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Sakshii swaruupam

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--- antharyami_in <sathvatha wrote:

> One desperate instance for difference in the

> hermeneutical approach

> lies with your point on `sadhaka'. I had `Adhikari'

> in mind and you

> talk about `Sadhaka'...


Devanathanji - PraNAms


First, thanks for bringing out the difference between

saadhaka and adhikaari. I also commend you for being

firm in making sure that the teaching is proper. Since

I am not a scholar, I relay on my scientific training

for my consistency and logic than pure hermeneutical

or canonical approach - knowing very well that logic

falls short in knowing the ultimate. That limitation,

I am conscious of.


I have no problem in making the distinction between

saadhaka and adhikaari, even though; I have put all

mumukshus under one category -a saadhaka. Then, let us

take the adhikaari only. I do not see why the

arguments I have presented do not apply to him. The

reason is simple, as I see. Until he becomes jnaani

and realizes the paaramaarthikam, he is still

operating within vyavahaara, right? I realize that you

are giving him more credit that he can stand apart

from dvaita, while I see that standing apart is dvaita

too. Your statement that he now ‘potentially

equipped to decipher the true nature of saakshii and

saakshya sambandha’ using anvaya-vyatireke implies to

me that he is not jnaani yet and therefore operating

with in the duality or vyavahaara, even the need to

apply the tarka. Therefore, I still fell that my

statements apply to him too.


- He may be using the scripture to do the inquiry of

what is eternal and what is ephemeral (nitya anitya

vastu vicaara) and in that inquiry using

anvya-vyatireka yukti, the adhikaari is trying to

shift himself from the identification with anitya to

claim his nitya aatma swaruupam, which is the swaruupa

of saakshii. There is no problem in any of these. I

may be able to shift myself as I am the witnessing

consciousness, witnessing every thing 'this' or 'idam'

to that 'I am as witnessing consciousness different

from witnessed. I still maintain that the duality of

saakshii and saakshitvam is there for me to claim the

nitya saakshii swaruupam negating identification with

any anitya saakshyam. The nitya-anitya vicaara is

vyaavahaarika only. As I mentioned this can be done

even without shastra support - using simply the logic

- assuming I am adhikaari for that.


Shaastra comes to my help to teach me something more –

just saakshii-saakshya sambandha is not sufficient. To

understand the absolute nature of saakshii - which

requires an understanding that the saakshyam is also

myself only - sarvam khalu idam brahma, since

saakshyam is all that idam only and tat tvam asi.

Then the realization of true saakshii swaruupam -

where there is no separate saakshii and saakshyam and

their sambandha - but that saakshii – saakshyam is

nitya suddha jnaana swaruupam. When that jnaanam

occurs I have clear understanding that saakshii that I

am is nirvisheSha brahma and therefore there is no

saakshyam too separate from saakshii – and both words

saakshii and saakshyam have no more meaning in the

nirvisheSha chaitanyam – That is the state of

understanding that I am nistaranga chidaambudhi- where

in that realization that the assumed reality to all

dualities ceases. That culminates even the

nitya-anitya vastu vicaara and the need to apply

anvya-vyatireka too.


Hence I still feel that naama - ruupa involving -

saakshii and saakshyam - similarly Iswara and jagat

-at micro and macro levels are transcended in the

realization that I alone am -as Mandukya mantra 7 that

declares. I must say I have not found so far anything

that disputes this understanding. The sloka that I

was referring to in the Abubhutiprakasha about

bahusyaam and prajaayeyeti is Ch.III- V43 – and of

course based on Swami Paramarthanandaji’s commentary

on that where saguNa Iswaratvam is involved as the

nimittakaaraNa with aikshata standing for planning for



> With Reference to your post # 38861, I would like to

> explain anvaya-

> vyatireka application over the Saksi- Sakshya

> relation. You have

> explained the anvaya vyatireka with an analogy of

> Gold- ring causal

> relation and then mapped Saksi-Saksi relation;

> finally concluding

> with the difference in it. Let me re-evaluate your

> yukti please (if

> I may do it with my little knowledge). You say:

> Gold-satve ring-

> satvam; gold-abAve ring abAvam; tasmAt Gold'eva

> ring'asya kAranam'.


Devanathanji – just to refresh again - I did find

problem in concluding from this that gold eva ringasya

kaaraNam – since all that established is both are

interdependent. One has to apply the logic again in

converse form taking the ring as the primary. Ring

satve gold satvam and ring abhaave gold satvam, and

not gold abhaavam – so vyatireka does not work here.

This yukti alone can establish the independence of

gold and dependence of ring – as kaaraNa kaarya

sambandha – then only eka gold vijnaanena sarva swarna

aabharaNa vijnaanam bavati can be valid–

kaarya-kaarana samaanaadhikaraNa applies.


In the case of saakshii-saakshyam – I did caution in

applying this to witnessing consciousness. The

correct way to apply is only in the converse form

starting from saakshyam only – as in na idam, na idam

– or ‘not this’ type of scriptural statement, since I

cannot negate myself at any time. Hence saakshyam

satve saakshii satyam and saakshyam abhaave saakshii

satyam – anvaya works and vyatireka does not work –

and this converse form only can establish the

dependent and independent entities of the two related

entities. In order to know what it is the converse

form, one has to try both ways and the first way can

not be applied as you mentioned as saakshii abhaave

cannot be done. Yes you are right about the

limitations and the correct way of doing it too – If I

remember Vidyaranya uses this correctly in the Ch.1 of



It is pleasure again to discuss the topic from various

perspectives. I realize where you stand and as I

still feel that it is semantics only because of the

use of the term ‘saakshii’ when it is nirvisheSha

chaitanyam and when there is no saakshyam separate

from it as the very meaning of visheSha rahita implied

in the nirvisheSha caitanyam, since three is no

saakshitvam when there is no saakshyam.


I suggest that you take up a text for us and provide

the sat sangh to keep Vedanta vicaara going. My

praNAms again.


Hari Om!


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Hari Om,

Shri Sadananda ji,


PranAms. You are from science and im from technology. This may be

the reason that the arguments ongoing are sufficely fed with proper

logic and frequency. Anyways your scholarship is like an Italian

delight for me J. I am honoured by your Readiness to work with some

one who is not on par with your diligence to our Sampradaya.


Let me start my music again. As far the argument goes, I do not see

any symptom of semantical problem. Semantics – per se is never a

problem atleast to me. It becomes so only when you try to speculate

it with an exegetical mood that sometimes defers knowing the

essential nature. We must be very careful when we use expressions

like " No Saksi " etc. these are some sensitive terms which ought to

be critically dealt with. Please lend your eyes to see some related

expressions like Nityatvam – amrtatvam etc as connoted by our

preceptors for Saksitvam that craves a place in your argument that

claims `no sAksitvam'. The very face value of your premise " No

Saksitvam / saksi " is incompatible with Nityatva amrtatvatva svarUpa

of the same Saksitva as deliberated by the Sruthi and the preceptors

of our tradition.


I would also like to rephrase your statement " there is no Sakshyam

different from Saksi " . This is exactly what I am trying to explain.

It must not be conceived that Saksi is purely subjective and it

exists only in the Jiva. Saksi is that which is all

pervasive " Niravayava " as Sureswara puts it, it is hidden in the

Saksyam too. The objectivity is `enshined' by the Saksi's effulgence

inside the object – the sAksyam. Even in Nataka Dipa, the Kutasta

tattva is inherently immanent in all while ultimately transcendant

by all. The niyantrtva that reflects from the antahkarana of the

Master, the audience and everyone is extracted from the beaming rays

of pure attributeless Witness consciousness. The antahkaranAvacinna

Caitanya plays the role of Niyanta while the aparicinna Saksi is

Suddha and Nirguna.


Tat-tvam-asi ! Yes ~ Saksi = Tat; Saksyam (Jivatva is objective –

kincinjnatva – Apropita) = Tvam pada. The very same indwelling Saksi

reveals Saksyam. So Saksitvam is common to both Saksi (essentially)

and in Saksyam (incidentally). Applying SamAnAdhi karana in three

steps vide: 1) Adhikara sambanda. Adhikarana – the substratum is

nothing but the Saksitvam in inherited by the co-present Saksya and

hence the underlying principle that persists is Saksitvam alone.

Step 2) Visesana Visesya SambandaH – the mutual relation of

qualities. Saksyam is qualified with Saksitvam; hence called the

niyata (tatasta laksana) while the Saksitvam that qualifies Saksi is

its svarUpa laksana – the very essential nature. Step 4) Laksya

Laksana SambandaH – Laksana is the implication while Laksana is the

implied. Saksitvam is implied in both the padas while the Saksya is

the implication. The laksyArta of all the three levels of identity

thus reveals the attributeless – Nirguna Saksi alone.


I still maintain the `gradation' of Sadhaka, Adhikari and a

JivanmuktaH. But let me also note 3 main points here. 1) All

adhikAri's are sAdhakas and all sadhaka's are not adhikAri's. 2)

Being a potential AdhikAri does not warrant a prospective

JivanmuktaH. 3) AdhikAri (with inherent Paroksa jnAna) + AparOksa

jnAna = JivanmuktaH. My intention here is to give an Adhikari a

special place that he deserves in the process of accomplishing the

Brahma SaksAtkAra. Here an AdhikAri with the (nityAnitya vastu)

viveka jnAna apparently delineates the inherent ParOksa jnana in

Sravana mAtra while the AparOksa anubhUti is awaited after

continuous Manana and NidhidhyAsana (personally I do not

to Vivarana view on Sabda-Aparoksa vada). Hence AdhikAri with the

Paroksa jnAna, exists apart from the orbit of VyavahAra as he is

regarded to be the real `seer' of truth – the pramAta who sees

nothing but what is taught in the Sruthi. I would like to quote

SadAnanda's description of an AdhikAri which goes like this:


" Janmani janmAntareva Kamya nishiddha varjana purasaram nitya

naimittika prAyascitta upAsanAnena; nirgada nikila kalmashatayA

nithAnta Nirmala svAntah; Sadhana catustaya sampannaH pramAtA –

AdhikAri "


This is one of my favourite quotations. Here the author says `one

who does no more karmas like kAmya Nishiddha etc, he is one who

performs the nitya naimittika and upAsanas; who then withdraws from

all metempsychic activites (with his vairAgya); he becomes pristine

pure (citta suddhi – Nirmala); who is rich with the four fold

(moral) wealth; is one who is known to be the real `seer' – the

AdhikAri. Such a seer has realizes the parOksa to be mediate (known)

which is immanent – as a brahmavitt while he still awaits for the

apUrva (unknown) ApapOksa anubhUti to be established in Brahman

itself. `Brahmavit Brahmaiva Bhavati'. Bhamati discusses this much

polemically in the second Sutra segment. So my point on sanctioning

special status is valid on the note that - bringing Sadhaka into

picture will only weaken your stand instead of strengthening it.


Sadananda ji, recently (on Jan 11th'08) I had an oppurtunity to meet

Prof Bina Gupta (Univ of Missouri) on her visit to Chennai. She

gladly introduced me to her book `The Disinterested Witness' which

is published by Northwestern University' that elaborately deals with

the concept and nature of Saksi. The book is not available in market

here in India (chennai). I would request you humbly if you can try

making this book available here sometime during your next trip back

to Chennai please. Mean while I will also consult with main

libraries here and check with the availability.


Sincerely I am yet gain competence so as to take classes on Vedanta;

I lack Citta-Suddhi. Rather I intend to post some small Advaitic

treatises that remain unpublished hitherto. Currently I am working

on few Manuscripts on small Advaita prakaranas and will surely come

out with successful ones in another 6 months or so.


With Narayana Smrthi,


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--- antharyami_in <sathvatha wrote:

.. You are from science and im from

> technology. This may be

> the reason that the arguments ongoing are sufficely

> fed with proper

> logic and frequency.


Shree Devanathanji - PraNAms.


Actually I am on technology side only - and get paid

for breaking things. They want keep paying me even

after my retirement to make sure that things do not

break without their knowledge, when I leave for my

next assignment after this life! Since I am material

scientist, it is fun to learn and teach that there is

no real material there. But I am not going to tell

them as long as they are paying me.


Thanks for your beautiful sentiments. Coming from you,

it speaks a lot. Yes, Logic is good particularly when

supported by the scriptures.


> Let me start my music again.


Your music sounds good, particularly in this

December-January season in Chennai. My wife is busy

dancing here and I am busy watching the dance of life.



>The very face value of your

> premise " No

> Saksitvam / saksi " is incompatible with Nityatva

> amrtatvatva svarUpa

> of the same Saksitva as deliberated by the Sruthi

> and the preceptors

> of our tradition.


Devanathanji - I have no intension of extinguishing or

breaking the nitya amRitatva swaruupam - the eternal,

immortal nature of the reality - it is impossible

anyway - it will be self immolation.


What I meant, through out our discussions is " I am "

cannot be called even as saakshii with quality (even

if it is apparent) of saakshitvam, when there is no

saakhyam separate from me. As the sloka 20 of Advaita

Makaranda, that started this discussion, says it is

for upalabdaat eva - for taTasta lakshaNa only for

adhyaaropa apavaada. Once I have recognized my nitya

amRitatva swaruupa, the saakshii swaruupa has no more

meaning. Satyam jnaanam anantam - are only positive

swaruupa lakshanaas that Upanishads provide - the rest

are for upalabdaat eva including, as you know, jagat

kaaraNam etc.


> I would also like to rephrase your statement " there

> is no Sakshyam

> different from Saksi " . This is exactly what I am

> trying to explain.

> It must not be conceived that Saksi is purely

> subjective and it

> exists only in the Jiva.


Devanathanji - There are two points I would you to

consider here.


1. When I recognize that saakshyam is not different

from saakshii - the seer-seen distinction is also gone

- since it is one appearing as two. When I switch

from the two - saakshii-saakshyam to the one that is

beyond, one cannot call it either as saakshii or

saakshyam - That is what Lakshmiidhara Kavi says -as

nistaranga chidaambudhe. The notional subdivision is

transcended too.


2. The second point I have been trying to stress is

that in saakshii-saakshyam analysis the use of tarka -

anvaya-vyatireka - only establishes what is dependent

and what is independent at jiiva level. Tarka can take

up only up to that.


Tat tvam asi statement came in Ch. Up from VI-8 to

VI-16, after sRitShTi prakaraNa starting from Ch.VI-2

to VI-7. Shriti first has to establish that Brahma

satyam and jagat mityaa before it takes up - tat tvam

asi or jiivo brahma eva naaparaH. After establishing

through tarka that I am sakshii and not saakshyam, and

sakshyam depends on I and I do not depend on

saakshyam, I have to be equated to SAT that is the

cause for the entire creation too. Through the

analysis of swapiti - or deep sleep state - that my

nature is sat swaruupam and from the previous 6

chapters' teaching that the sat swaruupam that I am is

Brahma swaruupam. Essentially I have to move from

saakshii-saakshyam swaruupam to Braham-jagat swaruupam

to establish the Tat tvam asi. Then only nirvishesha

chaitanya swaruupam analysis is complete. In Advaita

Makaranda, poet first establishes the jiiva-brahma

identity - athoham na katham brahma - how can I not be

Brahman? Then only he tackles why this teaching does

not sink in - and provides the saakshii-shaakshyam



Sakshii is that which is all

> pervasive " Niravayava " as Sureswara puts it, it is

> hidden in the

> Saksyam too.



> antahkaranAvacinna

> Caitanya plays the role of Niyanta while the

> aparicinna Saksi is

> Suddha and Nirguna.


Yes agreed to all of the above! Only the caveat is

there is no need to call it as sakshii or saakshyam

anymore. Those words have no more meaning once I have

understood that I am suddha and nirguNa (that includes

even the apparent saakshitva guNa!)




> Tat-tvam-asi ! Yes ~ Saksi = Tat; Saksyam (Jivatva

> is objective –

> kincinjnatva – Apropita) = Tvam pada. The very same

> indwelling Saksi

> reveals Saksyam.


>The laksyArta of all the three

> levels of identity

> thus reveals the attributeless – Nirguna Saksi

> alone.


Then Devanathanji - why do you want to call as NirguNa

Saakshii alone - where there is nothing other than it.

Just the nirvishaya or nirvisheshaNa chaitanya

swaruupam, where as Guodapaada says even the word

advaita has no meaning.



> I still maintain the `gradation' of Sadhaka,

> Adhikari and a

> JivanmuktaH. But let me also note 3 main points

> here. 1) All

> adhikAri's are sAdhakas and all sadhaka's are not

> adhikAri's. 2)

> Being a potential AdhikAri does not warrant a

> prospective

> JivanmuktaH. 3) AdhikAri (with inherent Paroksa

> jnAna) + AparOksa

> jnAna = JivanmuktaH.


Devanathanji - what is paroksha and aparoksha jnaanam

as per your understanding? - particularly when we are

discussing about sakshii which is nitya satya vastu.

For the adhikaari that you have qualified, advaita

anubhava is always there and all that is needed is the

jnaanam - tat tvam asi for aparoksha.


My intention here is to give an

> Adhikari a

> special place that he deserves in the process of

> accomplishing the

> Brahma SaksAtkAra. Here an AdhikAri with the

> (nityAnitya vastu)

> viveka jnAna apparently delineates the inherent

> ParOksa jnana in

> Sravana mAtra while the AparOksa anubhUti is awaited

> after

> continuous Manana and NidhidhyAsana (personally I do

> not

> to Vivarana view on Sabda-Aparoksa vada).


Devanthanji - If I understand, the manaNam is to have

clear understanding without any trace of doubts. That

should end the teaching. Aparoksha jnaanam has taken

place. Nidhidhyaasana is required to establish firm

abidance in that knowledge - it is not the lack of

knowledge but emotional blockage or habitual mental

derailment preventing that jnaana nishhTa or firm

abidance in that knowledge - aham brahmaasmi - We need

chitta suddhi - and this vichaara to continue for the

mind to dwell on that reality and to take it away from

giving importance to trivialities more than what they



like to quote

> SadAnanda's description of an AdhikAri which goes

> like this:


Thanks for the quotation from Vedanta Saara of Shree

Sadananda yogiindra saraswati.

He provides the jahaajahal lakshaNa for the tat tvam

asi – using soyam devadattaH as example. If I

understand, Saakshii-saakshyam analysis can give only

tvam paadaartha analysis. For Tat padaartha analysis –

we need to have understanding of satvidya in terms of

kaaryakaaraNa sambandha at macro level. That exactly

what I was bringing in.


> Sadananda ji, recently (on Jan 11th'08) I had an

> oppurtunity to meet

> Prof Bina Gupta (Univ of Missouri) on her visit to

> Chennai. She

> gladly introduced me to her book `The Disinterested

> Witness' which

> is published by Northwestern University' that

> elaborately deals with

> the concept and nature of Saksi. The book is not

> available in market

> here in India (chennai). I would request you humbly

> if you can try

> making this book available here sometime during your

> next trip back

> to Chennai please. Mean while I will also consult

> with main

> libraries here and check with the availability.


Definitely, I will. I am familiar with her other book

– Perceptions in Advaita Vedanta. That was difficult

to read. I just got hold of the book that Dennis

recommended from Ramakrishna Mission – Methods of

Knowledge by Swami Satprakashananda. I am studying it

and may interject some of my understanding in my mind

analsysis series. Very interesting analysis of the

discussion of saakshii swaruupam in the book. I will

try to find Prof. Bina Gupta’s book that you




> Sincerely I am yet gain competence so as to take

> classes on Vedanta;

> I lack Citta-Suddhi. Rather I intend to post some

> small Advaitic

> treatises that remain unpublished hitherto.

> Currently I am working

> on few Manuscripts on small Advaita prakaranas and

> will surely come

> out with successful ones in another 6 months or so.


Devanathanji – that will be great. You can take up any

text that you would like. My PraNAms.


Hari Om!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hari Om,

Sadananda ji,


After realization of the true nature of Brahman and Jiva, the

entities exist no more, for the knower becomes one with Brahman. An

adhikAri, endeavors the non-difference between saksi and saksyam;

that he finds the latter sublated and he becomes one with sAksi. Now

that he sees nothing as sAksi, since he himself is one, where

sAshitvam remains unsublated. This is the tAtparya and this

explanation alone will treat well the nityatva amrtatva connotations

by Sruthi.


Coming back to Nistaranga ChidAmbude, I think you are over

emphasizing the expression loading it too much with your attempt to

make it sound Saguna. Try following these points please. What is

Taranga – waves? It is the functional notion of a sea. Now

does `sea' cease to exist when there is no `waves' in it? Not so.

Like wise, the `sAksitvam' exists even after the objective

domain `saksya' ceases to exist. Here Saksitvam in Saksi persists

so; even after exhausting its functional notion.


When Ramakrsnanda in his commentary to Pancadasi, applies anuvrtti-

vyAvrtti in place of actual anvaya vyatireka, where he intends to

supplement the Saksi-Sakshya abheda to the very thesis that

establishes independence to Saksi. What is derived here is to have

more logical ceherence and correspondence between two modes of

applying same logic in different methods that derives a same

conclusion that Saksi is `essentially' non-different from Saksya and

that the formers funstionality in no more seen to be an attribute

but for its `essential' nature being Nirguna.


Actually Mandana Misra in his Brahma Siddhi first gave an exclusive

significant explanation on the `sat' aspect of Brahman, where in he

makes an elaborate analysis of deep sleep for a triputi. There,

Mandana intensely talks about the presence of Saksi in deep sleep

that which manifests the samksaras immediately after the tripti

wakes. Saksi basya that illumines the samskAras makes the `seeming'

presence of Saksya in the Jagradavasta while in susupti itself the

latter exists not. The paramarsa is the reflection upon the supti to

jagrat and that indicates the `sat' aspect of Saksi, as it

is `svaprakAsa'. He speaks about `SabAtman', which is the alambana

for even the Supti, and that it has no ucceda.


For an AdhikAri, Brahman as Nitya Suddha Buddha muktaH svabAva,

which he knows from Sravana Matra from Vedanta Vicara along with

Shraddha and cittaH suddhi, is Paroksa jnAna. Such an AdhikAri makes

further investigation on his own nature by contemplating (cintana

(Mandana's usage) = manana) and `anu-cintana = nidhidhyAsana' that

gives the Aparoksa jnana. This jnana is the `pratipatti hetu' for

subsequent `anubhUti'. How can mere Manana or cintana fetch you

Aproksa jnanam? It only aids to have a drda niscaya of what you have

known through Sravana. More, your explanation on NidhidhyAsana

severely ridicules the `abhAdita' tattva of Aparoksa jnana. Aparoksa

jnana is that which remains unsublated, and we need not attempt to

prevent any `derailment' there.


With Narayana Smrthi,


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Devanathanji – PraNAms



--- antharyami_in <sathvatha wrote:


> After realization of the true nature of Brahman and

> Jiva, the

> entities exist no more, for the knower becomes one

> with Brahman. An

> adhikAri, endeavors the non-difference between saksi

> and saksyam;

> that he finds the latter sublated and he becomes one

> with sAksi.


I would say he sublates saakshyam he has to realize

that he is Brahman where saakshii, saakshyam,

saakshitvam, saakshyatvam, etc, all dissolved into

one homogeneous nirvishesha chaitanyam. without

saakshyam, the word saakshii has no more meaning.



> that he sees nothing as sAksi, since he himself is

> one, where

> sAshitvam remains unsublated.


If saakshitvam remains unsublated, he still sees

himself as saakshii for to recognize the unsublated

saakshitvam. For me those two words have relative

meaning. Without any saakshyam, no need to call me as



I think the words saakshii has significance only with

reference to saakshitvam; and saakshitvam has

significance only with reference to saakshyam. I am

called a subject with reference to an object that is

being objectified. They use the word objectless

awareness only to differentiate with reference

awareness of objects. It is like advaitam – to negate

dvaitam that is seen. Once all the dvaitam is negated,

there is nothing other than nirvishesha chaitanyam

alone. All language fails. No need to call it as

saakshii any more since saakshii word demands

saakshyam and saakshitvam.


This is the tAtparya

> and this

> explanation alone will treat well the nityatva

> amrtatva connotations

> by Sruthi.


Devanathanji – I have just provided the tatparyam

without the need of the word saakshii. I would be

concerned about the word alone in your statement. I

can just transcend both saakshii and saakshyam to

realize that I am nirvishesha chaitanyam - without the

route you are suggesting.



> Coming back to Nistaranga ChidAmbude, I think you

> are over

> emphasizing the expression loading it too much with

> your attempt to

> make it sound Saguna.


No Devanathanji – Tarangaas will make me saguna

Brahman. It is the other way. I am emphasizing when

one transcends both saakshii and saakshyam – which as

per the sloka 20 of advaita Makaranda says is na

taatvakii – it is only for upalabdvaat eva – only for

teaching to negate the saakshyam. When Saakshyam is

negated, saakshii's apparent role as saakshii is also

gone. I would call all tarangaas as tripuTi –

involved saaskhii-saakshyam and saakshitvam.


Try following these points

> please. What is

> Taranga – waves?


I would call the thought waves which are VRittiis –

related to the world of objects. As long as I have

notion that they are separate from me, the reality

associated with the vRittis remain. You can call as

that my glory only - or like Goudapaada says-

Pot is not there before and pot is not there later,

where is the pot now- it is just clay in a form. There

is no pot anytime!



It is the functional notion of a

> sea. Now

> does `sea' cease to exist when there is no `waves'

> in it? Not so.


Yes. But for those who are concerned and getting

carried way with the waves only, for them they only

count, not the serene sea underneath which is

addhaara. Is it not the cause of samsaara? When I

realize that waves are my nature then I am just water

– both in the ocean and in the waves – I am one

without internal differences – sajaati bheda rahita.



> Like wise, the `sAksitvam' exists even after the

> objective

> domain `saksya' ceases to exist. Here Saksitvam in

> Saksi persists

> so; even after exhausting its functional notion.


Sorry Devanathanji – I must differ here. For me when

the saakskyam is sublated – what we are sublating is

the notions that they are separate from saakshii –

then the word that saakshii stands for has no more

meaning to me. I am Brahman, period. That is what I

would call nistranga chit ambudhe – the analogy is to

negate the separate reality to the waves apart from

ocean. Apparent is not real.




> When Ramakrsnanda in his commentary to Pancadasi,

> applies anuvrtti-

> vyAvrtti in place of actual anvaya vyatireka, where

> he intends to

> supplement the Saksi-Sakshya abheda to the very

> thesis that

> establishes independence to Saksi. What is derived

> here is to have

> more logical ceherence and correspondence between

> two modes of

> applying same logic in different methods that

> derives a same

> conclusion that Saksi is `essentially' non-different

> from Saksya and

> that the formers funstionality in no more seen to be

> an attribute

> but for its `essential' nature being Nirguna.


I still consider the discussion is only semantics,

which I know you would not agree. For me it is very

simple – saakshii has meaning with reference to

saakshyam. If they are recognized as one homogeneous

consciousness, then both saakshii and saakshyam both

drop out – like I am the consciousness the substratum

for both subject and object. I am beginning to suspect

the difference of our opinions because of differences

between vivarana and bhaamati schools of thought.


Second point is I am sure you would agree that logic

can take us only with reference to negating the

VRittiis as nothing but consciousness alone. In that

sense saakshii and saakshyam analysis using

anvya-vyatireka logic can take me only up to the point

that I am source or the substantive of subjective and

objective thoughts. That is end of the logic. Where

logic cannot take me is to relate myself to Brahman

which is substantive of jagat. Vedas, and not logic,

can only be pramaaNa for that.


> Actually Mandana Misra in his Brahma Siddhi first

> gave an exclusive

> significant explanation on the `sat' aspect of

> Brahman, where in he

> makes an elaborate analysis of deep sleep for a

> triputi. There,

> Mandana intensely talks about the presence of Saksi

> in deep sleep

> that which manifests the samksaras immediately after

> the tripti

> wakes.


No problem – Advaita Makaranda sloka 11 essentially

talks about the presence of saakshii in the deep sleep

state. The saakshyam is the absence of cognitive mind.

There is an experience that I slept well which was

collected during deep sleep and recollected in the

waking state.


>Saksi basya that illumines the samskAras

> makes the `seeming'

> presence of Saksya in the Jagradavasta while in

> susupti itself the

> latter exists not. The paramarsa is the reflection

> upon the supti to

> jagrat and that indicates the `sat' aspect of Saksi,

> as it

> is `svaprakAsa'. He speaks about `SabAtman', which

> is the alambana

> for even the Supti, and that it has no ucceda.


Devanathanji – Frankly I could not understand the

above technical words and what they mean.

I will go with the knowledge that ‘sleep experience’

is recorded as the absence of the mind – like Nixon’s

18 min missing gap in the tape – The mind can

recognize its absence as absence of vRittiis – that is

the lack of particular knowledge in deep sleep as the

knowledge that is recalled – I slept very well and I

did not know anything – awareness of the absence of

vRitti jnaanam – similar to my awareness of darkness

or ignorance.


> For an AdhikAri, Brahman as Nitya Suddha Buddha

> muktaH svabAva,

> which he knows from Sravana Matra from Vedanta

> Vicara along with

> Shraddha and cittaH suddhi, is Paroksa jnAna.


This I must differ here. I must go by Sureshwara’s

Naishkarmya siddhi – that indicates that knowledge

takes place by shravaNam only - aparoksha jnaanam -

since the object that is being pointed is not remote,

spatially and temporally – like in 10th man’s story.




> an AdhikAri makes

> further investigation on his own nature by

> contemplating (cintana

> (Mandana's usage) = manana) and `anu-cintana =

> nidhidhyAsana' that

> gives the Aparoksa jnana. This jnana is the

> `pratipatti hetu' for

> subsequent `anubhUti'.


Devanathanji – Is there any time I do not have

experience of Brahman or experience of myself. What

is lacking is my identity that I am that Brahman. The

things that are equated with identity equation are

right there in the present, where there is no time.

Because of the lack of saadhana catuShTaya, the

knowledge does not get internalized. Hence

nidhidyaasana is required to firmly abide in that


Anyway these are two schools of thoughts – better to

leave it there.


>How can mere Manana or

> cintana fetch you

> Aproksa jnanam?


Aparoksha means direct and immediate – Brahman is

direct and immediate as Bri. Says that VP also quotes.

I am direct and immediate undeniable fact. When the

teacher and shastra say tat tvam asi – the equation is

clear and direct – I do not have to go in search for

Brahman or I do not have to go in search of myself –

it is as direct as This is that devadatta – when I

already know that devadatta and I seeing one in front

of me – tat tvam asi is direct and immediate. I may

not believe that that devadatta looks like this

devadatta – but if I have faith in the teacher words –

the knowledge has to be immediate.


Mananam comes if I have doubts - if that devadatta did

not have back mole on his cheeks but this devadaata

has one and that devadaata had his teach all crocked

but this devadatta had all nice teeth – the teacher

has to explain that he got burned is the cause for

the black mark and he went to orthodontist and got his

teeth fixed. –


Nidhidhyaasana comes in only if the knowledge is not

internalized and firm abidance in that knowledge that

has occurred. – that is explained due to old habits.


>t only aids to have a drda niscaya

> of what you have

> known through Sravana. More, your explanation on

> NidhidhyAsana

> severely ridicules the `abhAdita' tattva of Aparoksa

> jnana.


Devanathanji – I do not see any thing being ridiculed




> jnana is that which remains unsublated, and we need

> not attempt to

> prevent any `derailment' there.


That is true. Firm abidance in that knowledge will

lead to jiivanmukta.


Looks like we have exhausted the topic from several

angles. Please go ahead and summarize our

understandings in a post. May be you want to separate

the topic on saakshii and saakshyam . The last topic

is more related to Bhaamati and vivarana schools. I

leave it to you. And thanks again for patiently

listening to my side of the story, whether we agree or



Hari Om!


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advaitin , kuntimaddi sadananda

<kuntimaddisada wrote:



> Devanathanji – PraNAms



> --- antharyami_in <sathvatha wrote:


> > After realization of the true nature of Brahman and

> > Jiva, the

> > entities exist no more, for the knower becomes one

> > with Brahman. An

> > adhikAri, endeavors the non-difference between saksi

> > and saksyam;

> > that he finds the latter sublated and he becomes one

> > with sAksi.


> I would say he sublates saakshyam he has to realize

> that he is Brahman where saakshii, saakshyam,

> saakshitvam, saakshyatvam, etc, all dissolved into

> one homogeneous nirvishesha chaitanyam. without

> saakshyam, the word saakshii has no more meaning.


> since the object that is being pointed is not remote,

> spatially and temporally – like in 10th man's story.


> Hari Om!

> Sadananda


Dear Shri Sadananda,

AS you rightly say, there can be no sAkshi without a sAkshyam, which

is the world. So sAkshi cannot be nirvisesha brahman, but is only

upahita brahman or upahita jIva. I quoted statements from Dr. R.

Balasubramanian's book in support of this. But Devanathan, who is a

very good friend of mine, persisted in his view and so I stopped

arguimg with him. A few days ago I happened to meet Dr.

Krishnamurthi Sastri, the former principal of Madras Sanskrit

College, an acknowledged scholar in vedanta, and asked him. He

concurred with my view. I therefore request Devanathan to ask Dr.

Mani Dravid whose class he attends and find out what he says. If Dr.

Mani Dravid concurs with Devanathan's view, I shall accept it.




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