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What is self realization ??

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--- bhagini_niveditaa <bhagini_niveditaa


although Shri

> Nairji in all his

> infinite wisdom, has asked me not to resort to

> tangential

> quotations , i am still going to quote an Arabic

> Proverb :


bhaginiji - PraNAms.

Thanks for your sentiments. I do however concur with

Nairji that tangential quotations and topics out of

the main theme will distract the chain of thoughts and

do not serve the purpose of serious discussions on the

issues raised. Let us help each other with self

realization. Ultimately that is all that counts. I

hope you agree with this. Thanks again for your kind



Hari Om!


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praNAms Sri Ramesh K prabhuji



Hare Krishna



If I write anything in reply to your observation, prabhuji-s in this list

would think that it is only vAda without *sAra*...Anyway, if you have

studied texts like jIvanmukti vivEka, paNchadashi etc. you would have not

said distinctions pertains to upAdhi-s of jnAni-s...There in those texts,

distinctions were not among tall jnAni-s, dwarf jnAni-s, fat jnAni-s to

say their jnAna is one & custodians of that jnAna are different (no pun

intended please....)...when some text say yAjnAvalkya is *kEvala* brahmavit

& NOT brahmavitvarishTa, prahlAda is not brahmavidvarishTa etc. it does

talk about *quantity* of jnAna in them about brahman...their upAdhis hardly

come into the picture in these distictions...If you are saying me, there

might be a tall jnAni & dwarf jnAni or a smart jnAni & a dull jnAni in this

world & they may appear differently & behave differently due to their

physical structure & antaHkaraNa but there jnAna is one & without second..I

dont have any problem in accepting it...but problem starts when you find

distinctions in brahma jnAna & start saying there is gradations in

jnAna...By the way, you cannot link jnAnAvastha of a jnAni to some

particular *vishEsha avasthA* to link different upAdhi-s to jnAni-s in

vyavahAra...na cha vyavahArAbhAvaH avasthAvishEsha nibaddhObhidhIyate...is

the words of bhAshyakAra in sUtra bhAshya...Anyway, since here upAdhi is

not the issue, jnAna is the issue...Kindly comeback if you have any say on

that...otherwise let us agree to disagree & stop this discussion amicably




Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!




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Pranams Nairji.

Thank you for your response. Your insistence is really wonderful because it

provides opportunity for helping all of us dwell on and attempt to understand

many important concepts - please do not be apologetic about it.

I did read the links to Sw.Krishnananda-ji's discourse that you kindly provided.

Thank you for the same.


Some excerpts from this discourse and then my comment:

" Nor can we understand the argument that there can be any duty for the liberated

soul. " " The fact that many others remain unliberated even when one soul is

freed, does not compel the liberated one to have relations with others, for the

simple reason that the liberated one is no other than the trans-cosmic

Absolute. " " It is said that, because the individual is inseparable from its

environment, the liberated soul has to work for the redemption of the other

unliberated souls, if its own salvation is to be complete. "


My comment:

The primary thrust of Swamiji's entire elaborate discourse is directed primarily

against the Buddhist concept of a bodhisattva - which as you well know is a

concept that enjoins a liberated soul to tirelessly and unceasingly work for the

liberation of all other jivas bound in samsara - final emancipation cannot take

place till each and every jiva has been liberated.

Why does Buddhism have this fallacious concept? Because for the Buddhists,

mithya is not clearly understood. There being no underlying substratum which is

Satyam, for them then, the illusion becomes " real " . And the " real " illusion has

to go - becuase the illusion can never become Satyam, there being no Satyam at

all - and so all the participants of the illusion have to be freed - thereby

achieving a grand nothingness! [Of course there are multiple technicalities and

schools and subschools of thought in this - none of which is even remotely

relevant for us students of vedanta.]


So what Swamiji is very pointedly and convincingly discarding is this particular

concept, and he while elaborating the vedantic concept of jivanmukti rightly

asserts that having been enlightened or liberated there is absolutely no

question of the jnani having to do anything - or having to work for the benefit

of other jivas who are not yet liberated. In advaita of course there is no other

thing - no other person who needs to be liberated - All is Brahman Alone.When we

say the jnani may choose to teach advaita to a student, please understand that

in the jnani's vision [a]there is no abhimana no kartrtva-buddhi no ahankara no

sense of a " i " as a individual, and the student is poornam - which he or she

is! At the same time, the jnani's mind and intellect does not (fortunately) get

" sublated into the totality of being " - hence alone we have the Shankara

bhashyas, the Vartikas, the tikas, we have the Upadesa Sara etc etc - why - we

even have the Holy

Bhagawad Gita.

In any case this was my reading of what the revered Swamiji is trying to convey

esp in and through the entire section of jivanmukti and the relation of the

Universe and the liberated Self.

I shall also be responding to Shri Bhaskar prabhu-ji's post and will try to

cover some more of the subtleties of this issue (based on my understanding of


Humble pranams

Hari OM

Shri Gurubhyo namah


Madathil Rajendran Nair <madathilnair


Tuesday, January 22, 2008 1:21:22 PM

Re: What is self realization ??

Namaste Dr. Shyam-ji.

Please read the Sw. Krishnananda links I provided in one of my

earlier posts in this thread to understand what I am saying. Even

if I am wrong, Swamiji, who has contributed immensely to increase

our knowledge of vedanta, couldn't have ignored the type of

understanding you and others are presenting here as self-realization.

Madathil Nair



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Dear Nairji,


You can address me as Sai.


I wish I could say that I *understand* this koan. I have merely quoted

it because it appeared, to my feeble mind, that the koan was talking

about a process similar to one that happens when one 'gets it'.


I have not progressed beyond making empty quotes. I am still looking

for a way to understand the overwhelming flow of teachings from this




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" What is self realization ?? "


Forever an interesting question. IMO any answer is as good as any

other, since it isn't something to be chased/achieved at the end of a



I like to say it's death, because the 'person' comes to an end. Same

as when the body dies, agreed? Really the body is utterly irrelevant --

it's the " me " that fears death, not the body.


I like to refer to " the ego-momentum " -- that momentum pointed out by

the ancients as if a spinning torch appearing as a circle of fire.

That momentum must end, but it cannot end itself - such attempts only

speed it up. There's no explanation of if/what/when/why it ends.



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advaitin , Bhaskar YR <bhaskar.yr wrote:


> So when someone refers to " types of jnAnI-s " , ............>


> But we often tend to forget here we are referring to jnAni who is


> himself ...so *types* of jnAnI-s is simply a wrong notion of


> ..........

> bhaskar


With reference to the above discussion of the members, I would like


submit that a detailed explanation of this issue is available

in " Yogataaraavali of Adisankaracharya " , Commentary by K. V. Krishna

Murthy, English Translation by Dr. Vemuri Ramesam, Published by

Institute of Scientific Research on Vedas, Hydearabd, India, 2007,

pp: 96.


The title of the concerned Chapter is " Comparison of the " Stages " in

Yoga-based and Knowledge-based Spiritual Paths (Yoga Bhumikas and

Jnana Bhumikas) " at pages 82 - 95.


A few Extracts follow:


" Satvapatii is the fourth stage of Knowledge-based Path..........The

practitioner who reaches this stage is called " KNower of Brahman

(Brhmavit). " In spite of reaching this level an achieving an

understanding tht " I am Brahman " , the seeker needs to be on constant

vigil to retain that thought without break.........Verse 20, Ch.


Yoga, Yogataaraavali makes a reference to this state.



Non-attachment (Asamsakti) is the fifth stage of the Knowledge-based

Path. The seeker who reaches this stage is christened as " Better

Knower of Brahman(Brahmavidvara).............A seeker may achieve the

meditative state of feeling " I am Brahman " through constant

contemplation on Brahman. But impressions of objective world (i.e.

impressions from past births related to worldly objects) gain


and overtake that feeling. ........


The sixth stage is Non-perception of objects (Padarthabahavan). The

seeker in this stage is termed " Master Knower of Brahman brahmavid

vareeyan). "

.......The meditative state gets easily jolted by the impressions of

his own past births in the fifth stage. The meditative state in the

sixth stage, in contrast, is not affected by one's own past

impressions. Still it is susceptible to be affected by unexpected

disasters in the environment or by persons who are determined to

disturb the seeker.............


When the sixth stage is firmly established, it gets transformed

automatically to the next and final stage.........The seeker who

attains this stage is called Excellent Knower of Brahman (Brhamavid



The classification into various stage described above helps an

aspirant to grade himself on the path of liberation. An outsider

cannot judge the stage a seeker is in. A seeker has to make an

assessment by himself. Table 1 can facilitate such a self-

assessment............ "


I hope the above info is of some help.


Thanks and regards,


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Of course , Sadaji !



another , no matter what ! After all, the kauravas were 100 in

number and pandavas were Five in number but when they were together

against a common enemy , they were 105 in number ! AND HOW CAN ONE



Sadaji , do you think all the posts in this group are

promoting 'self realization' ? on the contrary , some of them are

self serving posts - either promoting one's guru or one's

institution ! in between these two , shankara's vedanta gets diluted

a lot - ! something to think about ! ! BUT , OVER THE YEARS , I HAVE




read this from our beloved Bhaskar prabhuji :


" Hence, my paramaguruji H.H. Sri Sri Satchidaanandendra Saraswati

mahAswamiji's clarion call is " go back to shankara's prasthAna trayi

bhAshya if you need any clarification in siddhAnta nirNaya because

they are self sufficient to clarify anything & everything in advaita

vEdAnta " ....



teachings of my 'parama' guru Brahmanshakti ! Similarly , our

bhaskar prabhuji could also start a group for his paramaguru Sri Sri

Satchidaanandendra Saraswati and propagate his paramaguru's

teachings ! A very easy solution to a complex problem ! Bhaskarji

keeps asking about list policies and then exceeds his quota of

postings by posting more than 3 posts a day ! all these only go to

show how in his zeal and enthusiasm to promote His paramaguru , he

even overlooks the list guidelines ! !


i had a long conversation with shastriji on my 'mobile BUT

' and let me share this with you , sadaji - our shastriji is the

most enlightened vedantin i have ever met - very sweet and very

humble ! i am surprised you have not still met him being in the same

city ! do not let go of this opportunity !


sadaji , it is through this list , i have met many knowledgeble

souls and therefore this is one 'attachment ' i would never give

up ! This satsangha started by our beloved Ramji is like

a 'sandalwood' tree - whoever comes in contact with a sandalwood

tree also gets the 'fragrance' of the sandalwood tree ! to that

extent , this list has served its purpose ..... now , Enlightenment

is a matter of individual experience and cannot be distributed in a

capsule form ! let us leave it at that !


i am enjoying my stay in India and get a lot of satisfaction in

taking care of my 86 +old mom and infant granddaughter ! Paropakaram

idam shariram - this body is meant for service to others!


on 28th, i will be back in the States - to my mundane life

of 'earning ' a Bread ! this visit , i did not go to any Holy

places - my weay head was resting on my Mother's lap and my hands

were servicing my mom and my granddaughter !


love to all


What is self realization , sadaji ? at the end of the day - self has

no bmi ! but the advaitins in this list come under different shapes

and sizes ! somewhere along the line , for wamnt of a .











advaitin , kuntimaddi sadananda

<kuntimaddisada wrote:



> --- bhagini_niveditaa <bhagini_niveditaa

> wrote:

> although Shri

> > Nairji in all his

> > infinite wisdom, has asked me not to resort to

> > tangential

> > quotations , i am still going to quote an Arabic

> > Proverb :


> bhaginiji - PraNAms.

> Thanks for your sentiments. I do however concur with

> Nairji that tangential quotations and topics out of

> the main theme will distract the chain of thoughts and

> do not serve the purpose of serious discussions on the

> issues raised. Let us help each other with self

> realization. Ultimately that is all that counts. I

> hope you agree with this. Thanks again for your kind

> words.


> Hari Om!

> Sadananda


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OK to interject?


advaitin , " bhagini_niveditaa "

<bhagini_niveditaa wrote:


> Sadaji , do you think all the posts in this group are

> promoting 'self realization' ? on the contrary , some of them are

> self serving posts - either promoting one's guru or one's

> institution !


For what it's worth, this is a topical list (not general nondualism) -

and please no offense, but I think all topical lists are subject to

a little dogma. Just the nature of the beast, IMO.


> in between these two , shankara's vedanta gets diluted

> a lot - ! something to think about !


I don't think so - for one, it's all out there in books/writings

already :-). Honest, not trying to put you on the spot but from here

it looks a little silly to get emotional about...






Don't forget Vairagya, brother... they go hand in hand.



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--- bhagini_niveditaa <bhagini_niveditaa


bhaginiji - PraNAms.


just want to bring to your attention - As you know,

others are doing therefore it is OK to do is not a

defense, even in court.


Occasionally if it is done, the distraction may be

tolerated. But if it becomes post after post, then

moderators have to step in. One can start a different

topic and start the discussion on the tangential topic

without taking the current discussion off tangent -

What Nairji asked you not to do is the right thing.

As a member at large, I agree with him. Of course, as

a co-moderator, I would endorse him, not because

moderators have to support each other, but because it

is more meaningful for everyone to have a separate

topic discussion than take the current topic into

off-tangents paths.


I am glad you are enjoying the Indian trip. We are

also not looking for our visit back to States - but

when Chennai starts heating up, the mood will change.

Mouna is visiting us tomorrow.


Take care bhaginiji - but still not supportive of

off-tangent posts that distract the main topic. It is

for everybody's benefit to curtail that type of posts.

Nairji is absolutely correct in that. Not because he

is co-moderator but because it is the right thing to




Hari Om!


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--- vijaya <ramesamvijaya wrote:



> With reference to the above discussion of the

> members, I would like

> to

> submit that a detailed explanation of this issue is

> available

> in " Yogataaraavali of Adisankaracharya " ,


Ramesamji PraNAms - Do not know - is the authorship

authenticated to Adi Shankaracharya?


Hari Om!


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all these only go to show how in his zeal and enthusiasm to promote His

paramaguru he

even overlooks the list guidelines ! !






Hare Krishna



I think our beloved mAtAji must not be in her elements when she was framing

this baseless allegation on me... Kindly let me know in how many mails I am

imposing my paramaguruji's views on this list?? When my paramaguruji

himself asking us to goback to *shankara's views*, how can I do this

marketing job on behalf of him :-)) Since this list is dedicated to

propagate advaita vEdAnta *as taught* by shankara bhagavatpAda, I said, my

paramaguruji also saying the same thing....It may kindly be noted that I've

not quoted not even a single sentence from my paramaguruji's independent

works to hear this idiotic comments....When it comes to shankara siddhAnta

& its deliberation on it, to the best of my ability I've been quoting ONLY

shankara bhagavatpAda's works...Even in that para which mAtAji passionately

quoted in her last mail to prove me *wrong* has nothing to do with

marketing business...FYI here it is again :



// quote //



" Hence, my paramaguruji H.H. Sri Sri Satchidaanandendra Saraswati

mahAswamiji's clarion call is " go back to shankara's prasthAna trayi

bhAshya if you need any clarification in siddhAnta nirNaya because

they are self sufficient to clarify anything & everything in advaita

vEdAnta " ....



// unquote //



Any sensible person would know that this is only a statement which is

demanding the mumukshu-s to stick to their paramAchArya for the

understanding of their own school of thought....Dont we have this basic

agenda in our list policies??



mAtAji, you may please be noted that if at all I need to do this marketing

job on the cyber net, I've better ways & means to do it....



It is a common propoganda trick that when you want to distract people from

your own problems you shout loudly about something else.




Thanks for your understanding.



Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!




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The practitioner who reaches this stage is called " KNower of Brahman

(Brhmavit). " In spite of reaching this level an achieving an

understanding tht " I am Brahman " , the seeker needs to be on constant

vigil to retain that thought without break



praNAms Sri Vijaya prabhuji



Hare Krishna



There is an assurance in shruti that *the knower of brahman (brahmavit)

would become brahman itself*...brahmavit brahmaivabhavati - muNdaka

shruti..Neither in shruti nor in shankara bhAshya on this maNtra, it has

been said that *after brahmavit* there are somany subsequent steps to

become specialist knower of brahman i.e. brahmavidvarishTa...And shankara

in gIta bhAshya says the dawn of this brahmajnAna would eliminate the very

notion of doership/knowership & sublates the triputi i.e. pramAtru, pramEya

& pramANa....but as per the above observation, it seems that there is a

difference between *brahmavit* of mundaka shruti & *brahmavit* of

yOgatArAvaLi...what is that difference?? whether *the knowing of brahman*

above refers to ONLY intellectual understanding of brahma tatva?? Kindly




Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!




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Namaste Dr. Shyam-ji.


Thanks for your research findings on Sw. Krishnanandaji's views.


I am very poor about historical facts. My knowledge of the history of

Indian philosophical thoughts is next to nothing.


You may be right in your assessemnt. I am not quite sure. However,

there is a contradiction, I am afraid, in the last para of your post

vis-a-vis Swamiji's following unambiguous statement:




The Prarabdha in the Jivanmukta is not experienced by his

consciousness; it is not a content of the Absolute-Consciousness; it

is existent only to the other ignorant Jivas who perceive the

existence or the movements of his body.





The survival of the mind and intellect after the occurrence of

brahmajnAna sounds very strange to my advaitic mind. While saying

this, I do accept UpadesasAra, BG and their authors as Grace

manifesting and showing the way to the ignorant JivAs. Does the

apparent divergence in our views on this topic in this foolish

phenomenal matter so much after all, Shyamji?




Madathil Nair



advaitin , Shyam <shyam_md wrote:


> he (Sw. Krishnanandaji) while elaborating the vedantic concept of

jivanmukti rightly asserts that having been enlightened or liberated

there is absolutely no question of the jnani having to do anything -

or having to work for the benefit of other jivas who are not yet

liberated. In advaita of course there is no other thing - no other

person who needs to be liberated - All is Brahman Alone.When we say

the jnani may choose to teach advaita to a student, please understand

that in the jnani's vision [a]there is no abhimana no kartrtva-buddhi

no ahankara no sense of a " i " as a individual, and the student is

poornam - which he or she is! At the same time, the jnani's mind and

intellect does not (fortunately) get " sublated into the totality of

being " - hence alone we have the Shankara bhashyas, the Vartikas, the

tikas, we have the Upadesa Sara etc etc - why - we even have the Holy

> Bhagawad Gita.


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I am sorry, Sai. I should have scrolled down to the bottom of your

post. I will be careful next time.




Madathil Nair



advaitin , " Indian Rediff " <indianrediff



> Dear Nairji,


> You can address me as Sai.

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Dear Bhaskar prabhu-ji

Pranams - and thank you for your kind words.

I am happy to share with you my understanding.


From a jnani's perspective everything is Brahman alone.

To a ajnani there are three things - i, this mithya jagat, and the satyam


To a jnani both the i and the mithya jagat which very much includes " his "

karya-karana sanghata.

When everything is known to be Brahman then there is no " other thing " to label

as " mithya " - the entire mithya is seen to be satyam alone.

Let us examine the BG and Krishna's words..

yoga samnyasta karmanam jnana sachinna samsayam atmavantam na karmani

nibadhnanti dhanamjaya

4.41 O Dhananjaya (Arjuna), actions do not bind one who has renounced actions

through yoga, whose doubt has been fully dispelled by Knowledge, and who is not


And Shankara in his commentary clearly explains this as follows:

The Lord says: He is jnana-samchinna-samsayah, one whose doubts (samsaya) have

been fully dispelled (samchinna) by Knowledge (jnana) characterized as the

realization of the identity of the individual Self and God. O Dhananjaya, he who

has thus renounced actions through yoga, atmavantam, who is not inadvertent, not

careless; him, karmani, actions, seen as the activities of the gunas (see 3.28);

na nibadhnanti, do not bind, (i.e.) they do not produce a result in the form of

evil etc. Since one whose doubts have been destroyed by Knowledge-arising from

the destruction of the impurities (of body, mind, etc.) as result of the

practise of Karma-yoga-does not get bound by acitons owing to the mere fact of

his actions having been burnt away by Knowledge


Further in a different section

tad-buddhayas tad-atmanas tan-nisthas tat-parayanah gacchanty apunar-avrttim

jnana-nirdhuta-kalmasah vidya-vinaya-sampanne brahmane gavi hastini suni caiva

sva-pake ca panditah sama-darsinah

The sama-darsinah that is being talked about is with reference to none other

than the tad-buddhaya - the Ones whose intellect is absorbed in that. Please

read Shankara's commentary on this ensuing section.


The point is yes - the Enlightened Seer is non-separate from Brahman. He does

not harbor any vision other than that of Brahman. " Safely " encoscned in that

vision, any transactions that " his " body has to engage in is witnessed



So let us say a question is posed to ,just to take a example, say Ramana

Maharshi, " He " of course hears the question, understands it, and can articulate

a appropriate reply. Which karya-karana-sanghata partakes in this transaction -

from our standpoint - " his own " - after all some other ear cannot hear the

question and some other intellect cannot formulate an answer - right?

In fact if every enlightened person were to be " absorbed " into " Brahman " who

could ever find a Guru? If then, you actually find one, you can be sure he has

not yet been enlightened! :-)


Now if you say - no..no..from the standpoint of the Maharshi He is with

certitude absorbed into nirguna Brahman, he is akarta, etc..then my answer is

yes - of course from HIS standpoint He IS akarta.. He has no abhimana over

anything including the body-mind that is " as though " housing Him from the prior

prarabdha of " ITS " ajnana-based ahankara.


Ok...now..you may say fine - in that case, since he is akarta, let us simply say

that Ishwara or Grace is speaking and He Himself is not, Grace or Ishwara or

Devi is writing the Upadesa Sara and not the Maharshi. He never decides to do

anything as He does not have a will - it is Ishwara's will or the Cosmic will.

Well let me ask you this then? Who is writing this email right now? Who else but

Ishwara or Grace alone.

Who is reading this note right now? Ishwara alone. The eyes reading it -

Ishwara. The intellect processing it - Ishwara. Even the mind accepting or

rejecting it - Ishwara alone! But what do I, the ajnani, do - I misappropriate

ownership of this body/mind/organs and say these are " my " eyes, this is " my "

view; this is " my " thought. Why? Because of kartrtva buddhi/abhimana/ahankara



For a Jnani nothing changes except this wondrous misappropriation comes to an

end - why? because the avidya-born " agent " responsible for is dead and gone.So

when a Jnani speaks what is heard is as good as Ishwara's words, what is written

is as good as Ishwara's thoughts - there is no avidya based " individual " who

seemingly comes in the way.


Now to your question " can a jnani have a satyam and a mithya part? "

Let us hear Krishna's words:

" apareyam itas tv anyam prakrtim viddhi me param jiva-bhutam maha-baho yayedam

dharyate jagat "

O mighty-armed one, iyam, this; is apara, the inferior (Prakrti)-not the higher,

(but)-the impure, the source of evil and having the nature of worldly bondage.

Viddhi, know; anyam, the other, pure; prakrtim, Prakrti; me, of Mine, which is

essentially Myself; which, tu, however;is param, higher, more exalted; itah,

than this (Prakrti) already spoken of; Jiva-bhutam, which has taken the form of

the individual souls, which is characterized as 'the Knower of the body

(field)', and which is the cause of sustenance of life; and yaya, by which

Prakriti; idam, this; jagat, world; dharyate, is upheld, by permeating it.


Here is Bhagwan Himself! - saying he has a mithya aspect - Prakrti and a satyam

aspect - Atman or Brahman. Can what is true for Bhagwan not be true for a Jnani?



It boils down to this - for a ajnani - Maya or Prakrti is samsara, a raging

tormenting sea that requires tremendous effort to cross and transcend - for a

Jnani the very same prakrti is His - His vibhuti.

He IS the sustainer of this show of plurality and this plurality is also HIM



The wave having arisen, has to recognize itself as water - having done that -

its wave " ness " then is immaterial - it can rise it can fall it can rise and fall

again and again - every wave is its wave alone - nothing can take away from its

abiding sense of poornatvam as water.


Like I said in my previous email, one can from a paramarthic standpoint say that

there is only satyam,JNANAM,anantam Brahman, and naught else. But as soon as we

utter the word " JNANI " , at once there comes into play three things - a ajnani

who is handing out this label, a " individual " Jnani, and Brahman, whom the

ajnani has faith the aforesaid Jnani is " one with " . The blemish is in us. The

Seers " know " - in the words of the Mundaka - atma vido viduh - the " Knowers "



Humble pranams,

Shri Gurubhyoh namah

Hari OM



Bhaskar YR <bhaskar.yr


Wednesday, January 23, 2008 12:29:48 AM

Re: Re: What is self realization ??




Hare Krishna


After reading your thoughtful insights, Sri sadananda prabhuji's

reconciliatory replies & seeing Sri Shastri prabhuji's all embracing

approach towards advaita, I think I am missing something or

misunderstanding something in respect of *jnAni's vyavahAra in this

empirical world*

Can jnAni who is brahman himself have sat & asat vikAra like the above within

himself ?? Even after realization of dEsha,kAlA, dEhAtIta jnAna, how can the

jnAni say since I am in *this body* I am only jnAni but not brahman ??



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vijaya wrote:

> -

> A few Extracts follow:


> " Satvapatii is the fourth stage of Knowledge-based Path..........The

> practitioner who reaches this stage is called " KNower of Brahman

> (Brhmavit). " In spite of reaching this level an achieving an

> understanding tht " I am Brahman " , the seeker needs to be on constant

> vigil to retain that thought without break.........Verse 20, Ch.

> Unmani

> Yoga, Yogataaraavali makes a reference to this state.

> .......



The knower of Brahman becomes Brahman. The question of effort and

vigilance cannot arise in Self-Realization at all. Satvapatii refers to

Self-Realization where the Self becomes effortlessly and spontaneously

evident. Even if a Jnani is in samadhi and/or engaged in prayer or

meditation, or other works, there is no effort being made whatsoever by



The ancient sages have told us that Self-Realization is not gaining of

anything new but simply a recognition of our true nature. We are, in

fact, always Self-Realized. Self is always Self-Evident to It Self. When

the mind has been purified to a degree, upon hearing from the Guru,

" You are That " the conviction arises, " Yes, I Myself am indeed Brahman,

the One without a second. It is Me that the scriptures are referring to " .


This conviction becomes stronger with reflection and grace and the Self

is reflected more and more in the subtle intellect. Nirvikalpa Samadhi

reveals fully the Self-Nature of the Self as Sat-Chit-Ananda.


Sri Ramana has said that even then, one should be vigilant and practice

until the Self becomes spontaneously self-evident. That is the Sahaj or

natural state of the Jnani. As stated earlier, the differences are not

in the Jnana whether in fourth, fifth, sixth, or seventh stage but

differences in experiences of Jnanis (mental and physical states and how

they are perceived and honored). The differences in experiences of

Jnanis are due to their previous merits. The question of effort and or

vigilance does not arise in a Jnani. These are all previous stages.


Namaste and love to all


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hariH OM! sai-ji,




the actual koan is phrased closer to the following:


" when i began my zen study, mountains were mountains and rivers were


after i advanced, mountains were no longer mountains nor rivers


after enlightenment mountains were again mountains and rivers were

rivers. "


(note: the so-called " oxherding pictures " of zen describes this in



the above three stages might be described thus:


1. in the beginning, the novice remains for sometime comparable to

what the common and therefore naive view of the world is, being

content with the idea that things are simply what they appear to be

and nothing more (mountains are mountains, etc);


2. whereas after progressing on the path, things are no longer

regarded as simply what they seem to be, as such, and begin to take

on progressively deeper philosophical and metaphysical meanings

(mountains are no longer mountains, etc);


3. while, after some [variable] period of time, the

investigative/pragmatic journery finally results in enlightenment

(moksha), where the world is experienced as the Self itself,

*naturally* (mountains become again mountains, etc.) this state is

the vedantic equivalent of being immersed in sahaja samadhi, the

*natural* state.


it is for the above reason that buddha remained silent whenever

questioned about the nature of reality. to my understanding, his

mission was geared specifically to show the way to the " buddha

nature " (paramartha of paramatman), and in order to achieve this

[what buddhists refer to as the " transmission of the lamp, " akin to

the jnanamarga], he refrained from metaphysical speculation, as well

as, of course, speculation on the nature of the relative world

(vyavahara of maya). this is also why he was regarded as an atheist,

where it was erroneously interpreted that his silence, in effect,

discounted any reality of the existence of the soul. here is where

sankara's advaita made the next vital step in apprehending maya,

where he refered to it as [the seeming paradox of being] real yet

unreal, or relatively real, and therefore finally proclaiming its

nature as indescribable (anirvachaniya). ramana as well as

ramakrishna paramahamsa, among others, reiterated this doctrine of

mayavada. obviously this latter has spawned vigorous debate, where

the majority of advaitins, as well as apparently most proponents of

the other major spiritual (religious) philosophies also conclude that

the world is simply unreal (mithya).




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This is not in reply to any particular post on this subject, but

only an elucidation of the subject itself.

The contrast between the unenlightened and the enlightened person is

brought out in the following sentences in chandogya up. VIII. 12. 1:-


Surely, for the one with a body (sasharIra) there can be no

elimination of the desirable and the undesirable. But the desirable

and the undesirable cannot surely touch the one without a body


'The one with a body' means the ignorant man and `the one without a

body' means the realized person.

Sri Sankara explains the meanings of the terms `sasharIra'

and `asharIra' in his bhAshya on this mantra as follows:--

'Being with a body' or embodiment for the Self which is by nature

without a body, consists in its (Self's) identification with the

body through the wrong notion in the form `I am the body indeed, and

the body verily am I'.

Unembodied means freed from the idea of identity with the body,

through the knowledge of its (Self's) own nature of unembodiedness.

Thus the difference between the ignorant man and the realized one is

that the former has identification with the BMI and the latter does


As a consequence the former feels joys and sorrows but the latter

does not.

In his bhAshya on gItA 5.13 Sri Shankara says: " The embodied one,

who is unenlightened, who perceives merely the aggregates of the

body and organs as the Self, thinks, " I am in a house, on the

ground, or on a seat " .

But, for one who realizes the Self as distinct from the aggregate of

body, etc., it becomes reasonable to have the conviction, `I am in

the body' " .

That is to say, the ignorant man considers himself to be the body

itself, but the enlightened considers himself to be only the Self

dwelling in a body. Thus here again the difference between the

ignorant and the enlightened has been brought out as consisting in

identification or non-identification with the BMI. Self-knowledge

removes only the ignorance which was the cause of a wrong attitude

towards the BMI.

Sri Shankara says further in the bhAshya on the same gItA shloka:

Even in the case of one in whom has arisen discriminating wisdom and

who has renounced all actions, there can be, like staying in a

house, the continuance in the body itself, ---the town with nine

gates--- as a consequence of the persistence of the remnants of the

results of past actions which have started bearing fruit (prArabdha

karma), because the awareness of being distinct (from the body)

arises while one is in the body itself.


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Humble praNAms Sri Shyam prabhuji



Hare Krishna



Thank you very much for taking time to clarify my doubt in an elaborated

manner. As usual, you quite clear in sharing your understanding & to the

point...I was just curious to know the context of this BG verse which you

have quoted to say that even bhagavan has satya & asatya part in him...



Sri Shyam prabhuji:



Now to your question " can a jnani have a satyam and a mithya part? "

Let us hear Krishna's words:

" apareyam itas tv anyam prakrtim viddhi me param jiva-bhutam maha-baho

yayedam dharyate jagat "

O mighty-armed one, iyam, this; is apara, the inferior (Prakrti)-not the

higher, (but)-the impure, the source of evil and having the nature of

worldly bondage. Here is Bhagwan Himself! - saying he has a mithya aspect -

Prakrti and a satyam aspect - Atman or Brahman. Can what is true for

Bhagwan not be true for a Jnani? :-)



bhaskar :



prabhuji dont you think, this geeta verse (is it in 7th chapter??) is

there to establish bhavan's tattva & his pervasion?? sAnkhya-s say paNcha

tanmAtra-s, ahankAra, mahat & avyakta are achEtana tattva...but bhagavan

here establishing that his pervasion covers these elements also... how can

it be related to asat (avidyA) vyavahAra of a jnAni??



In 5th chapter, lord says jnAnEna tu tadajnAnaM, yEshAM nAshitamAtmanaH,

tEshAmAdityavajnAnaM, prakAshayati tatparaM...going by this shankara says

in bruhadAraNyaka bhAshya (which I've quoted y'day) that jnAna & ajnAna

cannot have the same locus in one purusha...Hence I asked that doubt

prabhuji...Anyway, thanks for your clarification at the end of your mail as

below :



Sri shyam prabhuji :



But as soon as we utter the word " JNANI " , at once there comes into play

three things - a ajnani who is handing out this label, a " individual "

Jnani, and Brahman, whom the ajnani has faith the aforesaid Jnani is " one

with " . The blemish is in us. The Seers " know " - in the words of the Mundaka

- atma vido viduh - the " Knowers " know!



bhaskar :



that is beautifully said, I am in complete agreement with you prabhuji.

Yes, the blemish is ONLY in us...The *seers* of triputi i.e. jnAni's

jnAtrutva, jnEya & jnAna...But as far as jnAni is concerned he is nitya,

shuddha, buddha, mukta yEkAtma *without* any blemishes...as such...



Thanks onceagain for your precious time prabhuji.



Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!




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Namaste Shastri-gAru.


May I call you gAru? Does Shankara call him a jnAni?




Madathil Nair



advaitin , " snsastri " <sn.sastri wrote:

> Sri Shankara says further in the bhAshya on the same gItA shloka:

> Even in the case of one in whom has arisen discriminating wisdom


> who has renounced all actions, there can be, like staying in a

> house, the continuance in the body itself, ---the town with nine

> gates--- as a consequence of the persistence of the remnants of the

> results of past actions which have started bearing fruit (prArabdha

> karma), because the awareness of being distinct (from the body)

> arises while one is in the body itself.

> S.N.Sastri


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Namaste Dr. Shyamji.


Your message 39216 addresseed to Bhaskarji.


You said:




> Like I said in my previous email, one can from a paramarthic

standpoint say that there is only satyam,JNANAM,anantam Brahman, and

naught else. But as soon as we utter the word " JNANI " , at once there

comes into play three things - a ajnani who is handing out this

label, a " individual " Jnani, and Brahman, whom the ajnani has faith

the aforesaid Jnani is " one with " . The blemish is in us. The

Seers " know " - in the words of the Mundaka - atma vido viduh -

the " Knowers " know!




One hundred percent agreed. Yes, as soon as we utter the

word " jnAni " . Yes, the blemish is with us the ajnAnis. This is what

I and Sw. Krishnanandaji have been saying all along and Shri

Bhaskarji also if I understand him right. Then, why are we arguing?

Just because having said this, you go further and grant the jnAni a

mind and intellect, a 'visa' like Sada-ji calls it.


The conceptualizaion of jnAnihood takes place in the phenomenal. We

ought to be advaitic in our conceptualization. We, therefore, have

no right to grant the jnAni a mind and intellect, since advaita says

that we cannot add anything to the jnAni,who is alrady full and

Brahman. Neither do we have the right to split him into parts like

body, mind and intellect. Moksha is divisionless Brahman as Sw.

Shivanandaji said.




Madathil Nair

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Dear Bhaskar prabhu-ji

Humble pranams. [Parts of this post (in the interest of time) are also addressed

to Nair-ji as the subject-matter is the same]


This verse is from Chapter 7 as you rightly pointed out.

I noticed for the second successive post that you have used the term " asat " when

I have used the term " mithya " - the first time around I ignored it as a casual

" slip " - the only reason I bring it up is not in the least bit as a semantic

squibble, but because I think it is very crucial in discussing this subject


There is a world of difference between the two concepts - as any devoted

follower of Shankara's works such as yourself knows only too well.


It is absolutely true that there can never be sat and asat in the same locus -

they being of opposite polarity like night and day. In the Gita itself we have

the immortal lines " nasato vidyate bhavah naabhavo vidyate satah. " But

Bhaskar-ji mithya is NOT asat - this is the beauty of Vedanta. There is

nonduality IN the very duality that is apparent and hence mithya. Mithya does

not have to go away - mithya understood is nothing but satyam. The pot does not

need to be broken to appreciate the clay much less the gold necklace melted into

" pure " gold. Mithya and Satyam are forever in the same locus! Anything other

than satyam jnanam anantam brahman has two aspects - the sat aspect and the

mithya (NOT asat!) aspect. Take Ishwara - what is sat about Ishwara is Brahman,

what is mithya is Maya - his inscrutable " anirvachaneeyam satasatvilakshaneeyam "

Power. Take a Jnani - what is Sat about the Jnani is the verysame Brahman -

which he is established in - what is

mithya is Ishwara's Maya-prakrti - that fashioned this karya-karana-sanghata

borne out of " a " avidya-borne ahankara which no longer is - that sanghata now is

only " as though " harboring him - in reality the Jnani as Brahman is

all-pervading, One, without a second.

But this does not mean that his intellect and mind are " gone " - if that were so

- like I said in my previous post - please explain to me how could anyone teach?

who would be a Guru? Only a brahmavit, a tattvavit, a brahmanishthaa, can be a

Guru - when Krishna says " tattva-vit tu maha-baho guna-karma-vibhagayoh guna

gunesu vartante iti matva na sajjate " - if a tattva-vit has no mind and no

intellect then please explain to me if this " iti matva " is possible or makes any



What prolific intelligence Bhagwan Shankara had to write all these bashyas! -

what an Ocean of compassion! - and all this intelligence without an intellect??

and compassion without a mind?? Can Brahman -- which is akarta, nirguna, asanga

have Compassion? So if you say Bhagwan Shankara wrote the Shankarabhasyams ;-),

and many other works, one has to perforce admit that as an individual Bhagwan

Shankara (and this is true for any other Jnani - take your own ParamaGuruji as

another example) did have a razor-sharp intellect and a overwhelmingly

compassionate mind.

This does not in any way compromise on advaita precisely because of the

difference between " mithya " and " asat " Advaita is understanding the nonduality

that is inherent in the duality. Understanding that my eyes, the intellect that

sees, the act of seeing, and what is seen are One and that One is " I " - the

light of all lights -jyotisam jyoti, shrotrasya shrotram, etc. THIS is

nonduality IN duality.


Then alone can this Brahma-vit bless so many others - not because " he " has a

obligation to - but because Grace or the Cosmic Order is allowed to use his BMI

to benefit others - there being no " ahankara " to impede Its functioning. See

what Shankara says in his commentary on BG 3.22-25, " if, like Me, you or some

one else possesses the conviction of having attained Perfection and is a knower

of the Self, it is a duty of such a one, too, to help others even if there be no

obligation on his own part. O scion of the Bharata dynasty, yatha, as; some

avidvamsah, unenlightened poele; kurvanti, act. saktah, with attachment;

karmani, to work, (thinking) 'The reward of this work will accrue to me'; tatha,

so; should vidvan, the enlightened person, the knower of the Self; kuryat, act;

asaktah, without attachment, remaining unattached. Why does he (the enlightened

person) act like him (the former)? Listen to that: Cikirsuh, being desirous of

achieving; lokasamgraham,

prevention of people from going astray. 'Neither for Me who am a knower of the

Self, nor for any other (knower of the Self) who wants thus prevent people from

going astray, is there any duty apart from working for the welfare of the world.

Hence, the following advice is being given to such a knower of the Self:' I do

not know about you, but to me in the unambiguous words, Krishna is not talking

about Knowers of the Self who have been rendered bereft of both mind and


The mithya involved in this transactionality does not compromise on the advaitic

substratum in which it occurs.


Ahankara is purely notional. To pretend that manas and buddhi can " resolve " into

Brahman, can be sublated into " Pure Being " or any concept of that kind is absurd

- manas and buddhi ARE Brahman - everything IS Brahman - then where can there be

any question of something that will resolve into Brahman - that too at a point

in the future time when time again is Brahman - it is like saying the wave's

waveness will one day resolve into water - there is no wave other than water! -

there is no intellect other than Brahman. And so by referring to a Jnani's

intellect we are not partitioning Brahman - even conceptually.


So for a Jnani - the body, mind and intellect are also not other than Brahman,

his shishyas if any are also similarly not other than Brahman, their asking him

questions is also Brahman and his answers is also Brahman Alone.

Advaita is never compromised in " His " vision.


Hari OM

Shri Gurubhyo namah








Bhaskar YR <bhaskar.yr


Friday, January 25, 2008 4:01:43 AM

Re: Re: What is self realization ??


Humble praNAms Sri Shyam prabhuji


" .I was just curious to know the context of this BG verse which you

have quoted to say that even bhagavan has satya & asatya part in him... "


" whether jnAni, who has realized his *satyasya satya* svarUpa can have *asat*

(avidyA) part also in him ?? If yes, how can he be called *satya* svarUpa? can

satya svarUpa accommodates a partial space for asat also in its domain?? can

jnAni who is brahman himself have sat & asat vikAra like the above within

himself ??

Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!


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Dear Shri Shyam,

Your post is most wonderful and full of substance. I agree with all

that you have said. I feel that you should send such posts more

often. I do not now have the physical energy to type out such long

notes or enter into arguments. I enjoyed reading your note.

Best wishes,



In advaitin , Shyam <shyam_md wrote:


> Dear Bhaskar prabhu-ji

> Humble pranams. [Parts of this post (in the interest of time) are

also addressed to Nair-ji as the subject-matter is the same]


> So for a Jnani - the body, mind and intellect are also not other

than Brahman, his shishyas if any are also similarly not other than

Brahman, their asking him questions is also Brahman and his answers

is also Brahman Alone.

> Advaita is never compromised in " His " vision.


> Hari OM

> Shri Gurubhyo namah

> Shyam







> Bhaskar YR <bhaskar.yr

> advaitin

> Friday, January 25, 2008 4:01:43 AM

> Re: Re: What is self realization ??


> Humble praNAms Sri Shyam prabhuji


> " .I was just curious to know the context of this BG verse which you

> have quoted to say that even bhagavan has satya & asatya part in

him... "


> " whether jnAni, who has realized his *satyasya satya* svarUpa can

have *asat* (avidyA) part also in him ?? If yes, how can he be

called *satya* svarUpa? can satya svarUpa accommodates a partial

space for asat also in its domain?? can jnAni who is brahman himself

have sat & asat vikAra like the above within himself ??

> Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!


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Namaste Sastri-ji and Dr. Shaym-ji.






However, for Sastriji and Dr. Shyamji (Nair-ji included) there is

only an *understanding* that separation is naught and everything

that they see around is Brahman. While Nair-ji doesn't want to stop

with that understanding, Dr. Shyamji and Sastriji think that they

have reached where they should.


I am afraid we are repeating the same thing again and again and

feeding our egos. So, I am retiring from this debate.


I also feel that, fundamentallly, there is actually no divergence of

views between the two sides. Can we, therefore, call what is

happening mAyA?! ajnAna it definitely is!


Before concluding, may I acknoweldge, with thanks to every

participant, that this satsangh has indeed broadened the horizons of

my knowledge.




Madathil Nair



advaitin , " snsastri " <sn.sastri wrote:


> Dear Shri Shyam,

> Your post is most wonderful and full of substance. I agree with


> that you have said. I feel that you should send such posts more

> often. I do not now have the physical energy to type out such long

> notes or enter into arguments. I enjoyed reading your note.

> Best wishes,

> S.N.Sastri

> __________________


> In advaitin , Shyam <shyam_md@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Bhaskar prabhu-ji

> > Humble pranams. [Parts of this post (in the interest of time)


> also addressed to Nair-ji as the subject-matter is the same]

> >

> > So for a Jnani - the body, mind and intellect are also not


> than Brahman, his shishyas if any are also similarly not other


> Brahman, their asking him questions is also Brahman and his


> is also Brahman Alone.

> > Advaita is never compromised in " His " vision.

> >

> > Hari OM

> > Shri Gurubhyo namah

> > Shyam

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Dear Shyam-ji,




Brilliantly expressed! My own view is that mithyAtva is possibly the single

most important concept in the teaching of advaita and yet I encounter whole

books on advaita that do not even mention it!




One slight 'complaint' is that there are quite a lot of untranslated

Sanskrit words in your post so that I worry that some members may not give

your post the attention it deserves. Plus, I would like (with your

permission) at some later date to add this to the essays at my website and

more Sanskrit means more editing work for me! L




Best wishes,






advaitin [advaitin ] On Behalf

Of Shyam

25 January 2008 20:22


Re: Re: What is self realization ??




Dear Bhaskar prabhu-ji

Humble pranams. [Parts of this post (in the interest of time) are also

addressed to Nair-ji as the subject-matter is the same]


This verse is from Chapter 7 as you rightly pointed out.

I noticed for the second successive post that you have used the term " asat "

when I have used the term " mithya " - the first time around I ignored it as a

casual " slip " - the only reason I bring it up is not in the least bit as a

semantic squibble, but because I think it is very crucial in discussing this

subject matter.

There is a world of difference between the two concepts - as any devoted

follower of Shankara's works such as yourself knows only too well.









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