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[Advaita-l] A perspective-3

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We cannot make any sweeping statements that it isnot possible for gRihastas to realize and we do not have janakaas in today’sworld. It depends on the individual’s desire or goal in life andcommitment to it. Since his obligations are less, it is easier for a sanyaasinto develop a mind free from psychological attachments, compared to a gRihastha.A sanyaasin can get attached to his own koupiinam or lion cloth; as someonejokingly said, there is no problem ifkoupiinam is attached to him but problem comes if he is attached to hiskoupiinam. In essence, attachments and aversions or raaga and dveshacan arise in any aashrama. What is to be strived for is chitta suddhi –or purity of the mind free from these attachments and aversions. praNAms Sri Sadananda prabhujiHare KrishnaThanks a lot for sharing this wisdomwith all of us. Now I've realized there is a lot of difference between'AchArya vANi' and crying of an amateur philosopher :-)) When I triedto convey the same point in my 'own style', I had to bear all sorts ofcommotion from all corners :-)) A diplomatic way of communicationwould really do wonders!! :-)) By the way, IMO, you have not touchedone important topic here, i.e. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SELF REALIZATIONAND JEEVAN MUKTI...As you might have seen in the recent thread, it hasbeen argued that one can attain brahma jnAna in any ashrama but to'gain' jeevan mukti one has to invariably 'embrace' saNyAsa (this sanyAsais not want you intended as mental renunciation BUT A FORMAL SANYAASA). And finally, what your goodself explainedin the mail pertains to 'karma phala tyAga' with ahaMkAra & mamakAratyAga...But story does not end there, shankara at various places withoutany ambiguity insists on 'sarva karma saNyAsa' too i.e. nivrutti mArga. If time permits kindly share your thoughts on these two points. Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!bhaskar

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Bhaskarji - PraNAms


Thanks for your kind comments. You have just motivated me to write some more

giving my perspectives on the issues you have raised. I just want to remind that

I am not a scholar to provide bhaashya quotes if asked but would happy to share

what I know to the best that I can within the limitations of my language and

communication skills. There is supposed to be part II for the article since I

felt I need to write somemore on that topic.


The reason for the title is obvious - not too much interested in vaada other

than clarification of my perspective, for whatever it is worth.


I want to bring to attention of everyone - there are DVD's available on Prof.

Jha's workshop on Annambhattas Tatva sangraH - it is the first course on Navya

Nyaaya. I just got those DVDs and enjoying listening to them. The sound is

somewhat blurred but once one get used to it , it becomes OK. YOu can order

DVD's on line from CIF - chinmaya Internatinal Foundation. I did study the text

by myself after Shastriji coments on knowlede series, but nothing like listening

to a teacher and learning. DVD's next best. Prof. Jha is well known authority on

Navya Nyaaya. There are 22 DVDS each about 1 and half hour and I am getting

glued to the chair!


Hari Om!




advaitin , Bhaskar YR <bhaskar.yr wrote:


> By the way, IMO, you have not touched one important topic here, i.e. THE


> seen in the recent thread, it has been argued that one can attain brahma

> jnAna in any ashrama but to 'gain' jeevan mukti one has to invariably

> 'embrace' saNyAsa (this sanyAsa is not want you intended as mental

> renunciation BUT A FORMAL SANYAASA).

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