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ucchiShta gaNapati upAsana /pUjA proceedure

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From :- krishnarao {SriparasuKanandanAtha)

Subject :-

Ucchista Ganapati Upasana / Puja Proecedure



priya mahASayah,


in ambal group

>: " subrabalaji " subrabalaji subrabalaji

>Fri Nov 16, 2007 8:15 pm (PST) writes--------

>Dear Members - where can I find the Puja and Upasana procedures for

>Ucchista Ganapati. I heard from some Sri Vidya Upasakas that the

>worship of Ucchista Ganapati is an important aspect. Also I have


>from some that it is the only way to Moksha. Also I heard that one

>gets rare Siddhis with such Upasana and also one has to strictly

>adhere to procedures.






In SrIvidyArNava tantra by Sri vidyAraNya, It is clearly


that the ucciSta gaNapati upAsana will be effective only by the

vAmAcAra methods.


When any one approaches his guru for the first time, his

intention would be in pursuit of the supreme god and mOkSha.

The guru who is " swrUpa nirUpaNa hEtuh " is initiating with a mantra

of some dEvata or dEva. This is because one should not/can not say

any thing about god in an establishing voice.

" kaula pratiShTam na kuryAt "


Even in the books like " soundarya lahari " , the way to

emancipation was nerrated with slOkas like " muKam bindum

kritwa " , " naram varSIyamsam " . They appear like mAdana prayOgAs to

attract women. Is it the advice of SankarAcarya

who himself is a staunch sanyAsi, for a Sishya who approaches him to

show him the way for liberation?


Instead of trying to understand the inner esteric objective of

the guru,

he is opting to master the texts, and bring out the materialistic

benefits like a mad man gathering all the useless stuff seen on the

roadside, thinking it all so precious.


My guru was telling " what ever is written in the scripture,

even by any great sage, it would be only vAmAcara mehod.

It is you to search for the meaning which reminds you about your

own 'swarUpa'. All the mantras are the reminders of your own

swrUpa. If you take materialistic meaning, even the nArAyaNa mantra

or the siva mantra will never save you from the present state of

misery, but throws you in to the ditch of samsAra,


" SR^iNyEva sitayA viswa carShaNih

pASEna pratibadhnAtyabhIkAn | iShuBhih pancaBhir dhanShEna|

viddhatyAdiSaktir aruNAca viswajanyA || "


I dont understand how can any other god can give any one

the 'mOkSha', when there is Siva and nArayaNa who are considered to

be the sole distributors of mOkSha?


" sahasram vartantE jagati vibudhAh kSudra phaladah

na manyE swpnE vA tadanusaraNam tatkR^ita Palam || "


Please don't believe any of these gods. They will always be saying

nonsensical promises. Trash every thing.




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