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Gems from the Ocean of Traditional Hindu Thought

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Dear all, Namaste.


First let me apologize to all of you for my self-forced silence for more than

three months now. There are two reasons for it and I will come to the more

important reason at the end.


Of course there were domestic distractions both in terms of work as well as ill

health. But these are AgamApayi as we all know. So let me not count that. The

first important reason for my imposing on myself a silence is the Global

Recession which caused Geocities to close down their websites which caused me to

pull out everything I had written on my site. From that time I had been

recasting most of my site material into one connected book format and that is

what kept me partly busy for the past three months, amidst all the other

distractions that I mentioned. And now I have completed 90 per cent. of my job.

I have gathered together all the material from my site,reorganized them into

chapters, edited them to read like a book. The title of this book is the

subject title I have given to this post. Though I have 10 per cent. of the work

left, in the form of dotting the i's and crossing the t's, and in the work of

preparing a complete index, and also omitting certain repetitions that have

crept in, I have converted this 400-page book into a pdf file and have uploaded

it on the files section of advaitin. Many of you may find some new items there.


Now my request to you all is two-fold. One, if you can suggest the right

publisher for this, I will be thankful. Secondly, those of you who can read

through it, at least browse through it, may kindly pass on their criticism, and

suggestions both for a better completion and for avoidance of all errors -- in

language, content and intent.


Now let me come to the most important reason for my silence. The domestic

distractions and the occupation with the writing of the book are only the outer

reasons. The inner reason was something else. I have all along been writing

about perfecting our spiritual quest, many times on this list. A few months

ago, it suggested to me that I should myself be doing something in that

direction instead of always talking and writing. So I decided to concentrate on

my daily anushtAnas, pUja and meditation more and more every day. This was not

easy. But in the past six months some progress has been made I hope. And this

certainly kept me away from many worldly distractions, including a participation

in the goings-on in advaitin.


I look forward to your comments on the uploaded file. Thanks.


PraNAms to all advaitins.


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Namaste, Respected Professorji,

Your book itself is a gem as it contains very valuable information. It is very

kind of you to make it available to us and God bless you with long life the best

of health and happiness.

With kind regards,



R. S. Mani


--- On Thu, 3/9/09, profvk <profvk wrote:




















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Dear Profvk-ji,




Congratulations on the completion of this massive and important work. I know

very well how much effort is involved in putting together material in this

way, even when most of it is already written. (I am currently producing a

second edition of Book of One and that was already in book format!) So I am

amazed that you have achieved this in such a short time.




I have added two links from www.advaita.org.uk to the PDF which Ram-ji has

added to the Advaitin.net site - one from the 'Hinduism' page and one from

the 'Free Books - Other' page. Unfortunately, I do not have any contacts

with publishers who might be interested in this. Although advaita may be

slowly becoming more saleable in the West, the more general aspects of

Hinduism do not seem to be. I suppose this is understandable since much of

the material relates to the cultural background.




Best wishes,















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saashhTaang praNAms Shri Prof. VK-ji,


advaitin , " profvk " <profvk wrote:

> I look forward to your comments on the uploaded file. Thanks.


I have been sorely missing your writings on the list, as well as the absence

of your website. I have read it over years, and it always improved my

understanding. For this I would treasure this book.


Here is a small request to you. Could you also kindly upload the beautiful

Ramaayana-advayam and Gitamrta-mahodadhi of your father (with your

annotations) to a location too?


praNAms again,


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