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Guru Raksha Stotram - New file upload

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[Moderators wish to thank Shri V. Subrahmanian for this contribution and



SrIguru-rakshA-stotram', a prayer for the Guru's protection of all one's

organs , is uploaded. It contains the original Sanskrit hymn, author unknown,

and the Tamil and Kannada rendering as well. The transliterated form and a

rough English rendering of the hymn is provided hereunder.




While attending Vedanta classes at Brahmasri D.S.Subbaramaiya, The revered

Jnani author of the Sri Dakshinamurti stotram commentary, while leaving at the

end of the class, every day we used to recite this stotra called: guru rakshaa

stotram. It is a prayer for the Guru's benediction, protection, of all our

organs. I do not know who has composed this; it has been recited in the



It would be nice if it is translated into various languages so that those

not familiar with the Sanskrit could also benefit by reciting the vernacular

version of their choice.


Those interested in rendering it in Malayalam, Telugu, Hindi, English could

do the same by using Baraha IME software, freely downloadable (

http://www.baraha.com ), and send them to advaitins . This will enable

those not familiar with Sanskrit (devanagari) script to recite this prayer in

other languages.


If anyone would like to add the translation(s) to the original file, this

could be done too.



shriigurubhyo namaH |

shriigururakShaa\-stotram |


shriigururme shiraH paatu phaalaM karmavimochanaH |

nayane kaamavidhvaMsii karNau mantrapradaayakaH || 1 ||


May the Guru protect my head

May the redeemer of karma protect my fore-head

The lust-queller my eyes

The mantra-giver my ears .1.



jihvaaM vaachaspatiH paatu kaNThaM vidyaadhurandharaH |

hRRidayaM paatu me nityaM shruti\-siddhaantabodhakaH || 2 ||


The Lord of speech my tongue

The God of learning my vocal chords (throat)

Let the Teacher of the Vedic Truth ever protect mine heart .2.



granthakRRitpaatu me baahuu karau tattvavibhuuShaNaH |

jaTharaM svaatmatRRiptaatmaa naabhiM shamadamaanvitaH || 3 ||


The author of Books my arms

The jewel of Truth my hands

The ever-sated one my belly

The self-controlled one my navel.3.



uruu paatu dayaasindhuH li~NgamavRRijinaH sadaa |

jaanunii brahmaniShTho me charaNau chaartinaashanaH || 4 ||


The ocean of mercy my thighs

The sinless one my organ of gender

The Brahman-fixated one my knees

The dispeller of pain my feet.4.


nRRiruupo.api shivo yogii bhaktaanaaM varadaH sadaa |

sarvaa~Ngaani sa me rakShatvaj~naana\-dhvaanta\-bhaaskaraH || 5 ||


Though in human form, He is Shiva, the benefactor of His devotees

Let the ignorance-destroying Sun protect all my organs.5.

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