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Paramarthika and Vyavaharika Satyam - New File Upload - corrected URL

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Hare Krishna


I dont know what exactly has been written

in this article...But IMO, it is totally inappropriate to use drushti &

satya alternatively. eka rupENa hi avasthitO yOrthaH sa paramArthaH

says shankara in sUtra bhAshya. It is ONLY due to our ajnAna drushti

we see the duality in IT. And more importantly whenever shankara

talks about vyAvahArika & pAramArthika he uses in the sense of 'drushti

bedha' ONLY and not as 'satya bedha'....I think, this drushti bedha is

very important for the advaita sAdhaka-s since world existence appearance

seems to be more solid in our present status!! But instead of drushti bedha

if we use the theory of 'satya bedha' then it would hamper the very purpose

of advaita vedanta i.e. ekameva adviteeya satya of brahman. In this

bruhadAraNya bhAshya (3-5-1) itself makes it amply clear it is only drushti

bedha and NOT satya bedha. (yadA tu paramArtha drushtyA paramAtmatattvAcchrunusAribhiH...........nAmarupOpAdhidrushtireva

cha bhavati sAbhAvikee tadA sarvOyaM vasthvantArAstitvavyavahAraH....And

in geeta shAstra bhAshya too shankara explicitly uses : loukika pAramArthikadrushti

apekshaya...etc. etc.


Hari Hari Hari Bol!!


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Dear Subbu-ji,

I have now been able to access the site with the corrected link.

I admire your energy in bringing out such excellent articles.

Best wishes,



advaitin , " advaitins " <advaitins wrote:



> The corrected URL is:








advaitin , " advaitins " <advaitins@> wrote:

> >

> > A new file has been uploaded to the Files section: an essay by Shri

V.Subrahmanian - ('Subbu-ji') :

> >

> >

> > advaitinpAramArthika_


> >


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