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gita, ch-12, bhakthi yoga

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Hare Krishna Namaskarams.

Some time back there were questions on Bhakthi yoga and I though it

would help to give the following extract from my notes of Gita class

by Swami Paramarthananda on chapter 12-Bhakthi yoga.


Bhakthi Yoga contains in brief the entire essence of VedA and the word

Bhakthi has two meanings. 1) Love of god-prema/itchA or anurAga. 2)

Spiritual discipline or sAdhanA-any pooja/japa/upAsanA even social

service. Here it is discussed as sAdhanA a goal to renounce the world

or achieve finally the jeevAtma paramAtma ikyam, a realization as aham

asmi, an advaita Bhakthi- the higest, a GnAni's Bhakthi. That is

Bhakthi is classified as Karma,Upasanam and GnAnam in that order.


The Lord presents the above three stages as five from Nirguna Bhakthi

to IswarArpana Bhakthi in reverse order.


5, Nirguna bhakthi: Nirguna Bhakthi /Advaita Bhakthi directly leads to

liberation. For liberation there is no other way and it has no

comparison. It is in the form of enquiry of the lord unlike the

karma/upasana of saguna bhakthi (which is after controlling the sense

organs, mind and rid of ragadvesha etc.). But as long as one

identifies himself with the limited body-ego etc. it is difficult to

gain the supreme knowledge.


4. Saguna Bhakthi: In Saguna Bhakthi one dedicates all his

actions/service in the world to god with whole hearted devotion and

meditating on him(Viswarupa darsana). Such a devotee is rescued from

the ocean of samsara before long through the 5th stage of Vedanta

Vichara which is a must. Emotional security is to depend only on god

understanding the Iswara Swarupam/knowledge without doubt of lord's

existence, the proof being the very world.


3. Eka rupa bhakthi/ishata devata bhakthi: If viswarupa

darsanam/upasana is found difficult the alternative is to practice eka

rupa bhakthi/ishta devatha upasana known as abhyasa yoga.


2. Even if abhyasa yoga is found to be difficult for one he should

atleast perform Nishkama Karmas (Pancha Mahayagnas) for the lord

(everyday to the extent possible), that is performing all actions for

the sake of the lord that leads one to the 5th stage.


1. If one is not able to do anything as above he should at the least

do every action with the attitude as Iswara prasada/Ishwararpanam-

dedicate all the karma phalams to the lord with self control. The

glorification of sarvaa karma phalathyagam is done as arthavada a

mimamsa method ,even though it is the 1st stage of the 5 stages of bhakthi


Who is a true bhaktha blessed by the lord? One who has devolped

through sadhana all the virtues that is the spontaneous

lakshana/virtues of a gnani which is as follows.


1) Free from malice/hatred: Even to disapprove or dispute an action of

a person never hate the person. Only the action needs to be condemned.

By hating one punishes himself and it does not affect the other

person. Hatred is inflicting self violence and the very thoughts

affects the harmony of the surrounding/persons. Also by hating one

looses the chance of changing the other person. We should accept the

person but differ when one is wrong and try to change him still. Even

the punishment should be given as the last resort without hating.

2) Friendship: a person who shares the pleasure and pain of all the


3) Karuna: being compassionate, one cannot hurt another person-he is

an embodiment of Ahimsa

4) Forbearance/kshama is another virtue.

5) Samah: one who is unaffected by the pairs of opposites, treats

alike the friend or foe-the inner freedom.

6) Nirahankara: a person rid of `I' notion.


A bhaktha with the above virtues is ever in happiness, a yogi who has

controlled his body, mind, intellect complex ( after sadhana –it is

natural) with firm resolve having surrendered to the lord. God's grace

supports the honest effort of his seeker and leads him all the way to

realistion-the supreme knowledge of the self.



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