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Fw: Sharing some thoughts with you all

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Since the message from Sri Vidyasankar is quite useful for members who have been following this thread, I am forwarding to the list. I want to thank Sri Vidya for taking his time to answer Sri Bhaskarji's recent message. I agree with the following conclusive statement of Sri Vidyasankar which is quite timely:- //" As I said before, I think it is counter-productive to paint oneself into corners by taking hard positions on these issues, when our time could be better spent approaching them with an open mind."//


With my warmest regards,


Ram Chandran



----- Forwarded Message ----"Sundaresan, Vidyasankar (GE Infra, Water)" <vidyasankar.sundaresanBhaskar YR <bhaskar.yr; subrahmanian_vCc: Ram Chandran <ramvchandran; Thursday, February 26, 2009 10:26:58 AMRE: Sharing some thoughts with you all



The following is probably going to be a long mail, so I apologize in advance to everybody...


Dear Bhaskar,


There is nothing surprising in my stance. As far as possible, and within the limits of my intellect and knowledge of Sanskrit, I have been interested only in learning and presenting what Sankara bhagavatpAda (and sureSvarAcArya) have taught. As an aside, and only because it has some bearing on the current discussion, it has been my conclusion that later AcAryas in the tradition (including vidyAraNya svAmin) have not deviated from the teachings of bhagavatpAda, no matter what construction may be put upon their texts.


I will point you to Sankara bhagavatpAda's commentary on bR. up 1.4.7-10, which we have discussed back and forth many times, including in the yoga and advaita vedAnta thread on Advaita-L. I am, in particular, referring to the extended passage that talks of Atma-vijnAna-tat-smRti-saMtAna (saMtatiH) that leads effortlessly to nirodha of all citta vRtti-s ... and is also described as a niyama vidhi in the bhAshya -


samyag-jnAna-prAptAv apy avaSyaM bhAvinI-pravRttir vA^N-manaH-kAyAnAm ... ...


I won't quote the entire passage here, as anyone can look it up in a book or on the website that has the text of all the major commentaries (http://www.sankara.iitk.ac.in/).


Please ask yourself what is the samyag-jnAna that is referred to here. Who is it that attains it (prApti)? How is it that EVEN AFTER (prAptAv api) attaining such samyag-jnAna, there can be any pravRtti of speech, mind and body? Whose vAk, manas and kAya are being described here?* Who is it that has a newly acquired jnAna pravRtti that can be weaker (daurbalya in the bhAshya) than the previously existing stronger pravRtti (described as balIya in the bhAshya) towards action? For whom is the recollection of Atma-vijnAna, bolstered by tapas and vairAgya prescribed here, as a niyama vidhi, if not as an apUrva vidhi? The Atma-vijnAna has to be there before it can be recollected, right? Who is the person who has to recollect it? If such a person cannot be accepted as a jnAnI and a jIvanmukta, what word should we use to describe such a person?


In parallel, please also see muNDaka bhAshya, where the upanishad refers to brahmavidAM varaH. I have given the exact citation from that commentary also, in the yoga and advaita series on Advaita-L. There is nothing problematic with attaching the terms -vara, -varIyas and -varishTha to the word brahmavit and describing grades of jIvanmukti. The upanishad and the bhAshya themselves do so, both implicitly in many places and explicitly in some places.


No one, no matter how erudite, can explain away these and other similar statements in the upanishad bhAshyas. If some explanation is offered, with the statement, "this causes no harm to the siddhAnta", a similar explanation can conceivably be offered for every stance taken by other post-Sankaran authors, including even me! I would rather not do that. Instead, I would try to understand what ALL the bhAshyas say, with the full faith that there are no internal contradictions and inconsistencies in the writings of Sankara bhagavatpAda. This is also part of the reason why I don't participate much in online discussions, because I am fully content focusing on some "technical" detail in the Sanskrit texts, instead of writing in English with its all too convenient usage of capital letters that privilege some notions over others.


For the record, and this is for Sri Nair, let me conclude by saying that having one's focus on the paramparA does not necessarily blind one to the Truth. Not unless the paramparA deliberately seals your eyes from the Truth. I think it is rather obvious to everyone that this is not the case. Instead, is not equally possible that deliberately (or even unintentionally) devaluing the paramparA is what blinds you to some truths, if not to the Truth? I will leave things with this provocative question.


I don't want to get into these discussions all over again, either via private email or on a public mailing list, for two reasons. I don't have the time or the interest to spend on it and all that needs to be said on all sides of this topic has been said by various people, including you. I see certain merits in some of the points that you are making and in some other points that Sri Nair is making. I see other merits in other points that everybody else is making. As I said before, I think it is counter-productive to paint oneself into corners by taking hard positions on these issues, when our time could be better spent approaching them with an open mind. For the time being, I have exhausted the topic from my end (I never was a major participant to begin with). Needless to say, I will try to follow, once

in a while, the discussion on the Advaitin list, but unless I have some major insight to share with the rest, I will keep quiet.


Best regards,



* ps. I like the traditional triad of vAk, manas and kAya (VMK) better than the often used BMI. For one thing, it highlights speech, which is neglected in the formulation of BMI. vAk-samyama and mauna are as important for tattva-darSana as learning to train and control the mind, intellect and the body. For another, VMK bundles up M and I into one manas, which is actually how everyone operates in this world. We use both our minds and intellects but delude ourselves into believing that we primarily use our intellects. At the same time, we think that everybody else never uses their intellect but only their mind!





Bhaskar YR [bhaskar.yr] Thursday, February 26, 2009 6:58 AMsubrahmanian_vCc: Dennis Waite; jai1971; madathilnair; VKrishnamurthi; Ramvchabdran; Neelakantan; sunder Hattangadi; Sundaresan, Vidyasankar (GE Infra, Water)Re: Sharing some thoughts with you all


Humble praNAms Sri Subbu prabhujiHare KrishnaI am really very grateful to your goodself for drafting this very detailed article on jnAni's BMI...I wholeheartedly appriciate your sincere efforts, dedication & tenacity in presenting your view points...You have taken somany shruti, bhAshya references to substatiate your claims. It is good to see unlike others, (who are more particular about propagating advaita vedanta under the tag of 'my understanding') you have put-in significant effort to uphold your view points with the support of shankara bhAshya vAkya-s & some stories narrated in shruti-s ...Kindly onceagain, accept my praNAms prabhuji..Since you donot want to continue this discussion, I dont see any point in replying to your observations prabhuji...Infact, I could make out what would be there in the whole article after reading your first two lines of that article :-)) I shall pass on my general comments on your article

in advaitin list since now it is available for all the members of the list...Anyway, it is surprising to see Sri Vidya prabhuji, my cybernet guruji, too acknowledged your mail positively, when he himself denied the individuality to jeevan mukta in his article...Anyway, I shall discuss that issue with him separately in due course.Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!bhaskar

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I am sorry to say this is really ridiculous.


Private mails, on which their authors do not want to debate further,

are reproduced here without offering any explanations. This is

politics and I can't understand the relevance of such machinations in

a Group which professes spirituality and advaita.


Shri VSS-ji is free to hold his own views. The same applies to

Subbuji too. But why are their pronouncements treated as special

category epiphany here?


It is a fact that VSS-ji is now saying things which contradict what

he has displayed on his homepage and in the FAQ there. Any one with

minimum gray matter in his head can point this out.


Now Subbuji has sent a *circular* confidential(!) private mail in

reply to Bhaskarji's quoted below. It reads really like a stinker.

Are you guys going to publish the same too here? God forbid.


Now everyone has come around to accept the fact that there are two

contradictory opinions expressed in our scriptures. If they are

really contradictory, then we can't rely on our scriptures and

teachers. Contradictory opinions cannot be christened 'teachings'. A

teaching should be such that it is unambiguous because any teaching

ought to bring about knowledge.


There is no ambiguity about the first opinion. The second one

compromises Advaita. I would, therefore, vote for No. 1



I am least bothered about what others, whom we call scholars or

stitaprajnAs (actually one of the persons was described so), have to

say. Position No. 1 is not for arbitration.


If any reconciliation is attempted, the objective of it should be to

safeguard No. 1, which is true Advaita, and not to sail in two boats.

Unless such genuine efforts for reconciliation come forth, there is

no alternative but to say that parampara has taken precedence over

Truth. Full stop.


Best regards to all.


Madathil Nair



If the advaitin , Ram Chandran

<ramvchandran wrote:


> Namaste:


> Since the message from Sri Vidyasankar is quite useful for members

who have been following this thread, I am forwarding to the list.  I

want to thank Sri Vidya for taking his time to answer Sri Bhaskarji's

recent message.  I agree with the following conclusive statement of

Sri Vidyasankar which is quite timely:- // " As I said before, I think

it is counter-productive to paint oneself into corners by taking hard

positions on these issues, when our time could be better spent

approaching them with an open mind. " //


> With my warmest regards,


> Ram Chandran



> ----- Forwarded Message ----

> " Sundaresan, Vidyasankar (GE Infra, Water) "


> Bhaskar YR <bhaskar.yr; subrahmanian_v

> Cc: Ram Chandran <ramvchandran; Thursday, February 26,

2009 10:26:58 AM

> RE: Sharing some thoughts with you all


> The following is probably going to be a long mail, so I apologize

in advance to everybody...


> Dear Bhaskar,


> There is nothing surprising in my stance. As far as possible, and

within the limits of my intellect and knowledge of Sanskrit, I have

been interested only in learning and presenting what Sankara

bhagavatpAda (and sureSvarAcArya) have taught. As an aside, and only

because it has some bearing on the current discussion, it has been my

conclusion that later AcAryas in the tradition (including vidyAraNya

svAmin) have not deviated from the teachings of bhagavatpAda, no

matter what construction may be put upon their texts.


> I will point you to Sankara bhagavatpAda's commentary on bR. up

1.4.7-10, which we have discussed back and forth many times,

including in the yoga and advaita vedAnta thread on Advaita-L. I am,

in particular, referring to the extended passage that talks of Atma-

vijnAna-tat-smRti-saMtAna (saMtatiH) that leads effortlessly to

nirodha of all citta vRtti-s ... and is also described as a niyama

vidhi in the bhAshya -


> samyag-jnAna-prAptAv apy avaSyaM bhAvinI-pravRttir vA^N-manaH-

kAyAnAm ... ...


> I won't quote the entire passage here, as anyone can look it up in

a book or on the website that has the text of all the major

commentaries (http://www.sankara.iitk.ac.in/).


> Please ask yourself what is the samyag-jnAna that is referred to

here. Who is it that attains it (prApti)? How is it that EVEN AFTER

(prAptAv api) attaining such samyag-jnAna, there can be any pravRtti

of speech, mind and body? Whose vAk, manas and kAya are being

described here?* Who is it that has a newly acquired jnAna pravRtti

that can be weaker (daurbalya in the bhAshya) than the previously

existing stronger pravRtti (described as balIya in the bhAshya)

towards action? For whom is the recollection of Atma-vijnAna,

bolstered by tapas and vairAgya prescribed here, as a niyama vidhi,

if not as an apUrva vidhi? The Atma-vijnAna has to be there before it

can be recollected, right? Who is the person who has to recollect it?

If such a person cannot be accepted as a jnAnI and a jIvanmukta, what

word should we use to describe such a person?


> In parallel, please also see muNDaka bhAshya, where the upanishad

refers to brahmavidAM varaH. I have given the exact citation from

that commentary also, in the yoga and advaita series on Advaita-L.

There is nothing problematic with attaching the terms -vara, -varIyas

and -varishTha to the word brahmavit and describing grades of

jIvanmukti. The upanishad and the bhAshya themselves do so, both

implicitly in many places and explicitly in some places.


> No one, no matter how erudite, can explain away these and other

similar statements in the upanishad bhAshyas. If some explanation is

offered, with the statement, " this causes no harm to the siddhAnta " ,

a similar explanation can conceivably be offered for every stance

taken by other post-Sankaran authors, including even me! I would

rather not do that. Instead, I would try to understand what ALL the

bhAshyas say, with the full faith that there are no internal

contradictions and inconsistencies in the writings of Sankara

bhagavatpAda. This is also part of the reason why I don't participate

much in online discussions, because I am fully content focusing on

some " technical " detail in the Sanskrit texts, instead of writing in

English with its all too convenient usage of capital letters that

privilege some notions over others.


> For the record, and this is for Sri Nair, let me conclude by saying

that having one's focus on the paramparA does not necessarily blind

one to the Truth. Not unless the paramparA deliberately seals your

eyes from the Truth. I think it is rather obvious to everyone that

this is not the case. Instead, is not equally possible that

deliberately (or even unintentionally) devaluing the paramparA is

what blinds you to some truths, if not to the Truth? I will leave

things with this provocative question.


> I don't want to get into these discussions all over again, either

via private email or on a public mailing list, for two reasons. I

don't have the time or the interest to spend on it and all that needs

to be said on all sides of this topic has been said by various

people, including you. I see certain merits in some of the points

that you are making and in some other points that Sri Nair is making.

I see other merits in other points that everybody else is making. As

I said before, I think it is counter-productive to paint oneself into

corners by taking hard positions on these issues, when our time could

be better spent approaching them with an open mind. For the time

being, I have exhausted the topic from my end (I never was a major

participant to begin with). Needless to say, I will try to follow,

once in a while, the discussion on the Advaitin list, but unless I

have some major insight to share with the rest, I will keep quiet.


> Best regards,

> Vidyasankar


> * ps. I like the traditional triad of vAk, manas and kAya (VMK)

better than the often used BMI. For one thing, it highlights speech,

which is neglected in the formulation of BMI. vAk-samyama and mauna

are as important for tattva-darSana as learning to train and control

the mind, intellect and the body. For another, VMK bundles up M and I

into one manas, which is actually how everyone operates in this

world. We use both our minds and intellects but delude ourselves into

believing that we primarily use our intellects. At the same time, we

think that everybody else never uses their intellect but only their




> ________________________________


> Bhaskar YR [bhaskar.yr]

> Thursday, February 26, 2009 6:58 AM

> subrahmanian_v

> Cc: Dennis Waite; jai1971; madathilnair; VKrishnamurthi;

Ramvchabdran; Neelakantan; sunder Hattangadi; Sundaresan, Vidyasankar

(GE Infra, Water)

> Re: Sharing some thoughts with you all



> Humble praNAms Sri Subbu prabhuji

> Hare Krishna


> I am really very grateful to your goodself for drafting this very

detailed article on jnAni's BMI...I wholeheartedly appriciate your

sincere efforts, dedication & tenacity in presenting your view

points...You have taken somany shruti, bhAshya references to

substatiate your claims. It is good to see unlike others, (who are

more particular about propagating advaita vedanta under the tag

of 'my understanding') you have put-in significant effort to uphold

your view points with the support of shankara bhAshya vAkya-s & some

stories narrated in shruti-s ...Kindly onceagain, accept my praNAms



> Since you donot want to continue this discussion, I dont see any

point in replying to your observations prabhuji...Infact, I could

make out what would be there in the whole article after reading your

first two lines of that article :-)) I shall pass on my general

comments on your article in advaitin list since now it is available

for all the members of the list...


> Anyway, it is surprising to see Sri Vidya prabhuji, my cybernet

guruji, too acknowledged your mail positively, when he himself denied

the individuality to jeevan mukta in his article...Anyway, I shall

discuss that issue with him separately in due course.


> Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!

> bhaskar


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Namaste Sri.Nair-ji,



advaitin , " Madathil Rajendran Nair "

<madathilnair wrote:



> Now everyone has come around to accept the fact that there are two

> contradictory opinions expressed in our scriptures.


I do not accept branding contradiction on scriptures wholesale.

Scriptures are two types -- unauthored and authored. Unauthored

scriptures by definition are flawless. Your attribution of

contradictional falw, if at all, must exist on the uthored

scriptures. I do agree with you that some vEdantin's authored texts

have this flaw of internal contradictions and must be avoided.









If they are

> really contradictory, then we can't rely on our scriptures and

> teachers. Contradictory opinions cannot be christened 'teachings'.


> teaching should be such that it is unambiguous because any teaching

> ought to bring about knowledge.


> There is no ambiguity about the first opinion. The second one

> compromises Advaita. I would, therefore, vote for No. 1

> wholeheartedly.


> I am least bothered about what others, whom we call scholars or

> stitaprajnAs (actually one of the persons was described so), have


> say. Position No. 1 is not for arbitration.


> If any reconciliation is attempted, the objective of it should be


> safeguard No. 1, which is true Advaita, and not to sail in two


> Unless such genuine efforts for reconciliation come forth, there is

> no alternative but to say that parampara has taken precedence over

> Truth. Full stop.


> Best regards to all.


> Madathil Nair

> ______________


> If the advaitin , Ram Chandran

> <ramvchandran@> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste:

> >  

> > Since the message from Sri Vidyasankar is quite useful for


> who have been following this thread, I am forwarding to the list. 


> want to thank Sri Vidya for taking his time to answer Sri


> recent message.  I agree with the following conclusive statement of

> Sri Vidyasankar which is quite timely:- // " As I said before, I


> it is counter-productive to paint oneself into corners by taking


> positions on these issues, when our time could be better spent

> approaching them with an open mind. " //

> >  

> > With my warmest regards,

> >  

> > Ram Chandran

> >  

> >  

> > ----- Forwarded Message ----

> > " Sundaresan, Vidyasankar (GE Infra, Water) "

> <vidyasankar.sundaresan@>

> > Bhaskar YR <bhaskar.yr@>; subrahmanian_v@

> > Cc: Ram Chandran <ramvchandran@>; Thursday, February 26,

> 2009 10:26:58 AM

> > RE: Sharing some thoughts with you all

> >

> > The following is probably going to be a long mail, so I apologize

> in advance to everybody...

> >  

> > Dear Bhaskar,

> >  

> > There is nothing surprising in my stance. As far as possible, and

> within the limits of my intellect and knowledge of Sanskrit, I have

> been interested only in learning and presenting what Sankara

> bhagavatpAda (and sureSvarAcArya) have taught. As an aside, and


> because it has some bearing on the current discussion, it has been


> conclusion that later AcAryas in the tradition (including


> svAmin) have not deviated from the teachings of bhagavatpAda, no

> matter what construction may be put upon their texts.

> >  

> > I will point you to Sankara bhagavatpAda's commentary on bR. up

> 1.4.7-10, which we have discussed back and forth many times,

> including in the yoga and advaita vedAnta thread on Advaita-L. I


> in particular, referring to the extended passage that talks of Atma-

> vijnAna-tat-smRti-saMtAna (saMtatiH) that leads effortlessly to

> nirodha of all citta vRtti-s ... and is also described as a niyama

> vidhi in the bhAshya -

> >  

> > samyag-jnAna-prAptAv apy avaSyaM bhAvinI-pravRttir vA^N-manaH-

> kAyAnAm ... ...

> >  

> > I won't quote the entire passage here, as anyone can look it up


> a book or on the website that has the text of all the major

> commentaries (http://www.sankara.iitk.ac.in/).

> >  

> > Please ask yourself what is the samyag-jnAna that is referred to

> here. Who is it that attains it (prApti)? How is it that EVEN AFTER

> (prAptAv api) attaining such samyag-jnAna, there can be any


> of speech, mind and body? Whose vAk, manas and kAya are being

> described here?* Who is it that has a newly acquired jnAna pravRtti

> that can be weaker (daurbalya in the bhAshya) than the previously

> existing stronger pravRtti (described as balIya in the bhAshya)

> towards action? For whom is the recollection of Atma-vijnAna,

> bolstered by tapas and vairAgya prescribed here, as a niyama vidhi,

> if not as an apUrva vidhi? The Atma-vijnAna has to be there before


> can be recollected, right? Who is the person who has to recollect


> If such a person cannot be accepted as a jnAnI and a jIvanmukta,


> word should we use to describe such a person?

> >  

> > In parallel, please also see muNDaka bhAshya, where the upanishad

> refers to brahmavidAM varaH. I have given the exact citation from

> that commentary also, in the yoga and advaita series on Advaita-L.

> There is nothing problematic with attaching the terms -vara, -


> and -varishTha to the word brahmavit and describing grades of

> jIvanmukti. The upanishad and the bhAshya themselves do so, both

> implicitly in many places and explicitly in some places.

> >  

> > No one, no matter how erudite, can explain away these and other

> similar statements in the upanishad bhAshyas. If some explanation


> offered, with the statement, " this causes no harm to the

siddhAnta " ,

> a similar explanation can conceivably be offered for every stance

> taken by other post-Sankaran authors, including even me! I would

> rather not do that. Instead, I would try to understand what ALL the

> bhAshyas say, with the full faith that there are no internal

> contradictions and inconsistencies in the writings of Sankara

> bhagavatpAda. This is also part of the reason why I don't


> much in online discussions, because I am fully content focusing on

> some " technical " detail in the Sanskrit texts, instead of writing


> English with its all too convenient usage of capital letters that

> privilege some notions over others.

> >  

> > For the record, and this is for Sri Nair, let me conclude by


> that having one's focus on the paramparA does not necessarily blind

> one to the Truth. Not unless the paramparA deliberately seals your

> eyes from the Truth. I think it is rather obvious to everyone that

> this is not the case. Instead, is not equally possible that

> deliberately (or even unintentionally) devaluing the paramparA is

> what blinds you to some truths, if not to the Truth? I will leave

> things with this provocative question.

> >  

> > I don't want to get into these discussions all over again, either

> via private email or on a public mailing list, for two reasons. I

> don't have the time or the interest to spend on it and all that


> to be said on all sides of this topic has been said by various

> people, including you. I see certain merits in some of the points

> that you are making and in some other points that Sri Nair is


> I see other merits in other points that everybody else is making.


> I said before, I think it is counter-productive to paint oneself


> corners by taking hard positions on these issues, when our time


> be better spent approaching them with an open mind. For the time

> being, I have exhausted the topic from my end (I never was a major

> participant to begin with). Needless to say, I will try to follow,

> once in a while, the discussion on the Advaitin list, but unless I

> have some major insight to share with the rest, I will keep quiet.

> >  

> > Best regards,

> > Vidyasankar

> >  

> > * ps. I like the traditional triad of vAk, manas and kAya (VMK)

> better than the often used BMI. For one thing, it highlights


> which is neglected in the formulation of BMI. vAk-samyama and mauna

> are as important for tattva-darSana as learning to train and


> the mind, intellect and the body. For another, VMK bundles up M and


> into one manas, which is actually how everyone operates in this

> world. We use both our minds and intellects but delude ourselves


> believing that we primarily use our intellects. At the same time,


> think that everybody else never uses their intellect but only their

> mind!

> >  

> >

> > ________________________________

> >

> > Bhaskar YR [bhaskar.yr@]

> > Thursday, February 26, 2009 6:58 AM

> > subrahmanian_v@

> > Cc: Dennis Waite; jai1971@; madathilnair@; VKrishnamurthi;

> Ramvchabdran; Neelakantan; sunder Hattangadi; Sundaresan,


> (GE Infra, Water)

> > Re: Sharing some thoughts with you all

> >

> >

> > Humble praNAms Sri Subbu prabhuji

> > Hare Krishna

> >

> > I am really very grateful to your goodself for drafting this very

> detailed article on jnAni's BMI...I wholeheartedly appriciate your

> sincere efforts, dedication & tenacity in presenting your view

> points...You have taken somany shruti, bhAshya references to

> substatiate your claims. It is good to see unlike others, (who are

> more particular about propagating advaita vedanta under the tag

> of 'my understanding') you have put-in significant effort to uphold

> your view points with the support of shankara bhAshya vAkya-s &


> stories narrated in shruti-s ...Kindly onceagain, accept my praNAms

> prabhuji..

> >

> > Since you donot want to continue this discussion, I dont see any

> point in replying to your observations prabhuji...Infact, I could

> make out what would be there in the whole article after reading


> first two lines of that article :-)) I shall pass on my general

> comments on your article in advaitin list since now it is available

> for all the members of the list...

> >

> > Anyway, it is surprising to see Sri Vidya prabhuji, my cybernet

> guruji, too acknowledged your mail positively, when he himself


> the individuality to jeevan mukta in his article...Anyway, I shall

> discuss that issue with him separately in due course.

> >

> > Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!

> > bhaskar

> >


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Namaste to all.


This is suggested purely as a means of reconciliation between Teachings

1 and 2.


We talk so much about AdhyAropa apavAda. Can we take Teaching 1 as the

ultimate apavAda of Teaching 2 and close this contentious issue? Is

that not advaitic?


Bhaskarji, kindly put in your thoughts.


Best regards to all.


Madathil Nair

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advaitin , " Madathil Rajendran Nair "

<madathilnair wrote:



> This is suggested purely as a means of reconciliation between

> Teachings 1 and 2.


> We talk so much about AdhyAropa apavAda. Can we take Teaching 1 as

> the ultimate apavAda of Teaching 2 and close this contentious issue?

> Is that not advaitic?


Hari OM!

Truth needs no reconciliation of any sort, only individuals may need.

Contentious issues are there only as long as there are contenders.

Please continue.


Hari OM!


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Dear Sri.Nair-ji,



advaitin , " Madathil Rajendran Nair "

<madathilnair wrote:


> Namaste to all.


> This is suggested purely as a means of reconciliation between


> 1 and 2.


> We talk so much about AdhyAropa apavAda. Can we take Teaching 1

as the

> ultimate apavAda of Teaching 2 and close this contentious issue?


> that not advaitic?



If you notice from the Subuji's article, Teaching 1 is purely from

AdhyAsa Bhashya alone. Where as Teaching 2 is from Gita, Brahma

Sutra proper (not the bhAshya) and other Upanishads. If you want to

consider Teaching 1 as apavAda over Teaching 2, well what can I say,

it is as good as considering bhAshya-kAra's text over mUla prastana

trya itself. Why do we need prastana-traya then?




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advaitin , " Madathil Rajendran Nair "

<madathilnair wrote:


> We talk so much about AdhyAropa apavAda. Can we take Teaching 1 as the

> ultimate apavAda of Teaching 2 and close this contentious issue? Is that

> not advaitic?


Shri Nair-ji, praNAms,


Maybe I agree with you in spirit. But perhaps we should also remember that

these kind of apavAdAs are not mere intellectual exercises -- done by people

sitting in front of their computers in their homes/offices -- but to be

done, at least after the " apavAda " of their nitya-karmAs by a proper

sarva-karma-sannyAsa (SKS) as given by a qualified guru. This point of SKS

being repeated in many places in bhAshyakAra's work, as well as later

advaitins' work, shows the emphasis on the adhikAri-bhEda (eligibility of

the student's qualification to read that work). Please do not miss this



praNAms to all advaitins



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praNAms Sri Ramachandra prabhuji

Hare Krishna


I understand that Sri vidyA prabhuji has given permission to post all his mails to this forum...But I dont know how you have appended my mail (which was addressed to some restricted recipients ) also at the tail of Sri Vidya prabhuji's mail.....Atleast Sri VidyA prabhuji's below mail carries some stuff with respect to the on-going discussion and it has some useful information also. But my mail was, as you can see, intended to address only some set of prabhuji-s & my personal comments on some issues..My mail is, noway, of the interest of this list by anymeans prabhuji & IMO, my personal mail cannot be floated like this in this open forum without taking my concurrence prabhuji.... Anyway, I am not here to dispute all these issues with you prabhuji...But since you are taking all the trouble to cross post these mails, I am just seeking the clarification from your goodself prabhuji...If you were so eager and in a hurry in forwarding Sri Vidya's mail to the forum and appended mail of mine was an inadvertent overlook by your goodself, kindly ignore this mail...


Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!







Ram Chandran <ramvchandran








Ram Chandran <ramvchandran

Sent by: advaitin

02/26/2009 11:03 PM


Please respond to











advaitin list <advaitin >






Fw: Sharing some thoughts with you all











Since the message from Sri Vidyasankar is quite useful for members who have been following this thread, I am forwarding to the list. I want to thank Sri Vidya for taking his time to answer Sri Bhaskarji's recent message. I agree with the following conclusive statement of Sri Vidyasankar which is quite timely:- // " As I said before, I think it is counter-productive to paint oneself into corners by taking hard positions on these issues, when our time could be better spent approaching them with an open mind. " //


With my warmest regards,


Ram Chandran



----- Forwarded Message ----

" Sundaresan, Vidyasankar (GE Infra, Water) " <vidyasankar.sundaresan

Bhaskar YR <bhaskar.yr; subrahmanian_v

Cc: Ram Chandran <ramvchandran; Thursday, February 26, 2009 10:26:58 AM

RE: Sharing some thoughts with you all


The following is probably going to be a long mail, so I apologize in advance to everybody...


Dear Bhaskar,


There is nothing surprising in my stance. As far as possible, and within the limits of my intellect and knowledge of Sanskrit, I have been interested only in learning and presenting what Sankara bhagavatpAda (and sureSvarAcArya) have taught. As an aside, and only because it has some bearing on the current discussion, it has been my conclusion that later AcAryas in the tradition (including vidyAraNya svAmin) have not deviated from the teachings of bhagavatpAda, no matter what construction may be put upon their texts.


I will point you to Sankara bhagavatpAda's commentary on bR. up 1.4.7-10, which we have discussed back and forth many times, including in the yoga and advaita vedAnta thread on Advaita-L. I am, in particular, referring to the extended passage that talks of Atma-vijnAna-tat-smRti-saMtAna (saMtatiH) that leads effortlessly to nirodha of all citta vRtti-s ... and is also described as a niyama vidhi in the bhAshya -


samyag-jnAna-prAptAv apy avaSyaM bhAvinI-pravRttir vA^N-manaH-kAyAnAm ... ...


I won't quote the entire passage here, as anyone can look it up in a book or on the website that has the text of all the major commentaries (http://www.sankara.iitk.ac.in/).


Please ask yourself what is the samyag-jnAna that is referred to here. Who is it that attains it (prApti)? How is it that EVEN AFTER (prAptAv api) attaining such samyag-jnAna, there can be any pravRtti of speech, mind and body? Whose vAk, manas and kAya are being described here?* Who is it that has a newly acquired jnAna pravRtti that can be weaker (daurbalya in the bhAshya) than the previously existing stronger pravRtti (described as balIya in the bhAshya) towards action? For whom is the recollection of Atma-vijnAna, bolstered by tapas and vairAgya prescribed here, as a niyama vidhi, if not as an apUrva vidhi? The Atma-vijnAna has to be there before it can be recollected, right? Who is the person who has to recollect it? If such a person cannot be accepted as a jnAnI and a jIvanmukta, what word should we use to describe such a person?


In parallel, please also see muNDaka bhAshya, where the upanishad refers to brahmavidAM varaH. I have given the exact citation from that commentary also, in the yoga and advaita series on Advaita-L. There is nothing problematic with attaching the terms -vara, -varIyas and -varishTha to the word brahmavit and describing grades of jIvanmukti. The upanishad and the bhAshya themselves do so, both implicitly in many places and explicitly in some places.


No one, no matter how erudite, can explain away these and other similar statements in the upanishad bhAshyas. If some explanation is offered, with the statement, " this causes no harm to the siddhAnta " , a similar explanation can conceivably be offered for every stance taken by other post-Sankaran authors, including even me! I would rather not do that. Instead, I would try to understand what ALL the bhAshyas say, with the full faith that there are no internal contradictions and inconsistencies in the writings of Sankara bhagavatpAda. This is also part of the reason why I don't participate much in online discussions, because I am fully content focusing on some " technical " detail in the Sanskrit texts, instead of writing in English with its all too convenient usage of capital letters that privilege some notions over others.


For the record, and this is for Sri Nair, let me conclude by saying that having one's focus on the paramparA does not necessarily blind one to the Truth. Not unless the paramparA deliberately seals your eyes from the Truth. I think it is rather obvious to everyone that this is not the case. Instead, is not equally possible that deliberately (or even unintentionally) devaluing the paramparA is what blinds you to some truths, if not to the Truth? I will leave things with this provocative question.


I don't want to get into these discussions all over again, either via private email or on a public mailing list, for two reasons. I don't have the time or the interest to spend on it and all that needs to be said on all sides of this topic has been said by various people, including you. I see certain merits in some of the points that you are making and in some other points that Sri Nair is making. I see other merits in other points that everybody else is making. As I said before, I think it is counter-productive to paint oneself into corners by taking hard positions on these issues, when our time could be better spent approaching them with an open mind. For the time being, I have exhausted the topic from my end (I never was a major participant to begin with). Needless to say, I will try to follow, once in a while, the discussion on the Advaitin list, but unless I have some major insight to share with the rest, I will keep quiet.


Best regards,



* ps. I like the traditional triad of vAk, manas and kAya (VMK) better than the often used BMI. For one thing, it highlights speech, which is neglected in the formulation of BMI. vAk-samyama and mauna are as important for tattva-darSana as learning to train and control the mind, intellect and the body. For another, VMK bundles up M and I into one manas, which is actually how everyone operates in this world. We use both our minds and intellects but delude ourselves into believing that we primarily use our intellects. At the same time, we think that everybody else never uses their intellect but only their mind!



Bhaskar YR [bhaskar.yr]

Thursday, February 26, 2009 6:58 AM


Cc: Dennis Waite; jai1971; madathilnair; VKrishnamurthi; Ramvchabdran; Neelakantan; sunder Hattangadi; Sundaresan, Vidyasankar (GE Infra, Water)

Re: Sharing some thoughts with you all


Humble praNAms Sri Subbu prabhuji

Hare Krishna


I am really very grateful to your goodself for drafting this very detailed article on jnAni's BMI...I wholeheartedly appriciate your sincere efforts, dedication & tenacity in presenting your view points...You have taken somany shruti, bhAshya references to substatiate your claims. It is good to see unlike others, (who are more particular about propagating advaita vedanta under the tag of 'my understanding') you have put-in significant effort to uphold your view points with the support of shankara bhAshya vAkya-s & some stories narrated in shruti-s ...Kindly onceagain, accept my praNAms prabhuji..


Since you donot want to continue this discussion, I dont see any point in replying to your observations prabhuji...Infact, I could make out what would be there in the whole article after reading your first two lines of that article :-)) I shall pass on my general comments on your article in advaitin list since now it is available for all the members of the list...


Anyway, it is surprising to see Sri Vidya prabhuji, my cybernet guruji, too acknowledged your mail positively, when he himself denied the individuality to jeevan mukta in his article...Anyway, I shall discuss that issue with him separately in due course.


Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!


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Namaste Bhaskarji and other members of the list:


As a moderator of the list, I do receive mails from members asking me to forward

to the list when they are not sure if the message is appropriate. Often my

mailbox gets filled with overwhelming number of mails. Honestly, I did not see

the tail with your message and I would have normally cut that part. That was an

inadvertant error. I apologize and my sending any mails forwarded to the list

with the good intention of sharing advaitic knowledge with the rest of the



I earnestly request you, Nairji and others not to send any mails that you

correspond with others to me. I have not interest in your private conversations

with others on the list matter. Members who want to forward any moderation

related mails, please send them to advatins.


With my warm regards,


Ram Chandran


advaitin , Bhaskar YR <bhaskar.yr wrote:


> I am just seeking the clarification from your

> goodself prabhuji...If you were so eager and in a hurry in forwarding Sri

> Vidya's mail to the forum and appended mail of mine was an inadvertent

> overlook by your goodself, kindly ignore this mail...


> Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!

> bhaskar




> Ram Chandran

> <ramvchandran@yah

> oo.com> To

> Sent by: advaitin list

> advaitin@gro <advaitin >

> ups.com cc



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We talk so much about AdhyAropa apavAda. Can we take Teaching 1 as the

ultimate apavAda of Teaching 2 and close this contentious issue? Is

that not advaitic?


Bhaskarji, kindly put in your thoughts.

praNAms Sri MN prabhuji

Hare Krishna

I believe, we have made that attempt also earlier is it not?? if jnAni/Atman has indriya-s let him have all indriya-s in the form of adhyArOpa, coz. in reality he is always sarvendriya vivarjita (apavAda)...(vide geeta bhAshya 13-12/13)...But nobody wants to take it...It is because they want to see the individualized set of indriya-s of A jnAni/Atman :-)) So prabhuji, adhyArOpa - apavAda methodology does not work here, prabhuji-s want to 'continue' this discussion without bringing in any methodology :-))

Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!


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I earnestly request you, Nairji and others not to send any mails that you correspond with others to me. I have not interest in your private conversations with others on the list matter.


praNAms Sri Ramachandra prabhuji

Hare Krishna

Thanks for your suggestion prabhuji...I'd adhere to it...

As far as my knowledge goes sofar I've not MARKED any 'private correspondence' to you...I hope you would agree with me I am the last man to do so...But I am not clear, if some private correspondence, which has already found a place in open forum & if these correspondences & articles require further insights/thoughts from the members who think it other wise, whether they are permitted to do so!! For example, recently publicly published Sri Subbuji's article, in this article Sri Subbu prabhuji has made some observations on sadyo mukti (based on BSB 1-1-4) & jeevan mukti (based on BSB 4-1-15) etc. and has taken some upanishadic stories etc. to prove jnAni's body, mind & intellect etc. These things need to be reviewed from other perspective as well!!..For that we need to continue the discussion..But problem here is author of this article not available for open discussion and his article has already been safely placed in file section as a 'final verdict' on this topic...Under these circumstances, what should members do...Kindly suggest prabhuji.

Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!


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