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mahAvAkyaratnAvaliH- Translation No. 39

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*Translation of mahAvAkyas- No.39- Sentences relating to realization

(svAnubhUti-vAkyAni). *


148. trishu dhAmasu yad bhojyam bhokta bhogaSca yad bhavet,


tebhyo vilakshaNaH sAkshI cinmAtro'ham sadASivaH

---kaivalyopanishad, 18.


I am distinct from that which is the object of enjoyment, the enjoyer, and

the enjoyment itself in all the three states (waking, dream and deep sleep).

I am the witness, pure consciousness, and ever auspicious.


149. mayyeva sakalam jAtam mayi sarvam pratishThitam,


mayi sarvam layam yAti tad brahma advayam asmi

aham---kaivalyopanishad, 19.


Everything is born in me, everything is sustained by me and everything

merges in me. I am that non-dual brahman.


150. nirvANo'smi nirIho'smi niramSo'smi nirIpsitaH,


cidAtmAsmi niramSo'smi parAparavivarjitaH—


I am devoid of body and organs(or I am liberation itself), I am actionless,

I am without parts, I am free from desire, I am the self that is pure

consciousness, I am partless, there is nothing higher or lower than me

(because I am the only reality).


151. brahma eva aham sarvavedAntavedyam nAham vedyam vyomavAtAdirUpam—


I am brahman itself. I can be known only through the Vedanta (upanishads).

But I am not knowable like space, air, etc.


brahman is not an object of knowledge like the elements and the objects that

are their products. The upanishads do not directly point out to brahman

because btahman is beyond the reach of words. So the upanishads exclude all

objectifiable things by the words 'not this, not this' and imply that what

is left is brahman.


152. rUpam nAham nAma nAham na karma brahma eva aham satcidAnandarUpam—I am

not form orname or action. I am brahman who is of the nature of







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