye jagat bhavati sarvadA—


'gandharvanagara' means the patterns made on the sky by clouds which may

sometimes have the appearance of a town, etc. If that is real, then the

world is also always real.


58. gagane nIlimA satye jagat satyam bhavishyati- If the blueness of the sky

is real, then the world is also real.


59. mAsAt pUrvam mRto martyo hyAgataH cet jagat bhavet—If a mortal who died

a month ago has come back, then the world is real.


60. gostanAt udbhavat kshIrapunarAropaNe jagat- (The sentence is not

complete). If the milk which issues out from the udders of a cow goes back

(into the udders), then the world (is real).


61. jvAlAgnimaNDale padmavRddhiH cet astu idam jagat- If lotuses can grow

inside a circle of blazing fire, then let this world be real.


62. jnAninah hRdayam mUDhaiH jnAtam cet astu idam jagat- If ignorant persons

can know the mind of the enlightened, let this world be real.


63. ajakukshau jagat na asti, hi Atmakukshau jagat na hi—There is no world

in the belly of a lamb; there is no world in the belly of the Atma either.


64. sarvadA abhedakalane dvaitAdvaitam na vidyate—When there is always

non-difference, there is no such thing as duality and non-duality.


65. nAsti nAsti jagat sarvam guruSishyAdikam na hi—There is no world at all.

All such notions as teacher, disciple, etc., do not exist.


66. satcidAnandamAtro'ham anutpannam idam jagat—I am Existence-

Consciousness-Bliss alone. This world has not come into existence at all.


The above statements are made from the pAramArthika standpoint where there

is nothing but brahman.


End of sentences declaring the world as mithyA.




(To be contd)




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