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mahAvAkyaratnAvaliH- Translation No. 31

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*Translation of mahAvAkyas- No.31- Sentences for reflection (manana

vAkyAni). *


110. prANAH calantu taddharmaiH kAmairvA hanyatAM manaH,


AnandabuddhipUrNasya mama duHkham katham bhavet---


Here 'prANAH' means the sense-organs, which is one of the meanings of this

word in the upanishads.


Let the sense-organs engage themselves in their own functions. Let the mind

be full of desires. How can there be any sorrow for me who am pure bliss and



A person who has realized that he is not the body-mind complex but Brahman

is not affected by any actions performed by his senses, etc. He remains as a

mere witness.


111. na me bandho na me muktiH na me shAstram na me guruH,


mAyAmAtravikAsatvAt mAyAtIto'ham advayaH—


There is no bondage or liberation for me; there is no scripture or guru for

me, because all these are only the effects of mAyA. I am beyond mAyA and am

without a second.


112. AtmAnam anjasA vedmi kvApi ajnAnam palAyitam,


kartRtvam api me nashTam kartavyam vApi na kvacit—


I know the Self clearly. My ignorance has gone away somewhere. My sense of

being a doer has gone. I have no more any duty to be performed.


113. brAhmaNyam kulagotre ca nAmasaundaryajAtayaH,


sarve sthUlagatA hi ete sthUlAd bhinnasya me nahi---


Brahminhood, clan, lineage, name, beauty, and caste, all these

pertain to the gross body only and not to me who am different from the gross



114. kshutpipAsAndhyabAdhiryakAmakrodhAdayo' khilAH,


lingadehagatA hi ete hi alingasya na vidyate---


kshut- hunger, pipAsA- thirst, Andhya- blindness, bAdhirya-deafness,


kAma- desire, krodha- anger, akhilAH- all.


lingadehagatA- pertain to the subtle body.


Hunger, thirst, blindness, deafness, desire, anger—all these pertain only to

the subtle body and not to me who am different from the subtle body.


115. jaDatvapriyamodatvadharmAH kAraNadehagAH,


na santi mama nityasya nirvikArasvarUpiNaH---


Insentience, being dear, and being joyful are qualities of the causal body.

I who am eternal and unchanging by nature do not have them.


The causal body is the Anandamayakosha. In shloka 210 of Vivekachudamani

(the shloka No.s vary in different editions) it is said that the

Anandamayakosha is fully manifested in deep sleep when there is only

ignorance and happiness.






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