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Analysis of the Mind-6

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Hello Sir

Why complicate matters? The essense of ego is claiming everything

making a false center. Around this center -ego- life revolves.

Man is originally only a name with no substance! A name to be known

from other names. But for man to be; to be something, he has to

claim doership. From doership, arises enjoyership. This is the

mainstay of the ego. Doership is the belief with sense that I do

something and the resulting satisfaction and gratification from this

action. All these three phenomena happen as One Occurrence; I have

dissected them for the sake of understanding.

Without claiming doreship Who Am I?






In advaitin , kuntimaddi sadananda

<kuntimaddisada wrote:


> 6. Fundamental Human Problem


> We have discussed two aspects, the mind and the subtle

> body. Of the mind, the important component is Ego,

> involving `I am this', which is the essence of the

> individual `I' with which I do all the transactions.

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> Hello Sir

> Why complicate matters? The essense of ego is

> claiming everything

> making a false center. ....


I have

> dissected them for the sake of understanding.

> Without claiming doreship Who Am I?


> hsin


Yes Hsin - PraNAms.


Good for you sir. If what you said is understood and

is crystal clear, we have understood the problem at

hand. There will not be any more complications with

the life too. There seems to be big gap between the

cup and the lip. Lot of slips do occur since this

understanding as a thought is one thing and

assimilating as a fact is another. Hence the rest of

the explanations.


Yes who is claiming the doer ship - who am I? - is it

something to do or something to understand - and who

understands it - Does the consciousness I am need to

understand I am or does the Ego need to understand

that I am not. For that only one has to stay tuned to

the series more carefully without complicating the

life further. If you have already solved the ego

problem, please accept my congratulations.


Hari Om!


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> Yes Hsin - PraNAms.


hsin:Please, I do not inderstand the language, what is the

meaning of " PraNAms " .


>There seems to be big gap between the

> cup and the lip.


hsin:True, but to assume that there is a cup that you want to

measure is the mark of the ego.


> Yes who is claiming the doer ship - who am I? - is it

> something to do or something to understand


hsin: It is something to BE. SEEING is UNDERSTANDING is BEING.


>- and who> understands it - Does the consciousness I am need to

> understand I am or does the Ego need to understand

> that I am not.


hsin: To BE, means that Ego is not.


> For that only one has to stay tuned to

> the series more carefully without complicating the

> life further. If you have already solved the ego

> problem, please accept my congratulations.


hsin: When Ego - I mean by Ego, the ego/world complex- the ego and

its world are one unit; when Ego is seen as useless,not even useless

but ego/world complex is Detremintal; it will be dropped by itself.

No need to do anything.

Thank you Sadananda.



> Hari Om!


hsin: Please, the meaning of " Hari Om " .


> Sadananda


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--- hsin_shang <hsin_shang wrote:


> > Yes Hsin - PraNAms.


> hsin:Please, I do not inderstand the language, what is the

> meaning of " PraNAms " .


PraNAms - is salutations to you sir. Since you are nothing but expression of all

pervading reality

or truth or God, it is prostrations to that life principle or the expression of

that life

principle in you. It is way of greetings to recognize that holiness in you

which is your essence.





> >There seems to be big gap between the

> > cup and the lip.


> hsin:True, but to assume that there is a cup that you want to

> measure is the mark of the ego.


You are right - now who is doing the measuring of the ego? It is again ego.

Every egotistical

person claims that he does not have any ego? And who says that - it is that very

ego that is

denying its existence and in the very process of denial confirming its





> > Yes who is claiming the doer ship - who am I? - is it

> > something to do or something to understand


> hsin: It is something to BE. SEEING is UNDERSTANDING is BEING.


Yes - you are right again - and who says it is understanding - that being need

to BE - it is being

any way we recognizes or not. And again who is the one who seeing which you say

is understanding

and being - Who sees the being - or who needs the understanding. Does Being need

to understand

itself or see itself or do anything with itself. Here is where we are

transgressing between Ego

and the Being because of which the very ego also exists. Hence care is required

to discriminate

between the two - that is called viveka or discrimination of eternal vs

ephemeral - and who does

that discrimination? Is it that Being or is it the ego? Please think it over and

also who does

that thinking too. Hence Bhagavan Ramana says analyze the analyst.



> hsin: To BE, means that Ego is not.


And sir who says that - is ego not existing or is it non-existent entity? If it

is also existing

entity since we are not talking about non-existent egos - which is to be and not

to be?



> hsin: When Ego - I mean by Ego, the ego/world complex- the ego and

> its world are one unit; when Ego is seen as useless,not even useless

> but ego/world complex is Detremintal; it will be dropped by itself.

> No need to do anything.


Hsin - please think again - who says all these things that ego/world is complex

and detrimental.

Why should any thing in the universe detrimental and to whom? How can it drop by

itself - and to

whom it drops? If it drops by itself - then every body would have realized -

does it take time to

drop by itself.


No Hsin - Vedanta says ego is the product of ignorance - No ignorance can go by

itself - Otherwise

I would have become expert in many many subjects by just sitting around. Only

knowledge can

remove ignorance - any ignorance.


Ego will not go and what ever you DO it reinforces itself and not doing is also

doing just nothing

only - Lot of vagabonds do nothing. But they may have a bigger ego too. Ego

manifests in doing,

not doing and doing any other way. Ego is false guy and anything we do only

reinforces its

presence that includes not doing too. Only way to get rid of the false guy is to

expose him that

he is false - that is done by inquiry only. Hence the series. Only inquiring

the nature of the

ego one can understands its falsity and the trick it place to watch it carefully

- not not doing



> Thank you Sadananda.


Thanks to you too. God bless you.


> hsin: Please, the meaning of " Hari Om " .


It is a way of greeting - Hari stands for Lord Vishnu and Om! is the sound

symbol for the truth or

realty that covers all the words starting from a to z. It is recognizing that

whatever I am doing

is only greeting the Lord in various names and forms including in the name of



Some one said it is an abbreviation for Hurry Home.


Hari Om!




> > Sadananda

> >




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hsin: Then PraNAms means that the immeasurable is saluting Itslef.

or if there is a moment of clouding of awareness through attribution

of Reality to things percieved; the word " PraNAms " will Uncloud due

to unlimited Respect. Thank you.


> You are right - now who is doing the measuring of the ego? It is

>again ego. Every egotistical person claims that he does not have

>any ego? And who says that - it is that very ego that is

> denying its existence and in the very process of denial confirming

>its existence.


hsin: Very True, to claim or disclaim, is Ego, To Be is something

else. Ego is that false center, where awareness is focused. To BE,

is to have no center, while awareness roams, rediates and shines on

the circumferance without settling, otherwise a new center is

created or a new Identity is created or a more subtle Ego is

created. Thank you again.




> And sir who says that - is ego not existing or is it non-existent

entity? If it is also existing

> entity since we are not talking about non-existent egos - which is

to be and not to be?


hsin:Sir, it is not a matter of saying, it is a matter of Seeing and




> Hsin - please think again - who says all these things that

ego/world is complex and detrimental. Why should any thing in the

>universe detrimental and to whom? How can it drop by itself - and to

> whom it drops? If it drops by itself - then every body would have

>realized - does it take time to drop by itself.

> No Hsin - Vedanta says ego is the product of ignorance - No

>ignorance can go by itself - Otherwise I would have become expert

in many many subjects by just sitting around. Only knowledge can

> remove ignorance - any ignorance.


hsin: Understanding is the wisdom that uproots ignorance. Then

Knowledge and Being Reign.


> Ego will not go and what ever you DO it reinforces itself and not

>doing is also doing just nothing only - Lot of vagabonds do

>nothing. But they may have a bigger ego too. Ego manifests in

>doing, not doing and doing any other way. Ego is false guy and

>anything we do only reinforces its presence that includes not doing

>too. Only way to get rid of the false guy is to expose him that

> he is false - that is done by inquiry only. Hence the series.

>Only inquiring the nature of the ego one can understands its

>falsity and the trick it place to watch it carefully - not not

>doing anything.


hsin: True, " to unferstand the falsity of the ego " , understanding

alone is not enough. To understand by the heart -through empathy-

not only mind, to experience through empathy the suffering caused by

the ego and where the ego will take man; this is what I mean by

detreimental. Thank you Sadananda.


Sadananda Sir, you keep asking WHO. There is a doing without a doer

it is called spontaneoue action. All doings are reactions based on

memory, collected information; nevertheless, there is a doing pure

of the past, a doing based on thinking without a thinker, which

might be called Intuition or Inspiration, which is not based on



> It is a way of greeting - Hari stands for Lord Vishnu and Om! is

the sound symbol for the truth or

> realty that covers all the words starting from a to z. It is

recognizing that whatever I am doing

> is only greeting the Lord in various names and forms including in

the name of Hsin.

> Some one said it is an abbreviation for Hurry Home.


hsin: Yes greetings highly respected and appreciated. Both are very

instructive, especiall Hurry Home.

Thank you again, for this very informative and constructive

monologue, netween One, where otherness disappeared.

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--- hsin_shang <hsin_shang wrote:


> Sadananda Sir, you keep asking WHO. There is a doing without a doer

> it is called spontaneoue action. All doings are reactions based on

> memory, collected information; nevertheless, there is a doing pure

> of the past, a doing based on thinking without a thinker, which

> might be called Intuition or Inspiration, which is not based on

> memory.


Fantastic hsin - if you put it that way I have to accept it. From the

trasactional point there is

locus for knower who knowes. Ego can never know and the truth that I am need not

know since it is

ever present. Spontaneity with intution or inspiration is beautiful way of

putting the

knowledge- knower and known that merge into one. Beautiful.

My humble praNAms.


Hari Om!


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advaitin , kuntimaddi sadananda

<kuntimaddisada wrote:



> Fantastic hsin - if you put it that way I have to accept it. From

the trasactional point there is

> locus for knower who knowes. Ego can never know and the truth that I

am need not know since it is

> ever present.


hsin: Absolutely true; the Great Sage Atmananda said

" Knowledge has nothing to know. "


My deepest appreciation to you Sadananda Sir, for a beautiful

interchange of posting. A posting that was very illuminating.

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