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mithyA- The Glory of Vedas ........Revealed Wisdom ..

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Of all the posts on this thread , i kind of tend to agree with our

learned Bhaskar PRABHUJI !


how can we ever down play the role of vedas ( aka as Shrutis or

revealed wisdom) ? while pursueing the study of vedanta ?


Vedas constitues the very foundation onf all Hindu Scriptures ! Even

the Srimad Bhagwad Gita is based on many scriptural injunctions from

the veads !


Vead were not written by any human being - Nobody can claim they are

the authors of vedas .


What is the origin of the word 'vedas ' - the root word is 'vid'

which means 'to know ' ...


Yes so all veda pandits )( those who know and chant vedic mantras )

are known as Vidhwaans ( proficient in knowledge) !


Vedas and upanishads are BhartamAta's timesless contribution to

World Religion ! How can we ever deny or downplay their importance

in pursueing what is 'Truth' ?


cAN hINDUISM survive if there are no vedas , upanishads and the

Srimad Bhagvad Gita ? The answer is in the affirmative for the four

Mahavakyas of the upanishads ARE THE VERY FOUNDATION ON WHICH


FLOWS -can knowledge flow if the very source is rooted out ?



often fond of saying " `From this Supreme Self are all these,

indeed, breathed forth. " Yes! Vedas are the breath of God .


Let me ask you this question . The British came and robbed India of

so many riches including the Kohinoor diamond! But did they ever try

to steal the 'vedas' ? For vedas cannot be stolen even by thieves -

can knowledge be stolen ? never! Vedas are not 'MUSEAM' pieces or

mere books that adorn a library or on the best seller list !




" Veda adhyayana, without knowing the meaning thereof is like

preserving the body without the soul.


Veda Mantraas uttered with a knowledge of their meaning will lead to

Paapa-parihara(expiation of sins), and Arishtasaanti(liquidation of

evil), and pave the way to Brahma-saakshaathkaara(God realisation).


The Vedas are the roots of our religion. All other Paraphernalia,

like feast and festivals, are like the leaves and fruits of that

tree, depending for their sustenance on the Vedic roots. Though

imbedded in mud, the internal core of the roots is as fresh and

fragnant as the fruits and flowers on the top. It is no use feeling

gratified that the Vedas have been written down, printed and

published by Western Scholars. To us, Veda adhyayana and their

employment in the sacraments of our daily life are important. For

that purpose it is necessary to learn them by heart, understand

their meaning, and recite them in the prescribed manner. "


Rig Veda 3/12 says

Maho Aranha Saraswati Pra Chetayati Kertuna

Dhiyo Vishwa vVi Rajati


Only education can help us to understand the knowledge of the

universe, which is alike, an ocean. It enlightens everyone's minds.


But then the question arises is mere Scholarship alone necessary for

Brahma jnana - if that were the case All the Max mulellers ,

Griffiths would be brahma jnanis ! Along with swadhyaya ,

contemplation is also necessary !


Viveka chudamani verse 54 says


Reality can be experienced only with the eye of understanding, not

just by a scholar. What the moon is like must be seen with one's own

eyes. How can others do it for you?


however , it is important to emphasize as Bhaskar prabhuji has

pointed out , we should approach such a Guru who is well versed in

the scriptures ( shotriya) and there is one more qualification for a

bona fide guru and that is



tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet

samit-panih srotriyam brahma-nistham( mundaka upanisha 1.2.12 )



" In order to learn the transcendental science, one must approach the

bona fide spiritual master in disciplic succession, who is fixed in

the Absolute Truth. "


so , the Guru must be well versed in scriptures and also a self-

realized person ! But as Sadaji has pointed out time and again , we

should not worry about whether a Guru is self realized or not but

just appraoch a guru with humility sand surrender to him - in course

of time , Truth will reveal itself!


But our blue Jay has raised some pertinent questions and may i end

this post with this favorite verse from Viveka chudamani ?


When the supreme reality is not understood, the study of the

scriptures is useless, and study of the scriptures is useless when

the supreme reality has been understood. verse 59


and also Read what Anandaji always emphasizes 'reflective '

knowing , 'reflective' understanding and reflective contemplating

and so on


After that the practicant finds there comes listening, reflection on

what one has heard, and long meditation on the truth. Then the wise

man will experience the supreme non-dual state and come here and now

to the bliss of Nirvana. verse 70- viveka chudamani


Hari Aum!


ps - how to remove the 'apara' vidya and proceed to 'para' vidya -

approach a guru who is a shotriya and a brahmajnani!

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