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#3397 - Tuesday, December 30, 2008 - Editor: Jerry Katz

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#3397 - Tuesday, December 30, 2008 - Editor: Jerry Katz


The Nonduality Highlights - NDhighlights







Here is a review of the new movie Leap!, by filmmakers Chad Cameron and Isaac Allen, two guy curious about the nature of reality who got together and made a movie about the subject.





The following is text taken from the website. The website also includes clips of the film, an introduction to each of the people featured in the film, and ordering information. http://www.leapmovie.com/jrox/jrox.php?id=10145


Leap! is a film that compels you to consider this ageless theory that “The world is an illusion“.You may find it confronting to consider your reality is simply a grand illusion.


This idea may challenge your current beliefs and ideals. To think of yourself, your family, friends and everything you know and love is part of an elaborate illusion sounds insane…..


but then again Einstein did say “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”


Leap! explores ancient and modern philosophies and philosophers who support the illusion theory.


To Leap! beyond the illusion is to let go and live from inspiration….


To Leap! beyond the constraints of your current perceived reality and what you think you know….


To consider The Truth of who you really are:


You are an infinite being…. a participant in the illusion


We are all infinite beings… most of us have simply forgotten


Infinite power and abundance is your natural state


The purpose of Leap! is to invite each of us to live beyond the illusion by knowing what is really going on here.


This philosophy is not about denying our physical experience. Ultimately it is about Leaping beyond limitations and restrictions which this illusion appears to impose.


What would your life look like if you chose to live from a context of:

- You are an infinite being- Your world is an illusion being constructed for your enjoyment- There is nothing “to do” except what you are inspired to do

- You can’t make a mistake

Perhaps the following would be possible from a foundation of you are an infinite being:

- True Happiness, Peace, Fun, Love and Joy would be present


- You could live life with no limits or restrictions


- In every moment anything is possible


- Everything is perfect right here, right now


- Everything that happens to you is simply an opportunity for you to embrace these truths.


This philosophy is not about visualization, manifestation, or creating with intention.This philosophy is a complete paradigm shift in how you can live your life from a deep knowing of who you really are.


Even though we believe it’s all an illusion…. this life is still a great adventure…..


Come, Play and Leap! beyond the illusion with us!








Review of Leap! by Jerry Katz


This movie is meatier and more nondually down to earth than What the Bleep. It also has more irreverence, too.


The beautiful thing is that no one has an inkling of what they're talking about. That's the great humor and joy. We are so alone and so un-knowing that we can know non-separateness through the unknowing, not through knowing.


The movie proceeds from knowing to not-knowing. "Ultimately we don't know what anything is," Dan Millman says. Wondrous and lucious quotations appear on the screen, supporting the words of the film's guides.


The speakers don't talk about their backgrounds. They talk about reality, so these are pared down interviews getting to the essence of the inquiry into the nature of reality.


"You get out of the illusion by embracing it." James Twyman.


"You don't consciously will your experiencing in the current moment." Gary Crowley


"Happiness is here, where you are, as you are." Amber Terrell.


"This moment is an astonishing miracle. ... This is the moment of bliss." Joe Vitale.


"The purpose of the world is to show us what's going on in our mind." Lyn Corona


"Do you want to be free? Do you want to experience nothing but love? You don't have to consider whether it's possible or impossible, you just have to decide whether or not you want it. And that's a far more difficult decision than you now can recognize. ... But if you do, once you make that decision there is nothing that can prevent that from coming to your awareness." Tom Carpenter.


Puppetji may be the star of this film. He comes out and says he doesn't know what the heck he's talking about and what all the questions mean. He just wants to know who where the filmmaker got his carpet from and where to get a good pastrami sandwich.


Suffering, the ego, creating your reality, happiness, reality and the world as illusions, quantum physics, perception, are all themes that are explored to some bottom line depth.


This film is not steeped in traditions. It is somewhat steeped in science, in the beginning, but mostly steeped in seeing what's true, seeing what is. There's a freshness, straighforwardness, and simplicity in that.


The last several minutes of outtakes are enjoyable. Including the outtakes was a bold statement by the filmmakers. The outtakes help you realize that everything previously seen was an act for the camera, an effort to say something that can't be spoken. You are returned to the ordinary, which may now be seen as worldless, as a smile. You've leaped.


The movie confirms two of my guidelines for navigating the world: Work seriously, but take nothing seriously. Don't do anything beyond the everyday unless it is a task bestowed upon you by the divine or by the "great intelligence." In other words, don't go out and start a spirituality retreat center just because you have the money and you think it would make your life meaningful. The task has to come down on you, bestowed upon you; it has to be a calling.


Leap! is a guide to nonduality, a guide to your true nature, a guide to happiness and effective living. Leap! could easily shift your entire perspective on reality. After watching Leap! you will allow reality to live you instead of you trying to live in reality. The world is ready for Leap!


Watch lots of video clips here: http://www.youtube.com/user/LeapVentures


Order Leap! http://www.leapmovie.com/jrox/jrox.php?id=10145


--Jerry Katz

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