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Om Namah Shivaya japam

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namaste, shiva bhaktas


If anyone here is interested, there is a koti nama japam of the mantra " om namah

shivaya " going on at:


www. omnamahshivayajapam.blogspot. com (without the spaces)


Chanting for crore 3 is on. The goal is 10 crores.


with regards,


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There is no use in putting targets like 10 crores or whatever. This is like a Business Development Manager setting targets to his sales executives regarding the daily sale as a part of concept marketing.


Afterall, what is that you are going to achive by setting targets? Moreover, unless one is initiated in the Siva Panchakshari Mahamantra, one is not entitled to do this japa. If at all, one is intended in doing bhajan of Panchakshari, please don't add Pranava before NAMAH SIVAYA.


Just chant NAMAH SIVAYA which don't require any initiation and can be chanted by anyone irrespective of caste & creed. Kanchi Mahaperiyaval was very particular on this.


Just my 2 cents,



sriram--- On Sun, 24/1/10, laksmikantam <laksmikantam wrote:

laksmikantam <laksmikantam Om Namah Shivaya japamadvaitin Date: Sunday, 24 January, 2010, 3:57 PM

namaste, shiva bhaktasIf anyone here is interested, there is a koti nama japam of the mantra "om namah shivaya" going on at: www. omnamahshivayajapam .blogspot. com (without the spaces)Chanting for crore 3 is on. The goal is 10 crores. with regards, lk

The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage.

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Dear Venkata ji,

If possible please provide a link to Mahaperiyaval's comments on Panchakshari

and its japa/chanting.





advaitin , venkata sriram <sriram_sapthasathi wrote:


> Namaste.


> There is no use in putting targets like 10 crores or whatever.  This is like

a Business Development Manager setting targets to his sales executives regarding

the daily sale as a part of concept marketing. 


> Afterall, what is that you are going to achive by setting targets?  Moreover,

unless one is initiated in the Siva Panchakshari Mahamantra, one is not entitled

to do this japa.  If at all, one is intended in doing bhajan of Panchakshari,

please don't add Pranava before NAMAH SIVAYA. 


> Just chant NAMAH SIVAYA which don't require any initiation and can be chanted

by anyone irrespective of caste  & creed.  Kanchi Mahaperiyaval was very

particular on this. 


> Just my 2 cents,


> regs,

> sriram


> --- On Sun, 24/1/10, laksmikantam <laksmikantam wrote:



> laksmikantam <laksmikantam

> Om Namah Shivaya japam

> advaitin

> Sunday, 24 January, 2010, 3:57 PM







> namaste, shiva bhaktas


> If anyone here is interested, there is a koti nama japam of the mantra " om

namah shivaya " going on at:


> www. omnamahshivayajapam .blogspot. com (without the spaces)


> Chanting for crore 3 is on. The goal is 10 crores.


> with regards,

> lk




The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage.



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List Moderator's Note: The current discussion is beyond the scope of this list

and members are requested not to continue the discussion. Members are reminded

that this list is philosophical and specifically on Sankara's Advaita

Philosophy. We expect your cooperation and understanding and thanks in advance!





You are right. It is really 2 cents worth of info you are sharing.


The Hindu scriptures are full of targets. After every 125,000 japam, the

scriptures ask us to do a homam and offer 10% of the japam we did to Agni

(fire). Rudram done 11 times becomes Ati Rudram and so on and so forth. People

are all over doing laksha archanai or Koti nama japam.


It is a well known fact that the more japam we do, the more the benefits.


E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E. in our three japam groups has had amazing miracles happen in

their lives. Lord Shiva is one who is very easily pleased and carries our karmic

load without us even asking. All he wants is our love and devotion.


Those who have been to Tiruvannamalai or even Ramana Ashram, do not need any

initiation. The mountain and Bhagawan Ramana Maharishi have very freely given

the mantra to us.


with regards,



advaitin , venkata sriram <sriram_sapthasathi wrote:


> Namaste.


> There is no use in putting targets like 10 crores or whatever.  This is like

a Business Development Manager setting targets to his sales executives regarding

the daily sale as a part of concept marketing. 


> Afterall, what is that you are going to achive by setting targets?  Moreover,

unless one is initiated in the Siva Panchakshari Mahamantra, one is not entitled

to do this japa.  If at all, one is intended in doing bhajan of Panchakshari,

please don't add Pranava before NAMAH SIVAYA. 


> Just chant NAMAH SIVAYA which don't require any initiation and can be chanted

by anyone irrespective of caste  & creed.  Kanchi Mahaperiyaval was very

particular on this. 


> Just my 2 cents,


> regs,

> sriram


> --- On Sun, 24/1/10, laksmikantam <laksmikantam wrote:



> laksmikantam <laksmikantam

> Om Namah Shivaya japam

> advaitin

> Sunday, 24 January, 2010, 3:57 PM







> namaste, shiva bhaktas


> If anyone here is interested, there is a koti nama japam of the mantra " om

namah shivaya " going on at:


> www. omnamahshivayajapam .blogspot. com (without the spaces)


> Chanting for crore 3 is on. The goal is 10 crores.


> with regards,

> lk




The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage.



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Here are some of the pramanas.


Siva tattva sudha nidhi:


praNavEna vinA mantrah sOyam panchAkSharaih smritah

strIbhi ShUdraischa samkIrNE namOntO japya eva cha //


brahmOttara khanDa:


kim tasya bahubhirmantraih kim tIrthaih kim tapOdhvaraih

yasya om namah sivAyEti mantrO hridaya gOcharah

mantrAdhi rAjarAjO yasya sarva vEdAntasEkharah

sarvajnAna nidhAnamcha sO(a)yam saivaShaDakSharah

praNavEna vinAmantrah sO(a)yam panchAkSharah smritah

strIbhih shUdraischa samkIrnaiah dhyAyatE muktikAmkShibh //


From the above sastra vAkya, it is evident that traivarnikas should

be initiated in Saiva Shadakshari ie., (om namah sivAya) and

anadhikaris of veda should be initiated in Siva Panchakshari ie., (namah

sivAya). The praNava japa adhikara comes only to veda adhikaris ie., the dvijas

Who are upavItAs and anupavItAs should chant praNava-rahita panchAkShari.


Further in the Chandrajnana Tantra which details about the Siva Panchakshari

Japa Rahasya and Puja says:


sUkShmam mUlam bhavEsya sthUlam vivaraNam matam

tArEdhikArayuktastu tArayuktam manum japEt

japan anadhikArItu tAram gacchEt adhOgatim

tArENa tulya sArOpi sO(a)yam panchAkSharO manuh

shAsanAddEvadEvasya lOkAnugrahakAmkShiNah


This Saiva Tantra says that there are 2 panchaKsharIs ie., sthula panchakshari &

Sukshma panchakshari.


Sukshma Panchakshari is praNava (om) as it has 5 aspects ie.,

A,U,M,Nada, Kala. Sthula Panchakshari also has 5 aspects ie.,

NA, MA, SI, VA, YA. Adhikaris of Pranava should chant Panchakshari

With Pranava and anadhikaris should chant pranava-rahita panchakshari.


Further the Saiva Tantra says that if the guru initiates this great mantra

without Considering the adhikara bheda, commits dosha (sin). This sin is

applicable to both guru & sishya.


Further, Tantra Sastra says that there are two praNavAs ie., vaidika praNava and

tAntrika praNava. The Vaidika Pranava is " OM " whereas tantrika pranava is " AUM "

(pronounced as OWM as one pronounces the word OWL). This is called " prAsAda

bija " . The tantrika Bija " hrim " is also called tantrika pranava or sakta



So, non-dwijas (stris and shudras) who are non entitled to study veda, when

initiated in Siva Panchaksari are either initiated in :




To utter the Siva Panchaksahri with Omkara or pranava, one should be invested

with Sacred Thread.


Further for Bhajana of Siva Panchakshari, it is to be noted in Mind that this

mantra comes in Krishna Yajurveda. In Krishna Yajurveda, this comes in the

middle of Shatarudriya Mantras. In Shatarudriya Mantra, it comes in the middle

of the Anuvaka which forms the core of Shatarudriya Mantra. Which implies the

" Heart of Krishna Yajurveda " is Shatarudriya and its essence is Siva

Panchakshari Mantra. This is a veda mantra which should be uttered with

Proper intonations.


So, pranava-sahita panchakshari should never be sung in bhajans and should not

be given non-dwijas. If interested, they can recite pranava-rahita

panchakshari ie., NAMAH SIVAYA.


Now, you asked about the discourses of paramacharya regarding this mantra. My

gurunatha was an eye witness to one incident at Kanchipuram. During chaturmasya

at Kanchipuram, a group of disciples sought the blessings of swamigal and

initiation from His Holiness. They were non-dwijas. Kanchi Mahaswamigal gave a

gracious glance and gave them vibhuti & kumkuma as prasada and wrote `NAMAH

SIVAYA' on a piece of paper and asked them to chant 10 times. Blessing them

said that don't put pranava before and can freely chant this mantra irrespective

of time and niyamas.


Even if one is still bent upon doing the mantras without proper guru

initiations, it is upto them. They are requested to read SIVA PURANA which

refers to the adhikara nirnaya of panchakshari. I am not going to stop them to

decide as I have put the sastra pramana.


tasmAt sAstra pramaNam …….


Just my 2 cents.






advaitin , " Shailendra Bhatnagar "

<bhatnagar_shailendra wrote:


> Dear Venkata ji,

> If possible please provide a link to Mahaperiyaval's comments on Panchakshari

and its japa/chanting.

> regards,

> Shailendra



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I have also heard:


1. only brahmins may enter temples and recite the mantras

2. women should not recite the rudram

3. women should not do homams

4. when a woman has a husband, it is sufficient if he does the pujas

4. women should not repeat the pranava mantra - OM


I think M.S. Subbalakshmi and others put these myths to rest by chanting them



E.v.e.r.y.o.n.e in our three japam groups has had amazing miracles, both

spiritual and material happen since they started chanting God's name. What Lord

Shiva is looking for is a loving heart, brimming with devotion for him. Like a

parent will pick up his child no matter how dirty the child is, so also with

Lord Shiva.


with regards,



advaitin , " Venkata Sriram " <sriram_sapthasathi



> Namaste.


> Here are some of the pramanas.


> Siva tattva sudha nidhi:


> praNavEna vinA mantrah sOyam panchAkSharaih smritah

> strIbhi ShUdraischa samkIrNE namOntO japya eva cha //


> brahmOttara khanDa:


> kim tasya bahubhirmantraih kim tIrthaih kim tapOdhvaraih

> yasya om namah sivAyEti mantrO hridaya gOcharah

> mantrAdhi rAjarAjO yasya sarva vEdAntasEkharah

> sarvajnAna nidhAnamcha sO(a)yam saivaShaDakSharah

> praNavEna vinAmantrah sO(a)yam panchAkSharah smritah

> strIbhih shUdraischa samkIrnaiah dhyAyatE muktikAmkShibh //


> From the above sastra vAkya, it is evident that traivarnikas should

> be initiated in Saiva Shadakshari ie., (om namah sivAya) and

> anadhikaris of veda should be initiated in Siva Panchakshari ie., (namah

sivAya). The praNava japa adhikara comes only to veda adhikaris ie., the dvijas

Who are upavItAs and anupavItAs should chant praNava-rahita panchAkShari.


> Further in the Chandrajnana Tantra which details about the Siva Panchakshari

Japa Rahasya and Puja says:


> sUkShmam mUlam bhavEsya sthUlam vivaraNam matam

> tArEdhikArayuktastu tArayuktam manum japEt

> japan anadhikArItu tAram gacchEt adhOgatim

> tArENa tulya sArOpi sO(a)yam panchAkSharO manuh

> shAsanAddEvadEvasya lOkAnugrahakAmkShiNah


> This Saiva Tantra says that there are 2 panchaKsharIs ie., sthula panchakshari

& Sukshma panchakshari.


> Sukshma Panchakshari is praNava (om) as it has 5 aspects ie.,

> A,U,M,Nada, Kala. Sthula Panchakshari also has 5 aspects ie.,

> NA, MA, SI, VA, YA. Adhikaris of Pranava should chant Panchakshari

> With Pranava and anadhikaris should chant pranava-rahita panchakshari.


> Further the Saiva Tantra says that if the guru initiates this great mantra

without Considering the adhikara bheda, commits dosha (sin). This sin is

applicable to both guru & sishya.


> Further, Tantra Sastra says that there are two praNavAs ie., vaidika praNava

and tAntrika praNava. The Vaidika Pranava is " OM " whereas tantrika pranava is

" AUM " (pronounced as OWM as one pronounces the word OWL). This is called

" prAsAda bija " . The tantrika Bija " hrim " is also called tantrika pranava or

sakta pranava.


> So, non-dwijas (stris and shudras) who are non entitled to study veda, when

initiated in Siva Panchaksari are either initiated in :




> To utter the Siva Panchaksahri with Omkara or pranava, one should be invested

with Sacred Thread.


> Further for Bhajana of Siva Panchakshari, it is to be noted in Mind that this

mantra comes in Krishna Yajurveda. In Krishna Yajurveda, this comes in the

middle of Shatarudriya Mantras. In Shatarudriya Mantra, it comes in the middle

of the Anuvaka which forms the core of Shatarudriya Mantra. Which implies the

" Heart of Krishna Yajurveda " is Shatarudriya and its essence is Siva

Panchakshari Mantra. This is a veda mantra which should be uttered with

> Proper intonations.


> So, pranava-sahita panchakshari should never be sung in bhajans and should not

be given non-dwijas. If interested, they can recite pranava-rahita

panchakshari ie., NAMAH SIVAYA.


> Now, you asked about the discourses of paramacharya regarding this mantra. My

gurunatha was an eye witness to one incident at Kanchipuram. During chaturmasya

at Kanchipuram, a group of disciples sought the blessings of swamigal and

initiation from His Holiness. They were non-dwijas. Kanchi Mahaswamigal gave a

gracious glance and gave them vibhuti & kumkuma as prasada and wrote `NAMAH

SIVAYA' on a piece of paper and asked them to chant 10 times. Blessing them

said that don't put pranava before and can freely chant this mantra irrespective

of time and niyamas.


> Even if one is still bent upon doing the mantras without proper guru

initiations, it is upto them. They are requested to read SIVA PURANA which

refers to the adhikara nirnaya of panchakshari. I am not going to stop them to

decide as I have put the sastra pramana.


> tasmAt sAstra pramaNam …….


> Just my 2 cents.


> Regs,

> sriram



> advaitin , " Shailendra Bhatnagar "

<bhatnagar_shailendra@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Venkata ji,

> > If possible please provide a link to Mahaperiyaval's comments on

Panchakshari and its japa/chanting.

> > regards,

> > Shailendra

> >

> >


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Owing to the respect to the moderators and especially our beloved sastriji, i am

not commenting on this post.


My sincere request is not to make any comments like this:


<<<<It is really 2 cents worth of info you are sharing>>>


shri gurupAduka me gatih...





advaitin , " laksmikantam " <laksmikantam wrote:


> List Moderator's Note: The current discussion is beyond the scope of this list

and members are requested not to continue the discussion. Members are reminded

that this list is philosophical and specifically on Sankara's Advaita

Philosophy. We expect your cooperation and understanding and thanks in advance!



> namaste,


> You are right. It is really 2 cents worth of info you are sharing.


> The Hindu scriptures are full of targets. After every 125,000 japam, the

scriptures ask us to do a homam and offer 10% of the japam we did to Agni

(fire). Rudram done 11 times becomes Ati Rudram and so on and so forth. People

are all over doing laksha archanai or Koti nama japam.


> It is a well known fact that the more japam we do, the more the benefits.


> E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E. in our three japam groups has had amazing miracles happen in

their lives. Lord Shiva is one who is very easily pleased and carries our karmic

load without us even asking. All he wants is our love and devotion.


> Those who have been to Tiruvannamalai or even Ramana Ashram, do not need any

initiation. The mountain and Bhagawan Ramana Maharishi have very freely given

the mantra to us.


> with regards,

> lk


> advaitin , venkata sriram <sriram_sapthasathi@> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste.

> >  

> > There is no use in putting targets like 10 crores or whatever.  This is

like a Business Development Manager setting targets to his sales executives

regarding the daily sale as a part of concept marketing. 

> >  

> > Afterall, what is that you are going to achive by setting targets? 

Moreover, unless one is initiated in the Siva Panchakshari Mahamantra, one is

not entitled to do this japa.  If at all, one is intended in doing bhajan of

Panchakshari, please don't add Pranava before NAMAH SIVAYA. 

> >  

> > Just chant NAMAH SIVAYA which don't require any initiation and can be

chanted by anyone irrespective of caste  & creed.  Kanchi Mahaperiyaval was

very particular on this. 

> >  

> > Just my 2 cents,

> >  

> > regs,

> > sriram

> >

> > --- On Sun, 24/1/10, laksmikantam <laksmikantam@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > laksmikantam <laksmikantam@>

> > Om Namah Shivaya japam

> > advaitin

> > Sunday, 24 January, 2010, 3:57 PM

> >

> >

> >  

> >

> >

> >

> > namaste, shiva bhaktas

> >

> > If anyone here is interested, there is a koti nama japam of the mantra " om

namah shivaya " going on at:

> >

> > www. omnamahshivayajapam .blogspot. com (without the spaces)

> >

> > Chanting for crore 3 is on. The goal is 10 crores.

> >

> > with regards,

> > lk

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage.


> >


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