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Sri Satchidanandendra Saraswathi Swamiji -Jayanthi

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Namaste to all,

Today is the great day - maargasheersha bahula ashtami - a great saint , a great

star called Karnataka Shankara Parama poojya Satchidanandendra Saraswathi

Swamiji was born in Karnataka ( on Jan 5th 1880 ) ,who gave light to Shaankara

bhaashya, & also blessed all jignasus with nector - ADHYAROPA APAVADA PRAKRIYA

to mankind with richful 96 years.




His Holiness Paramahamsa Sri Sri Satchidaanandendra Saraswathi Swamiji, the

founder of Adhyaatma Prakaasha Kaaryaalaya at Holenarasipur (Hassan Dist.,

Karnataka State ) and its branches in Bangalore (T.R.Nagar, B-28 ) , Mysore-

570012 , the author of over 250 reputed works on ADVAITA Philosophy in

English, Sanskrit & Kannada , blessed the earth with his presence for ninety six

useful & richful years ( 1880 – 1975 ).


In the year 1915 when he was only thirty five years of age he noticed the

accretions that had crept into SHAANKARA SIDDHAANTA by the commentators and he

felt the need to rediscover the real SHANKARA


free from these accretions.


He strove single – handed to propogate and popularize PARISHUDDHA SHANKARA

VEDAANTA SIDDHAANTA. Age and ailments did not detr him. His works born out of

intuitive experience are characterized by vast and deep scholarship, clear and

precise perception. His authentic interpretation of Shankara has been greatly

recognized in the East and the West. He was not just a rare and accomplished

individual but a mighty and magnificient institution.


His sayings based on real Shankara are universal in appeal. For example – 1.

Vedanta is a Science of Reality. 2. Anyone who is eager to know the true nature

of the self can understand the teachings of Vedaanta. 3. Vedaanta is a positive

SCIENCE founded on reason, intuition and universal experience, etc..


He was initiated in to Vedaata by the then pantiff of SRINGERI Sri

Shivaabhinava Nrisimha Bharathi Swamiji, at Kaaladi and he had come under the

influence of saintly Scholars such as Brahma Chaitanya Maharaj of Gondavali and

Kurthukoti Mahabhavatar.


The Karyaalaya founded by revered Swamiji in his former ashrama is a registered

public charitable institution. His Highness Sri Jayachamarajendra Odeyar

Bahaddur of Mysore was the Paripalaka of the Karyalaya. Their Holinesses The

Shankaracharyas of Sringeri, Dwaraka and Kanchi encouraged the institution by

graciously granting some monetary help as a token of their recognition of the

activities of the Karyalaya.


Vedantic classes and Lectures of PRASTHAANATRAYEE are regular daily routine.

Swamiji has constructed a Digvijaya Rama Temple at Holenarasipur to which

daily services are rendered even today.


The Karyalaya is publishing -1.Monthly magazine in kannada called ADHYAATMA

PRAKAASHA since 1932 without any break successfully. 2.Tri-monthly magazine in

kannada- SHANKARA BHAASKARA since1988.


Thus the institution is spreading the essence of Vedanta to all human beings

which is irrespective of caste, creed, sex, nationality , age, etc.. which is

every ones birthright to know the real self or MOKSHA as stated by great

Shankara- " anubhavaavasThaanatvaat bhUtavastu viShayatvaaachcha

Brahmajnaanasya " .


The sole purpose of his life was to spread the real TRADITION ( Shaankara

Sampradaaya ) of Vedanta i.e.


" ADHYAAROPA APAVAADA PRAKIYA " as pointed / recognized by Shankara in

Bhagavadgeeta Bhaasya.


Swamiji is the first person to notice & discover this in Bhagavadgeeta



He explained its significance and importance in understanding the messages of

Prasthaanatrayee. His approach to the subject is analytical. He made a

comprehensive and comparitative study of all the Vedantic thinkers who lived

prior to Shankara as also those who lived after Shankara. Even to-day his

sayings are vibrant and living which are being spread thro' his lectures in

English, Sanskrit and Kannada by his direct and intimate disciple Bramharshi ,

Adhyaatma Vidyaa Praveena Ve.Sri K.G. SUBRAAYA SHARMAAJI, an equally

energetic vibrant pundit of the Bangalore Branch who traveled in U.S. also in



His sole aim is to spread the messages in Shaankara Bhaashya and keep alive

the sacred memory of the revered Swamiji through lectures , books etc. He is

also the editor of the popular Kannada trimonthly magazine – SHANKARA BHAASKARA.


in dairy form ,405 articles ) PRABODHA CHINTAAMANI ( published in kannada,

sanskrit, hindi, tamil, telugu) etc. in Kannada .


Swamiji lived a full life engrossed in VEDAANTIC thoughts , always right from

morning till he slept and till he shuffled off his mortal coil, in accordance


H.H. Paramaachaarya of Kaanchimutt in 1945.


By the blessings of SHANKARA and Swamiji let us also live our life fully in

the same way, so that we can enjoy the everlasting bliss of AATMAN.



Let us all pray & beg for Atmajnana at the lotus feet of Rev. Swamiji.

Jai sri Satchidanandendra saraswathi swamiji.



sakala Sanmangalaani bhavanthu,

sanjeeva murthy

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