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Divine Qualities-jnaanayogavyavasthitih - Manmana Bhava

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Namaste,"Manmanaa bhava"Quite a long time ago came across a commentary that says Manmana Bhava means direct your mind to Knowledge or Brahman, not to Lord Krishna as a person. I cannot remember where I heard/read it.Kind regardsR. S. Mani--- On Sun, 24/1/10, Radhe <shaantih wrote:



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Namaste and pranams to you, Shri Maniji!Just as there has been a brief ongoing discussion to look at the whole of the work or a verse to ascertain its meaning, whether it be an Upanishad or the Gita, the same thought comes to mind when discussing where to direct the mind! I am sure there are other places in the Gita and other scriptures which say this, but the verses which came to my mind are these:BG12.1-8, where the Lord, in answering Arjuna's question as to which is best, to worship Him in form or unmanifest, clearly states the difficulty for the embodied in setting one's mind on the unmanifest and assures us that if we worship Him in form as a personal god with devotion, steadfastness and singular purpose, He will answer our call for Grace. Grace can come in any form.You can find these verses translated by Swami Gambiranda in the files section of the group at this link...or any other Gita link which you prefer. advaitinBhagawad%20Gita%20Commentaries%20and%20References/Shankara1/

Perhaps one of the learned scholars in the group can specifically address your comments regarding the meaning of the words manmanaa bhava. In His Service,Radhe


-----------------Namaste, "Manmanaa bhava"Quite a long time ago came across a commentary that says Manmana Bhava means direct your mind to Knowledge or Brahman, not to Lord Krishna as a person. I cannot remember where I heard/read it.Kind regardsR. S. Mani

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Namaste,Here is Swami Dayananda Saraswati explaining the meaning of manmana bhava.ManmanAbhava


Namaste, " Manmanaa bhava " Quite a long time ago came across a  commentary that says Manmana Bhava means direct your mind to Knowledge or Brahman, not to Lord Krishna as a person. I cannot remember where I heard/read it.

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advaitin , Ramakrishna Upadrasta <uramakrishna wrote:



> Here is Swami Dayananda Saraswati explaining the meaning of manmana bhava.


> > " Manmanaa bhava "

> > Quite a long time ago came across a commentary that says Manmana Bhava

> > means direct your mind to Knowledge or Brahman, not to Lord Krishna as a

> > person. I cannot remember where I heard/read it.





Ramana Maharshi's favorite verse in Gita was 10:20 -


ahamaatmaa guDaakesha sarvabhuutaashayasthitaH .

ahamaadishcha madhya.n cha bhuutaanaamanta eva cha .. 10\-20..


It was not until I came to understand this that it dawned on me that

every inflection (vibhakti) of 'ahaM' could be related ONLY to this declaration.

The following examples may illustrate this;


nominative (aham)

brahmaNo hi pratiShThaahamamR^itasyaavyayasya cha .

shaashvatasya cha dharmasya sukhasyaikaantikasya cha .. 14\-27..


yasmaatkSharamatiito.ahamakSharaadapi chottamaH .

ato.asmi loke vede cha prathitaH puruShottamaH .. 15\-18..


accusative (maam)

janma karma cha me divyamevaM yo vetti tattvataH .

tyaktvaa dehaM punarjanma naiti maameti so.arjuna .. 4\-9..


instrumental (mayaa)

mayaa tatamidaM sarva.n jagadavyaktamuurtinaa .

matsthaani sarvabhuutaani na chaahaM teShvavasthitaH .. 9\-4..


dative (me)

patraM puShpaM phalaM toyaM yo me bhaktyaa prayachchhati .

tadahaM bhaktyupahR^itamashnaami prayataatmanaH .. 9\-26..


ablative (mattaH)

mattaH parataraM naanyatki~nchidasti dhana~njaya .

mayi sarvamidaM protaM suutre maNigaNaa iva .. 7\-7..


genitive (mama)

na tadbhaasayate suuryo na shashaaN^ko na paavakaH .

yadgatvaa na nivartante taddhaama paramaM mama .. 15\-6..


locative (mayi)

chetasaa sarvakarmaaNi mayi sa.nnyasya matparaH .

buddhiyogamupaashritya machchittaH satataM bhava .. 18\-57..


vocative (none!)









[translation: Sw. Gambhirananda]



10:20. O Gudakesa, I am the Self residing in the hearts of all beings, and I am

the beginning and the middle as also the end of (all) beings.


14:27. For I am the Abode of Brahman-the indestructible and immutable, the

eternal, the Dharma and absolute Bliss.


15:18. Since I am transcendental to the mutable and above even the immutable,

hence I am well known in the world and in the Vedas as the supreme Person.


4.9 He who thus knows truly the divine birth and actions of Mine does not get

rebirth after casting off the body. He attains Me, O Arjuna.


9:4. This whole world is prevaded by Me in My unmanifest form. All beings exist

in Me, but I am not contained in them!


9:26. Whoever offers Me with devotion-a leaf, a flower, a fruit, or water, I

accept that (gift) of the pure-hearted man which has been devotionally




7:7. O Dhananjaya, there is nothing else whatsoever higher than Myself. All

this is strung on Me like pearls on a string.


15:6. Neither the sun nor the moon nor fire illumines That. That is My supreme

Abode, reaching which they do not return.


18:57. Mentally surrendering all actions to Me and accepting Me as the supreme,

have your mind ever fixed on Me by resorting to the concentration of your


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Thank you, yes I remember it now.My memory is not all that good and as one advances in age, it becomes poorer day by day.Kind regardsR. S. Mani--- On Mon, 25/1/10, Ramakrishna Upadrasta <uramakrishna wrote:Ramakrishna Upadrasta <uramakrishnaRe: Divine Qualities-jnaanayogavyavasthitih - "Manmana Bhava"advaitin Date: Monday, 25 January, 2010, 2:19 AM



Namaste,Here is Swami Dayananda Saraswati explaining the meaning of manmana bhava.ManmanAbhava


Namaste, "Manmanaa bhava"Quite a long time ago came across a commentary that says Manmana Bhava means direct your mind to Knowledge or Brahman, not to Lord Krishna as a person. I cannot remember where I heard/read it.



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saashhTaang praNAmaH shrii Sunder-ji,


2010/1/25 sunderh <sunderh:

>        Ramana Maharshi's favorite verse in Gita was 10:20 -


> ahamaatmaa guDaakesha sarvabhuutaashayasthitaH .

> ahamaadishcha madhya.n cha bhuutaanaamanta eva cha .. 10\-20..


>        It was not until I came to understand this that it dawned on me that

every inflection (vibhakti) of 'ahaM' could be related ONLY to this declaration.

The following examples may illustrate this;



Sincere thanks for sharing this!


praNAmaH again


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Dandavat pranams to all!


Dear Ramakrishnaji:


Thank you for the link. Swamiji is a very lucid speaker and writer and I find him very readable and understandable. The article is well worth reading to understand his explanation of the meaning of manmanabhava. His first paragraph provides his answer to Shri Maniji's comment:


"In the Bhagavadgita, whenever Lord Krishna uses the first person singular, he is referring to himself as Isvara. In other words, Vyasa presents Krishna as Bhagavan. Thus, the meaning of the compound manmanabhava would be Ishvara-mana-bhava, may you become one whose mind is with me, Isvara. Either the mind objectifies Isvara or dwells upon Isvara."


And special thanks to Shri Sunderji for providing his perspective, always appreciated and always wise.


Serving Him,



Sri Krishnam vande jagatgurum!!!





Ramakrishna Upadrasta


Here is Swami Dayananda Saraswati explaining the meaning of manmana bhava.







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