Guest guest Posted February 8, 2008 Report Share Posted February 8, 2008 I. THE PROBLEM: There is an undeniable problem in our life, in the very world where you and I live. Yes, it is the problem that pertains to the body and its upkeep. It is not hypothetical. It is not in my `consciousness'. It is not in a distant far away place. We see it all around. We also suffer and or experience it. It is the Problem of hunger, chronic incurable disease, malnutrition, rape, molestation, children to be taken care, not even drinking water. The lean frail thin man has to hammer hard granite rocks under open very hot sun on dusty shelterless hill slopes to eke out a living. Heinous cruel creatures and violent aggressors, for their own survival, exploit the gullible innocents who just manage to exist under appalling destitution. This is not theory. One can see it, feel it and also live it (without treating the sufferer as a distant person as if it is your own body) to understand the gravity of the issue. II. VEDANTASPEAK: There are hair-splitting experts who provide mouthfuls of tongue- twisting word soup of pedantic didactical exegesis about substantive unchanging substratum and or impart axiological and epistemic non- processes explicating the pedagogy of extirpating the illusory sublatable phenomenal world inorder to realize the noumenal Truth through negation of surjective animadvertence. Whatever it means. That's the Vedantaspeak. Okay, in simple words, the problem is not for `I'. One does not have to do anything to the `me' inside or outside the body as `I' is not the sufferer. Other than `Awareness' everywhere, everything else is unreal, imaginary, non-existent. But the problem does not evaporate. It is real for the body. One may call the problematic world `vyavaharika', `mithya', illusory or by any other descriptor. The names do not solve the body pain or the misery of the sufferer, alleviate his/her hunger, redeem the struggle one has to go through for simple existence and provide a little comfort to the aching aging helpless bones. III. BASIC INFORMATION: 1. One thing that glaringly stands out on reading the major Upanishads is the word `death' giving the impression that their authors were primarily concerned with its mitigation. 2. Many of the practices and behaviors exhorted in the mantras usually have a promise of being rewarded by immortality (= conquering death). 3. An important prayer in the Upanishad is " Mrityorma amritam gamaya " meaning `Lead me from death to immortality' (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad). We cannot be foolhardy to think that the Upanishadkar (author of Upanishad) was not aware of the attributes of Brahman, say as narrated by Vyasa: " Na jayate mriyate va kadachit na ayam bhutva bhavita va na bhuyah Ajonityah saswatah ayam purano na hanyate, hanyamane sarire. " -- Bhagavad-Gita Verse 20, Chapter II. And this point is repeated for emphasis in verses 21 to 24. When it is known that the indweller (Saririnah), Atma is without birth or death, the objective of the prayer for immortality must have been for the sake of the body (sarirah). It is more than obvious that the sages could not hand down any mantra to the common man to successfully conquer death through prayer. They did the next best thing. They discovered an `Awareness'. We shall discuss this a little later. 4. Considerable part of Vedanta emanates from an assessment of the three states (avastha trayam) of wakeful, dream and deep sleep worlds. Most Upanishads cite the analogy of dream world to establish the illusory `Mithya' nature of the wakeful world. A mystique and mystery have often been associated with dreams. Many myths were also woven round sleep and dream. It is argued that the visible objective world is impermanent because it disappears in the deep sleep state. The wakeful world is equated to dreams in ephemerality. Therefore, the Vedantins looked for that which existed in all the three states and held that to be the permanent thing. 5. A generalist-review of a large number of papers published till about January 2008 on sleep and dream research leads one to the following sum up (article to appear in a forthcoming issue of Consecration, 2008): " Thus if all parts of the brain are active, it is wakeful state. If the sensory cortex is at rest with other parts working, it is dreaming; if, in addition one or another part malfunctions, it is OBE, NDE etc. If only a few isolated nodes in the brain function, it is deep sleep. If the brain is totally inactive, it is death! Brain cells generate a large amount of waste in wakeful state. During deep sleep this garbage is removed and the cells get rejuvenated. You wake up refreshed and your brain is ready to protect you for another day. " It can be seen from the above that the neural pulsing is the one that exists continuously in all the three states of wakeful, dream and deep sleep worlds. Though Science, as yet, does not know how the neuronal pulsing generates awareness, it is quite clear that a conscious brain does have pulsing neurons. 6. More importantly, I hope it is clear that : i) The world `out there' does not disappear during deep sleep (which is equated to Nirvikalpa samadhi). The non-apprehension is because of the fact that only isolated and limited sets of neuronal networks in the brain function in this state. The parts of the brain that are capable of detecting the outside world are at rest and not active when we go to sleep. Hence we do not apprehend the world out there. ii) Because the wakeful world is not apprehended during sleep, it is described as ephemeral and impermanent. It is equated to the dream state. What is identified to be constantly present in all the three states is said to be `consciousness' and is described as `permanent.' iii) What is really present in all the three states is neuronal pulsing (electrical activity). Is this what the ancient sages were hinting at? iv) We can get a clue from the following verse: " Abhavascha rathadeeanaam sruyate nyayapurvakam Vaithatyam tena vai praptam swapna aahuh prakasitam " -- Verse 3, Chapter II, Gaudapada Karika on Mandukya Upanishad. Sankara's Commentary says : " For this reason also the objects perceived to exist in dream are illusory. For, the absence of chariots etc. (perceived in dream) is stated by Sruti, in such passage as, `There exists neither charitot etc.', its assertion being based on reason. In the opinion of the wised, i.e., the knowers of Brahman, the illusoriness (of the dream objects) has been established on the ground of their being perceived within the contracted space in the body. The Sruti only reiterates it in order to establish the self-luminosity (of Atman) in dream. Commenting on the word `self-luminosity', Swami Nikhilananda says (p: 90, The Mandukya Upanishad with Gaudapa's Karika and Sankara's Commentary, Advaita Ashrama, Calcutta, 1995) : " Compare Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, 4.3.14. Mere examination of the waking experiences cannot prove that Atman is self-luminous. For, it may be contended that various activities, associated with the waking state, are due to the functioning of the sense organs under the influence, as Sruti says, of the various luminous deities as the sun, the fire etc. But in sleep various activities are experienced by the dreamer and these activities, in the absence of the functioning of the sense-organs, are due to the self-luminosity of Atman. " The above analysis of Swami Nikhilananda to explain the experiencing of dream objects in terms of self- luminosity of Atman, can perhaps be related to neural firing (or the very life-force itself because neural activity stops when life ends). IV. AWARENESS: It is not too difficult to realize that there lies an object-neutral perceiving capability in each of us. One has to examine carefully and analytically one's own cognition and perception, going beyond words and their symbology. No individual objects will be recognized, and a no nothingness is experienced. One can perhaps stay in that neutral `Awareness' where no objective fragmented world is cognized. You may snuggle into a comfy and giggle at all the squiggles a la David Brockman while the body wriggles in suffering. For he says, " A body seems to come up yes; feelings, sensations. SO does the room, the keyboard and an image in the mirror of someone typing called David. Am afraid I don't see anyone; including David. Just form. " But let us be honest. David does not evaporate in to thin air. He is very much there and so are his needs. He still has to feed himself (and dependents?). He needs 40 bucks per hour for talking. To pay 40 dollars to him, you have to earn at least $ 80, so that you can feed yourself (after all you have to be alive to talk to him!) and pay $ 40 to him. And that means you have to exploit some gullible persons and depend on their life to lead your life etc. There starts the whole rigmarole of self-survival tactics (which easily will take any shape). And misery ensues! V. HOW MANY ARE BENEFITED BY VEDANTA? 1. Vyasa in " Bhagavad Gita " Verse 3, Chapter VII: " Perhaps one in thousands of men strives for perfection; and one perchance, even among those striving may know me really. " Thus the chance of realizing the Supreme is much less than one in a million. 2. Sankara in " Vivekachudamani " Verse 2: " ….but liberation by persistence in the state of the unity of Brahman and self is not to be achieved except by the meritorious deeds of hundreds of thousands of lives. " This suggests that Realization is a very rare event to happen. 3. Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj in " I am That " , Dialog 43, p " 154 : " …but the seekers are few, and among those few, those who are ready are very rare. " This indicates that who obtain realization to be extremely rare. 4. Prof. S. Sobottka in " A Course in Consciousness " Section 17.6 The Rarity of Enlightenment , p: 184 : [based on the Gita verse quoted above], " it would mean there are fewer than a thousand truly enlightened beings in the U.S. From my own observations and experience, I would be surprised if the actual number exceeded that. " According to this guesstimate, it is less than a thousand out of about 300 million.. 5. Ramesh Balsekar in " Your Head in the Tiger's Mouth " (quoted by Sobottka ibid, p: 184) : " Whether you are a seeker or not is not your choice. Whether enlightenment happens in that body-mind organism or not is also not your choice. " This statement rules out any possibility of estimation. VI. SOCIAL BENEFACTORS: Realizing that human misery does not disappear by any Vedanta-like speak, great saints worked for social benefit. some Israelis hold that Jesus Christ was such a social benefactor. There are many famous examples from India: Yogananda, Vivekananda, Aurabindo, Dayanada Saraswati, Satya Sai Baba and innumerable others. Vivekananda is also quoted to have said that he would take birth any number of times in order to alleviate the suffering of the people rather than get his own salvation! VII. WHERE LIES THE HOPE? Vedanta has been in existence at least for the last 5,000 years. Its interpretation mainly comprises mind and methods of transcending the mind. Perhaps it will stay so unchanged in the next 5,000 years in its argot and lingo. Its practice could perhaps empower a few persons. Compare it with the developments in science and what it can do in the coming five millennia. The possibilities are truly mind-boggling. Human beings are already empowered in remote auditioning (radio, telephone), remote viewing (television, mobile phones) and real time information transfers. Genetic engineering has been able to improve the health and food-grain production. Suppose we understand the human mind in terms of unbiased neuroscientific studies applicable to any and every man on the street. Some of the futuristic possibilities / opportunities are: i) Thought controlled Home appliances. j) Manufacture of required energy resources directly from Sunlight by wearing a chlorophyll patch doing away with dependence on food and agriculture. k) Total recasting of work culture and leisure management. l) Designer babies. m) Leisure travel to nearby planets and exoplanets. n) Aerosol sprays of friendship-improving neurotransmitters to dissipate away group tensions. o) Surgery and repair of bodily organs by swallowing a capsule of nanosurgical team of robots and instruments. p) Seeding and nurture of extra-solar planets with human beings. q) And many more. One has to just one's imagination run wild! There is hope (a salvation?) in science. This does not mean we deify science or reify `consciousness.' We have to search for a more realistic large scale applicator to alleviate misery in the world and make available at common man level. 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Guest guest Posted February 8, 2008 Report Share Posted February 8, 2008 Dear Ramesamji, If there were to be a war between the wrong two countries, everyone in the world will be dead in a few minutes. Is this progress? Regards, Rishi. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 9, 2008 Report Share Posted February 9, 2008 advaitin , " ramesam " <ramesam wrote: > Compare it with the developments in science and what it can do in the > coming five millennia. The possibilities are truly mind-boggling. > Human beings are already empowered in remote auditioning (radio, > telephone), remote viewing (television, mobile phones) and real time > information transfers. Genetic engineering has been able to improve > the health and food-grain production. Suppose we understand the > human mind in terms of unbiased neuroscientific studies applicable to > any and every man on the street. Some of the futuristic > possibilities / opportunities are: > > i) Thought controlled Home appliances. > j) Manufacture of required energy resources directly from > Sunlight by wearing a chlorophyll patch doing away with dependence on > food and agriculture. > k) Total recasting of work culture and leisure management. > l) Designer babies. > m) Leisure travel to nearby planets and exoplanets. > n) Aerosol sprays of friendship-improving neurotransmitters to > dissipate away group tensions. > o) Surgery and repair of bodily organs by swallowing a capsule > of nanosurgical team of robots and instruments. > p) Seeding and nurture of extra-solar planets with human beings. > q) And many more. One has to just one's imagination run wild! > Namaskarams Ramesamji, Interesting post. But like in the philosophy departments, where people discuss all sorts of " dry " stuff, like in the Physics departments where people are talking about what happened to which star how many light-years away, and in the Mathematics departments where they discuss for centuries whether some gadget is curved up or down, and the scientific countries keep paying zillions of dollars to fund such enquiry, in the name of human or scientific progress, notwithstanding the immediate irrelevance of such pursuits to alleviate suffering, so also we have forums like this catering to the VedantaSpeak. As for what has Vedanta done for us, it reminds me of a story of Swami Vivekananda asking his father " What have you done for me? " His father replied: " Go look in the mirror !! " (These are a couple of ways of thinking on this topic, but does not do full justice to your post. No time for that, hope others can give viewpoints.) thollmelukaalkizhu Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 9, 2008 Report Share Posted February 9, 2008 hariH OM! ramesam-ji, great post. the right questions asked are often the most precious commodity in the world of pragmatic philosophy. a few observations... first of all, the world is not utterly and pointblank, an illusion. it is maya, and according to sankara, real yet not real, where he finally refers to it as being indescribable. (i'm not sure why this point is continuously overlooked or ignored. i guess the prevailing opinion that the world is simply unreal is so engrained in the cultural awareness in the land of bharat, and rayed out from there enveloping the rest of the globe, it overrides even sruti! (see 2nd paragraph below for the latter..) bhagavan ramana reiterates this. [paraphrasing..i posted this quote probably a dozen times over the years]: " The world is not considered unreal to vedantins. That is a mistake. It is unreal as world, yet real as the Self (brahman's projection...brahman's lila). " otherwise it would be a violation of the mahavakya, " all this is brahman. " secondly, yes, there are only a relative few who are evolved enough to benefit from " vedantaspeak, " leading to moksha. (it's interesting that i guestimated about 1,000 in the entire world to be jnanis. not just in the USA; where probably the most are located however because of the need to balance the USA's disproportionate darkness, due to being the nation with the greatest karmic debt.) third, theosophists refer to this world as " the planet of endless sorrows. " souls incarnate here, and on planets like it (and there are supposedly much darker planets out there!), if they want to accelerate their soul's development. their soul's wisdom knows that they need to have sufficient depth of character to handle such magnitude of oppressive forces. it's like the marine boot camp of worlds to be living in. suffering and its attending assault on the senses (the ugliness factor) can be extremely intense here, obviously. and lastly, vedanta and other effective metaphysical approaches that are responsible for helping transmit enlightenment to only a relative few, represent a hyper-critical number of what might be called " lightworkers, " who act as kind of like anchors of spiritual light which, again, helps in counterbalancing the prevailing dark forces in our world. it's my understanding that their most important work and impact on humanity is done on the psychic plane. and their work not only targets the perverse and abhorent behaviours of different individuals, it also targets an even greater prevalence of what appears to be comparatively harmless ignorance in general, which however is even *more* tamasic, such as boredom and apathy. namaste, frank _________________ advaitin , " ramesam " <ramesam wrote: > > I. THE PROBLEM: > > There is an undeniable problem in our life, in the very world where > you and I live. Yes, it is the problem that pertains to the body > and its upkeep. It is not hypothetical. It is not in > my `consciousness'. It is not in a distant far away place. We see > it all around. We also suffer and or experience it. > > It is the Problem of hunger, chronic incurable disease, malnutrition, > rape, molestation, children to be taken care, not even drinking > water. The lean frail thin man has to hammer hard granite rocks > under open very hot sun on dusty shelterless hill slopes to eke out > a living. Heinous cruel creatures and violent aggressors, for their > own survival, exploit the gullible innocents who just manage to exist > under appalling destitution. This is not theory. One can see it, > feel it and also live it (without treating the sufferer as a distant > person as if it is your own body) to understand the gravity of the > issue. > > > VII. WHERE LIES THE HOPE? > > Vedanta has been in existence at least for the last 5,000 years. Its > interpretation mainly comprises mind and methods of transcending the > mind. Perhaps it will stay so unchanged in the next 5,000 years in > its argot and lingo. Its practice could perhaps empower a few > persons. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 9, 2008 Report Share Posted February 9, 2008 Hello ramesam sir I will attempt to comment on your post on installments, because it is a very long post. I hope we will discuss together each part alone untill it is exhausted and then move to the next part. In advaitin , " ramesam " <ramesam wrote: > > I. THE PROBLEM: > > There is an undeniable problem in our life, in the very world where > you and I live. Yes, it is the problem that pertains to the body > and its upkeep. It is not hypothetical. It is not in > my `consciousness'. It is not in a distant far away place. We see > it all around. We also suffer and or experience it. > > It is the Problem of hunger, chronic incurable disease, malnutrition, > rape, molestation, children to be taken care, not even drinking > water. The lean frail thin man has to hammer hard granite rocks > under open very hot sun on dusty shelterless hill slopes to eke out > a living. Heinous cruel creatures and violent aggressors, for their > own survival, exploit the gullible innocents who just manage to exist > under appalling destitution. This is not theory. One can see it, > feel it and also live it (without treating the sufferer as a distant > person as if it is your own body) to understand the gravity of the > issue. hsin: Empathy affirms all what you say, in the same time YOU are being PROTECTED from that, YOU are being GUARDED, Why? Are you unique or distinguished in any particular way from humans that suffer? This is an important question for each one of us to answer. If the answer is YES, then you have already claimed all the GRACES that showered on YOU and transformed them to become your merits and your virtues; without you –actually- deserving one atom of these Graces –that is, if YOU analyze it objectively. If the answer is No –which is truly the case-, then there are two alternatives not three, either YOU are being Guarded by " SOMETHING " or it is a matter of chance and hence you live in a chaotic experience Where anything can happen to anyone at any time. From OBSERVING life Experiences, there is a Wisdom or a Law governing Life, not an outside controller, no, a controlling WISDOM from within life itself. If You are Guarded by " something " , You have to search and know and pay your respects for what Guarded You. HERE VEDANTA Or ANY RELIGION, JUDAISIM, CHRISTIANITY, ISLAM, ZEN, TAO etc… COMES INTO EFFECT. If YOU are GUARDED, then why all these horrors and agonies occur around YOU? There must be a message addressed to all humans, but unfortunately only YOU received the message. What about the rest of humans who did not understand the message? The " Something " that sent the message, will only communicate with the human who heard and paid heed to the message, while the rest of humans are left alone to their own minds to guide them and YOU will see the result of this. The result is the suffering you are speaking about. That is How life of man is a journey, where you left home depended on your mind, forgot all about home, and your mind lead you to the jungle, then you were reminded of home and discarded depending on your mind -through religion or vedanta or Tao- due to the misery and fears it lead you in. As soon as you no longer depend on your mind to guide you, YOU will be GUIDED HOME. This is the Cycle or the Wheel of life. You can do it in one life or might take a million lives. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 10, 2008 Report Share Posted February 10, 2008 advaitin , " putranm " <putranm wrote: > Namaskarams Ramesamji, > > Interesting post. > In case you are tamil, here is a youtube from Sri Jaggi Vasudev where he answers a similar question: Besides that, you can think of Vedanta as a basic tool for the psychological well-being of a person. We should impart this basic knowledge to the general people, atleast as many Hindus as possible. The British managed to get us urban Indians talking in English, and we are still learning new reasons to worship them. So it is quite possible to get the Vedanta-education part done widescale. Our idea is " The kid is born in a reasonable family. He is taught English, Computer, Science at school. Here is our basic knowledge, why can't this also be made part of his knowledge? " Are people raising campaigns for this purpose? Vedanta will allow a person to withstand any mind-issues. It won't feed your stomach, as Jaggi Vasudev says, but if your kid adheres to Vedanta (which gives proper perspective on self), he/she will be safe from the mental asylums (save VedantaSpeak:-). thollmelukaalkizhu Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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