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Unicorn and Pratibigna

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These  are the words of Shri  K Srinivas in Vadavali Forum, topic of Eternal

Property/Apaurusheya of Vedas)..



" " Rishis who 'seen' mantras all have pratibigna (recognition) that what they are

seeing is the same as they have seen in their past lives 'as-is'. This

pratibigna of unchanging mantra is the key mark for vEdic text vs. unvEdic text.

People of your galaxy story lacks this feature you know. " " ...


The explanation above seems confusing to me.

 Please correct me if I am right??


"  The conclusive statement, signifying the relationship of Pratibigna as a

property of Mantra as the Key mark for vedic text "  has been derived from the

Premise of the Argument based on Rishis and several other properties, beyond any



How do we know that Rishis have previous lives?

Ok., If they do, what guarantee is that they were also born as Rishis in their

past lives too?


OK. If they are born as Rishis, then one can infer that they did access the same

Mantra and were good in memorising it and Remembering it..( remembering and

memory are not exactly the same..)


Assuming that The rishis do recollect ( oh.. another Confusing word, that

relates both to memory and Remembrance)..exactly without any Re-call bias or

Subjective Bias.


Now in the Next life, the Same Rishis comes to access the Mantra,,

When the Rishi chants the Mantras, it becomes second nature, almost an "

Ostensible Memory "


For eg, when we utter the word " Apple " do we ever remember how and when did we

come to learn this Word? DO we ever try to compare the " APPLE word of Today

with the APPLE word of Yesterday ( similar to previous lives) that it is the

same? the Pratibigna?


Is it not second nature to us, what APPLE means, and we are not inclined to

compare with any other such Occurrences?


What APPLE means to us, is more or less the same what " Mantras " should mean to

the Rishis, they are a second nature to the Rishis. "


Now the situation is even more confusing, its just not one APPLE for several

apples that we need to compare and contrast.. or several apples, mangoes and so

on, and compare and contrast with Apples and oranges of previous..


Similarly, The Rishis cannot Stop by comparing one Mantra, but a sufficient

Sample Size.


We are again making an assumption that " Recognition is Perfect , that is 100

percent in case of Rishis. ( i think it is sensible to accept that Recognition

has some connection to memory).


Memory itself is subject to Various Distortions and Biases, but Let us Assume

that Rishis are beyond such Distortions.


Now, if the " Pratibigna Property of the Vedic Text is " accepted, then


is it a Proof of the " infallibility of the Memory of the Rishis, or is it an

inherent  Quality of the VEDIC Text and not that of non-vedic texts?


is it due to the " P " quality of the vedic texts that the Rishis remember them as

they are?


Can we infer from the Pratibigna hypothesis that , if this occurs then it is "

unauthored "   and is unique to vedic texts only ( has any one tried this test on

other non vedic texts and disproved it?) and if it is Unauthored, then it is

eternal? and if it is eternal then it is divine? and if it is divine , so what?


Does any Scripture have to be Eternal to be Divine?

Is divinity only eternal? or only associated with Eternity?

if so. then that Eternity also includes the present and future,

and any Divine scriptures would in a retrospective manner, qualify to be a

DIVINE scripture, ( but not Eternal, as it would be logically invalid to



Final Question:


This was asked by Professor John Casper's, California: and David Hume


We have enough Qualities and Properties of a " UNICORN " , and It exists in our

Imagination. Now is there any need for an Extra property such as " Existence " ?

 Such an additional property is not going to change our already Formed image of

Unicorn " and if so, why the need for an additional attribute?


My Question is:


" Vedas are divine scriptures


there are several properties or necessities that it contains, which is (self)

sufficient in itself to prove the divinity.


is there any need for an additional Attribute or Property , which is " Authored,

Or eternal " that would in any way improve upon the Divine Image and Divine

purpose of the Vedas?


If so, then what is it?


Are only the Scriptures that are eternal , have divine appeal?


When we say eternal, that also includes the Present or the Past that we know of,

then why cant we Say TORAH or BIBLE or QURRAN IS also eternal and hence divine?


Well , Vedas dont have a defined " Starting point "

where as " Qurran has a defined starting point " and so Qurran / or

even " atlas Shrugged of Ayn Rand " is not eternal..


Does  the description of an Eternal Entity, contradict a DEFINED beginning,?


Do we take Eternity , not to Exist if it has a defined Start?


This means we are defying Existence and Beginning too..


how can then we take the Statement that

" he Sees the mantra as the same in this and the Previous birth?

do they not include a DEFINED Start and an END?





For people living in a different Galaxy. If at all they live,


If a Rishi is Born there, and has access to English Language

then He will read APPLE the same in all the Lives that He has..


May be not the Word APPLE as such ( people may spell differently)


But nevertheless the RISHI will see A as A and B as B.in all his lives.

Well one could say that Alphabets are not languages,

But i guess you all can understand what i am trying to express.( it doesn't

matter, the spellings, only the sound of those words in a general manner)


does this mean

English language is Eternal and similar to Vedas as it has that Quality of




















--- On Wed, 2/9/09, Kotekal, Srinivas <skotekal wrote:



Kotekal, Srinivas <skotekal

05 - RE: [vAdAvaLi] Re: Studies in geetA - Chap 3 - 3.15 - Veda is

anAdi nitya

" vAdAvaLi " <vAdAvaLi >

Wednesday, 2 September, 2009, 8:32 PM




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