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Free will and Prarabda

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praNAms Sri Sadananda prabhuji



Hare Krishna



Sri Sada prabhuji:



The witnessing consciousness, upahita caitanya, still will be

witnessing the operation of the BMI but does not get identified as I am

this. That is what jnaana implies, right?



bhaskar :



You are absolutely right that jnAni does not have the identification with

BMI (upAdhi-s)...but if we say, chaitanya is upahita (circumscribed ) by

upAdhi-s here then it is again leads to old position i.e. jIva bhAva is it

not?? Here pot space realizes that there is in reality no pot space as

such at all at any point of time...is it not?? In this state, how can it

be possible to have *upahita chaitanya* in the form of witness?? And one

more question, whether this upahita chaitanya would be the witness of

operations of its own BMI or is it witness of operations of vividhOpAdhi??

or in other words, pot space, after realization that it is mahAkAsha is the

witness of ONLY pot upAdhi?? if yes, then its individuality (pot space) is

not lost & it is appropriate to say it is ONLY upahita chaitanya (space

circumscribed by pot)...



Thanks onceagain for your kind clarification prabhuji...



Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!





Jnaani, in principle, does not have any praarabda, but the upaadhis

continue because of praarabda. Others may say that jnaani is there

because of prArabda. Since he has no identification other than for

transactional purposes, he does not own it, to say that he has

prArabda. I must say this is true even for ajnaani too. But he

unnecessarily claims as I am the doer and therefore tries to own the

actions that do not really belong to him! That is what is implied in


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brahma vAdinaH katham iti chEth? tasya tAdAthmya lakshaNa saMbandOpapathEH

{Brahma suthara bhasya 2.2.38}


this verse I read it " Vedantha Prabhodha " of Swamy ParamAnanda bharathi

{kannada version, page43 and second para}



praNAms Sri Sastri prabhuji



Hare Krishna



Thanks for the reference...Since I am a Kannadiga (the only language which

I can speak, write & understand without any problem :-)) I hope, it wont be

any problem for me to grasp Swamiji's contention here...I've that book,

shall look at that particular reference...I've read some of the topics in

that very book...dont you think swamiji's observation on avasthA traya

vivEka is partial from the waking state???



Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!




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Dear Sir,

The many posts on this topic by Sadananda, sn sastry, Bhaskar, Dennis, Durga and

others are very illuminating. Reading these posts is itself a satsangh. It gives

one great humility which is a prerequisite for any spiritual progress.

It would be very good if we can take points on which we can progress. Discussing

states of a Realised person may not make much sense as that can be done sensibly

only when we are at or near that state, when of course no more discussions are


All our Dharma sastras propel us to use our free will to follow Dharma and

progress on the path to self realisation. So it is obvious that everyone has

free will- probably constrained by his prarabda karma. The idea is that how hard

can we push ahead in spite of our prarabda karma. If we can use more free will

in a positive direction the better it is.

Regarding group effect, it may be that if we jointly do some common sin (like a

council of government ministers indulging in corruption) then may be in later

lives we will face common disasters at the same time.

The storage of these karmic impressions is likely to be in our pranamaya kosa as

per some yogic literature. As the same pranamaya kosa is present in our next

birth along with mano maya and vignanamaya kosas (only with a new body-annamaya

kosa), our life is guided by these past karmas.(it is a self existing autonomous

control system!).

Hari Om




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--- " S.N. Sastri " <sn.sastri wrote:


> Beautifully and precisely put.


Sastriji - saashTanga praNAms. Encouraging comments comming from you

are worth the million.


Hari Om!


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From : H.N.Sreenivasa Murthy

Pranams to all the members.


Dear members,

I would like to draw the kind attention of the members to the

first line of the mantra 1-1 of Kena Upanishad which reads as follows:


kEna iShitaM patati prEShitaM manaH ||

" The disciple asked: Om. By whose will directed does the mind

proceed to its object? "

In the above mantra the meaning of the words " kEna iShitaM " and

" prEShitam " are very important. The answer is given in the mantra 2-2

of the same upanishad. Sri Shankara's commentary for the above two

mantras will put an end to all the speculative discussions on this

subject of FREE WILL. I request the members to study the two mantras

as well as the commentary of Sri Shankara on the mantras.


With warm and respectful regards,

Sreenivasa Murthy.

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