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List Moderators' Note: The subject matter of this post is certainly goes beyond the scope and spirit of this list. This is the first post by this new member (appears to be a great Krishna Devotee) and that is the reason for releasing it. Members are requested not to conduct any interactive discussion on the suggestions forwarded by Shree Hanumanji. All advaitins Krishna because He resides within the hearts of advaitins as their guiding spirit and advaitins do not treat Him as a separate Entity!



Hare Krishna, Whatever good or bad you are experiencing in this life, are the results of your deeds in previous births. But, the merciful Bhagavan Sri Krishna, can change your destiny, any time .

Personal God Jagadguru Adi Shankara in His sacred hymen (Bhajagovindam), has advises everyone to worship Govinda (Sri Krishna) continuously, as the ‘Personal God’ . Unlike other short-tempered Devatas, Sri Krishna mercifully pardons your lapses in worship.

Why Sri Krishna is known as Bhaktapriya ?

Saint Jagannatha Dasa in his poem confirms Sri Krishna's accessibility and love to His devotee “If the devotee sings His glory lying down, the Lord listens raptly to it seated ; if the devotee is seated, the Lord remains standing while listening to him ; and if the devotee sings His praise standing, then the Lord dances with joy listening to him” . During times of distress it is very easy to get dejected , but Krishna's words in Gita ( 9.22) reveal the truth to you, ``The devotees, however, who loving no one else constantly think of Me, and worship Me in a disinterested spirit, to those ever united in thought with Me, I bring full security and personally attend to their needs.'' Worship of Sri Krishna You can worship ‘Sri Krishna’ by surrendering unto Bhagavan’s Lotus feet and chanting His names (which purifies you, thereby qualifying for Krishna’s grace) . (Hare Krishna mantra -: “ Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare. Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare”). Also, if you sincerely recite the Vishnu Sahasranamam (given in the ‘Nama-japa’ folder of group) daily, it will cure of all your illness , besides providing all good effects like power, tejas, prosperity, etc. During World War II, when the Japanese were about to attack Madras, the whole population of the city was about to be vacated , as ordered by the then British Government, but at that time, Sri Ramana Maharishy advised ” Recite ‘ Vishnu Sahasranama parayana’ by eight persons and no harm will happen”. Amazingly, the Japanese planes which came near to the city of Madras turned their direction and moved towards Calcutta for inexplicable reasons. This is a fact which is corroborated in certain books. Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita:

Gita (18.65) – “Offer your mind to Me; become My bhakta by hearing and chanting, etc. about My names, forms, qualities and pastimes; worship Me and offer obeisances to Me. In this way, you will certainly come to Me. I promise you this truthfully because you are very dear to Me”.

Gita (9.26) " Whatever is offered to Me with devotion, whether it be a fruit, flower, a Tulsi leaf or mere water, I accept it gladly and with full satisfaction." The worship of Sri Krishna is absolutely safe and pleasant . Mahalakshmi, the goddess of wealth will bless you , with prosperity .

You can feel Bhagavan Krishna's presence, in His consecrated in temples. The deities of Sri Krishna, which breathe life, are held in great veneration by Sages. In the temple , the radiant energy of Bhagavan is transmitted to your body.

Karma (Action)

You should perform ‘Karma’ to accomplish the prescribed duties, to the best of your ability, surrendering yourself , all your actions and their rewards totally and unconditionally, at the lotus feet of Sri Krishna . ‘False ego’ is dangerous. You should always remember that, Sri Krishna is the actual performer and you are a mere tool in His hand. The unpleasant events in your life are, the results of your deeds in the previous births. But, your ‘Personal God’ Krishna never lets you down. During the bad period predicted in the horoscope, you should cling on to Sri Krishna’s feet by continuously chanting His names . It is most beneficial to keep a photo of ‘Sri Krishna’ in your pocket or purse, to avail His protection. Krishna states in Gita (7.15) “Those miscreants and fools who are devoid of discrimination, who are the lowest among human beings, whose knowledge has been completely stolen by maya, and who have an asuric (demoniac) nature, do not surrender unto Me”.

Krishna confirms in Gita (18.68) – “Completely abandoning all bodily and mental dharma, such as varna and asrama, fully surrender to Me alone. I shall liberate you from all reactions to your sins. Do not grieve”.

If you have to take an important decision but are confused about the options , then please try the following : Write each option on separate paper and roll each chit . Mentally fall unto Sri Krishna’s lotus feet, begging Him to advise. Continuing the prayer, shake the rolls well in the hand.

Closing the eyes , take one chit . Open and read. It will be your best option.

Thanksgiving to Sri Krishna You should express gratitude toward, Sri Krishna by annadana (feeding) and helping, His needy devotees . Also, your financial / intellectual /physical contributions for Sri Krishna’s temples , as well as the services for spreading His glory, are dear to the Bhagavan .


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